Commenting on Counter-Currents site

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Will Williams
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jul 27, 2024 7:50 pm

I think Miss Lexi might like me: ... tionalism/ :)

Lexi [quoting me]: July 27, 2024 Any White who claims to be a Christian nationalist must, by definition. put his imaginary “King of the Jews,” Christ Jesus, ahead of the interests of his racial nation.
Indeed, and we’ll need to weed out the secular humanists, too. Let’s require any potential WN leader to bow down and worship Baphomet, and maybe throw a non-White infant or two into the fires of Gehenna, so we can be sure our leaders have not one ounce of human empathy, or even abstract principles, that might tie their hands.

Will Williams: July 28, 2024
Lexi: July 27, 2024 Let’s require any potential WN leader to bow down and worship Baphomet...

Let’s not. I had to look that one up.

WikiJews say “Modern scholars agree that the name of Baphomet was an Old French corruption of the name ‘Mohammed’.”
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:54 am

More of the important discussion about so-called Christian nationalism -- what Ben Klassen described as having one foot on the accelerator and the other pressed hard on the brake: ... tionalism/

Will Williams: July 28, 2024
Brother-Argyle: July 28, 2024 As a white [sic] nationalist and an Orthodox Christian myself, I appreciate the range of thoughts and opinions on CC... Let [others] flourish in their own sphere and I’ll flourish in mine.

Thanks, Brother. Jews love it when their Aryan goyim are gathered in a big tent with a majority of us believing in one form or another of their pie-in-the-sky escapist creed. It’s good that at least a few of us are welcomed, if reluctantly, into the tent to show our people a different path, a better path that is race-centered — not universalist — grounded in reality and that conforms to the eternal laws of Mother Nature rather than to the <cough!> Chosenites’ suicidal Abrahamic creed.
Jakobin: July 28, 2024 Anti-christians seem to forget that supersessionism is a belief that exists, and that it was in fact the common belief among christians until the protestant revolt. We simply need to return to that, not to some pagan LARP upending all of the west’s moral foundations for no real good reason.

I’ll stipulate to being anti-Christian and anti-Jew. I have no idea what a LARP is or what supersessionism is. I prefer plain talk and don’t care to learn what they are.

I know my people were White long before protesting Jew-hater Martin Luther came along and much longer before the “common belief” against he was protesting.

If Americans truly believe in “religious liberty,” when there is a significant majority of racially loyal Whites rejecting the Christian slave religion and its imaginary Semitic deity and embrace a superior belief system, then their parasitic Jewish masters will slither back under the big, heavy rock where they belong.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:18 pm

A couple more comments in the necessary Christian nationalist camp vs. biological racist debate, from a biological racist: ... tionalism/

Will Williams: July 29, 2024
Hamburger Today: July 28, 2024
Christians within White Nationalism keep trying to sell ‘Christianity’ to White Nationalists because they have utterly failed to sell ‘White Nationalism’ to Christians.

A near perfect word grenade, HT. Too long for a bumper sticker, but would look nice done in needlepoint, framed under glass.
Johnny Do-Something: July 28, 2024 For every Acts 17:26 there’s a Galatians 3:28.


Ah! Dueling Scriptures, a silly game I don’t play. However, if a Christling insists, I might quote Galatians 4:16 to him from the King James edition of his Bible:

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:17 pm

The conversation changed from the merits and demerits of Christianity to building a White community: ... tionalism/ So I introduced Douglas Mercer's 23 July, outstanding essay here on WB, titled "The National Alliance" (changed to "The Vessel" by Kevin Strom when he posted it to NV the following day.)

Will Williams: July 29, 2024 Your comment is awaiting moderation.
John: July 29, 2024 Hamburger Today, We are 100+ million & we can’t even have our own community!  How pathetic… There is no problem we can’t solve.  We need to put our heads together… 

John, some of us have already put our heads together and have carefully been building our own exclusive physical community made up of determined like-minded pro-White citizens working together. It helps that our model community is in a precinct that is already nearly 100% White.

Our community is not virtual like other groups who simply do podcasts and offer articles on their Websites where supporters, mostly anonymous, comment, maybe send the site owners some money from time to time. That is not effectively organizing our people for the long term.

Our top tier writer, Douglas Mercer wrote these words earlier this month, here: The Vessel” at…
…[T]he impulse to separate, to keep oneself pure, is a noble one; and the National Alliance has first and foremost kept its thought pure with its book Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future and its other equally uncompromising publications; it is building this separate community, and building a library dedicated to its founder and its ideals; it is a community dedicated to keeping the White race pure, and keeping it separate.

Any hope for the future depends upon us being thus separate — in more ways than one; the world today is addicted to its phones and its money and its greed, and is mired in corruption; it has no culture to speak of; it is steeped in immorality and degeneration and degradation; its rulers are vampires and bloodsuckers when they are not inept stooges; it is a world with no beliefs other than “lifestyles” or “comfort” — a fake world of the Potemkin Village. It preaches a weak form of “love and tolerance” and has race-mixing as its credo. It has no purpose and no goal, other than political or economic domination; as such, it is a desecration of our lovely blue Earth.

Unlike all previous Utopias or intentional communities the National Alliance community is bound to succeed; the blood is pure, and the thinking is pure. And it has aligned itself correctly with the cosmos and the Creator of the cosmos; when the time is right and ripe, this perfect confluence will bear its fruit.

Indeed, so rotten is the world from which we have separated ourselves, it will collapse from within, having no vision and no goal except to produce more and more trash of all kinds.

As such, the National Alliance is uniquely positioned to be the inheritor of the Earth and to achieve the only thing that matters in the end: victory. That is the eternal flame that has been burning brightly since our people first fanned out across the world, since our great artists and thinkers and explorers and leaders imprinted themselves on the Earth, this one and only true fire, the fire that belongs to us and our god, is in the best hands possible. We have not forgot it and we have not failed it; and the future will one day be wide open…
The National Alliance is not for all Whites, but for a minority of a minority who are seeking an uncompromising, wholesome community, and are inspired by Mr. Mercer’s words to feel that there actually is one. “What is the National Alliance?” at
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jul 30, 2024 12:19 pm

No sooner than I saw and replied to Lady Strange's comment about Faith and Heritage, which if I'm not mistaken promotes a nuttier version of Christianity, than when John, who I do not know, weighed in today with his promotion of Cosmotheism, the religion of the future for our people: ... tionalism/ -- an opportunity to promote our Cosmotheist Bible.

Will Williams: July 30, 2024
Lady Strange: July 28, 2024 I liked to read Faith and Heritage, even if I think that Christianism never had the doctrinal capacity to be used as a basis for racial preservation… In fact, you can find everything and it’s contrary in the Bible concerning the races… It was sad when Faith and Heritage ceased to exist.

Thanks, Lady. I’ve never heard of the book or the blog called Faith and Heritage, but assume it’s Christian. In searching for F&H there seems to have a connection to British Israelism and Christian Identity — an ideology incredibly opposed to my own, so I’m not saddened that it ceased to exist.

WikiJews,, of course, define Christian Identity as a white (sic) supremacist ideology since those who style themselves Identists criticize Jews. They believe, according to Wiki:

…[T]hat the serpent in the story of the Fall was not a reptile, but the Devil himself, that the seedline of Cain came through a union of Satan (the serpent) and Eve, and that the Jews were descended from this unholy line and thus had a natural propensity for evil.[16]

So, Identists believe that Jews are the product of the union between Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Really? That is strange. When I have time I’ll try to read Gregory Hood’s essay “Why Christianity Can’t Save Us.”
* * * * *

Will Williams: July 30, 2024
John: July 30, 2024 Cosmotheism is the religion of upward evolution. Cosmotheism is the religion of European Peoples & its Civilization. Cosmotheism is the religion of reality and science. Cosmotheism is the religion of God — the real God, whose true words are mathematics, physics, and genetics.

Thanks for that, John. Anyone interested in more about Cosmotheism might like to get the recently published Bible: “Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce” at

“Deep inside all of us, in our race-soul, there is a source of divine wisdom, of ages-old wisdom, of wisdom as old as the Universe. That is the wisdom, the truth, of Cosmotheism. It is a truth of which most of us have been largely unconscious all our lives, but which now we have the opportunity to understand clearly and precisely.”

Thus William Pierce bids men and women of European race to understand ourselves and our purpose.

Dr. William Luther Pierce’s Cosmotheism is not a revealed religion, but is instead what he called a natural religion: It rejects all of the claimed supernatural “revelations” which find their way onto shining golden plates or ancient scrolls, instead having its basis in the realities of Nature that our eyes — and the investigations of science — have confirmed. In the drama of the evolution of life from non-living matter, and of higher and more conscious beings from lower forms of life, William Pierce sees a path of purpose and destiny for us…
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:56 am

Fred Reed gives a report on his travels years ago in China: ... low-peril/ Dr. Pierce told us about a disgusting aspect of Chinese culture that Mr. Reed won't

Fionn McCool: July 30, 2024 The Chinese attitude towards animals is REPULSIVE. Where’s my nigga Rich Houck on this? Would be a good subject for him.

Unaware of your nigga reporter. Maybe Western journalist Fred Reed can give us an update about this one shocking aspect of lovely Chinese culture. Dr. William Pierce informed us 23 years ago about what some Chinese eat besides cats and dogs:

…A number of hospitals in China that perform abortions sell the aborted fetuses for eating. The smaller fetuses are cooked in a soup. The late-term fetuses are eaten more like roast suckling pig. The Chinese government understandably is a little bashful about having Western journalists publicize this sort of thing, just as it is bashful about having Western journalists film what the Chinese do to cats and dogs. Not to worry, though: Western journalists understand that it would be the worst kind of “no, no” to publish such information in the West; it might dampen the public’s enthusiasm for more togetherness with the Chinese… I recently acquired photographs taken in a restaurant in China of a Chinese man eating what is quite plainly recognizable as a late-term human fetus. The photographs are shocking and disgusting to me, and I imagine that they also will be shocking and disgusting to the average American lemming. They won’t be shocking to Chinese, of course. Eating fetuses is no stranger to them than, say, the habit of eating snails in garlic sauce is to a Frenchman.

The significance I see in the Chinese habit of eating fetuses, even if only the wealthier Chinese can afford them, is more than simply a difference between us and the Chinese in culinary tastes or in ideas of what’s healthy. A society that sees nothing wrong in eating babies, a race that finds this habit acceptable, is profoundly different from ours. The difference is far deeper than language or skin color or facial features.

Source: “Shocking Differences” at
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jul 31, 2024 1:53 pm

WB was down for a while yesterday so a couple of my comments at C-C couldn't be reposted here. But here's a response I made to Mr. "Hamburger Today" who thinks he knows about intentional White communities (in this topic on Christian nationalism, no less -- ... tionalism/) but clearly does not. He replied to this one and I'll try to respond to it now that I have finished the July NA BULLETIN:

Will Williams: July 31, 2024
Hamburger Today: July 30, 2024 …In my view, the best plan [for building exclusive White communities] involves no fanfare about ‘White separatism’ or anything else.

BTW, there are a number of ‘intentional communities’ out there. One is described by Will Williams in his response to you. There are others in the Pacific Northwest and in the Ozarks.

Thanks for the nod, HT. I’m interested in any plan to build exclusive White communities so we can compare them. I’m familiar with the one I’ve explained a little about here because I live in it. It’s not “public.” but it certainly is White separatist and exclusive without fanfare.

What are those others you mention? Is the Pacific Northwest one Harold Covington’s NorthWestFront (NWF) by chance. Thankfully, that fraud died with Covington in 2018. You must be referring to another community. Perhaps one that is Christian nationalist. Pastor Richard Butler’s Church of Jesus Christ Christian had the Northwest Territorial Imperative, but it was destroyed by the SPLC — that’s when Covington tried to revive NTI as his NWF scam (see WikiJew entry for that).

The Ozarks community you mention, is that the Harrison Arkansas KKK group? If not, please tell me so I can compare it to our National Alliance’s Southern Appalachian community. The Ozarks region is generally located in Arkansas and Missouri.

Our SPLC hate watchdogs tell us this: “Law Center: 22 hate, patriot, militia groups in Ozarks” at SPLC’s “intelligence” is a little outdated now but perhaps the White Ozarks community(s) you have in mind are on the SPLC’s “hate Map”?
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, in Montgomery, Ala., there were 22 hate, patriot or militia groups active in the Ozarks in 2013.
Being on the list does not mean a group advocates or engages in violence.

The law center reviews publications, websites, citizen and law enforcement reports, news items and uses people in the field to track groups and determine if they are active.

Hate group activities include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing.

Websites that appear to be the work of a single individual, rather than a group, are not included on the list. The law center identified 939 active hate groups in 2013 in the United States, of which 23 were in Missouri. That puts the state tied with Illinois for the 14th highest number of groups. Arkansas has 24 and is ranked 13th… blah, blah, blah!

So, of the 47 alleged “hate groups” in Missouri and Arkansas, 22 of them are considered to be in the Ozarks. One hate group that was located in West Virginia got too successful, so the SPLC, using the courts, destroyed it. Read about that here: “Editor’s Update” at
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:11 pm

Let's talk exclusive intentional White communities with someone who is out of his depth when discussing the subject with me, or about what our National Alliance/Cosmotheist community is: ... tionalism/

Will Williams: July 31, 2024
Hamburger Today: July 31, 2024 I was, in fact, thinking of the remnants of the Northwest Front. The other one’s I’m thinking of is Billy Roper’s promotion of ‘Ozarkia’ independent of his CI operations and the ShieldWall Network. ‘JohnYoungE’ over on Gab seems to have been working on a completely sub rosa pro-White political-economic zone.


Your examples of intentional White communities besides the National Alliance’s are weak, but make sense under this topic on Christian nationalism.

GAB is 100% Christian nationalist for sure. The so-called remnants of the well-documented fraud Harold Covington NWF scam are non-existent, and Billy Roper’s Ozarks plan, whatever it is, will certainly be grounded in Christian Identity, so you are dead wrong to compare and lump those three weak examples in with our Alliance’s real-world, brick and mortar community.

You say NA’s is “public,” but only to the extent one can learn a little about it in our online magazine, like here, with bits and pieces from our monthly National Alliance members BULLETIN from five years ago: “Progress: The William Luther Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center” at

Dr. Pierce first visualized what our communities would be like 50 years ago, here, and it is not Christian nationalist: “Frequently Asked Questions about the Cosmotheist Community Church” at

I hear the Odinists’ Asatru outfit and spin-offs, are attempting to build a community or maybe several, More power to them. But how will they stand up to the Jews with their Odinist beliefs? I also hear they have run into some serious difficulties. Maybe you can enlighten us.

I also want to make clear what I mean by ‘public’. The facility (sic) that NA/CoC runs is ‘public’ in the sense that the NA/CoC is relatively open about its existence and its purposes. Others, like NWF remain open as to their purposes, but more circumspect about the specifics of location and participation. Roper’s Ozarkia concept is very similar to the Butler Plan but in the Ozarks rather than the Pacific Northwest. However, ‘Ozarkia’ is also more free-form. If you’re White, just show up and start being White in one of the Whitest parts of the country…

When one finds (as I have recently encountered on Substack) Bitcoin Maximalists appealing specifically to Whites in their descriptions of a ‘Bitcoin Future’…

[Free-form] ‘Ozarkia’ is kind of a ‘show up and be a Useful Pro-White Person’ is very different from the kinds of commitment NA/CoC requires of its participants…


That highlighted portion of your ignorant appraisal of exclusively White community-building could be your overstated misrepresentation of the year, HT. “Show up and be useful”? Really? A Bitcoin community? You are kidding, right? Mr. Torba’s “Christ is King” community? Go for that one if you worship Yahweh.

I see that Covington’s “circumspect” NWF plan is still online, though his “remnants” have not updated it for a couple of years: “White Book 6th Edition 2022.pdf” at

…The NF is the foremost group working within the racially responsible community for the creation of a Homeland, although there are other affinity groups and circles working toward the same goal, some of them predating the Northwest Front. The NF is centered around the moral and practical principles found in the Northwest independence novels of H. A. Covington, but these books are not considered to be some kind of holy writ… There is no one central group or leader advocating White migration to the Pacific Northwest, nor should there be. One head is too easy for our racial enemies to cut off…

NF was never a community but an imaginary migration into the liberal Seattle, Washington, where Covington was holed up in his apartment, penning “moral principles” into his fiction. Racial enemies didn’t have to cut Covington’s head off. Once he died his NWF scam died with him.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:18 pm

Riki-Eiki confirms what Dr. Pierce taught us and gives his personal account of the fetus-eating practice from his time in China: ... low-peril/

Will Williams: August 1, 2024
Riki-Eiki: July 31, 2024 I, for one, vouch for the veracity of Dr. Pierce’s account, based on a direct personal experience. When I was working and living in China, a female acquaintance of mine.. told me that [fetuses] were sort of precious and hard-to-obtain because in the hospital she worked many doctors were desirous of and competed for them for either their own consumption or to meet the requests from their family relatives or close friends…

Good for you for rejecting that marriage proposal.

So, the Chinese practice of not only eating household pets but also of human fetuses is widely known and accepted in China. Why haven’t some Western (read: Jew-owned) investigative media like 60 Minutes covered such a well-known practice to their American pet-loving audience? Americans should be made to know that their pets should be protected from their new Chinese immigrant neighbors.

As I recall now, this episode occurred in mid 2000s.

I visited Hong Kong in 1968 and found the citizenry friendly enough, but it was their job to be friendly to the GIs there for a week’s R&R (Rest & Relaxation) respite from the war in Vietnam. It was all about the natives competing for our money before we flew back to the war zone — and generously spend that blood money we did.

I never felt among my own with the Vietnamese, Thai or Cambodians that I spent considerably more time with than Chinese; they are all racial aliens. I occasionally enjoy a Chinese-style stir-fry meal but don’t need a Chinaman to cook one for me. I can do that myself in one of their woks.
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Re: Commenting on Counter-Currents site

Post by Will Williams » Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:28 pm

Morris van de Camp reviews a book that makes the case that America was begun in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607, not in 2019 with the so-called 1619 Project: ... -was-born/ I get a chance to boast of my own ancestors' early 16th century beginnings. No brag, just fact. :D

Will Williams: August 1, 2024 at 10:18 pm
The earliest Anglo colony in what is now the United States was in Jamestown, Virginia, which was first settled in 1607. The first colonists of Virginia were young men from prominent families… By 1620, when the Mayflower arrived in Plymouth colony, Virginia had already developed a culture derived from southwestern England… It is from Jamestown that America as we know it today first emerged…

The sub-Saharan-centric view of the 1619 Project is obviously absurd…The 1619 Project is just part of a larger lie….


Thank you for this, Morris.

The larger lie of which the 1619 Project is part is, like you say, Jew and Negro feel good “history,” no more valid than Juneteenth, Kwanza. or MLK Day.

I am proud of my own family history, for what it is worth. My mother and her sister, my aunt, were always active in the First Families of Virginia, claiming an ancestor among the first English settlers at Jamestown in 1607.

I only learned two years ago, when presented with the family tree of my fraternal line, that ancestor Thomas Savage arrived in Jamestown in January of 1608. “He was adopted as a son by Powhatan, the Indian king, and was the first Englishman to master the Indian language.”

Oddly enough, also listed in the Williams genealogy is Richard Warren, who arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts, aboard the Mayflower in 1620 and was the 12th signer of the Mayflower Compact. I’ve never been to Jamestown but visited Plymouth Rock around 18 years ago and was fascinated by just how small the replica of the Mayflower, docked. there, is. What wild Atlantic crossings those must have been for my courageous English pioneer ancestors to both Jamestown and to Plymouth — those early voyages were 100% White things.

To hell with nigger history. Who needs it?
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