Dr. Dalton's "Jesus the Jew" on TOO

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Will Williams
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Dr. Dalton's "Jesus the Jew" on TOO

Post by Will Williams » Fri May 26, 2023 9:14 pm

Dr. Thomas Dalton sent me and Kevin Strom his "Jesus the Jew" expose that had just been published on Dr. Kevin MacDonald's The Occidental Observer (TOO) and it was put up on National Vanguard the next day.

I hadn't posted a comment at TOO in a long time, but wanted to reinforce Dalton's anti-Christianity article with one for like-minded TOO fans, so paid KMac $10 which is his new policy for the privilege to comment at TOO now: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2 ... s-the-jew/ My first comment still hasn't appeared though I've tried to put it up three times. I can explain later about that. But I tried again tonight with a reply to this C.T fellow who likes Pierce's stance on what he calls the CQ.

C.T. says:
May 25, 2023 at 7:03 pm
My site The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH) is the only site among racialist forums that focuses on what we call “the Christian Question” (CQ, to contrast it with the JQ). Earlier today we posted some of William Pierce’s writings on Christianity.

There is a lot of material at WDH on the CQ, including what we think of David Skrbina’s book (mentioned in this thread), which by the way was reviewed by Professor MacDonald here at TOO.

If you want to get started on the subject, I would suggest the essay “Rome versus Judea; Judea versus Rome”, translated by me but authored by a Spaniard, in the anthology The Fair Race (sort of like our textbook).

Will Williams says:
May 26, 2023 at 5:45 pm
Thanks, C.T. for posting the words of William Pierce from 41 years ago in his “On Christianity.”

“Any Alliance member who is also a member of a church or other Christian organization which supports racial mixing or Zionism should decide now where he stands, and he should then resign either from his church or from the Alliance.”

Pierce expressed that honest Alliance policy to the members of his National Alliance, the organization he founded 50 years ago with the mission to preserve our race. NA is not a mere discussion forum. You found that quote by him at the National Alliance’s online magazine, nationalvanguard.org, where many besides Pierce, including Revilo Oliver, Ben Klassen, Matt Koehl, Martin Kerr, as well as Thomas Dalton, Douglas Mercer and others who have extensively, critically addressed Jew-spawned Christianity as men of their race.

It’s one thing to criticize Christianity on a forum, but what will one do about it? Nietzsche said, paraphrasing, that before a new belief system can supplant another, first the ground must be cleared of the former.

Pierce didn’t merely criticize Christianity, he founded Cosmotheism, a much more suitable, belief system than Christianity once the ground is cleared of that spooky slave religion that’s for the superstitious and the gullible.
I noticed you say at your forum that you are more radical than was Pierce. Maybe so, but what do you replace Christianity with after you hope to clear the ground of it?

Those interested in the organization Pierce founded to accomplish building a new White world can read about that, here: https://www.natall.com/about/what-is-th ... -alliance/

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