Somebody has been in the news

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Somebody from Hanover PA has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Mar 09, 2019 1:57 am ... 091132002/
Flyer attacks Hanover's first female African-American mayor
Rebecca Klar, York Dispatch Published 1:54 p.m. ET March 7, 2019 | Updated 9:24 a.m. ET March 8, 2019

A racist flyer circulating in Hanover attacks the borough's first female African-American mayor, calling her a "shameless anti-White bigot," according to a copy obtained by The York Dispatch.

The flyer accuses Hanover Mayor Myneca Ojo, who is black, of being an "ultra-left wing African feminist" who aims to replace "European Christian traditions with African sloth, thievery, violence and squalor."

Ojo said the flyer, which has been sent to residents through the mail, is not indicative of the community she serves.

"It's just another attempt to divide this community and to evoke fear in people when in fact the community is actually moving way beyond that type of behavior," Ojo said.

Ojo was appointed in October by borough council members to serve out the remainder of a term vacated by former Mayor Ben Adams.

The flyer calls the borough council members who appointed her "Pinko-commie lib morons."

Ojo said she is running in the November election to serve out the remaining two years in the term.

Based on information in the flyer, which takes aim at the borough's efforts to expand affordable housing, Ojo said she does not believe the creator is a Hanover resident.

"I have been certainly received very, very well within my community as a result of my appointment," she said.

Ojo was part of another incident in York County in April 2018 when she and four other women claim they were confronted at Grandview Golf Course by an owner and asked to leave for playing too slowly.

The flyer was sent to residents, business owners and borough council members, Ojo said. The mayor said she has not received it.

The anonymous creator of the flyer attempts to pit the predominantly white Hanover community against minorities, characterizing her agenda as one that's going to "curse Hanover with 'diversity' and 'inclusion.'"

The flyer also suggests Ojo is intimidating police to ignore "Black Crime."

Hanover Police Chief Chad Martin said in a statement that is not true, adding that anyone who thinks a crime is being ignored should reach out to him.

"Her goal in oversight of the police department is to ensure it is the best that it can be. She is committed to learning about the police department and has professional experiences that will benefit us," he said.

Martin added that while "derogatory and unacceptable in society today," the flyers are "political propaganda" and protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The flyer follows a growing pattern of racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic actions across the county and nation.

In August, Ku Klux Klan flyers were left on cars parked at the Regal Cinemas in West Manchester Town Center in response to the Spike Lee movie "BlacKkKlansman." The anti-Semitic flyers read "More Jewish Lies from Hollyweird."

In November, flyers attacking Mexican immigrants were left across the parking lot of Eastern York High School after a congressional debate between state Rep. Lloyd Smucker, a Republican, and Democratic challenger Jess King.

More: Racial unrest in York County prompts political action

More: 'I felt sick': Yorkers disgusted by KKK literature in West Manchester

More: Grappling with growing hate speech across York, state and country

White supremacists' propaganda efforts have exploded throughout the country, according to a report by the Anti-Defamation League.

In 2018, there were 1,187 incidents reported compared to 421 in 2017, according to the ADL report. In other words, there was a 182 percent increase in reported hateful propaganda.

In terms of a response, Ojo said she believes it is best not to add "fuel to the fire."

"The flyer was designed to evoke fear, and we’re just simply not going to put any energy into that," she said.

— Rebecca Klar can be reached at [email protected] or via Twitter @RebeccaKlar_.
A piece of paper attacked someone, eh? I wonder if it cut her with its sharp edges. Can paper commit a "hate crime?" The only thing I could tell going on with it was that the flyer had some rather 'colorful' language to it. :lol:
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Re: Somebody from Fargo ND has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Mar 09, 2019 2:01 am ... rth-fargo/
Racists Flyers Found in North Fargo
March 7, 2019 Joe Radske

FARGO (KFGO) – Several residents in north Fargo awoke to find racist flyers on their vehicles’ windshields Thursday morning.

The flyers say “all hate crimes are hoaxes.”

They include images of prominent TV personalities and African Americans, along with a noose and a Clorox bleach label.

Erin Holdman lives near Roosevelt school, where many of the flyers were distributed.

“It’s disgusting” Holdman said. “There are a lot of things that are happening to people that are hate crimes.

We shouldn’t overlook the things that are happening to people, especially in our community.

People are being targeted and we need to stand up for them.”

Erin’s husband, Scott Holdman, says he believes in free speech, but he says the flyers are “not proper to be subjecting people to.”

Neighbors believe the flyers were distributed sometime overnight.

Many of them were found in an area that surrounds Roosevelt School and NDSU.
People are being targeted? A lot of things are happening that are hate crimes? Funny, but I hadn't heard of any instances of "hate crimes" happening in Fargo.
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Re: Somebody from Huddersfield UK has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Mar 09, 2019 2:19 am ... s-15925467
Disgust at far right racist organisation's sticker plastered on bins in Huddersfield town centre
Shopper said the National Front sticker would have been "more conveniently placed in the bin"

By Susie Beever Breaking News Reporter
15:26, 5 MAR 2019

A shopper has expressed his disgust after spotting stickers advocating the far-right organisation in Huddersfield town centre .

The stickers for racist group National Front were seen plastered on the side of bins on King Street, Huddersfield's main shopping street.

James Chadwick was walking down the street on Tuesday when he took a picture of the stickers.

The stickers picture a white man's face with the slogan 'Britain For The British', and a link to the National Front's website.

NF are a fascist group founded in the 1960s, but have since been buried into obscurity by the likes of Britain First and the English Defence League.

The group are known for harbouring white nationalist views, and another version of the same sticker on the group's website bears the slogan 'For Race and Nation'.

Terrorism cops arrest man suspected of extreme right wing activity

James, 29, from Mirfield , said: "I've seen them a few times now - I think it's disgusting that they haven't been scraped off and put in the bin, where they belong, rather than on the side of it for people to have to see.

"I am sick of this hatred seeping its way into the public. Free speech is essential, but groups like this are just exploiting tensions in communities to spread their bigotry.

"It's vile. There's no place for it in Huddersfield . These stickers belong in the bin - not on it."
Hey, how about a few quotes from real British people who support this message? Oh wait, that will get you thrown in prison, fired from your job, or your kids taken away by the corrupted state.

Then I suppose all I can say is I greatly admire those British who risk all of the above to reach out to their own people.
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Re: Somebody from Edison NJ has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:51 am

This is an update to a story which began about a year and a half ago: ... e4e53.html
Edison council forms committee of the whole to investigate racist fliers
KATHY CHANG, Staff Writer Mar 5, 2019 Updated 4 min ago

EDISON – Citing frustration over two years of unanswered questions, the Edison Township Council has formed a committee of the whole to conduct its own investigation into who is responsible for sending racist fliers that displayed two Board of Education candidates in an offensive light during the election season.

The Township Council unanimously approved the formation of the committee of the whole at a meeting on Feb. 27. This allows council members to meet outside of the parameters of a typical council meeting without violating Robert’s Rules, which determines how governing bodies operate. Councilman Robert Diehl will spearhead the committee along with Councilman Sam Joshi and Councilman Michael Lombardi.

The meetings will be open to the public, allowing board members to listen to reports, ask questions of any person(s) and request more information to better understand the issue, according to the New Jersey legislature.

The election season took an offensive tone when a flier was distributed by mailing on Oct. 31, 2017, with the faces of the two candidates, Jerry Shi and Falguni Patel, who are of Asian descent.

The flier stated “Make Edison Great Again” with the faces of Shi and Patel. Underneath each of their photos was the word “Deport.”

In September, the Township Council had approved a resolution in support of the New Jersey Attorney General’s (AG) Office efforts to bring “criminal charges” against the individual(s) who participated in the preparation and/or dissemination of the flier.

Since then, the council charged Township Attorney William Northgrave to gather all available information on the racist flier and prepare a report, which he has presented to the council.

Edison Police Chief Thomas Bryan had said the investigation is in the hands of the AG’s office. Peter Aseltine, public information officer for the attorney general, had said the office’s policy “is that we neither confirm nor deny investigations.”

Council Vice President Ajay Patil suggested adding the recent proposed $811.3 million new public-private partnership – long-term 40-year lease agreement – with Suez North America, a Paramus-based water and wastewater company, to the committee of the whole agenda.

“The committee of the whole can help us gather information,” he said, adding the proposal is coming down the line at a fast pace. “We will have subpoena power to call stakeholders with key fact witnesses … the issue of Suez was brought to this council only during last council meeting in a closed door meeting.”

Diehl said they have been begging and pleading for more information on the racist fliers for two years as opposed to the council is in the beginning stages of gathering information on the Suez proposal. He said he is opposed to combining the two topics for the committee of the whole.

He said if council members feel they are not getting information they need after the public meetings on the Suez proposal then they could reconsider a route to get additional information. The public meeting on the Suez proposal will be held at 6 p.m. on March 28 at Town Hall.
These politicians are really sore over free speech and want heads to roll. If violating someone's free speech rights is on the agenda for going on 2 years, perhaps the entire council should be deported. They certainly do not belong in America.
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Re: Somebody from Brighton has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:58 am

Will Williams wrote:What in hell is a trope?
From Merriam-Webster's dictionary online:

trope noun
\ ˈtrōp \
Definition of trope
1a : a word or expression used in a figurative sense : FIGURE OF SPEECH
b : a common or overused theme or device : CLICHÉ
the usual horror movie tropes
2 : a phrase or verse added as an embellishment or interpolation to the sung parts of the Mass in the Middle Ages

For example, "White Supremacist" is an overused theme or device used by Jews and their paid presstitutes and other lackeys to demonize any Whites who do anything that is positive or healthy for our people--and is therefore a trope.
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Re: Somebody near Pittsburgh has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Mar 11, 2019 9:21 pm ... hts-claim/
Pennsylvania billboard draws ire for ‘whites have rights’ claim
By Yaron Steinbuch March 7, 2019 | 10:47am

A Pennsylvania billboard that flashes an image of actor Jussie Smollett and a message about “whites have rights” has sparked accusations of racism.

The digital billboard outside Worthington, about 40 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, features dissolving screens that also include images of various lawmakers, including Reps. John Lewis and Maxine Waters, who are accused of being “black racists.”

“Jussie Smollett hangs himself! Sets ‘race’ relations back 100 years,” the billboard reads, according to Yahoo News.

The “Empire” actor has been accused of paying two brothers $3,500 to stage a hate crime against him. He was charged with felony disorderly conduct and has repeatedly maintained his innocence in the alleged hoax.

“First time I saw it was just complete and utter shock,” Michael Allshouse told WPXI of Pittsburgh. “I don’t see it as thought-provoking. I don’t see it as instigating thoughtful discussion as much as it is provoking and agitating.”

He said he views the display as racist.

“I know, under the Constitution free speech is there and hate speech is guaranteed, too, and protected by the Constitution, (but) just because you have a right to do something doesn’t mean you should do something,” he added.

But the billboard’s owner, John Placek, defended the message and insisted he’s no racist.

“Racism is misunderstood in America and I want to have the conversation,” he told the news station. “We need to get over ‘I’m black,’ ‘You’re white,’ ‘You’re Hispanic.’ Who cares? I don’t care about that. I do care about how you act and how you stand for my flag — our flag.”

Placek said he wants to spark a conversation and believes there’s only one race — the human one.

“We gotta get people talking. We gotta get them excited. And that’s what I’ve done. The board was never meant to hurt anybody. I would never do that. I’m a patriot. I’m an American. Period,” he said.
Claim?? Why only a claim? Does Yaron the Jew deny Whites have rights?

Billboard messages would be wonderful to display--if only I owned one. Or a few thousand! Better me than someone who is 'no racist' but wants to spark conversations about race yet doesn't even know that humans are a species while repeating the worn out and false cliche, "there's only one race - the human one." :roll:
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Re: Somebody from near Canterbury UK has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Mar 13, 2019 12:54 am ... ty-199970/
National Front stickers put up around St Dunstan's area in Canterbury

By Charlie Harman
[email protected]
Read all comments | 174Published: 16:39, 03 March 2019 | Updated: 16:41, 03 March 2019

National Front stickers have been appearing around a city's streets, prompting anger from residents.

The propaganda posted around the St Dunstan's area of Canterbury features phrases such as: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children".

The labels have been spotted on roads including Rheims Way and London Road, with posters calling for "Britain for the British" plastered on bus stops and signs.

This sticker reads: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" (7527053)

Taking a stand against the messages, nearby residents have been removing the offending articles.

The chairman of the St Dunstan's Residents' Association and Cross Street homeowner, Allen Tullet, was among the first to notice the National Front campaign.

He said: "I normally go around reporting or removing graffiti - which is the bane of my life as it is - but I saw this yesterday and a particular trail of stickers going from Rhiems Way to the Victoria recreation park.

"Compared to the graffiti we normally get it's particularly nasty, so I took them down and reported the stickers to the Community Safety Unit.

"It's a bit of a walking route and I can see why they are doing this on a main route into town.

"At first it took me a little while to see them because they're quite small - you have to really go up to them to see what they say.

"Some are more obvious in terms of the size of the lettering.

"I've seen plenty of sweary graffiti and other things, but I'm disappointed because that isn't the sort of thing we want in our community.

"It's a group of far-right fascists and if a group gets hold of that, it paints our community in a bad light.

"So I wanted to get them all down as soon as possible so none of this sort of thing keeps going on.

"I feel lucky to live in Canterbury. It's a very diverse place thanks to the universities and I often go to events with a broad range of people in attendance.

"Compared to other communities around east Kent, we are quite lucky to be so liberal.

"I don't think it will have a great impact but it could influence people and they might check out the website as a result.

"Given the level of political debate in the country right now, I wouldn't want people to be enticed to become supporters of the National Front."

Cllr Terry Westgate, who represents St Stephen's ward on Canterbury City Council, said: "All I've seen is what was put on Facebook.

"Any stickers put up in the area are flyposting, so they shouldn't be putting them up in any case.

"I haven't discussed the matter with any officers, but it is something I hope to look into further."
Great set of pictures in this story, comments and a "thumbs-up/down" rating system for those who want to participate. Many of the comments from those loyal to our race came from both sexes and are encouraging.
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Re: Somebody in Virginia has been in the news

Post by Volker Zorn » Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:33 pm

Source: ... 11701.html

Many hundreds of leaflets promoting the George Lincoln Rockwell Centennial (1918-2018) along with other NEW ORDER printed material were delivered door-to-door to White neighborhoods in Central Virginia during the Fall - but the only ones that CBS could find to talk about it to were a liberal with many non-White friends and a Christian minister with "biracial children."

Publicly criticizing "neo-Nazis" is certainly an heroic stand to take in today's social and political environment!

Gordonsville man protests Nazi propaganda in his neighborhood

Flier concerns

By Ric Young |
Posted: Fri 6:59 PM, Dec 07, 2018

GORDONSVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- One Gordonsville man is taking a very public stand against Nazi propaganda being dumped in his neighborhood.

A few days before Thanksgiving, a packet was thrown in Joe Mauller's driveway.

"I was angry, stunned, kind of tired of it. It's not the first time," he said. "The first two times this happened at my house, I threw the message away. The third time, I said who is this guy, I'm going to look him up."

The packet contained a picture and recruitment info about George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi party, who was later assassinated by a member of his own party decades ago.

Mauller was so upset, he took the packet to Pastor John Nichols of New Life Church of Central Virginia.
For Nichols, this message of Nazi hate became very personal.

"I have two children who are bi-racial, so this message of hate, really hit close to home and to my family," he said.
Mauller says one of the reasons why the Nazi propaganda was dropped in his neighborhood may have been because of the name of the streets.

"Stonewall Jackson, Lee, it used to be called Confederate Manor," he said.

But not anymore. Mauller adds the Nazi's picked the wrong neighborhood.

"I believe in diversity, I have lots of friends, Jewish and Muslim," he added.

And for Nichols, he says the fight against hate will take courage, not just collectively but individually.

"The individual who stands up and says that's not who we are, that's not who we are going to be, we are going to love each other, we are going to stand for something that is true, that is right and walk in peace toward one another," he said.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Somebody in Virginia has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:10 am

Volker Zorn wrote:Many hundreds of leaflets promoting the George Lincoln Rockwell Centennial (1918-2018) along with other NEW ORDER printed material were delivered door-to-door to White neighborhoods in Central Virginia during the Fall - but the only ones that CBS could find to talk about it to were a liberal with many non-White friends and a Christian minister with "biracial children."

Publicly criticizing "neo-Nazis" is certainly an heroic stand to take in today's social and political environment!

Gordonsville man protests Nazi propaganda in his neighborhood

Flier concerns

By Ric Young |
Posted: Fri 6:59 PM, Dec 07, 2018

GORDONSVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) -- One Gordonsville man is taking a very public stand against Nazi propaganda being dumped in his neighborhood.

"I have two children who are bi-racial, so this message of hate, really hit close to home and to my family," he said.
Mauller says one of the reasons why the Nazi propaganda was dropped in his neighborhood may have been because of the name of the streets.

"Stonewall Jackson, Lee, it used to be called Confederate Manor," he said.
Most stories found in this thread carry that one common propaganda device: to quote only those whose opinions match that of the presstitute's editor--and that's overwhelmingly anti-White.

Mauller isn't' very bright as his statement and the fact he bred with at least one non-White will attest. Losing his genes from our pool is no loss! He can "make his very public stand" all he wants, he made me laugh at his virtue signaling antics.
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Re: Somebody in Connecticut has been in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:24 am ... active-map

This story covers 2017-18 activity but deserves mention as I hadn't covered it before. It should be noted that, once again, presstitutes rely on Jewish enterprises that have been caught at illegal activity in the past for spying on Whites for the fruits of their (poisoned?) tree.
White-Supremacist Activity In CT Detailed In New Interactive Map
The Anti-Defamation League says it has recorded numerous white supremacist activity in Connecticut in 2017-18.
By Brian McCready, Patch National Staff | Mar 7, 2019 9:24 am ET

White supremacist propaganda materials, including the distribution racist, anti-Semitic and Islamophobic fliers, stickers, banners and posters, are showing up in cities across the country, including in Connecticut, according to a new report from the Anti-Defamation League.

White supremacy incidents increased 182 percent in 2018 compared to the year before, the report said, but that was not the case in Connecticut. Connecticut reported 57 total incidents in 2017 and 2018, including 49 Anti-Semitic incidents, one White Supremacist event, and 7 White supremacist propaganda incidents. However, 51 of the recorded Anti-Semitic incidents were found in 2017 in Connecticut and six were found in 2018.

The incidents are plotted on the first-of-its-kind interactive map developed by ADL experts in its Center on Extremism that details extremist and anti-Semitic incidents in the United States.


inRead invented by Teads

Incidents from 2017 and 2018 were reported, according to the ADL, in Southington, Stamford, Hartford, New Haven, Farmington, Ridgefield, Fairfield, Berlin, Wilton, Cheshire, East Haven, Stonington, Union, Clinton, East Hampton, Rowayton, Westport, Southbury, Orange, Guilford, Rocky Hill, Trumbull, Darien, Newington, Milford, Middletown, West Hartford, Amity, Colchester, Bethany, Greenwich, Madison, and Bethany.

Several of the communities mentioned reported multiple incidents in 2017-18. The six incidents from 2018 were specifically found in Stamford, Southington, Hartford, and New Haven.

According to the ADL report some of the complaints from 2017-2018 in Connecticut included: Swastikas, anti-Semitic messages, and vulgar messages written in the snow at Trinity College; Elementary school student in Farmington was told by peers: "If you don't believe in Jesus, you're going to Hell," and that "Jews are bad."; A note that read: "Jews will burn" was left on a middle school student's locker in Wilton; Graffiti on highway overpass that read "Hitler did nothing wrong" and an image of a swastika in Clinton; and A Jewish student at University of Connecticut was walking on campus when a car passed by and a girl sitting in the backseat rolled down her window and yelled at him "Go to the (expletive) ovens!"

Much white supremacist activity was reported in CT in 2017-18, according to the ADL. Gray circles are anti-Semitic incidents, and blue are white supremacist propaganda. Courtesy Anti-Defamation League.

A Nationwide Look

Nationwide most of the 1,187 incidents of propaganda — up from 421 incidents in 2017 — occurred on college campuses, the ADL said in its report. There were 868 incidents on college campuses, up from 129 the year before.

Much of the propaganda is distributed in flyers that allow those distributing them to remain anonymous in the face of increasing scrutiny of their beliefs yet still get their message across and recruit new members. Many of the flyers show either Andrew Jackson or George Washington on horseback with text that states: "European roots, American greatness."

"Under intensified public scrutiny, white supremacists are facing a Catch-22: As individuals, they want to remain anonymous and invisible, but they need to promote their organizations and ideology," the ADL said in its report. "Their solution: Increased propaganda efforts, which allow them to maximize media and online attention, while limiting the risk of individual exposure, negative media coverage, arrests and public backlash."

The two most prolific alt-right groups on college campuses were Identity Evropa, a group that recruits white, college-aged men and was responsible for 191 incidents. The other is Texas-based Patriot Front, which contributed 51 incidents. Members of that group claim "ethnic and cultural origins" of their European ancestors to espouse racism, anti-Semitism and intolerance.

Other groups that were active were Andrew Anglin supporters known as the Daily Stormer Book Clubs, which targeted campuses in 29 incidents. Neo-Nazi groups such as Vanguard America and the National Socialist Legion, as well as the now-defunct Traditionalist Worker Party, also participated in a few incidents.

But the groups were active off campus as well and dusting places like libraries, bookstores and community book-exchange boxes with their flyers. That is a tactic "long favored by neo-Nazis, Klan groups and other white supremacists," the ADL said.

Off-campus incidents skyrocketed to 868 in 2018, up from 129 the year before, according to the report. The Patriot Front was the most active in off-campus flyer distributions with 324, with Identity Evropa close behind with 312. Daily Stormer followers were responsible for 34 of the incidents.

And though the Ku Klux Klan is declining in popularity, 11 of its groups were responsible for 97 incidents of flyers being left on doorsteps or driveways across the country — a 20 percent increase from the preceding four-year average of 77 incidents a year. North Carolina-based Loyal White Knights, a Nazified Klan group known for its vitriolic and often anti-Semitic propaganda, was the most active, with 78 of the 97 incidents occurring in 2018, primarily in Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

About 5 percent of off-campus distributions were attributed to neo-Nazi groups such as Atomwaffen Division, National Alliance, National Socialist Legion, National Socialist Movement and Vanguard America.

Other hate-spreading techniques included white supremacist banners, which in 2018 were placed in 32 highly visible locations, including highway overpasses. During a 10-month period from May 2017 to March 2018, white supremacist groups used banners an average of seven times a month.

Patriot Front displayed banners 21 times in 2018, and Identity Evropa used them nine times. Most of the banners conveyed an anti-immigrant message, but one notable exception was a banner in Virginia attributed to the Daily Stormer Book Club that is based in that state. It claimed "James Fields did nothing wrong." Fields was convicted of murdering Heather Heyer when he drove his car into a crowd at a "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017.

Read the full report and see where hate groups are most active.
"......while limiting the risk of individual exposure, negative media coverage, arrests and public backlash." Who wouldn't want to avoid arrests for invented, police-instigated, selectively enforced, or simply made up laws? Public backlash? That hardly happens, it's usually presstitute-invented "public backlash" by quoting selected "neighbors" or sometimes whipping up the local misfits, losers, degenerates, Jews and others to "rally" ---which means to stand around and look at each other while some rabbi (or other useful idiots influenced by Jewish rhetoric) spews anti-White hate at the spectacle.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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