Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Internet

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by Wade Hampton III » Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:53 am



Martin Graves

Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by Martin Graves » Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:03 pm

Will Williams wrote:Please sign our latest WHITE HOUSE PETITIONS!

The petition texts read as follows:

Recognize the Confederate flag as equal to the official national flag of the United States of America
We hereby petition the White House to proclaim that the Confederate Flag is just as American and equal to the official flag of the United States of America and deserves the same rights, respect, and protection.

Declare the Supreme Court Justices insane and the sex pervert sodomist marriage ruling null and void.
We hereby petition the White House to proclaim that the recent sex pervert sodomist marriage ruling clearly proves that:
a) at least some U.S. Supreme Court justices are mentally insane,
b) they are hereby immediately removed from their posts and ordered sent
to a mental institution, and
c) their ruling is hereby declared null and void.

Simply click on the following and links and follow the instructions for each petition:

Save and Share this URL: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petit ... es-america
Save and Share this URL: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petit ... l-and-void

Note: You do NOT have to reveal your real identity or location!
Furthermore, Europeans and other non-U.S. citizens can also sign this
petition. We urge them to please do this!

Important: If we collect at least 150 signatures, that petition will be
displayed on the publicly viewable portion of the White House web-site.
Voting online seems like an interesting concept, but open to exploitation. I imagine the "signatures" and these petitions as a whole don't hold any legal weight? Because it wouldn't take much for someone to alter the outcome of the petition. Any guy or gal with a few minutes to spare could make a few temporary and disposable emails, and enter a random name each time. Perhaps the whitehouse.gov website stores cookies on voter's computers to prevent multiple signatures, but again, simply installing an add-on that deletes cookies as soon as you close the tab would effectively subvert that tactic as well.

It just seems to weird to me that a governmental website of all places couldn't see this as a potential threat.

And heh, I wonder who "A. H." is on both petitions...

EDIT: According to their Terms of Participation, it states that "[t]he White House may also block access from IP addresses that it has reasonable belief are using automated systems or bulk processes to create multiple user accounts or petition signatures". While this does sound acceptable in theory, in practice, any user with a proxy or preferably a VPN could circumvent that as well.

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Will Williams
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Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:39 pm

Martin Graves wrote:Voting online seems like an interesting concept...I imagine the "signatures" and these petitions as a whole don't hold any legal weight?

It just seems to weird to me that a governmental website of all places couldn't see this as a potential threat.
It's just an online petition. It holds no weight [ZERO], even if 100,000 riled up netizens sign on. It's certainly not a threat to anyone.

Just helping a fellow WN who asked to pass the information about the petitions on to others. Thanks for signing, Wade.

This hardly rates as activism. :)

Just checked out of curiosity and 28 folks have signed the Confederat flag petition since announced here. A whopping 13 have signed the SCOTUS one since then. At least they are inching toward the 150 required to have them noticed on the WH site.

A couple of years ago there was a lot of buzz about these White House petitions because all fifty states had put up ones calling for secession from the U.S. Some of the states actually reached the 25,000 threshold that forced Obama's administration to respond: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_stat ... _secession After that is when the threshold for a WH response jumped to 100,000 signatures.

If we could vote our way out of this mess, the Jew would make voting illegal.-Tom Metzger
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

David York

Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by David York » Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:14 pm

I agree, signing a petition is pretty bogus. Does anyone seriously think the White House is going to respond favorably to any petitions? I seriously doubt it. It's laughable to even believe that would work. What might work would be if a thousand or 10,000 White people gathered on the Capitol and protested. That might catch the attention of the Mass Media.. Nothing that's done in writing will accomplish anything. People have to come out and physically do something.

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Will Williams
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Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:45 pm

DanielOlj79 wrote:I agree, signing a petition is pretty bogus. Does anyone seriously think the White House is going to respond favorably to any petitions? I seriously doubt it. It's laughable to even believe that would work. What might work would be if a thousand or 10,000 White people gathered on the Capitol and protested. That might catch the attention of the Mass Media.. Nothing that's done in writing will accomplish anything. People have to come out and physically do something.
Face-to-face petitions where an activist can meet White folks, get their signatures, chat with them and get their contact information, are valid.


I once set up a gun show booth back in 1986 and collected the signatures, names and addresses, phone numbers of 1,100+ White people to "protect our 2d Amendment rights" in one weekend, as I handed out leaflets. I sent copies of that homemade petition to the governor of NC and both NC U.S. senators. Nothing much came of that, except that I got all those people's contact information for followups, and caught the attention of other activists. I was contacted by A.J. Barker who chaired the NC chapter of the CoCC (Council of Conservative Citizens) -- which was big in the Carolinas back then. He was impressed soon made me Executive Director of CoCC for NC. I then was in a position to meet all sorts of other activists from our region and from all around the country at CoCC national conventions. All from making up a "bogus" petition. :D

It was a couple of years later that I learned about Dr. Pierce and the National Alliance. All of us have to get our starts somewhere.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

David York

Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by David York » Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:23 pm

I was referring to online petitions, and this trend where White Nationalists think that signing online petitions at the white house website will make a difference. Face to face petitions is a different story. It's always better to make contact with people in real life then to search for people online that would probably online participate in online activism. That's great that you were able to gather so many people together and get their contact information. I think networking skills are the key to getting this done and I see that you're activism is impressive to say the least. I know it's probably hard to call forth dedicated people that will follow your lead when it is time to take action, but I guess a person that can get people together is what makes a great leader, and clearly you exemplify that trait.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness to Alliance of the Intern

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Jan 08, 2018 1:35 am

It's my belief that all Cosmotheists are mandated to be involved in the 'activism' aspect of Our Cause as much as our abilities, resources, and time permit every day of our lives. On that basis I was digging around this part of the forum in search of some useful nuggets of knowledge to apply in the future.

In this particular thread I found the following thoughts I felt best repeated:
Cosmotheist: The key to our own success in this as in anything in life is "self-discipline" and keeping the goal of any such efforts
always in mind: Getting the word out with "high-quality" information that also "inspires" our people to "do the right
thing" and by "leading by example".
Will Williams: I once set up a gun show booth back in 1986 and collected the signatures, names and addresses, phone numbers of 1,100+ White people to "protect our 2d Amendment rights" in one weekend, as I handed out leaflets. I sent copies of that homemade petition to the governor of NC and both NC U.S. senators. Nothing much came of that, except that I got all those people's contact information for followups, and caught the attention of other activists...

In the first post, 'Cosmotheist' was referring to bulletin board postings where Whites who may be sympathetic towards our message may be found, and I believe this is very good advice for whatever we're attempting to do in outreach efforts. The second quote by Will Williams I thought was another great idea for making personal contact! Someone else in a different thread mentioned using surveys as well, another very useful idea for those who have a talent for wording such things. I think I'm going to start some threads based on this in order to pick the brains of WB's best. :D
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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