Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by PhuBai68 » Tue Mar 29, 2022 2:40 pm

I'm guessing - otherwise the chairman would've emailed or PM'ed me - that the N.A. business cards in various 12 packs of expensive imported and domestic (Heineken, Sam Adams) and "suitcases" (24 packs Miller, Bud Lite) haven't paid off so far.
I'll just keep trying.

I can remember at one leadership conference Sanders Pierce, John Law and myself sitting outside Sanders' motel room having a few beers and chewing the fat until the wee morning hours.
Having a few beers is in our European heritage.
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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by Franco » Thu May 19, 2022 2:31 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 8:47 am

Yes, those pesky ideological issues, as covered earlier in this topic -- issues like the claim that we are a Christian movement, based on Christian principles. :lol:

You wanna talk ridiculous? Consider: Roughly 30% of Stormfront forum is Christian. How did that happen? I mean, really. A Jewish, egalitarian religion has a big presence at SF. WTF??


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Re: Why don't all the pro-White organizations unite?

Post by Will Williams » Thu May 19, 2022 6:45 pm

Franco wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 2:31 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 8:47 am

Yes, those pesky ideological issues, as covered earlier in this topic -- issues like the claim that we are a Christian movement, based on Christian principles. :lol:
You wanna talk ridiculous? Consider: Roughly 30% of Stormfront forum is Christian. How did that happen? I mean, really. A Jewish, egalitarian religion has a big presence at SF. WTF??

Stormfront is a very large discussion board and prides itself on being a big tent. If it's 30% Christian, that may reflect the number of Whites who are comfortable there and who still consider themselves to be Christian.

We don't discount them, or argue with them. We're more interested in reaching the 70% who are not Christian, who are independent-minded and more likely to become fans of Dr. Pierce, his Alliance and his Cosmotheist belief system. We occasionally pick up a new member from Stormfront.

We post the link to our American Dissident Voices radio show each week here: That Stormfront powers that be allowed us to first put that "Cosmotheist Ideology/Philosophy" topic in its popular Ideology and Philosophy section, then to sticky it so it stays at or near the top in that section because we bump it at least once a week, is good for the National Alliance.

* * * * *

These last two posts here are better suited in WB's Activism and Alliance-Building section, the "Promoting NA on less radical WN sites" topic.

Grimork, please move these there where Stormfront is discussed already. I added a comment at Stormfront today under our "Cosmotheist Ideology/Philosophy" topic, following up on Whiteheteromale's excellent piece explaining Cosmotheism: ... st15756502
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Grimork » Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:21 pm

Gab finally opened up (this is gab's version of youtube) to users who are not paying to upload. I have made a channel there and can upload 3 videos a day for free. Yay, expansion.

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Will Williams
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:40 pm

Grimork wrote:
Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:21 pm
Gab finally opened up (this is gab's version of youtube) to users who are not paying to upload. I have made a channel there and can upload 3 videos a day for free. Yay, expansion.
Good job! I hope they stay up. At three per day it will only take about six weeks to transfer the 240 Pierce talks from
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Grimork » Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:22 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:40 pm
Good job! I hope they stay up. At three per day it will only take about six weeks to transfer the 240 Pierce talks from
Fine by me lol, I haven't even posted the 3 today because I have felt so under the weather. Hubby gave me and Sylvie Covid. So, I am sick literally and pregnant. ><;

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Will Williams
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Will Williams » Mon Aug 01, 2022 10:53 pm

Grimork wrote:
Wed Jul 13, 2022 5:22 pm
Will Williams wrote:
Wed Jul 13, 2022 1:40 pm
Good job! I hope they stay up. At three per day it will only take about six weeks to transfer the 240 Pierce talks from
Fine by me lol, I haven't even posted the 3 today because I have felt so under the weather. Hubby gave me and Sylvie Covid. So, I am sick literally and pregnant. ><;
You're a champ, Grimork! You had your new daughter while sick, and did it at home. ;)

I'm so proud of our White Vengeance. I just saw that he had put up the long post below today on the Stormfront board as "robbinsville." He is a dedicated, natural recruiter and I expect his comment will have inspired some Stormfronters to take a closer look at NA and Cosmotheism, having tired of seeing mostly just me and Jim Mathias promoting Cosmotheism on this popular "stickied" topic.


Default Re: Cosmotheist Ideology/Philosophy
To everyone reading this post, you might know me from my years on Stormfront and for my sometimes-graphic depictions and descriptions of our enemies.

I'm posting in this Thread because I decided to spend a few moments discussing Cosmotheism, and because I've recently had some questions asked me about Cosmotheism.

I recently became a member of the National Alliance because, as a pro-White organization, it simply made the most sense. That is an oversimplification of the organization, but it truly is a pro-White, extremely racially-conscious organization that is building a future for our great White race and building it in earnest. The National Alliance is pursuing the goals and objectives that were first created and developed by Dr. William L. Pierce, the founder of the National Alliance, and a true leader, educator, and brilliant revolutionary for the salvation, redemption, advancement, and return to glory of the White race in every sense. His legacy lives on in the National Alliance and in all its members.

Part of the reason I joined the National Alliance is because incorporated into the overall strategy of the organization is the religion of Cosmotheism. On the subject of religions, I am not one who is easily swayed, having been utterly disappointed with organized religions throughout my life--so disappointed, in fact, that until joining the National Alliance I was "religious-less," if that is even a word. Put another way, where religion was the issue, I was like the proverbial ship without a rudder.

Cosmotheism is not a revealed religion, but instead what Dr. Pierce called a "natural" religion. It rejects all of the claimed supernatural "revelations" that find their way onto shining golden plates or ancient scrolls, instead having its basis of the realities of Nature that our eyes--and the investigations of science--have confirmed. It offers no trite platitudes nor does it profess any, but instead it guides its followers to advance along a path of purpose and destiny for the White race.

Cosmotheism educates us in a genuine way to the fact that the most principled, the best, the noblest, and the most focused men and women of the White race will discover their purpose and strive, above all else, to advance that purpose along the path as they continue to develop their consciousness because deep inside all of us, in our race-soul, there is a source of divine wisdom, of ages-old wisdom, of wisdom as old as the Universe.

I realize that with this post I've likely created many more questions about Cosmotheism than I could have possibly answered.

Admittedly, I am a relative neophyte to the subject of Cosmotheism. And while a fast learner, I am still on an upward trajectory. However, I recently concluded reading the book, "Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future," by William Luther Pierce (Dr. Pierce). The completion of this book helped flatten my learning curve considerably.

The book was intensely spellbinding and powerfully educational. I was so captivated by the book that I read it in its entirety in three nights. While I did not absorb everything the book had to offer and teach, enough of its contents "stuck" so that I gained a fundamental knowledge of the underpinnings of Cosmotheism and why, as a religion, it is the most practical for a race as advanced and brilliant as our White race.

The two gentlemen who most often post in this Thread--Will Williams, our National Alliance Chairman; and Whiteheteromale, an esteemed, and incredibly knowledgeable member of the National Alliance--know infinitely more than me about Cosmotheism. Therefore, if you have questions about Cosmotheism that I cannot answer--and that is a distinct possibility--then I would encourage you to ask your questions of either of those gentlemen.

As a starting point, I would recommend purchasing the book, which is available from the Cosmotheism Church Bookstore.

Here is the link to the book itself: Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce – Cosmotheism

Of course if you are at all interested in membership in the National Alliance, here is the link to our Website. We make no promises nor do we hold out any false hope; but the National Alliance does offer the White man and White woman concrete solutions to serious, consequential problems that have been afflicting our White race for decades and even centuries. What is different about the National Alliance--and there are countless differences--is that the members are expected and required to take an active participation in all facets of the organization. "Grandstanding" and passivity are not acceptable, nor should they be tolerated. In its starkest terms, there is nothing more serious nor of greater gravity than the salvation of the White race.

The National Alliance Website: National Alliance | Toward a New Consciousness; a New Order; a New People

Realistically, at least presently, we do not expect to attract many of the "mainstream" Whites--those whose lives are currently too comfortable and too bound up in egoism, materialism, and selfishness to fight for their race. The National Alliance seeks racially-conscious, pro-White activist types--the types and kinds of White people who care and care deeply about our race and about the not-yet-born generations going forth for centuries and even millennia. The National Alliance purposely focuses its efforts on the the long-range future of our race--a future that is so far off in the distance that we can only imagine the even greater achievements and advancements of our White race thousands of years henceforth.

As our enemies' infrastructure weakens and its cracks become more apparent, and as the hypnotism erodes and fades because reality becomes too shocking to ignore, there is the likelihood that many Whites who had previously "straddled the fence" will become tolerant of our message, and even accepting, and will ultimately join our ranks.

I've been on Stormfront long enough, and met enough fellow members--if only through the technological wonders of the Internet--to know that there are exceptional White Nationalists who frequent this Site--White Nationalists who have the guts, temerity, fortitude, and foresight to make excellent National Alliance members. The fight for the salvation is not a fight that we can afford to lose; the fight for the salvation of the White race is not a fight that we WILL LOSE. It is up to us. The very future of our amazing White race depends upon us.
"The major cause of the American negro's intellectual and social deficits are hereditary and racially genetic in origin and thus not remedial to a major degree by any practical improvements in environment."

National Alliance: The future of your White race depends upon you:
League of the South: For the Confederacy and her White Southern people: League of The South
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by RCavallius » Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:49 pm

I've promoted the National Alliance on Stormfront a little bit, but since I don't have access to any of the good discussion threads, I can't do much.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Aug 02, 2022 12:22 am

RCavallius wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 11:49 pm
I've promoted the National Alliance on Stormfront a little bit, but since I don't have access to any of the good discussion threads, I can't do much.
Do what you can, then. The "best" might not be all that, you know. I've directed some SF members to the ("WINA") webpage from various subforums they're running there, and more than once did they go farther with us. One of my favorite methods is outreach to new members there, who haven't been corrupted by the various dead end schemes and pointless discussions of trivial matters, is akin to catching virgins, so to speak. By giving these "virgins" a good dose of our life-philosophy through the link using a short message tailored to their introductory post about our plans and goals and a sense of structure within all of that is operated, we're offering the best out there and by comparison others fall short. Granted, there's so much more than the WINA presents, but when other materials of ours are looked at by interested parties, the whole thing becomes clearer into view. Finding us here on WB offers the chance for newcomers to talk to us personally.

Using what's available and is of high interest to you at SF besides what I mentioned is a great way to perform outreach. Subforums that are for specialized topics ("Money and Finance" for example) offers an intelligent practitioner in that area to speak authoritatively on the topic and gain considerable respect for the expertise offered in that forum. That respect in turn can be used to sway others to give the National Alliance a look---or more.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Re: Promoting NA on less radical WN sites

Post by Grimork » Tue Aug 02, 2022 7:19 am

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Aug 01, 2022 10:53 pm
I'm so proud of our White Vengeance. I just saw that he had put up the long post below today on the Stormfront board as "robbinsville." He is a dedicated, natural recruiter and I expect his comment will have inspired some Stormfronters to take a closer look at NA and Cosmotheism, having tired of seeing mostly just me and Jim Mathias promoting Cosmotheism on this popular "stickied" topic.[/size]
Wow! I'm proud of him too. What a post. :) I've always had the impression of W_V of being a very intelligent, mature and capable individual. How could anyone on the fence not be swayed by such, is beyond me. :D

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