Important Qualities in a Leader

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Important Qualities in a Leader

Post by RCavallius » Tue Oct 05, 2021 2:54 am

Adolf Hitler wrote that the first precondition of leadership is popularity. This is true. Yet there are many inner characteristics that a man must possess if he is to be a competent leader. We know that intelligence, charisma, and good character are important qualities in a leader, but let us examine some other aspects of leadership which are sometimes overlooked.
Leading is not easy. Many want to lead, yet few are truly capable of doing so. Among other things, a leader must know from experience what it means to be led - that is to say, in order to lead, one must first learn to follow. Those who have not disciplined themselves to take orders from commanders rarely have the self-discipline to control themselves when given a bit of power.
A leader must also be able to deal effectively with different personalities. Any large organization is inevitably going to be comprised of a wide array of personality types. Leaders have to be able to appeal to and communicate with these individuals in order to ensure not only that they remain committed to the organization's mission, but that they all work together cohesively. This goes together with another important trait of a good leader: he must know how and when to delegate. Delegation means not merely handing off tasks, but choosing wisely those who are capable of performing them, and it means refraining from any attempt to micromanage the activity once the task has been assigned.
A leader must never show favoritism to certain 'preferred' individuals working under him. It is a mistake to let personal likes or dislikes interfere with the day-to-day operation of the organization, not least because of the ill will it can cause within the ranks. Therefore, promotions should be based entirely on merit and discipline must be enforced for all rules violations whether the violator be quite likable or not.
In the same vein, a good leader is always ready to heed advice from his captains and lieutenants. He makes heavy use of plebiscites and is always in touch with the general sentiments of those who make up the bulk of the organization. The better the leader, the more seriously he will take his advisors.
A leader must also be able to make tough decisions. Sometimes he will be faced with a situation in which there are no good options; every choice seems like a bad one. This was precisely the situation faced by Adolf Hitler during the war. The leader has to know how to handle these trials and do his best to make the choice which is the best given the circumstances. This can be very difficult. In many cases, weak or inexperienced leaders will try to avoid making any decision at all, which only exacerbates the problem.
These are only a few of the important qualities one must possess to be a great leader. But while I could list some more, I'd like to get the opinions of others on this subject. Which qualities do you consider important in a leader? Please share!

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Important Qualities in a Leader

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:04 am

Which qualities do you consider important in a leader?
To name one:
Being a "doer" rather than a talker.
Having communication skills is necessary up and down an organization, but those who actually accomplish a task and do it well rate high in my book.

Let's say you have a great idea that fits into the larger picture and deserves action then planning it out, beginning work, showing progress, and completing the job is leadership.

Sitting around and talking about it endlessly ("we should do this or that") and demanding others do the task while failing to lift a finger not.
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Re: Important Qualities in a Leader

Post by fluxmaster » Tue Oct 05, 2021 11:00 am

A corollary of being able to deal with different personalities is knowing how to motivate people, because different people are motivated by different things. Some people are motivated more by praise, whereas others are motivated more by criticism. Criticism will make the first group discouraged, while praise will make the second group complacent. The best bosses that I've worked for are those that knew what motivated each of their subordinates and treated them accordingly.

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Re: Important Qualities in a Leader

Post by RCavallius » Wed Oct 06, 2021 2:04 am

Two great answers...

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