Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Trenton » Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:01 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:09 pm
Since I paid to get through the Counter-Currents paywall so I can attempt to influence some race-thinkers there, I was invited to participate in a 114-question poll so C-C can better understand a cross-section of the pro-White movement, explained here: ... ment-poll/
I write about my poll result and give some insight to the folks there into my own movement history

Will Williams: April 22, 2024
After completing the survey, I find that I am an ENTJ “Commander.”

[A] staggering 96% of Commanders (ENTJs) say their dream job involves having freedom to decide what they do and how they do it. That’s the highest percentage of any personality type.

96% believe they have what it takes to be a good leader.

Can’t argue with that. I feel for the 4% of ENTJs who don’t believe they have what it takes to command.

After joining the Army as an 18-yearold while still in high school I entered service as a lowly Private E-1. Three years later, after two tours in Vietnam as a Green Beret Infantry officer combatant, I had been promoted to Captain. So, at barely 22 I had already been a commander in real life. Four years of that military adventure was enough for me.

I had no intention while in high school of attending college so never took the SAT test until I went in early on a Saturday morning to a Killeen, Texas, high school near Fort Hood, Texas, my last duty station — very hung over — to finally take the SAT test. I never took it again though I could probably have improved my mediocre score of 1052, barely above the median of 1030.

I entered that score in the survey rather than fudge, but also put my score of 129 on the only IQ test I ever took: allegedly “gifted,” with 130 being “highly gifted.” The Dean of the Architecture School at NCSU in my hometown of Raleigh allowed me in that prestigious school as a 23-year-old freshman despite my shitty SAT score and shittier high school grades because of what he called my “life experience.”

I already knew I was gifted, but at what I’d have to discover later. I did all right as a self-employed architect/builder/developer for a few years, before becoming fully racially responsible, dropping out of the work force, becoming an artist, and paying my dues as a dedicated political soldier, deciding for myself what I would do and how I was going to do it.

Looking back, I’m proud to say that the only employers I’ve had since the early 1980s were none other than mentors Ben Klassen and William Pierce, both of whom had, independently, founded much needed new non-Semitic belief systems, or religions, if you will, for Whites: Creativity and Cosmotheism respectively.
It's cool to hear a little about your life and outlook, Chairman.
I read what the Counter Currents people wrote about the personality test survey--I don't use their site, but I figured I'd check it out--and I'm not entirely sure why they chose to do it. Personality tests have been around for quite some time, especially in the fields of education and business, because of gurus who promote them as a way to better organize one's team. They don't really have any basis beyond the fact that the 'results' spell out vague correlations between the values you were assigned by the test's programming as you answered the questions.

I am reminded of the now debunked 'learning styles' test that I was made to take in middle school, which differentiated between
1 learning by doing
2 learning by instruction
3 learning by sensation
4 learning by reading
and maybe some others I've forgotten in the attempt to categorize 'learners' by which methodology worked best for them. I vividly remember that every question on that test was some variation of "True or False; I learn best by..." So essentially, the 'test' was a self-evaluation. This is true of many such 'tests.'

I actually recently ran across another website I don't presently recall the name of, which had put out about 3 articles about various topics, sort of dancing around recognizing the political and racial situation without explicitly mentioning it. The bulk of the website's operations, however, was the act of selling 'training' courses (for quite steep rates) that are supposed to be tailored to one's "masculine warrior style" (or some other equally ridiculous term).

Anyway, my opinion is that any such test, especially if there's a paywall involved (before or after the test is taken) is probably bunk. It's important to know ourselves, but I don't think that a scripted computer program is likely to help us with that.

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri May 03, 2024 3:41 pm

Trenton wrote:
Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:01 pm

It's cool to hear a little about your life and outlook, Chairman...

I read what the Counter Currents people wrote about the personality test survey--I don't use their site, but I figured I'd check it out--and I'm not entirely sure why they chose to do it...
That is clear. I comment there because it is an influential site where pro-Whites gather. I promote the National Alliance and Cosmotheism to them, putting up links to National Vanguard articles, especially those from William Pierce. Then I repost my comments at C-C here in this topic in Activism and Alliance-Building as examples of how our members and supporters at WB can promote our Alliance. As NA Chairman that's what I do: set an example for our members.

Trenton, you cannot see much use in my promoting NA on other nominally pro-White sites, but others do. If you promote NA online, let us hear about what you do.

Anyway, my opinion is that any such test, especially if there's a paywall involved (before or after the test is taken) is probably bunk. It's important to know ourselves, but I don't think that a scripted computer program is likely to help us with that.

Bunk? You are entitled to your negative opinion. I found the 114 questions reasonable to assess one's personality -- mine anyway -- as did others who bothered to take the free poll after being invited to take it.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Fri May 03, 2024 3:58 pm

Dave Chambers wrote an article about the Confederacy and how it relates to secession today: ... nce-today/ It gave me an opportunity to state NA's position of total racial separation beginning with community-building at the local level, not secession of one or more red states from the rest of the union. Also introduced Dr. Pierce's classic and relevant "Reality Check."

Will Williams: May 3, 2024
We find ourselves [today]under the heel of a government that is actively working to demographically replace us…

Well said, Mr. Chambers, stating the obvious. As a lifelong son of the South, I agree with much of your well-researched essay.

A March 2023 poll found that 20% of Americans support the idea of a “national divorce.” …Surely a non-violent separation ought to be preferable to the prospect of resorting to warfare in order to keep the Union together.

Of that 20%, the minority of determined eligible White preservationists, peaceably separating from Jews and other non-Whites, and from Whites in the 80% who are content to be in a bad marriage, is preferable to armed, violent struggle to be sure. We racial preservationists must gather to withdraw our consent to be governed in a detrimental marriage — call grounds for our divorce “irreconcilable differences.”

As I see it, getting racially conscious white people into positions of power and influence in state and local governments, and then advocating for a non-violent national divorce that would establish one or more “red state” confederations with white supermajorities, is the most promising path toward securing a future for our people.

State secession isn’t plausible. Which state is best suited for that, Texas? Texas is already minority White and many of those White Texans go along with their bad marriage to get along. Mestizo Texans cannot make White babies. What percentage of Whites constitutes a supermajority? Anything less than 100% strikes me as a half-measure. Will the non-Whites in your supermajority be sterilized?

Whites are not going to vote our way out of the bad marriage. Fact! Not with state or national politicians. Local elections still matter, but only in mostly White precincts and counties. Disciplined local community-building can work.

As for southern nationalism, modeled on the “lost cause” of the CSA, the sentimentality is nice but offers no solution in 2024. William Pierce’s “Reality Check” from 24 years ago tells us why:

You know, the various organizations which are busy defending the Confederate flag today always assert that the flag is not a racist symbol. But of course, it is and always has been. My great-great-grandfather, [Alabama] Governor Watts, never heard the word “racist.” The Jews hadn’t invented it as a term of opprobrium yet. But by every common standard in use today he was a racist. Certainly not all, but many of his fellow Southerners did not approve of the institution of slavery. They would have been happy to be able to outlaw the institution and to ship every Negro and every mulatto and every quadroon to Africa and set

them free. But to a man they were racists, by today’s media standards. They were racists because they recognized the simple fact of racial differences…

Here’s an example which ties in again to the Civil War. A lot of men — overaged kids, really — like to play soldier. They like to reenact various historic battles, and Civil War battles are among their favorites. They like to get out on the battlefield and pretend that they are members of real military units of the past — such as my great-great-grandfather’s 17th Alabama Infantry Regiment — and then they fire blanks at each other and maneuver around as they imagine it actually happened. They pride themselves greatly on the authenticity of their uniforms and equipment. They will spend thousands of dollars for various bits and pieces of uniforms, and they will pore over old dispatches and memoirs to make sure that they’ve got all of the details right — all of the details except one, that is: the mindset of the soldiers who actually fought the real battles. Talk to one of these Confederate make-believe soldiers sometime. The first thing he will assure you is that the fact he likes to play soldier in a Confederate uniform doesn’t mean he is a racist. No, no, no! Far from it! In fact, he will try to persuade you that the real Confederate soldiers weren’t racists either, but instead were models of Political Correctness. Fake ammunition and fake beliefs. No more integrity or honesty than most of the supporters of the Confederate flag. They cling to the trivial and deny the important….

I hate to butcher Dr. Pierce’s “Reality Check” like that to make his point, The rest of the transcript is found here: Reality Check | National Vanguard.

Robert E. Lee realized that unquestioned loyalty to the Union would be a betrayal of his people…

Yet he surrendered his rebel army and his people. The bad marriage was reconciled by his surrender. He regretted later agreeing with General Grant that his men would not “take up arms against the Govt. of United States.”
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri May 03, 2024 11:56 pm

Reality Check by Dr. Pierce was referenced in the post immediately above this one but lacked a link. Here it is:
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 04, 2024 8:25 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 11:56 pm
Reality Check by Dr. Pierce was referenced in the post immediately above this one but lacked a link. Here it is:
Thanks, Jim. I suppose readers at C-C are expected to be able to find "Reality Check" by going to National Vanguard and putting it in NV's search block since the link as seen below is not clickable? The diligent reader can find it.

I hate to butcher Dr. Pierce’s “Reality Check” like that to make his point, The rest of the transcript is found here: Reality Check | National Vanguard.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue May 07, 2024 9:52 am

Responding to Jim Goad's 6 May article, "House Passes New 'Antisemitism Awareness Act' to Protect America’s Most Underprivileged Group": ... k-yet-173/

Will Williams: May 7, 2024
…[What H.R. 6090] seeks to eradicate, though, is any form of discussion that may encourage “awareness” of the causes of “antisemitism….”

First, it would help if these Judeophile legislators will define Semitism aka Jewish Supremacism since there would be no awareness of anti-Semitism without citing the cause for it.

The 91 courageous legislators who voted “No” on the bill get a pat on their backs after explaining why.
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue May 07, 2024 10:07 am

Responding to David Zsutty's article about the Jew Stephen Miller's America First Legal (AFL) organization: ... ael-first/

Will Williams: May 6, 2024
Sadly, America First Legal has become illustrative of the fact that we [Whites] cannot work with [Jews]… And whenever our interests collide, Jewish interests will take precedence every single time.

No kidding. Sadly?

A couple of years ago a supporter sent me the book about the smarmy Jew, Stephen Miller, Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, and the White Nationalist Agenda, reviewed at C-C three years ago. Quite revealing.

Miller, with his quick, fake smile, is a favorite guest at FOX News. Racially conscious Whites are fools to trust a word the glib SOB says. Don’t take my word for that, trust what his Jew maternal uncle, Dr. David S. Glosser, has to say about the Yeshiva boy:

“Today, I am also criticizing Stephen Miller’s hypocrisy, promoting white supremacists when he does not meet their definition of white…” Source: Stephen Miller has betrayed his Jewish roots, relative says | Commentary – Orlando Sentinel
How many suggestible FOX News watchers think the oily Miller meets the definition of White?

I had to pay $1 to be able to copy that line from The Orlando Sentinel, but feel it is worth a dollar to be able to share it with C-C readers. I am told I can cancel the subscription anytime but advised that if my cancellation is somehow not honored, I will be automatically charged $23.96 every 4 weeks. How Jewish of The Sentinel.

Edit: Ha! I see with this comment I’ve broken through to be in C-C’s Top 100.
Note: I have since unsubscribed from The Sentinel, so it only cost a buck to be able to copy that quote about Stephen Miller from his own uncle.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Trenton » Tue May 07, 2024 9:31 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 3:41 pm
Trenton wrote:
Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:01 pm

It's cool to hear a little about your life and outlook, Chairman...

I read what the Counter Currents people wrote about the personality test survey--I don't use their site, but I figured I'd check it out--and I'm not entirely sure why they chose to do it...
That is clear. I comment there because it is an influential site where pro-Whites gather. I promote the National Alliance and Cosmotheism to them, putting up links to National Vanguard articles, especially those from William Pierce. Then I repost my comments at C-C here in this topic in Activism and Alliance-Building as examples of how our members and supporters at WB can promote our Alliance. As NA Chairman that's what I do: set an example for our members.

Trenton, you cannot see much use in my promoting NA on other nominally pro-White sites, but others do. If you promote NA online, let us hear about what you do.

Anyway, my opinion is that any such test, especially if there's a paywall involved (before or after the test is taken) is probably bunk. It's important to know ourselves, but I don't think that a scripted computer program is likely to help us with that.

Bunk? You are entitled to your negative opinion. I found the 114 questions reasonable to assess one's personality -- mine anyway -- as did others who bothered to take the free poll after being invited to take it.
I just want to clarify that I meant no disrespect. I also don’t recall criticizing your use of Counter Currents, just expressing that I was confused about why they thought having people take the survey was useful. Anyway, I’m no psychologist so my opinion on personality tests doesn’t really matter to anyone. Thanks for all you do.

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed May 08, 2024 10:30 am

Trenton wrote:
Tue May 07, 2024 9:31 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Fri May 03, 2024 3:41 pm
Trenton wrote:
Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:01 pm

It's cool to hear a little about your life and outlook, Chairman...

I read what the Counter Currents people wrote about the personality test survey--I don't use their site, but I figured I'd check it out--and I'm not entirely sure why they chose to do it...

That is clear. I comment there because it is an influential site where pro-Whites gather. I promote the National Alliance and Cosmotheism to them, putting up links to National Vanguard articles, especially those from William Pierce. Then I repost my comments at C-C here in this topic in Activism and Alliance-Building as examples of how our members and supporters at WB can promote our Alliance. As NA Chairman that's what I do: set an example for our members.

Trenton, you cannot see much use in my promoting NA on other nominally pro-White sites, but others do. If you promote NA online, let us hear about what you do.

Anyway, my opinion is that any such test, especially if there's a paywall involved (before or after the test is taken) is probably bunk. It's important to know ourselves, but I don't think that a scripted computer program is likely to help us with that.

Bunk? You are entitled to your negative opinion. I found the 114 questions reasonable to assess one's personality -- mine anyway -- as did others who bothered to take the free poll after being invited to take it.

I just want to clarify that I meant no disrespect. I also don’t recall criticizing your use of Counter Currents, just expressing that I was confused about why they thought having people take the survey was useful. Anyway, I’m no psychologist so my opinion on personality tests doesn’t really matter to anyone. Thanks for all you do.
Trenton, instead of simply expressing your confusion here on WB as to why C-C asked the 3,500 nominally pro-White followers on its mailing list to take the race-centered poll, or why I took the poll and commented about it there, you might consider promoting our Alliance on other nominally pro-White sites yourself and reporting about your activism here in Activism and Alliance-Building as I have been doing with my comments on C-C during the past year and a half.

Incidentally, C-C owner, Dr. Johnson, reports that just 10% of those on its mailing list who were invited to take the poll only approximately 350 have taken it so far. I'm not surprised by that figure. It's indicative of the percentage of those on his mailing list who will do what is asked of them. It's always been that way with online discussion boards.

Having just cracked the "Top 100" commentators there with my promotion of William Pierce, NA, NV, ADV, Cosmotheism, our video channel and online bookstore -- even WB -- I'm merely doing my job and setting an example for others to follow with online activism, in their own way. Everyone reading this has a computer or "personal device" and can promote NA, and I don't mean just on social media.

In the opening post in this WB topic I republished my first C-C comment after paying to pass its paywall so I could promote the Alliance and Cosmotheism.
As leader of the National Alliance (NA), the organization that works for the survival, preservation and advancement of the White race, I don’t care about ether IQs or the spectrum of psychopathy in other races since our goal is to geographically separate the best of our race from other races, even their best. Period.

A White with below average IQ is not ineligible for Alliance membership but a high IQ White – Aryan, non-Jew — who is a queer or transsexual, a drug addict, of low moral character, etc., or who is racially mixed or has non-White dependents is ineligible. That is the way our members like it and should a member exhibit psychopathic or criminal tendencies that reflect negatively on other members or our community, he will subject himself to be uninvited from our ingroup.
It's confusing to you my intention to educate and radicalize those who gather at Counter-Currents, but is not so confusing to others.

I wrote about this in our snail-mailed monthly Members BULLETIN that was mailed out yesterday. One does not have to be an Alliance member or even a dues-paying supporter to comment here on WB, but as a WB member he is expected to make positive comments, especially here in Activism and Alliance-Building. Does that make sense to you?
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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed May 08, 2024 6:38 pm

Another comment under the article "House Considers Antisemitism Awareness Act..." ... k-yet-173/ I promote Drs. Dalton, Pierce and

Will Williams: May 9, 2024 (actually May 8)
Pardon the long comment but Whites considering this pro-Jew legislation should read Dr. Thomas Dalton’s recent essay, “The Primacy of Anti-Semitism” on

…[T]he overriding concern of the day, and the primary moral imperative, is to be anti-Jewish — that is, to be “anti-Semitic.” Every person of conscience needs to stand up and state, unambiguously and proudly, “I am an anti-Semite.” We need to say, in so many words, “Jews are at the heart of the global poly-crisis, and therefore we must, of necessity, be anti-Jewish.” Anything less is to evade the root cause, and anything less will effectively yield to catastrophe…

My concern is with ethnic Jews. Virtually all religious Jews are also ethnic Jews, but only a minority of ethnic Jews are religious. The distinction is often exploited by those who would prefer to disguise their identity; it allows your dissembling, ethnically-Jewish English professor to say “I’m not Jewish!” — by which he means he is a secular Jew….

So far, so good, but then rather that recognize that with Jewry all Jews are guilty Dr. Dalton, arguably the foremost living expert on Jewry, goes on to further explain his personal position:

When I say “Jews” or “the Jews,” I do not mean literally every Jew. In using such terms, I refer to most Jews, or the most powerful Jews, or the Jewish elite, as the context requires…

I can’t agree with Dr. Dalton there, playing good Jew/bad Jew. William Pierce on the other hand states that in the Jew v. Aryan struggle it is their entire racial tribe — Jewry, versus our tribe — not just bad Jews but their entire tribe.

Pierce made that point well in his speech “The Significance of the Holocaust” found on

…Jews as a whole are socially, morally, intellectually, and racially destructive, and that they have a unique faculty for being destructive. The reason for this is their unique mode of existence as a parasitic minority in a non-Jewish host population. Sometimes this dispersion — or diaspora — as a minority among Gentile hosts has been supplemented by a geographical concentration of Jews in Palestine or Babylon or another Jewish center, and sometimes not. In either case, parasitic is the applicable adjective…

The National Alliance used to carry the Jew Norman Finklestein’s book The Holocaust Industry and hopes to offer it again. In this speech Pierce went on to say:

Finkelstein’s book is especially valuable because it is so well documented. He cites dozens of other books and gives specific references to a number of especially revealing statements by other Jews. He also spares no scorn in talking about charlatans such as Wiesel and Goldhagen. He shows up Wiesel as a pious fraud whose standard speaker’s fee for lying about what happened during the Second World War is $25,000. Wiesel’s popularity is based on his ability to look solemn and spout utter nonsense without cracking a smile. He doesn’t talk about reality but about the sacred, ineffable mystery which is the Holocaust, a mystery beyond all understanding or explanation, which must never be examined or questioned. And his Gentile audiences just eat it up. I must admit that I thought a Jew couldn’t be embarrassed by this sort of fraud, but apparently Finkelstein really is embarrassed by Wiesel.

Finkelstein’s explanation as to why the Holocaust was invented is essentially the same as mine: the Holocaust gives the Jews immunity from criticism for whatever they do to non-Jews, no matter how atrocious, and it gives them a rationale for demanding a handout from the rest of the world. Finkelstein does a very creditable job of establishing this explanation by detailing the way in which the Jews have squeezed the Swiss and others for billions of dollars in Holocaust reparations. He writes: “In recent years the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket.”

Certainly, Finkelstein’s book should be read by anyone interested in what the Jews are doing. It is filled with very valuable information. It does have one extremely serious shortcoming, however. It blames the Holocaust fraud on a few greedy and unscrupulous Jews. Finkelstein writes about the activities of some of these Jews: Edgar Bronfman, president of the World Jewish Congress; Rabbi Israel Singer, the secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress; Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center; Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League, and so on. And the greed and pushiness of these Jews is indeed breathtaking…

But the fact is that if there were only a few greedy conspirators involved, the Holocaust industry never would have made a profit. The average couch potato never would have heard of it. The average soccer mom wouldn’t feel a twinge of guilt whenever Elie Wiesel invokes the sacred Holocaust mystery. So-called “Holocaust studies” would not be a part of the curriculum for high school students in 17 states. Israel wouldn’t be able to build a huge arsenal of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons without a peep of protest from anyone and then demand successfully that Iraq be bombed back into the Stone Age for trying to do the same thing.

The fact is that the Holocaust industry was built first and foremost by the mass media, and literally hundreds of thousands of Jews labor in that particular vineyard. A few ambitious Zionists and greedy Jewish hucksters may have come up with the original idea, but Steven Spielberg has done infinitely more to build the Holocaust myth than all of the greedy Zionist officials together. Furthermore, the Holocaust has been endorsed and supported by nearly the entire Jewish community… Those like Finkelstein who have done anything at all to expose the fraud or even to disassociate themselves from it are a very tiny minority. Finkelstein certainly understands that, but he doesn’t admit in his book that he understands it. He doesn’t want to indict the Jewish community as a whole for the fraud, but in fact, it is the Jewish community as a whole that is guilty.

I said earlier that the Jews as a whole are destructive, and I used the example of the Holocaust to support this statement. The Holocaust is supported by and benefits Jews as a whole, not just a few of them.

The once popular libertarian conservative Tucker Carlson influenced many Whites when he would close his Fox News show each night with “Tucker Carlson Tonight’ is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think.”

It’s easy to hate lying, pomposity and smugness. but group think? Whites as a unique race are a group, Tucker, and better start thinking as one for our interests as anti-White groups like LGBT freaks, Jews, Mestizos and other the non-Whites do.
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