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The War Escalates

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:25 pm
by David Pringle
Commentary from Dr. William L. Pierce
National Alliance BULLETIN
May 1997

The War Escalates

On May 5, I was served with a summonses in a lawsuit filed by relatives of a Black who was shot to death in a Jackson, Mississippi, shopping mall in April 1996 by a deranged White Vietnam veteran with drug and alcohol problems. The veteran then engaged in a shootout with police before killing himself. The lawsuit claims that the veteran had become deranged by reading The Turner Diaries and listening to an American Dissident Voices broadcast. It asks for $10 million in damages from me, National Vanguard Books, and the National Alliance.

The judge who has jurisdiction is the Mississippi circuit court judge who recently permitted the Clintonistas to put Byron De La Beckwith on trial for the third time on the charge that he shot a Black civil-rights agitator to death in 1965 or thereabouts. The defense had argued that the 30 years the prosecutors had waited after the second trial for the political climate and the jury demographics to swing against Beckwith so that they could try him a third time and get a conviction violated the Sixth Amendment guarantee to a speedy trial, but the judge agreed with the Clintonistas that Political Correctness takes precedence over the Bill of Rights.

The deceased veteran who did the shooting may or may not have read The Turner Diaries or listened to American Dissident Voices, but neither I nor the Alliance ever had any contact with him. I have retained one of the most highly rated defense attorneys in Mississippi, and I am confident that, despite the judge, we will prevail. It will be expensive, however: the attorney charges $175 an hour, plus expenses. That, of course, is the whole point of this tactic. Although the lawyers representing the plaintiffs are not connected directly with the Southern Poverty Law Center, I have learned that they have been in consultation with Morris Dees and his colleagues at the SPLC since the beginning.

The way to avoid harassment of this sort, of course, is to keep a low profile, stay out of the newspapers, don't write books like The Turner Diaries, and make sure that nothing I say on an American Dissident Voices broadcast will offend anyone. Instead I have chosen to gain as high a degree of name recognition for the Alliance among the general public as I can by accepting nearly every invitation for an interview and to keep punching away at our enemies with the hardest truths I can find. These tactics have made the Alliance the premier racially oriented White organization - and the premier target of our enemies. Because our enemies, even with all of their billions of dollars and their mass media and their control of the government, cannot fight us with the truth, they will use other methods.

Since the 1950's the Jews have been talking among themselves in their community publications, about using the courts to bankrupt their enemies. As the courts have become more corrupt, this tactic has become more feasible. Now they are using it. In the case of Morris Dees, of course, there is more than the desire to destroy the Jews' enemies. He rakes in millions of dollars a year doing it by sending out fund appeals to his mailing list" "Help me destroy William Pierce and the National Alliance by sending me your largest possible contribution today in the handy reply envelope I have enclosed for your convenience."

So what should our response be? Should we lie low for a while and try to avoid provoking the Jews until we have become stronger and are better able to defend ourselves?

I think not. There already are too many people, nominally on our side, who are lying low and trying to avoid being noticed. If we kept a low profile, we might continue to gain members while the Jews continued to feast on the decaying corpse of Western civilization. I'll bet that in the last days of the Roman Republic there were a few patriotic societies which adopted a similar strategy. We just don't have the time to act like church mice. One more generation without opposition, and the Jews and their allies will have eliminated the last possibility for recovery of our people. Now, at a time when more and more of our people finally are finding the courage to stand up, we must continue to stand up, we must continue to encourage them and help them find the right way.

Should we use the corruption of the judicial system as an excuse to abandon legality and begin a campaign of assassination and terror against our enemies?

I think not. Such a campaign would last perhaps a month before being crushed by the secret police. The Jews would be happy to lose a few of their high-profile people to our knives and bullets in exchange for being able to put a final end to us. We must never mistake moral justification for tactical justification. We always have been morally justified in killing traitors and enemies of our people, but we must not actually do that until it is tactically justified.

What we must do in response to this new threat, in addition to the things we already have been doing, is build up our legal resources and our financial resources. For a while, at least, we must be able to fight Dees and his ilk on their own turf. We must recruit more lawyers - the most competent and aggressive lawyers available - into our own ranks, so that the burden of combat does not fall too heavily on a few shoulders and so that we do not so often have to hire lawyers from outside our own ranks. And we must bring much more money into our treasury, so that we can fight effectively in an arena that is slanted heavily in favor of the combatant who has the fatter wallet. If we could devote just $1,000,000 per year to litigation, we would be invulnerable to people like Morris Dees, for all practical purposes. The cigarette companies knowingly have been killing hundreds of thousands of Americans each year for decades with their products, and until the government itself entered the arena against them very recently, they were untouchable in the courts. Anyone who sued them could be run right into the ground, because the cigarette companies could keep him giving depositions and responding to motions and interrogatories indefinitely, eventually bleeding him dry with legal costs and forcing him to give up the fight.

At this time we will be hard-pressed to spend even $100,000 per year on litigation. Despite this severe limitation of money, the situation is far from hopeless. There are still people in the Establishment with money and influence who are not quite ready to let some hungry legal hyena like Morris Dees snatch the First Amendment and run off with it. It certainly will not hurt our image to be in the position of defending the First Amendment in the courts against Dees and his ilk. There will be some value in forcing the Jews to explain in court that they really do believe in free speech - so long as it is Politically Correct speech.

What all of this means is that we will win the present case in Mississippi, and we will have allies in future cases (indeed, we already have allies in the first case). But if we are to be successful in the long run in defending ourselves against this new Jewish tactic, we cannot depend on anyone but ourselves, and we must have massive amounts of money. There is no other way at this time. And if you are one of those who could donate $100,000 to our legal-defense fund, you must not just sit on your money and watch to see what happens. I am fighting for your posterity and your heritage as well as mine.

If I do not win, and if the Alliance is destroyed by its enemies, who will fight for the rights of your grandchildren? What good will it do to leave them a fortune in a world where they and their kind will be a minority at the mercy of Jews and other non-Whites? Indeed, if the Jews have their way and the Alliance is silenced, and there is no voice to contradict them, they may be able to persuade your daughters or granddaughters to mate with Blacks and thereby snuff out your posterity forever.

If our lives are to have any meaning or value, the Alliance must not only survive but continue to grow in strength and influence, and it can do that only with the wholehearted support of all of us who believe in its mission.