Lord Shang: February 11, 2024 Will Williams, You should learn from Greg Johnson on these matters…
I am trying to learn from Greg. He’s smarter than I and way more educated. So are a lot of other people. What I’ve learned and like to share from my 40 years of experience with top White leaders, especially William Pierce, shouldn’t be seen as any sort of “infighting,” but as providing the alternative to the “big tent” approach that you apparently advocate. I could probably even learn a thing or two from you, but it seems to me that you are headed where I’ve already been, Lord.
I’m not here to argue with you or to compare my “movement” credentials with yours. Greg provides an excellent platform for discussion of racial matters.
Reversing the alien destruction as well as white (sic) self-destruction of our dying race is an all-hands-on-deck matter…
Our movement, that is the National Alliance’s, is not a mass movement. It is the tried-and-true vanguard strategy. It is sound. Your all-hands-on-deck approach is the big tent. The great majority of White “hands” do not care a whit about preservation of their race. You must know that. Try organizing the millions of Whites who watched the Super Bowl tonight to dedicate themselves to White preservation. “Herding cats” comes to mind.
Dr. Pierce was not one to compromise on fundamentals. He answered this important question about the big tent approach nearly 50 years ago and it is still valid: Why Don’t All the Pro-White Organizations Unite? | National Vanguard
There exists a vast multitude of human personality types, people with different skills, talents, outlooks, preferences, and approaches. ALL types working for white [sic] preservation should be welcomed to the task. If “Paul Kersey” wants to devote himself heroically to exposing black crime and the black-caused ruin of huge swaths of urban America, what kind of character would criticize those efforts simply because he doesn’t deal with the JQ, or perhaps even view it as you do?
What exactly is the JQ, Lord? A question should have an answer. My answer is the seven words that were found on our National Alliance’s weekly radio show yesterday, here: Love Your Race 2024 | National Vanguard
“An unnamed adversary will always remain unconquered.”
If you and Mr. Kersey and others think that just naming Blacks as the main racial adversary, and not the powerful Jews behind them, then more power to you. You at least are “throwing bait.” But you shouldn’t criticize those of us who are Jew-wise, focus on the Jewish Question and provide answers to it.
PK is doing more to awaken his fellow mind-enslaved whites (sic) than 99.99% of his brethren. (And Ron Unz is a brilliant and righteous Jew who has produced excellent work in historical revisionism, and whose website is exemplary in defending freedom of speech and producing edgy content.).
If you say so. Multi-millionaire Ronald Keeva Unz is ineligible for NA membership. Our members like it that way. He could support NA but that will never happen.
I’ve been fighting for white (sic] preservation possibly for as long or longer than you have, though obviously not as comprehensively or publicly. I saw my role decades ago as trying to insinuate myself into the GOP so as to move it in a more immigration-restrictionist direction. (Whining about the JQ will do absolutely nothing to save White America, including via the eventual creation of an ethnostate, unless the Third World immigration invasion is first halted, something heroes like Jared Taylor, Peter Brimelow and other race and political realists well understand.) I did a lot of work, paid and unpaid, towards that end. My successes were limited, obviously, but I was very involved in the successful fight for 1994’s CA Prop 187, the anti-illegal alien welfare initiative (we won that battle, until a Jewish Federal judge appointed by Carter overturned it).
So, you didn’t win, you lost. Your efforts were Jewed.
While I’m not nearly as JQ-obsessed or extreme as you are, had I even broached the JQ at all, it would have instantaneously killed any chance I might have had to work my way up the GOP hierarchy so as perhaps one day to acquire a measure of real influence within the party.
So how’s that been going for you, working your way up the GOP hierarchy? Do you really believe the GOP will end the replacement of the founding stock of White America with non-White invaders? Really? Which Republicans are leading that effort? Can you name even one Republican politician that supports White separation from the multi-racial mess, much less one who names the Jew? They are all too busy working their way up the GOP hierarchy
We have to pick our battles carefully. And we must choose a correct sequence of battle. Unless we halt nonwhite immigration, legal and illegal, there is little possibility of a future peaceful separation (for those whites [sic] who want it; many love diversity). And given the sheer destruction that a civil war would entail, such that very few whites [sic], myself included, would be willing to support one (and thus I don’t expect there to be one, unless some future antifa-BLM instigated riots spin out of public authority’s control), without peaceful separation – ie, without persuading progressives and moderates that the best path towards future civil peace is to let “those nasty Trump supporters” have their Red State secession, to be followed by the mainstream conservatives buying their own civil peace by letting “those nasty white [sic] nationalists” carve out an Ethnostate – the future is guaranteed to be a miscegenated America relentlessly declining into Third World behavioral, economic, and political, as well as racial, status.
So, imo, the bulk of our efforts for now should be directed towards the immigration disaster, and, secondarily, relentlessly supporting law enforcement against (mostly black) violent street crime. There is considerable support for shutting down immigration, as well as getting tough on crime. Doing both would hugely serve white [sic] (and legitimate nonwhite) interests.
I see.
Making the JQ a main issue now, OTOH, would be a deleterious distraction. Of course, if that’s what you wish to do, more power to you. But don’t go around insulting other white [sic] patriots who have different analyses of how to proceed, or who have different areas they wish to focus on. The National Alliance is only one part, and a small one at that, of the broad movement to prevent white [sic] extinction.
Thank you, Lord. You assume that the Alliance is part of the “broad movement.” We are not. Don’t take it as an insult if I say you are not familiar at all with the National Alliance’s long-term strategy of separation of like-minded eligible Whites from the multiracial, Judaized mob. Those who may be interested in that will find it here: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance (natall.com)