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Will Williams on Gab

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 7:36 pm
by Will Williams

I'm no fan of social media. Alliance members and supporters who receive our mailed monthly BULLETIN are well aware of my dim view of the Gab platform, that's for all races and tells its followers they must accept Jesus Christ as their king. :roll:

But I appreciate that Douglas Mercer put up part of a piece by me on Gab that was featured on NV today: ... classmate/

I don't understand how Gab works. The comments I see under what Mr. Mercer posted here are all over the board don't make much sense to me:

Douglas Mercer
"Do Whites no longer believe our race is worth preserving? I wonder. Are there any leaders in Raleigh today advocating for the interests of the city’s shrinking White majority? I think not — and relocated to the mountains of Upper East Tennessee several years ago, where our people’s racial instincts are not so diminished.

When Confederate monuments were toppled on Raleigh’s Capitol grounds a couple of years ago, who opposed it? When Wake, along with several other NC counties, decided to become a sanctuary county for non-White illegal aliens, who led a fight against that? Who opposed changing the names of Josephus Daniels junior high school and Cameron Village to satisfy minority demands?

That Whites are being replaced in America is not a theory, it is a fact. We were 90% of the population in our lifetimes and now, alarmingly, are under 60% and headed toward minority status. I suppose many of our classmates somehow see that as progress.

How will those who replace “old Raleigh” treat Whites when they are the majority? Look to southern Africa, or to formerly White cities like Evanston, Illinois where reparation payments have been demanded of melanin-challenged Whites there to pay “people of color.” Reparations will logically follow the “reparative justice resolution” passed by the new Raleigh city council.

Whites in Raleigh and elsewhere are too nice when opposed by disagreeable non-Whites. They have become defenseless and cowering, for fear of being labeled “racist” by non-White racists and their collaborators. Recent news from the eight-person city council, half Black, with six females and just one White male, has led the once-fine city to this: “The Raleigh City Council is taking a step toward reparative justice for the city’s African-American community. On Wednesday (July 5 2023), the city council voted unanimously to approve a resolution that acknowledges the lingering effects of slavery and Jim Crow on Black families…. Raleigh apologized for its past participation in slavery, segregation, enforcing Jim Crow laws, and implementing urban renewal programs that destroyed black communities in Raleigh. The resolution also said that governments have a moral and practical obligation to adopt policies, develop programs and allocate funding to people of color.

White supremacy and racial segregation are from healthier, bygone eras and will never work again. However, government-enforced racial integration has certainly been a failed solution. Fact!

In the long run, only strict geographic separation of the races will allow the unique White gene pool to be preserved. It will not be easy, but is doable by those with the will and the determination to see a White world preserved for their descendants."--Will Williams

My high school yearbook photo

Re: Will Williams on Gab

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 8:08 pm
by RassenKrieg
I don't use Gab very often, I get the emails and I can't help but cringe at some of the Christian Nationalist imagery and essays that get sent out in the e-mails. But, the platform is probably better than most other types of social media. Not to mention there is tons of people on that Gab platform that are followers of the Jew-God of the Bible. You know, I've never once heard a good argument from a Christian on when you call them out for believing in the Torah, and how Jews rejoice over seeing millions of goyim bowing down before the Jew named Jesus Christ.

I have Douglas Mercer a follow on there.

Re: Will Williams on Gab

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:21 pm
by Douglas Mercer
No doubt Gab is a mixed bag. First off you have your Trump loving MAGA types. Then you have your Christians who are both fanatically pro White and anti-Jewish. Then you have those who are totally in tune with the National Alliance world-view. The founder Torba is a "kingdom of Jesus" type but I will say on his site is a vociferous and pro White ideology, which is nothing to sneeze at. When I put up Kevin's today in history posts from the NV site it always gets a good response, as do the articles from NV.

Re: Will Williams on Gab

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:29 pm
by Douglas Mercer

Re: Will Williams on Gab

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:40 pm
by RassenKrieg
Douglas Mercer wrote:
Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:21 pm
No doubt Gab is a mixed bag. First off you have your Trump loving MAGA types. Then you have your Christians who are both fanatically pro White and anti-Jewish. Then you have those who are totally in tune with the National Alliance world-view. The founder Torba is a "kingdom of Jesus" type but I will say on his site is a vociferous and pro White ideology, which is nothing to sneeze at. When I put up Kevin's today in history posts from the NV site it always gets a good response, as do the articles from NV.
I agree, that there is a few types that I wouldn't personally ally myself with on there. The fact they allow pro-White speech of any kind on there (as far as I know) is a good enough reason to use it or be sympathetic towards it. I can't think of too many other social media sites that do allow such freedom of speech for pro-White causes and voices with such as big a userbase as it has, other than some forums I'd say.

Re: Will Williams on Gab

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:01 am
by Will Williams
Douglas Mercer wrote:
Sat Jul 22, 2023 9:21 pm
No doubt Gab is a mixed bag. First off you have your Trump loving MAGA types. Then you have your Christians who are both fanatically pro White and anti-Jewish.
Thanks for the explanation. My focus as NA Chairman is Alliance-building, recruiting new members and supporters and motivating those who are already with us to do the same. Trumpsters will not join with us. Most of them are nutty Israel-First Evangelicals/Fundamentalists who believe in failed mass democracy, voting our way out of the mess our people are in.

I will never understand how a fanatical pro-White Christian can be anti-Jew while at the same time worshipping the Jew's tribal god. That fits the definition of some sort of mental illness.

Then you have those who are totally in tune with the National Alliance world-view.
Whover they are, they are not joining the National Alliance. I like those who read our material, and say to themselves, "where have you people been all my life?" They find their checkbook and immediately send us the application fee and their first month's pledge along with their membership application. Those who agree with us on social media, including Gab, are not joining. They are supporting Gab. They'll even support Jews like Unz.

The smarter ones see the need for a group with a spiritual foundation, but not a Semitic one. They investigate Dr. Pierce's Cosmotheism, and as they come to understand it they have that aha! experience they've been seeking? They are serious people who can ignore "movement" gossip and Jew accusations that I'm a woman-beater and that Kevin is a kiddie porn enthusiast.

The founder Torba is a "kingdom of Jesus" type but I will say on his site is a vociferous and pro White ideology, which is nothing to sneeze at.
Image Excuse me.
When I put up Kevin's today in history posts from the NV site it always gets a good response, as do the articles from NV.
How can good responses to NV material translate into urgency to join or to at least support the organization that produces it? I see failure to support us as mistrust, apathy, selfishness (individualism), or cowardice. There has to be a reason.

Re: Will Williams on Gab

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:31 am
by Douglas Mercer
It was Revilo Oliver (an unimpeachable source) who said that whether we like it or not the majority of people who do or will support our cause call themselves Christian, and you have to work with them (again like it nor not). The idea that you can carve out a remnant in the backwoods and not have them hunt you down eventually is pie in the sky nonsense. So (whether we like it or not) in order to actually prevail we will need a mass of people who are pro-White, not just a small niche in the hinterlands hoping that everything collapses and they can begin to pick up the rubble. Ah-choo indeed.

Re: Will Williams on Gab

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:51 am
by Supremely White
Douglas Mercer wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:31 am
It was Revilo Oliver (an unimpeachable source) who said that whether we like it or not the majority of people who do or will support our cause call themselves Christian, and you have to work with them (again like it nor not). The idea that you can carve out a remnant in the backwoods and not have them hunt you down eventually is pie in the sky nonsense. So (whether we like it or not) in order to actually prevail we will need a mass of people who are pro-White, not just a small niche in the hinterlands hoping that everything collapses and they can begin to pick up the rubble. Ah-choo indeed.
With all due respect, Mr. Mercer, while you are indeed a very talented and prolific writer, wasn’t a big-tent approach used for the National Alliance by whatever bumbling excuse for a chairman came right after Pierce died? I mean, I could very well be mistaken, as I hadn’t heard of the Alliance yet. And if I’m off base, I’m willing to find out how.

Re: Will Williams on Gab

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:50 am
by Jim Mathias
Supremely White wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:51 am
Douglas Mercer wrote:
Sun Jul 23, 2023 12:31 am
It was Revilo Oliver (an unimpeachable source) who said that whether we like it or not the majority of people who do or will support our cause call themselves Christian, and you have to work with them (again like it nor not). The idea that you can carve out a remnant in the backwoods and not have them hunt you down eventually is pie in the sky nonsense. So (whether we like it or not) in order to actually prevail we will need a mass of people who are pro-White, not just a small niche in the hinterlands hoping that everything collapses and they can begin to pick up the rubble. Ah-choo indeed.
With all due respect, Mr. Mercer, while you are indeed a very talented and prolific writer, wasn’t a big-tent approach used for the National Alliance by whatever bumbling excuse for a chairman came right after Pierce died? I mean, I could very well be mistaken, as I hadn’t heard of the Alliance yet. And if I’m off base, I’m willing to find out how.
The National Alliance allows those pro-Whites calling themselves Christian to become members and supporters, so long as they agree with our goals, principles, and so on. We can work with those that agree with the program of the National Alliance. Those who would attempt to pervert our life-philosophy with racial-death loving Christianity will be given a chance to change the error of their ways and asked to leave if they insist we change our principles. There are other groups that will take these hardheaded Christians in. We oppose and reject the Christian ideology, not necessarily the Christian White. The "big tent"' approach that we reject involves taking all bodies in and also accepting whatever creed each holds, creating a mob of people all going in different directions and often pitting one another at each other's throats.

Re: Will Williams on Gab

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:17 am
by Douglas Mercer
I was not suggesting that the National Alliance should adopt a big tent approach, only that in the broader struggle it will (perhaps unfortunately) be necessary for us to deal and work with those who call themselves Christians. And that there is value in spreading the NA ideology on a site like Gab, which Will seemed to dismiss. By all means the NA should jealously guard its ideology and not let it be subverted by anyone, but it will need allies on the outside if victory is to be won. In that struggle I think a site like Gab is a positive, if limited, force which should not be rejected out of hand.