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A Christmas Surprise Gift!

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 3:28 pm
by Richard_G_603
I've worked very hard for a few months now to find the loose network private social media groups who all use certain code/slang to post anti Jewish content while escaping the bots and censors. It's really all about talking the same talk and being seen in other groups to get into another.
But I had a huge payoff yesterday when someone posted that they want to move past memes and actually understand the depths and realities of the JQ, and using some dramatic flair with my replies I managed to get several more interested and in contact with me, near 10 in all.
So I'm going to be giving them mostly links to NA materials over on National vanguard, and then inviting them to this forum after they seem to continue to show an interest. So here's hoping that I can make some real headway and bring a least a couple of them into the NA!

Re: A Christmas Surprise Gift!

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 4:45 pm
by Jim Mathias
Best of luck, Richard. Planting seeds among Whites who want to get at the heart of how things are done and by who is part of what we do.