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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2024 8:21 pm
by Will Williams
We may or may not get a few visitors from C-C to WB after this comment about social media and free speech:

Will Williams: January 24, 2024 Your comment is awaiting moderation.

DP84: January 23, 2024
When White Nationalism becomes hegemonic, I have no doubt there will be restrictions on what type of propaganda can be spread on the public web. For example, there will be no tolerance for speech that promotes miscegenation, nonwhite immigration, or the myth that Jews are somehow innocent of promoting the destruction of our race.

If we attain power, we *will* ruthlessly censor and prosecute our enemies. I’m not interested in debating with or negotiating with those who fervently believe in the narratives of the post-1945 world order. I support restriction of speech not because WN ideas can’t withstand critique – reality is on our side after all – but rather because I want peace and quiet, which requires consensus

Thank you for your sober comment, DP. This topic has about run its course, but I won’t unsubscribe because I’m looking for more comments like yours rather than all this blather about the merits of social media and fear of fedposting, whatever that is, on them. I’d like to see the plug pulled on all social media, even Musk’s. He’s no friend of racial nationalism. except Zionism.

You say “If we attain power…” That borders on defeatism. If we don’t get serious, and quick, to attain power, our people face eventual extinction.

On the National Alliance’s tiny forum, WhiteBiocentrism dotcom (WB), moderated by trusted National Alliance members, we’re not interested in how many warm bodies we can attract. We seek consensus of speech, not “free speech.”

Anglin and Fuentes will never be allowed on WB because their pomposity and reputations as half-baked troublemakers precede them.

Many commentators I see here on C-C would be uninvited, not because they would promote “miscegenation, nonwhite immigration, or the myth that Jews are somehow innocent of promoting the destruction of our race” because none of that nonsense is seen here. But disagreement with the National Alliance’s sound ideology and program, once understood, does not build consensus with William Pierce’s unique, alternative ideology and program. It’s that simple.

I sense disagreement with NA’s approach from some here who have no idea what it is and are not interested in looking into it. It was for no reason that the ADL called Pierce “the most dangerous man in America.” It was for his ideology and National Alliance program for building a new, Jew-free, White World.

Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:59 pm
by Will Williams
This comment is not moderated, but I may go back on with criticism of Musk, the admitted "free speech absolutist." The owner of Counter-Currents, Dr. Greg Johnson, claims to be one of them, too.

Will Williams: January 25, 2024
Travis LeBlanc: January 24, 2024 I say it is perfectly reasonable if not necessary for Elon Musk to not want to have someone who repeatedly talks about killing people on his platform… So if you would like to see Elon Musk Twitter survive…

Needless talk advocating the killing of specific people or groups should call for a permanent suspension on any serious platform. Who would not agree with that?

I hope Musk does not survive. Go back to what you do best: rocket ships and electric cars. He is another “free speech absolutist” who is told by his ADL masters who to allow to speak and about what. Consider this from the American Dissident Voices broadcast last month: EM (Elon Musk, Economic Man) | National Vanguard
…Elon Musk, creative though he may be in certain aspects of his life, is surely in the camp of “economic man.”

This came to light in a very personal way for me in the last two weeks. The short version is that X, the gigantic online discussion platform formerly known as Twitter, “permanently suspended” me within hours of an ADL attack on me. The powerful but largely discredited Jewish group published an article on November 30 attacking me for a couple of my posts on the platform, posts in which I’d done little more than express my sincerely held religious belief that Cosmotheism is the spiritual path forward for our people and offered a link to the Cosmotheist church Web site. That’s right, X, owned by Mr. EM himself, who’s recently called himself a “free speech absolutist” and who had a public feud with the ADL and with the Jewish power structure generally over their censorious and anti-White activities, has banned yours truly, Kevin Alfred Strom, because of a ridiculously tenuous and unbelievable claim that my support of the Cosmotheist church was somehow “funding hate.”

Who’s funding hate? Musk is working with the ADL to silence Cosmotheists. Fact!

Kevin Strom is a spiritual man. Big difference between him and the world’s richest economic man, Elon Musk. Imagine how things would be for our race if Kevin had hundreds of $billions to promote Cosmotheism.

Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:48 pm
by Will Williams
Taking a dig at Jason Kessler under his new C-C article: ... the-stars/ (See previous page here with his image.)

John: January 25, 2024 (Quoting Kessler)
“We need a white — or predominantly white —“.

Wrong! We need total White

Will Williams: January 25, 2024
We need total White…

Exactly. No compromise. None.

Mr. Kessler:
Please contact me by e-mail or on Telegram, Twitter, or Gab if you’d like to join a network of pro-white investors who are interested in shaping this great twenty-first century journey…

Who are you kidding? Telegram, Twitter or Gab? Seriously? You shot your wad with the Charlottesville debacle.

Our side needs attorneys. Why don’t you just practice law and leave leading our race to those who know what they are doing and will never compromise on the primacy of race.

Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 10:35 am
by Will Williams
Kessler apparently didn't like what I'd said about him and responded to me with:

Jason Kessler: January 25, 2024
If you’re going to use fighting words at least have the courtesy to use them to my face.

The term fighting words describes words that when uttered inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. He hasn't seen real fighting words.

I won't be responding to his face up in New York. I won't even respond to his face should he come down the the hills of Tennessee. He styles himself a leader of our race, but he's not, and I don't mind telling him so. So, I reinforced what DP84 had to say to him:

Will Williams: January 26, 2024
DP84: January 25, 2024 To Kessler:
*(I am a purist on the matter of racial homogeneity. I wish no ill-will on other races, but our race cannot and will not survive if we allow them to share the same living space as us…)

It is critical for WN influencers to deconstruct the primitive religious elements among us – specifically in regards to Christianity… I also encourage you to take a look at what Dr. William Pierce had to say about The Cosmos. The Christians and the superstitious resist materialism because the atheists don’t do a good enough job presenting a teleology. Cosmotheism is that teleology.

Mr. Kessler:
I would rather have a successful White colony with 5% Asians…
Thank goodness you don’t get to decide who will be in a White colony, sir. Have you considered that Asians cannot make White babies?

Kessler, again:
I’m no expert in physics but I do know that in an insanely difficult fields of expertise, like physics and aerospace engineering…


DP is a purist in the best sense of the word. You would do well to take his advice and read William Pierce, founder of Cosmotheism. Pierce was a bona fide big-brained rocket scientist, a tenured professor of physics at 30, who also had worked in the jet propulsion lab of NASA before giving up his promising, lucrative career to dedicate his life to the seemingly impossible task of ensuring future for our people.

Pierce did that practically alone at first, living on $50 per month, sleeping on a cot in his office. Eventually others started following his teachings, until now, 22 years after his death, responsible young Whites are being inspired by those teachings and what he built for us. Note this essay last year by a young National Alliance member who has joined the Cosmotheist Church that Pierce founded in the mid-1970s: The Cosmotheist Solution | National Vanguard

Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 10:51 am
by Will Williams

January 26, 2024
White (note the capitalization) isn’t just about skin color.

Personally, I don’t think we go by the grace of made-up dieties. But everyone’s conscience walks in their own shoes.

Will Williams: January 26, 2024
Ha! Noted. Capitalization of White when referring to our race might catch on better when not just used as the first word in a sentence.

Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:41 am
by fluxmaster
Will Williams wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 10:35 am
Mr. Kessler:
I would rather have a successful White colony with 5% Asians…
Thank goodness you don’t get to decide who will be in a White colony, sir. Have you considered that Asians cannot make White babies?
I posted the following reply on Counter-Currents:
Nikola Bijeliti Your comment is awaiting moderation.

January 26, 2024 at 7:37 am

We don’t need any Asians in a Mars colony or anywhere else. If you can find an Asian expert in a particular field, then surely you can find a White expert in the same field. Asians are neither necessary nor desirable in any White enterprise. Moreover, if you allow one Asian in, he will lobby for admitting more. Do you know what happens when an Indian rises to the top of a White company? He will hire only other Indians, then hire only Indians from his own state in India, and, finally, fire all those Indians and only hire members of his own family. There is no such thing as hiring only one Asian. Allowing any non-Whites to be involved in a White enterprise is a Trojan Horse that we do not need to accept.

Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:45 pm
by Will Williams
fluxmaster wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:41 am
Will Williams wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 10:35 am
Mr. Kessler:
I would rather have a successful White colony with 5% Asians…
Thank goodness you don’t get to decide who will be in a White colony, sir. Have you considered that Asians cannot make White babies?
I posted the following reply on Counter-Currents:
Nikola Bijeliti Your comment is awaiting moderation.

January 26, 2024 at 7:37 am

We don’t need any Asians in a Mars colony or anywhere else. If you can find an Asian expert in a particular field, then surely you can find a White expert in the same field. Asians are neither necessary nor desirable in any White enterprise. Moreover, if you allow one Asian in, he will lobby for admitting more. Do you know what happens when an Indian rises to the top of a White company? He will hire only other Indians, then hire only Indians from his own state in India, and, finally, fire all those Indians and only hire members of his own family. There is no such thing as hiring only one Asian. Allowing any non-Whites to be involved in a White enterprise is a Trojan Horse that we do not need to accept.
That is a very astute observation and declaration, flux. I just looked and it hasn't showed up yet under "latest comments," but there's no reason that it shouldn't.

I just added this one:

Will Williams: January 26, 2024
Leroy Patterson, to Mr. Kessler: I think that you have got it backwards, and that we need an “Earth First” policy … Space can wait…

As the wise old idiom tells us, it’s preposterous to put the horse before the cart.

Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 3:50 pm
by Will Williams
Fluxmaster, er uh, Nicola, you comment appeared. I "liked" it and responded to Mr. Kessler's challenge in the same comment:

Will Williams:
January 27, 2024
Nikola Bijeliti: January 26, 2024 We don’t need any Asians in a Mars colony or anywhere else. If you can find an Asian expert in a particular field, then surely you can find a White expert in the same field… Allowing any non-Whites to be involved in a White enterprise is a Trojan Horse that we do not need to accept.


Jason Kessler: January 25, 2024 If you’re going to use fighting words at least have the courtesy to use them to my face.

You call what I directed to you “fighting words?” Really?

It is not my intention to pick a fight, insult you or offend your delicate sensibilities. We come at White preservation from opposed positions. You want to unite the right, don’t mind sharing White living space with non-Whites, or at least with smart Asians, and you do not oppose coexisting with Christianity.

I don’t belong to any right-wing and don’t care to unite with those who consider themselves as “rightists.” I’m current chairman of the organization Dr. William Pierce founded fifty years ago, the National Alliance. He explained NA doctrine back then clearly, what we are and what we are not. Listen, here: Dr. William Pierce – Our Cause – National Alliance Video (

We advocate strict geographical separation of eligible, racially responsible Whites from Jews and other non-Whites, and from Whites who oppose us. We have a belief system, also founded by Pierce, Cosmotheism, that is opposed to Christianity. an alien ideology.

You continue to push your cause, Jason, and I’ll promote ours, and may the best long-term strategy for our race prevail.

Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:19 am
by Will Williams
Jim Goad, arguably the best writer on Counter-Currents, sort of took up for Jason Kessler -- whose goal in Charlottesville was to "unite the right." Mr. Kessler in my opinion is not one of C-C's best.

I'm attempting to let those at C-C know that NA is the alternative to the failed alt right movement, that Mr. Kessler still seems to push.

Will Williams: January 28, 2024
Jim Goad: January 28, 2024 “It is not my intent to insult you. Having said that, I’ll immediately follow up by alleging that you have ‘delicate sensibilities’ after already saying that you ‘shot your wad.’”

Thanks for trying to add clarity to what I told Mr. Kessler, Jim.

Are you a proponent of the alt-right, like he? I’m not, in case I didn’t make that clear. Hope that’s OK.

To say Kessler shot his wad, as organizer of the Charlottesville fiasco, should not be interpreted as fighting words, unless taken as the second, more vulgar definition, below. I meant it idiomatically and believe it was appropriate. I don’t discredit him for trying.

The phrase “shoot your wad” has two meanings. The first meaning is slang and refers to losing or spending all of one’s money.
The second meaning is vulgar slang and refers to ejaculating semen during an orgasm.
The phrase is also used idiomatically to mean using all of one’s effort or money for something, so that they have no energy or money left.
Shoot your wad – Idioms by The Free Dictionary

I had advised my National Alliance members to stay away from Charlottesville, that it looked like a trap, which some can say that it turned out to be. I also told them to stay away from the 6 January 2024 Capitol fiasco for the same reason. That appears to have been a trap also.

Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:31 pm
by Will Williams
Responding to a positive comment at C-C by a fellow named Flin Flon who posted a link to Dr. Pierce's "Cosmotheism: Wave of the Future"::

Will Williams: January 28, 2024
Flin Flon: January 28, 2024 Greg Johnson and John Morgan did a podcast before the spectacle, anxious about impending disaster, which of course occurred. If you followed the podcasts of this site at all, you might have noticed Johnson reached out to Kessler soon after. Unlike others, Kessler kept fighting…

My time is spent with Alliance-building for the most part. I do not listen to podcasts, except occasionally when someone I admire recommends one or part of one — nor do I participate in social media, something I notice Kessler does when he tells people to visit him on Telegram, Twitter or Gab to organize folks for some project having to do with space travel. I’ve never listened to a C-C podcast. I wouldn’t mind listening to that one by Greg and John prior to Charlottesville, if it’s archived.

…[M]aybe has some of the earnestness and fortitude of Pierce, who you say had a stint of living on $50 a month.

Maybe some. Kessler obviously has talent, but I question his judgment.

Pierce was not only the most intelligent, spiritually pure man I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting and working with, but the most focused on what our people must do to prevail over our enemies. He chose his fights carefully and usually won those he chose to engage in, or was forced to, because when he was challenged by Jews or others, his positions, his truths, were always defensible.

Kessler’s positions are not. His fights against the powers to be in Charlottesville and the courts in Virginia, not to mention the Jew-controlled media, are not winnable — they have the big battalions.

With all the talk of cosmotheism, why not refresh with reading from this selfsame website: ... he-future/

There’s not enough talk about Cosmotheism and still way too much about Christianity as being a suitable belief system for White separatists/preservationists. I notice there were no comments (zero) here at C-C under “Wave” back when it was featured in 2013. Too bad.

Thank you, FF, for the link to Dr. Pierce’s 1977 talk, “Cosmotheism: Wave of the Future.” I’m very familiar with that and many other talks by him — 240 of them available here in NA’s CD series The Power of Truth (Volumes 1 through 12) – Cosmotheism (, and free as slideshows on our channel.

Another talk by Pierce from 1976 — six years before Mr. Kesslar was born, according to WikiJews — that is relevant to trying to unite the right:

Why Don’t All the Pro-White Organizations Unite? | National Vanguard

…[T]he organizer of a purely ad hoc group, with no vision beyond the achievement of an immediate and practical goal, will often be willing to join forces with whoever can help him, regardless of differences in style or beliefs.

On the other hand, the leader who has struggled for years — giving up his career and any semblance of a normal family life — in order to advance a cause which has a deep ideological significance for him will be less ready to compromise his beliefs for a temporary advantage. He takes the long view of things and is more concerned with keeping his group headed in the right direction toward a distant goal than he is with negotiating the next bump in the road…