Ere the Cock Crows: Denying Your Principles

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Helmut Stuka

Ere the Cock Crows: Denying Your Principles

Post by Helmut Stuka » Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:19 am

I do not like making a Christian allusion, and I am not a Christian (actually, Adolf Hitler had a moderating effect on my previously militant anti-Christian attitude). But the „ere the cock crows, you will deny me three times“ motif is instructive, and unfortunately ingrained in European culture. It also cuts ten pages of philosophic explanations. Thus following is a patchwork of thoughts which started when I asked myself the very practical question of where to draw the line when under pressure to „deny the Führer“, as I put it to myself. Adapt to your own political philosophy and season to taste.

This discussion is not only relevant to situations where, e.g. people around you make the obligatory condemnation of Adolf Hitler, „racism“, &c., and look at you askance (or worse) when you don’t join in. It also bears on organizational public image issues.

Starting with some notes from my old private writings, cut for length and lightly edited—and you may read „White“ where I said German; I wrote this thinking specifically about Germans, but it is more broadly applicable:
Helmut Stuka (archive) wrote: [A page or so of preliminary discussion about history and sacrifices, starting with the martyrs of the Feldherrnhalle....]

Yet let every man ponder well that a test of honour is to know when it is best to „live to fight another day“, but also never use this as an excuse for cowardice.


By and large, people of German blood are comically bad liars. (I myself am so, and I am only a small part German. When I was under the influence of the Jew, I considered this a weakness, and even a matter of stupidity on my own part—rather than a marker of natural virtuousness.) Few Germans have the ability to fight in the Jewish way. Yet ever since 1. May 1945, the War is being fought exclusively on Jewish terms. The battlefield and weapons are chosen by he whom Schopenhauer called the Great Master of Lies, and I call the Father of Spies. This thus means that the rules of engagement are espionage, subterfuge, deception, interpersonal manipulation, and (most difficult of all for a German) completely clandestine operations. The usual Jewish „laws and customs of war“.

In the worst imaginable extreme, it means living a double-life seemingly as an active Jew-loving, n—-worshipping multiculturalist liberal by day—but a cold and calculating Hollywood German agent by night. I doubt that many actual Germans are capable of such a feat—I myself would not be, and I am a half-Asian, quite un-German in so many ways. Worse, I doubt that any who could „pull it off“ would be the kinds of character who would be capable of producing any result other than corruption, chaos, and crime. What walks like a Jew and quacks like a Jew, is indistinguishable in his product from a Jew.

Lies by omission are the easiest. I state this in relative terms; biting one’s tongue is not (or rather, should not be) „easy“, but it is certainly easier than glibly uttering a falsehood.

Much though I yearn to openly, publicly declare my love of the Führer, I do not so do because as things currently stand for me, that would be a selfish vanity which would only destroy my ability to achieve some positive result. But I also do not speak ill of the Führer. Sometimes, a most difficult task is to try to remain quiet when somebody else speaks ill of him.
For my own part: I am capable of keeping quiet about certain things if it is for a good cause (or even for my own selfish survival; I have become a slimy little bastard in that regard, something I urgently must stop as part of de-Judaizing myself). I do not need to have a Swastika flag hanging out on the front lawn, though I hope to some-day; and I would like to have one on my desk, it being a symbol of protection against evil, after all. But if somebody were to ask me straight-up my opinion of the Führer or related topics, I would not lie. At this point, I do not even think I am capable of explicitly lying about that. So I should either bite my tongue until I taste blood, if such be absolutely necessary, or otherwise just speak the truth.

Now, how do actual White people approach this problem? (Especially the ones with families, children at Jewschool, jobs, immovable assets subject to lawfare, &c.)

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