A new religion.

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A new religion.

Post by Estwing » Fri Mar 23, 2018 8:48 pm

The series, on ADV now on part 9 about cosmotheism I've enjoyed. A religion without a doubt, is vital. To the survival of our people.
I personally do not feel, that just one can be accepted or promoted. On the general, lines as Cosmotheism, I feel Wotanism/odinism and those that are Wolksvolk should know they have a home at the NA. As well was Creators.
This is my personal opinion and one I feel will grow the NA.
Those that choose to be Christians or Christian identity test.... Have a home here as well as long as they put race first.
Any thoughts?
If you worship your enemy, you are defeated.
If you adopt your enemy's religion, you are enslaved If you breed with your enemy, you are destroyed
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Re: A new religion.

Post by White Man 1 » Fri Mar 23, 2018 9:25 pm

I've never felt unwelcome at all for being a Wotanist myself. In fact, since both Wotanism and Cosmotheism derive from the soul of our people and not that of an alien leech, they seem to me to be complimentary. As for Christians, we National Alliance memyers recognize Christianity as an opposed ideology. It's very roots are simetic and destructive to our people. That isn't to say that there haven't been good and just Christian men and women, or that we would keep them from our ranks. Just that they know not to peddle Christianity among other Alliance members. There are, after all, plenty of good organizations specifically for that.

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Re: A new religion.

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:18 am

While those Whites who have subscribed to religions/philosophical beliefs other than Cosmotheism are welcomed, it is ultimately the Cosmotheist point of view that built the National Alliance and guides it towards the future. My belief is that all members should become as familiar as possible with it to keep us on the same page so that we together may continue moving forward.

For Whites who come to the National Alliance as Wotanists, Creators, or what have you, this isn't too hard. I just came for the truth about race among other things while in the midst of a search for a higher purpose in life in an instinctual manner when I had discovered the National Vanguard Books catalog and a copy of "What is the National Alliance?"
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Re: A new religion.

Post by Estwing » Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:09 am

For as long as I've known the National Alliance this would be about the time of Chester Doles mishap... The National Alliance always accepted any religious Faith as long as it would race first as far as I can remember.
With that being said our people do need a new religion. In my mind there are three to choose from in there always will be... Creativity, Wotansvolk/odinism, Wotanism and dr. Pierce's cosmotheism.
If you worship your enemy, you are defeated.
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Re: A new religion.

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 24, 2018 3:08 pm

All of you are right. Christians are not ineligible to join the National Alliance, but they will feel uncomfortable in an Alliance setting, attempting to sell their Semitic spookcraft to fellow members. Most new nominally Christian Alliance members eventually ditch their previous spiritual baggage and naturally come to embrace the Cosmotheist world view; some, not many, quietly go back to their Jesus... thoroughly shaken by what they have learned around the Alliance.

Then, there are some Christians who are confident they can make Bible thumpers out of awakened men and women of the National Alliance. Here's one who emailed me and Kevin Strom a couple of days ago:[/size]

---begin email---
Gentlemen, this is Pastor Eli James of Anglo-Saxon Israel I was recently on the National Vanguard website and watched a video by a gentlemen who claimed that Christian Identity is an attempt by Whites to be Jews. I can assure you that this is the exact opposite of what we teach. Our position is very simply that the Jewish people are not Israelites, that this is a charade that is even older and bigger than holocaustianity.

We Caucasians can prove our descent from the 12 tribes by tracing the migrations of our ancestors from ancient Assyria, across the Dariel Pass of the Caucasus, along the Danube, Don and other rivers, plus the relevant Biblical citations and historical evidence. The Bible even predicts that we Israelites would forget our identity and that the Edomites would assume it in order to destroy us. Jesus condemned the joo-Pharisees on every page of the 4 Gospels. No way He was a joo...no way the jooz are Israelites. He was a blue-eyed blond, as all of the extant documents show.

Jesus said, "You shall not have gone over the cities of Israel until the Son of Man be come," meaning that the Dispersed Israelites will build so many cities that the process of converting them from paganism will still be in process even when He returns. (Prophecy being fulfilled as we speak.) The jooz have never built a single city.,

The reason our Aryan/Hebrew/Shemitic ancestors were ejected from Samaria (the territory of the Ten Northern Tribes) was because they had adopted pagan customs, such as decorating fir trees with tinsel, wearing tatoos and worshipping pagan gods,which is exactly what their descendants did in Europe. Our Israelite ancestors carried these pagan traditions with them into Europe. The Nordic runes are based on paleo-Hebrew script, the Nordic Israelites say their ancient homeland is Aser (Assyria), etc., etc., etc. Identity is not a fluke. We are the real deal and the jooz hate us more than any other group because we expose all of their lies.

Please take the time to watch this slide show, which is an introduction the Migration Chronicles, documenting everything I have just revealed in the above paragraphs, with logic, reason, history and biblical prophecies fulfilled only by Anglo-Saxon Israel. If you want to smash Judaism, we in Identity have the ammo.

The ADL has proclaimed me to be the "#1 anti-Semite" in the world, a designation of which I am most proud. And I can explain to you why that is. The SPLC has also designated EFR as a "hate group." There is a reason why the jooz fear us.

Anglo-Saxon Israel - http://www.anglo-saxonisrael.com/conten ... ions-intro

Introduction the slide show, over 1,000 slides demonstrating our descent from ancient Israel, simultaneously proving that the jooz are impostors. Your speakers need to know more about us and stop promoting false information about us.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly,

Pastor Eli James

I replied:

Thanks for the note, Pastor James. I don't know who at NV.org said Christian Identity is for Whites who claim to be Jews, but I can see why some people would say that, since the Identists worship the same tribal god of the Jew, Yahweh.

The National Alliance, sponsor of NationalVanguard, is not a Christian organization. There are plenty of Christian patriot organizations for those who prefer some form of Christianity as their belief system. We in the Alliance see Christianity in all forms as an ideology opposed to our own beliefs which are grounded in reality, Nature, and the primacy of race.

If we run into people who claim to be the true Israelites, we'll send them your way. I like to say, "We have our way and you have Yahweh."

Dr. Oliver wrote about CI often; here, nearly 40 years ago: https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/09/identity/

Will Williams
National Alliance Chairman

The CI Pastor wrote back below, but I see nothing but a waste of my time engaging the fellow any further.

At least Dr. Oliver admits that CI is a possibility. One major point: The Jews do not worship Yahweh. They actually forbid the usage of His Name.

Your statement that NV is not a religious organization is not relevant. Our position is historical, namely: The Caucasian people descend from the twelve tribes. This is a historical fact, not just a religious one.

Furthermore, the jooz really hate us because we teach the truth about their non-Israelite origins. I would think that NV would want as much ammo as possible against our eternal foe. Not so?

The jooz are most vulnerable on this point. Why not go for the jugular?

Of course, it's your radio show. You can choose to give the Jews credibility by agreeing with them or you can choose to undermine them with the historical facts. By repeating the jooish version of history, you are actually doing them a big favor.

Yours truly,

Pastor Eli James

ps. the Migration Chronicles slide show presents the irrefutable evidence of who we are. I suggest that you watch it before you write us off.

If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Re: A new religion.

Post by Estwing » Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:19 am

Thank you for the clarity mr. Will Williams.
If you worship your enemy, you are defeated.
If you adopt your enemy's religion, you are enslaved If you breed with your enemy, you are destroyed
Will Williams

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