NA Message

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Ray W
Posts: 179
Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2020 8:09 pm
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NA Message

Post by Ray W » Wed Jan 20, 2021 3:38 pm

From the American Dissident Voices broadcast of March 20, 2004 titled, "Multiracialism and Conservatism":
"White people have an absolute and non-negotiable right to exist, to organize and govern ourselves, to
have our own exclusive territories for our nations and peoples, and to keep the products of our labor for
ourselves and our posterity. Only by taking that uncompromising stand, and by backing it up with all the
wealth and will and power we can muster, do we have a chance to provide for future generations of our
people. Only by stopping our pretenses and halting our retreat do we have a chance of being worthy
descendants of our ancestors.
"That is the message of the men and women of the National Alliance. As our society descends into
darkness, we must be building alternative structures of community and communication and racial and
cultural preservation, structures which will survive this dark time and emerge into a brighter future of
our own making."

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