White activism in the news Apr-Oct 2019

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Jim Mathias
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White activism in the news Apr-Oct 2019

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:31 am

https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comm ... ers_found/

White Nationalist/Neo-Nazi group stickers found posted in Federal Hill today
Identity Evropa sticker
Identity Evropa sticker
fedhillIEsticker4_8_2019.jpg (93.32 KiB) Viewed 7492 times
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Re: White activism from Ogden UT in the news

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Apr 09, 2019 12:38 am

https://www.abc4.com/news/local-news/st ... 1901258417
Stickers of white supremacy group found on Weber State University campus
By: Rosie Nguyen
Posted: Apr 04, 2019 08:24 PM MDT

Updated: Apr 04, 2019 08:24 PM MDT

OGDEN (ABC4 News) - Weber State University students say they want better communication from administrators after stickers from a white supremacy group were found around campus this week.

"My heart just sank because it happened last spring and last fall. I was just like, ‘Again? We have to experience this again?’ It makes me sick. It makes me sad," said JaLisa Lee, President of WSU Black Scholars United

"I was angry. I mean, I’ve seen this all over. But actually seeing it with my own eyes, it was really disturbing and there’s so many students of color on this campus that I’ve talked to. They feel like the campus is not doing enough to protect them," said student Zach Thomas.

Adrienne Gillespie Andrews, WSU Assistant Vice President for Diversity said they took action immediately.

"The best way we can respond is by making sure our students, faculty, and staff feel safe. So we immediately set up white boards in our Union building to collect input and information," said Gillespie Andrews. "We really want to make sure they have an opportunity to express how they’re feeling on campus. Do they feel safe? Do they feel like they belong?"

Thursday afternoon, Gillespie Andrews invited students to the Shepherd Union to have a conversation about what happened. They expressed frustration that five days later, university officials still hadn't release a campus-wide statement about the stickers.

"It’s handled, but I don’t think it was like how other schools handled it. Like the University of Utah, they made it aware that this was not allowed and I wish statements would have been made," said Lee. "I just wish the school would do more to advocate for these types of things, especially if they are being targeted towards multiple groups on campus."

University officials said one of the reasons why they have not issued a statement is because they did not want to give more exposure or notoriety to the Patriot Front group.

"I agree with that. But it’s making this group think, ‘Oh, it’s OK because the school isn’t doing anything about it, so let’s keep posting these flyers and stickers,'" said Lee.

"I absolutely think that’s valid. We don’t want to give them more credibility or any more attention. But we absolutely have to keep our eyes on condemning this action," said Thomas.

Gillespie Andrews said the university wants to focus on giving all students a platform to voice their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs so that they can work constructively to understand one another.

"We try really hard to create open forums for people to share their perspectives, including ones where there might be great disagreement," she said. "We think the folks who put these messages up are unlikely to be students because we try to make it a safe space to have those conversations if those are the things that you believe."

When asked about free speech, she said officials are committed to upholding it, but only when it's done through proper channels.

"The speech that occurred this week does not fall into those perimeters. It was posted without any approval. It was posted inappropriately. It damaged property. When people are posting not only hate speech or speech that could be questionable without going through the proper channels, that has to be taken down," said Gillespie Andrews.

"It’s on the university’s shoulders to either release a statement or at least tell the students that they know this is going on and they’re taking concrete steps to take care of it," said Thomas.
So with their permission, they're upholding "free speech" but there's some "free speech" that they simply will not allow. There's a word for this...
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Re: White activism around LA in the news Apr-Oct 2019

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:45 am

https://laist.com/2019/04/08/how_white_ ... und_la.php
How White Supremacists Are Recruiting Educated 'Normies' Around LA

White supremacist propaganda has been showing up at an alarming rate throughout Southern California, on college and high school campuses and in communities, according to experts, who say much of it is part of hate groups' efforts to find new members.

"There's been a major recruiting effort in the white supremacy, white nationalist movement over the past few years, especially in California," said Lowell Smith, a former terrorism liaison officer for the Orange County Probation Department.

Smith and other experts say California, with its increasingly diverse population and left-of-center politics, has become a breeding ground for hate groups reaching out to young people, particularly disaffected young men and boys who might be susceptible to fears stoked by anti-immigrant rhetoric.

But unlike the criminal skinheads that Smith once supervised as a probation officer, newer white supremacist groups are making a push to reach out to the mainstream, with softer messages that don't necessarily incorporate overt hate symbols or language.

"They're looking for the educated people, not the uneducated, and not the criminals," said Smith, who's now a criminologist studying extremist groups at La Sierra University in Riverside.

"You're talking about people who have legitimate jobs, or college students, college graduates," he said. "And then, they try to use that base to legitimize their movement."


Local college campuses like Saddleback College and UC Irvine are among those hit recently with white supremacist propaganda.

On the leafy Saddleback campus, where posters typically advertising things like concerts and tutoring hang along walkways connecting the campus, posters have shown up advertising two different hate groups in the past three months.

A few miles to the north, Brian Levin keeps tabs on local hate groups' social media feeds.

"I can't tell you how many times I've called up a local campus police department after looking at their feeds on social media, saying, 'You might want to check the campus square today,'" said Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at Cal State San Bernardino.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, white supremacist propaganda has spiked sharply in recent years. The ADL reported last month that incidents of white supremacist posters, fliers, banners and other propaganda around the country increased from 421 in 2017 to 1,187 in 2018. The report also found a huge jump in the number of off-campus propaganda incidents.

A lot of that propaganda has turned up in Southern California: White supremacist social media feeds show posters put up recently on the streets of local cities like Anaheim and Orange, and on college campuses like Saddleback College and UC Irvine. There's been anti-Semitic propaganda found in and around high schools from the San Fernando Valley to Newport Beach, where last month a scandal erupted at Newport Harbor High School after photos on social media showed students at a party giving the Nazi salute over a swastika formed with plastic cups.

The next weekend, a series of Nazi posters were discovered on the Newport Harbor High campus.


While the posters at Newport Harbor contained overt Nazi images, including swastikas, newer hate groups are using more subtle messaging about "white identity" and "heritage" in their attempts to appeal to young people, experts say.

"They are trying to present themselves as more button-down: 'Hey, we're not skinheads, we're not people with swastikas carved into our foreheads,'" Levin said. "However, the bottom line is that for many of these groups, in private, that is exactly the lingo, exactly the kind of imagery they enjoy."

Hate groups that have been actively recruiting in Southern California lately include Patriot Front, which uses patriotic imagery and slogans like "Reclaim America."

Another had been known until recently as Identity Europa. It used images of European-style statues and an inverted triangular symbol referred to as a "dragon's eye" with slogans like "European Roots, American Greatness."

Both groups have hit local campuses and communities in recent months, documenting their propaganda drops on social media. Identity Europa, which was among those sued in the aftermath of the deadly 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, recently rebranded itself as "American Identity Movement" and has adopted a new look, using patriotic imagery.

According to watchdog organizations like the Anti-Defamation League, Patriot Front is a post-Charlottesville group that splintered from a different white supremacist group called Vanguard America, which was also sued over its involvement in Charlottesville.

It's important not to be fooled by hate groups' more subtle "identity" messages and imagery, said Joanna Mendelson of the Anti-Defamation League's L.A. office.

"Although they're repackaged their message and sugarcoated their hateful ideology, there's no difference between them and those before, those who wore Klan robes, and who would be heavily tatted with swastikas and white supremacist imagery," she said. "Same people, same ideology."


Along with the jump in white supremacist propaganda targeting schools and communities over the last year, there's a lot more recruiting taking place online, Mendelson said.

"Young people are drawn online ... and these virtual spaces can be an indoctrination ground," she said.

It's easy to find hate-filled memes and videos on YouTube and Instagram. White supremacists post on bulletin boards like 4chan and the more extremist 8chan, and on the alt-right-friendly social media site Gab. They're also active on Discord, which is popular with gamers.

The nonprofit alternative media site Unicorn Riot recently posted leaked chatter from Discord between members of Identity Europa. Recruiting was a popular theme, like this message from January:

"Good morning guys! Friendly reminder that if everyone could channel their time and energy to online recruiting, that would greatly be appreciated!"

Another message read:

"Recruit from colleges, universities, libraries, tech companies, and law firms."

Members also talked about trying to recruit students in college conservative groups.


Some campaigns that start online spread to the real world. For example, one night last fall, an intruder climbed over a locked gate at South Pasadena High School and posted fliers around campus that read, "It's okay to be white."

The fliers were part of what's referred to as a trolling campaign.

"Trolling tactics are the bread and butter of some of the white supremacist efforts," Mendelson said. "We see them using bigoted humor and memes in order to push their agenda, and to basically poke fun at the media, at liberalism, at authoritarian figures."

The "It's okay to be white" campaign sprang up on 4chan a couple of Halloweens ago. According to the instructions, volunteers were to print out the posters, don a costume and put them up on campuses around the country.

The goal was to trigger a negative reaction from media, campus officials and others suspicious of the posters, which could then be twisted to make them seem anti-white in the eyes of "normies," slang for "normal" people. The instructions continue:

"4. the next morning, the media goes completely berserk; 5. normies tune in to see what's going on, see the posters saying "it's okay to be white" and the media & leftists frothing at the mouth; 6. normies realize that leftists & journalists hate white people, so they turn on them; 7. credibility of far left campuses and media gets nuked, massive victory for the right in the culture war, many more /ourguys/ spawned overnight."


Students on the Saddleback College campus on a recent afternoon said they hadn't really noticed the white supremacist posters that appeared in late January and again in February.

Perhaps they blended in with all the other posters, said Jazel Garcia, a nursing student. But she found the idea unsettling.

"If it's related to hate, then yeah, it bothers me," she said. "I wouldn't be comfortable with a situation like that ... someone [should] take action, because that's not right."

Jason Rivas, a nutrition major and president of a campus conservative group, said he disagrees with hate group ideology, but that anyone should be allowed to post materials on campus.

"In my opinion, they are allowed to post where they want," Rivas said. "They are allowed to post as long as they do not harm other people or incite violence."

Journalism student Filip Pejcinovic said that while he didn't see the recent posters, he does remember hateful posters around campus during the 2016 presidential campaign.

"I saw photos that ... looked offensive to Muslims," he said.

The posters had been put up by a campus group, Young Americans for Freedom, to promote an event. Pejcinovic took a picture of one of the posters, which equated Islam with terrorism and displayed a photo that appears to be from an ISIS video of a mass beheading of Coptic Christian prisoners.

"I found the posters very disturbing," Pejcinovic said. "I think that particular group or cause could incite violence."


Brenton Tarrant, the 28-year-old white supremacist accused of carrying out the attacks on two New Zealand mosques, frequented online platforms like 8-chan, where he posted his manifesto before killing 50 people. Tarrant live-streamed the massacre on Facebook. According to European officials, he also donated money to "white identity" groups in Austria and France.

Since the New Zealand attack, Facebook has said it will ban white nationalist content.

But experts say there's so much hate content already available, the best thing educators and parents can do is have open dialogue with their students and their kids about the images and messages they may encounter.

"We can't just suddenly close them off to all these influences, because that's just not realistic," Mendelson said. "We must challenge their thinking, what they are observing and help create proper context to understand the world and the complicated messaging that they are receiving."

Meanwhile, watchdog groups and some members of Congress are calling on digital companies to do more to halt the spread of hate propaganda online. Slack recently took action, announcing last month that it was removing "known hate groups" from its accounts after Unicorn Riot leaked Slack messages between members of Identity Europa.

The Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center have anti-bias educational resources on their websites.

Editor's note: A version of this story was also on the radio. Listen to it here on KPCC.
'Normies?' Weird. Note the prominent placing of hostile Jews and their criminal/discredited organizations as "authorities" on White activists while not once getting a point of view from one of the mentioned White activist groups.
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Re: White activism at Duluth in the news Apr-Oct 2019

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:54 am

https://cbs3duluth.com/top-stories/2019 ... anization/
City crews remove posters appearing to promote ‘white nationalist’ organization

4:14 pm
April 8, 2019

DULUTH, MN — Duluth City Crews spent Monday morning removing posters from a city park which appear to promote a group with alleged ties to white nationalist beliefs.

The posters seem to promote the group “Patriot Front,” which according to the Southern Poverty Law Center is a “white nationalist hate group” formed after the deadly 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charleston, Virginia.

City crews removed several of the posters from Leif Erikson Park Monday.

“Hate groups and hate speech have no place in Duluth,” Mayor Larson said in a statement. “Sadly, these groups spread vile, hateful, and racist ideologies. It is up to us, as a community, to reject this hateful behavior. We believe in dignity and respect for all. That is, and will continue to be the Duluth way.”

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.
Quoting the discredited SPLC? Failing to give Patriot Front a chance to respond? Note the cucked Mayor was even quoted using the usual tropes spoonfed to him by the aforementioned Jewish organization such as "Hate groups" and "hate speech" which are code words for "we hate Whites, especially those who exercise their right to free speech and openly advocate for their own people's interests."
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Re: White activism online in the news Apr-Oct 2019

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Apr 10, 2019 1:05 am

https://slate.com/technology/2019/04/yo ... alism.html
Of Course Racist Commenters Flooded the YouTube Livestream of a Congressional Hearing on White Nationalism

APRIL 09, 201912:47 PM

Just half an hour in, YouTube disabled the comments section on the livestream of the House Judiciary Committee’s Tuesday hearing on white nationalism and hate crimes after it was overrun by racist trolls.

Before the hearing had even started, users began flooding the comments of the House’s official stream with jokes about hate crimes and accusations that Jewish people had engineered the hearing. Some defended white nationalism. The bigoted rhetoric became even more extreme once the witnesses began giving their opening statements.

When Eileen Hershenov, a senior vice president for the Anti-Defamation League, gave the first set of remarks, trolls ridiculed her heritage and claimed she was lying under oath. Perhaps the worst comments came when the next witness, Mohammad Abu-Salha, described the pain of losing his two daughters at the hands of a man who had expressed anti-Muslim sentiments online. Trolls spuriously accused Abu-Salha’s family of being terrorists and spun conspiracy theories that he was an actor reading a script written by Jewish people in Hollywood. Others mocked his deceased daughters with Islamophobic epithets and blamed their deaths on him.

By the time Alexandria Walden, counsel for free expression and human rights at Google, began telling the committee that hate speech had no place on the company’s platforms, such as YouTube, the comments section for the livestream had been disabled. Comments for livestreams of the hearing by PBS NewsHour and Red Ice TV, a far-right YouTube channel, were also disabled.

A YouTube spokesperson provided a comment on the matter: “Hate speech has no place on YouTube. We’ve invested heavily in teams and technology dedicated to removing hateful comments and videos and we take action on them when flagged by our users. Due to the presence of hateful comments, we disabled comments on the livestream of today’s House Judiciary Committee hearing.”

New York Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, brought up a Washington Post report on the racist YouTube comments later on in the hearing. “This just illustrates part of the problem we’re dealing with,” he said. Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Republican who had previously suggested that people were too quick to label comments as racist, asked Nadler, “Could that be another hate hoax?” Gohmert then said he was just keeping an “open mind.”
Why weren't White nationalists invited to the hearing about White nationalists? Why were Jews so prominent in the discussion? Denying Whites who advocate for our own kind a voice and calling comments from Whites "hate" then censoring them when they're the topic shows who the real haters are.
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Re: White activism at Portland OR in the news Apr-Oct 2019

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Apr 10, 2019 1:11 am

https://itsgoingdown.org/portland-nazi- ... ed-antifa/
Portland, OR: Nazi Flyers Replaced with Antifascist, Anti-ICE Posters
By Anonymous Contributor -April 8, 2019

Report from Portland about cleaning up neo-Nazi posters and responding with antifascist materials.

Last week Patriot Front Posters and stickers were found outside a grade school in South East Portland after an immigration-related workshop. Stickers were also found on the South East campus of Portland Community College.

Local groups quickly went to work removing the litter and replacing it with messages of welcome and safety to immigrant neighbors.

This is the first time that Patriot Front propaganda has been seen in the Portland area, so we urge local comrades to keep an eye out for new activity.

Anonymous Contributor
This submission came to It's Going Down anonymously through itsgoingdown.org/contribute. IGD is not the author nor are we responsible for the post content.
Anonymous Contributor? IGD is not responsible? And they expect to be taken seriously instead of being thought of as criminals? :roll:
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Re: White activism at Madison WI in the news Apr-Oct 2019

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Apr 10, 2019 1:21 am

https://wibailoutpeople.org/2019/04/08/ ... ment-52595
Neo-Fascist Propaganda Found In Madison Childrens’ Libraries, Community Responds
Posted on April 8, 2019

On Sunday 4/7, propaganda from American Vanguard was found on Madison’s near east side, the Tenney-Lapham neighborhood specifically.

The literature that the neo-fascist group, or their supporter(s), inserted in to childrens’ little free libraries in the neighborhood, is xenophobic, anti-semitic, racist, ignorant and, quite honestly, frightening.

The group, American Vanguard, is the same one that Alex Fields Jr joined, who killed Heather Heyer in Charlottesville at the “Unite The Right” rally on August 12, 2017, and should not be taken lightly.

The fact that they consciously chose to target childrens’ free libraries is indicative of their intention to spread hateful ideas to the masses, no matter how unethical the means.

The community has responded by calling a “Solidarity Cookout,” scheduled for tomorrow, Monday April 8, from 6pm – 8pm at the Tenney park shelter, or near it if it is reserved. This is a chance to show the right wing our opposition, and to silence them with merely our numbers and camaraderie. So far, community members will be bringing supplies to make tacos (pork and veggie options). If you are able, consider bringing some food or drinks, chairs or blankets, and if anyone has a portable speaker to listen to music, that would be awesome!

This entry was posted in Uncategorized by wibailoutpeople.
"The community?" Who is that? Who is wibailoutpeople? Why the anonymity? Haven't "anonymous sources" been at the root of fake news?

More use of the word "hate" to describe White activism, but why doesn't 'wibailoutpeople' be honest with us and simply say they're the haters of pro-Whites who engage in free speech?
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Re: White activism at Carbondale IL in the news Apr-Oct 2019

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Apr 11, 2019 12:30 am

https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/outrage ... 42267.html
Outrage as neo-Nazi 'It's alright to be white' fliers resurface on college campus
Yahoo Lifestyle
Kristine Solomon
Style and Beauty Writer
Yahoo Lifestyle
April 9, 2019

A southern Illinois community college has been littered with neo-Nazi fliers for the second time in about seven months, and school officials are denouncing both the message and the hate group suspected of circulating the propaganda.

About 100 fliers reading “It’s alright to be white” along with messages including “Save the white race” and “You have no reason to say ‘sorry’ because you’re nature’s finest” were discovered on the campus of John A. Logan College (JALC) last week. They bear the logo of The Creativity Alliance, otherwise known as the Church of Creativity, a white nationalist group that’s been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

As soon as the fliers were reported, they were removed by campus police, said Steve O’Keefe of JALC’s college relations department to The Southern Illinoisan. “We just want to be clear: We don’t condone it,” he said. “We don’t tolerate it.”

The first time the neo-Nazi posters appeared at JALC was on the windshields of on-campus vehicles in September 2018, according to the Daily Egyptian. At the time, the messages were deemed an attempt at recruitment by the white supremacist group.

O’Keefe released a statement soon after that read, “John A. Logan College prohibits the dissemination of fliers of any kind on automobile windshields. Fliers that were placed on a limited number of cars on Tuesday, Sept. 18 were promptly removed by campus police. The fliers from an outside group have no connection to the college.”

The Daily Egyptian also reached out to the Church of Creativity at the time to ask whether they distributed the fliers on campus themselves, or ordered others to do it.

“Why would the person who put the flier out need to be taking orders?” the Church of Creativity responded. “Perhaps the person did it because he (or she) wanted to? It is good to see somebody at least trying to spread pro-white thinking. Have any laws been broken?”

JALC is not the only campus that has been on the receiving end of the unwanted fliers. In January, Southeastern Illinois College (SIC) was targeted with the same neo-Nazi posters.

“We were kind of surprised they came all the way out here to do that,” said Angela Wilson, executive director of marketing and public relations for SIC, to The Southern Illinoisan on Monday.

Wilson said the fliers were one of several reasons SIC decided to instate its civility pledge, which challenged students and faculty to refrain from using language that “stereotypes or denigrates others with different viewpoints,” according to The Southern Illinoisan, in an effort to “disagree without being disagreeable.”

In a statement to Yahoo Lifestyle, the Carbondale Racial Justice Coalition, an activist group, said, “By the 1980s groups like this were generally treated as a joke. Around here we liked to repeat that line from The Blues Brothers: ‘I HATE Illinois Nazis.'” But they kept coming back. And they keep coming back, using both low-tech (windshield flyers) and high-tech (internet) recruiting tactics. The joke was never funny, and it’s even less so now. We are not safe.”

According to its website, the Church of Creativity’s mission is “to educate and awaken white Europeans and people of European descent everywhere, to the possibilities currently being kept from them by the tripartite oppression of the alien Judeo-Christian religion, multiculturalism and political correctness” and “to build a whiter and brighter world.”

The former leader of The Creativity Alliance, Matt Hale, was sentenced to 40 years in prison in 2005 for soliciting the murder of a federal judge, according to the Southern Law Poverty Center. At the time, the group was called the World Church of the Creator, and Hale had accused the judge of “seeking to have the presiding judge in that case, U.S. District Judge Joan Humphrey Lefkow, killed and of attempting to influence her decisions corruptly and by force.”

Yahoo Lifestyle has reached out to the Church of Creativity for comment and to John A. Logan College for an update on its investigation.
Yahoo's "Style and Beauty Writer" has done what other presstitutes taking their cues from Jews don't: seeking out the source of the fliers for a statement. Odd since Yahoo generally knows how to write heavily biased (against Whites) stories.

Comments, for Yahoo account holders only, are available.
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Re: White activism at Chapel Hill in the news Apr-Oct 2019

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:08 pm

https://www.newsobserver.com/news/local ... 78544.html
Anti-Semitic posters found at UNC library. It’s second racist incident on campus in 2 weeks.
APRIL 10, 2019 03:24 PM, UPDATED APRIL 10, 2019 04:03 PM

UNC Police are investigating the placement of anti-Semitic posters this week on bookshelves and tables in Davis Library on campus.

Interim Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz sent out a campus-wide statement Wednesday to say that library workers had found several of the posters, and to ask that anyone with information about them call 911.

“I am extremely disappointed and appalled that anyone would write the abhorrent messages and direct them toward members of our Jewish community,” Guskiewicz said in the statement. “This behavior conflicts with the University’s long-standing commitment to fostering an environment where all students, faculty and staff can be free from harassment.

“This is the second time in two weeks I have had to share information with you about the discovery of racist or hateful messages on our campus. While we believe the two incidents are unrelated, these actions do not reflect our values.”
Find posters? Call 911!! It's an emergency!

Of course free speech do not reflect their values, they do not want to listen to Whites who disagree with them. Paying UNC tuition is to pay to be indoctrinated, not to be educated. Spend your money with the Cosmotheist bookstore instead, and educate yourself. https://cosmotheistchurch.org/shop/
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Re: White activism at Evanston IL in the news Apr-Oct 2019

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:17 pm

https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/ ... story.html
Northwestern University investigating sticker with white supremacist phrase found in dining hall
Genevieve Bookwalter Contact Reporter
Pioneer Press

April 9, 2019 1:40PM

Northwestern police are investigating who may have left a sticker emblazoned with a slogan often associated with white supremacy on a pillar in a campus dining hall on Saturday, officials said.

University student Rishi Mahesh publicly posted a photo of the sticker on his Facebook page. He said he found it in Allison Dining Hall on the Evanston campus.

“For anyone who is unfamiliar, ‘it's okay to be white’ is not a joke, the seemingly innocuous phrase is the slogan of an alt-right white supremacist group,” Mahesh wrote in a post accompanying the photo. “As a tool, the slogan is meant to prompt backlash, to divide people with the conversation of IS it ‘ok to be white.’”

Northwestern officials in a statement confirmed Mahesh’s account of finding the sticker and what it represents.

“The University is concerned and disturbed to hear that someone may have left a symbol often used by white supremacist groups on our campus,” the statement reads. “The Northwestern Police Department is actively looking into the matter. While we value freedom of expression, we also must stand together to protect our values of diversity and inclusion. Posting a symbol of hate and intolerance on our campus violates our values and the core commitments of the University. Any act of hate, whether intentional or careless, will not be tolerated.”

<photo of 'It's OK to be White sticker>

Similar stickers have been showing up on college campuses around the United States, according to the Associated Press.

Stickers with white nationalist slogans were also stuck along the South Side Irish St. Patrick’s Day Parade route last month in Beverly and Morgan Park.

Mashesh on his Facebook page wrote about the emotions that welled up when he found the sticker in the dining hall and how it makes him feel unsafe.

“It makes me want to be smaller, less conspicuous, to take up less space, that is what this sticker is to me,” he wrote.

[email protected]

Twitter @GenevieveBook
It's "White," Genevieve, not 'white.' Get it right and stop dehumanizing us.

Note how they say they value free speech but urge all to call the cops to harass anyone who doesn't think as they do. There's a word for that...
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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