'Big Spender' Kevin McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker: Despite Claims to the Contrary, It Is 'Much Ado About Nothing.'
- White_Vengeance
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- Location: In the Whitest possible location, high in the Appalachian Mountains, deep in the heart of Dixie.
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'Big Spender' Kevin McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker: Despite Claims to the Contrary, It Is 'Much Ado About Nothing.'
The TRUE national debt of America now eclipses $440 trillion. In real numbers that is written as: $440,000,000,000,000.00. The Federal Reserve Bank, its twelve branch banks, and the entire banking system in America operate on the principle of fractional reserve banking.
"Fractional Reserve Banking" means that a bank that is FDIC-insured (for: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) is required ONLY to have one-dollar (i.e., one phony, fake, fraudulent Federal Reserve Note) in its reserves in order to lend ten dollars (i.e., ten phony, fake, fraudulent Federal Reserve Notes) to a borrower who meets the lending bank's requirements for becoming a debtor.
The FACTUALLY TRUE reason that America's national debt now eclipses $440 trillion is because when calculating the aggregate national debt the person who is doing the calculations must add the FUNDED LIABILITIES and the UNFUNDED LIABILITIES.
The funded liabilities are debts created by the pathologically-lying, criminal political hacks in both the Democrat and Republican parties when they co-author spending bills, ratify spending bills, and send the spending bills to the jew-controlled "president of the United States of America" to be rubber-stamped. The borrowed monies (i.e., fake, phony, fraudulent Federal Reserve Notes) are then issued into circulation by the Federal Reserve Bank and its twelve branch banks--the very Federal Reserve System from which we ignorant, financially-illiterate Americans borrowed the "money" to fund the spending bill that was unconstitutionally ratified by the criminals in the Republican and Democrat political parties, and then simply rubber-stamped by the jew-controlled "president of the United States of America."
The unfunded liabilities are the financial liabilities that currently exist due to the world's single worst ponzi-scheme ever, Social Security (aka: Socialist Insecurity), being unfunded due to that backstabbing, traitorous, fake Southerner and octaroon, Lyndon Baines Johnson, authorizing the theft of all reserve monies in the Social Security trust fund to be spent on various and sundry welfare programs benefiting ONLY the barbaric, subhuman, feral simian tootsoons (i.e., cannibalistic negroes) subsequent to Lyndon Baines Johnson's ratifying the unconstitutional Civil Rights Act of 1964 on that ignominious date of July 02, 1964--a date that was also not coincidentally the watershed moment for the perpetuation of the destruction of the White race in America.
The unfunded liabilities are also the corrupt federal government's ascertaining and guaranteeing that it will pay the pensions of all the millions-and-millions of lazy, shiftless, indolent federal employees, and that it will guarantee the payment of Medicaid bills for the subhuman, simian tootsoons and all the brown, yellow, red, and mixed-race third-world filth and scum who are destroying what little is left of America through rampant multiculturalism, and who receive free medical care and dental care because they are too goddamn lazy, shiftless, and parasitic to get off their huge rotund asses, find a job, work at the job, and pay for their own medical and dental care.
The unfunded liabilities are also the corrupt federal government's ascertaining and guaranteeing to pay the Medicare medical bills of the tens-and-tens-of-millions of retirees in America who faithfully paid into Medicare throughout their working lives (OASDI: Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance) and who now are deserving of receiving medical and health insurance. However, like the Social Security trust fund, the Medicare trust fund has also been laid bare because that backstabbing, traitorous, fake Southerner and octaroon, Lyndon Baines Johnson, ALSO authorized the theft of all reserve monies in the Medicare trust fund to be spent on various and sundry welfare programs benefiting ONLY the barbaric, subhuman, feral simian tootsoons (i.e., cannibalistic negroes) subsequent to Lyndon Baines Johnson's ratifying the unconstitutional Civil Rights Act of 1964 on that ignominious date of July 02, 1964--a date that was also not coincidentally the watershed moment for the perpetuation of the destruction of the White race in America.
Essentially, then, there are no reserve "monies" (i.e., fake, phony, fraudulent Federal Reserve Notes) in either the Social Security trust fund or the Medicare trust fund. The only monies available for either of these two trust funds are the small trickle of "monies" currently being stolen from the rapidly dwindling population of White European Americans who are still employed and who are still feebly allowing these "monies" to be stolen from each-and-every-single-one of their paychecks. Simple mathematics will tell the readers of this post that as fewer-and-fewer White European Americans are remaining gainfully employed, and as the median age of the population increases, and as Americans live longer, the demand for Social Security monthly retirement payments and for Medicare insurance payments will constantly and continually project sharply upward. This means that the demand for Social Security monthly payments and Medicare insurance payments will far outstrip the ability of White European Americans who remain gainfully employed to fund these two defunct accounts.
Furthermore, since the corrupt federal government remains the SINGLE LARGEST EMPLOYER in the world, with currently "employing" over 2.1 million lazy, shiftless, indolent bureaucrats, hacks, and lackeys, and with thousands of lazy federal government employees retiring every single month, it is mathematically impossible to pay the pensions and benefits of the all the federal government employees--both the currently employed federal "employees" and the millions-and-millions of federal "employees" who are now retired and who expect to receive their monthly pension payments--monthly pension payments that the corrupt federal government has authorized to receive an increase each-and-every year.
So, in closing, even though the cowardly, pusillanimous sissies in the Re-pubic-an party MIGHT have done the right thing for once in their miserable lives by voting out the RINO Kevin McCarthy for the simple fact that he proved he is "a big spender," in the final analysis, all the pathologically lying, criminal political hacks in both the Re-pubic-an and the Marxist/Communist Democrat party are "big spenders." And because the despotic, totalitarian federal leviathan (aka: the corrupt federal government) has stolen every single "dollar" (i.e., fake, phony, fraudulent Federal Reserve Note) in every single trust fund, along with spending America so far into permanent and unsolvable debt that America's national debt cannot ever be repaid, I ask the readers of the post to answer these two questions (question #2 is a multi-part question):
1.) Does it now really matter, at America's eleventh hour, who the pusillanimous cowards in the Re-pubic-an party elect to replace the shamed Kevin McCarthy? Does it? Really?
2.) Being that I have argued persuasively and compellingly that America's total national debt of $440 trillion (This much: $440,000,000,000,000.00) is unsustainable and mathematically impossible to repay, how much longer does America realistically have before it collapses under its own weight, and she is ruthlessly and harshly tossed onto the ash heap of all the other failed republics, empires, and great nations down through history that failed to heed the ominous warnings that were being shouted and echoed in vain through the canyons and the valleys of "truth, certitude, and reality" for untold centuries? Huh?
2. a.) How much longer does America have as a so-called "solvent nation?" How much longer does the so-called "mighty nation" of America have before it just becomes just another failed nation that caused its own demise? How much longer does the so-called "greatest nation in the history of the world" have before it erupts into a violent, protracted, extremely bloody, take-no-prisoners Civil War/Race War? I ask you, fellow White Nationalist brothers and sisters, what are YOUR answers to these pressing questions--questions that deserve answers?
"Fractional Reserve Banking" means that a bank that is FDIC-insured (for: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) is required ONLY to have one-dollar (i.e., one phony, fake, fraudulent Federal Reserve Note) in its reserves in order to lend ten dollars (i.e., ten phony, fake, fraudulent Federal Reserve Notes) to a borrower who meets the lending bank's requirements for becoming a debtor.
The FACTUALLY TRUE reason that America's national debt now eclipses $440 trillion is because when calculating the aggregate national debt the person who is doing the calculations must add the FUNDED LIABILITIES and the UNFUNDED LIABILITIES.
The funded liabilities are debts created by the pathologically-lying, criminal political hacks in both the Democrat and Republican parties when they co-author spending bills, ratify spending bills, and send the spending bills to the jew-controlled "president of the United States of America" to be rubber-stamped. The borrowed monies (i.e., fake, phony, fraudulent Federal Reserve Notes) are then issued into circulation by the Federal Reserve Bank and its twelve branch banks--the very Federal Reserve System from which we ignorant, financially-illiterate Americans borrowed the "money" to fund the spending bill that was unconstitutionally ratified by the criminals in the Republican and Democrat political parties, and then simply rubber-stamped by the jew-controlled "president of the United States of America."
The unfunded liabilities are the financial liabilities that currently exist due to the world's single worst ponzi-scheme ever, Social Security (aka: Socialist Insecurity), being unfunded due to that backstabbing, traitorous, fake Southerner and octaroon, Lyndon Baines Johnson, authorizing the theft of all reserve monies in the Social Security trust fund to be spent on various and sundry welfare programs benefiting ONLY the barbaric, subhuman, feral simian tootsoons (i.e., cannibalistic negroes) subsequent to Lyndon Baines Johnson's ratifying the unconstitutional Civil Rights Act of 1964 on that ignominious date of July 02, 1964--a date that was also not coincidentally the watershed moment for the perpetuation of the destruction of the White race in America.
The unfunded liabilities are also the corrupt federal government's ascertaining and guaranteeing that it will pay the pensions of all the millions-and-millions of lazy, shiftless, indolent federal employees, and that it will guarantee the payment of Medicaid bills for the subhuman, simian tootsoons and all the brown, yellow, red, and mixed-race third-world filth and scum who are destroying what little is left of America through rampant multiculturalism, and who receive free medical care and dental care because they are too goddamn lazy, shiftless, and parasitic to get off their huge rotund asses, find a job, work at the job, and pay for their own medical and dental care.
The unfunded liabilities are also the corrupt federal government's ascertaining and guaranteeing to pay the Medicare medical bills of the tens-and-tens-of-millions of retirees in America who faithfully paid into Medicare throughout their working lives (OASDI: Old Age Survivor and Disability Insurance) and who now are deserving of receiving medical and health insurance. However, like the Social Security trust fund, the Medicare trust fund has also been laid bare because that backstabbing, traitorous, fake Southerner and octaroon, Lyndon Baines Johnson, ALSO authorized the theft of all reserve monies in the Medicare trust fund to be spent on various and sundry welfare programs benefiting ONLY the barbaric, subhuman, feral simian tootsoons (i.e., cannibalistic negroes) subsequent to Lyndon Baines Johnson's ratifying the unconstitutional Civil Rights Act of 1964 on that ignominious date of July 02, 1964--a date that was also not coincidentally the watershed moment for the perpetuation of the destruction of the White race in America.
Essentially, then, there are no reserve "monies" (i.e., fake, phony, fraudulent Federal Reserve Notes) in either the Social Security trust fund or the Medicare trust fund. The only monies available for either of these two trust funds are the small trickle of "monies" currently being stolen from the rapidly dwindling population of White European Americans who are still employed and who are still feebly allowing these "monies" to be stolen from each-and-every-single-one of their paychecks. Simple mathematics will tell the readers of this post that as fewer-and-fewer White European Americans are remaining gainfully employed, and as the median age of the population increases, and as Americans live longer, the demand for Social Security monthly retirement payments and for Medicare insurance payments will constantly and continually project sharply upward. This means that the demand for Social Security monthly payments and Medicare insurance payments will far outstrip the ability of White European Americans who remain gainfully employed to fund these two defunct accounts.
Furthermore, since the corrupt federal government remains the SINGLE LARGEST EMPLOYER in the world, with currently "employing" over 2.1 million lazy, shiftless, indolent bureaucrats, hacks, and lackeys, and with thousands of lazy federal government employees retiring every single month, it is mathematically impossible to pay the pensions and benefits of the all the federal government employees--both the currently employed federal "employees" and the millions-and-millions of federal "employees" who are now retired and who expect to receive their monthly pension payments--monthly pension payments that the corrupt federal government has authorized to receive an increase each-and-every year.
So, in closing, even though the cowardly, pusillanimous sissies in the Re-pubic-an party MIGHT have done the right thing for once in their miserable lives by voting out the RINO Kevin McCarthy for the simple fact that he proved he is "a big spender," in the final analysis, all the pathologically lying, criminal political hacks in both the Re-pubic-an and the Marxist/Communist Democrat party are "big spenders." And because the despotic, totalitarian federal leviathan (aka: the corrupt federal government) has stolen every single "dollar" (i.e., fake, phony, fraudulent Federal Reserve Note) in every single trust fund, along with spending America so far into permanent and unsolvable debt that America's national debt cannot ever be repaid, I ask the readers of the post to answer these two questions (question #2 is a multi-part question):
1.) Does it now really matter, at America's eleventh hour, who the pusillanimous cowards in the Re-pubic-an party elect to replace the shamed Kevin McCarthy? Does it? Really?
2.) Being that I have argued persuasively and compellingly that America's total national debt of $440 trillion (This much: $440,000,000,000,000.00) is unsustainable and mathematically impossible to repay, how much longer does America realistically have before it collapses under its own weight, and she is ruthlessly and harshly tossed onto the ash heap of all the other failed republics, empires, and great nations down through history that failed to heed the ominous warnings that were being shouted and echoed in vain through the canyons and the valleys of "truth, certitude, and reality" for untold centuries? Huh?
2. a.) How much longer does America have as a so-called "solvent nation?" How much longer does the so-called "mighty nation" of America have before it just becomes just another failed nation that caused its own demise? How much longer does the so-called "greatest nation in the history of the world" have before it erupts into a violent, protracted, extremely bloody, take-no-prisoners Civil War/Race War? I ask you, fellow White Nationalist brothers and sisters, what are YOUR answers to these pressing questions--questions that deserve answers?
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.
- Jim Mathias
- Posts: 3358
- Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:48 pm
Re: 'Big Spender' Kevin McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker: Despite Claims to the Contrary, It Is 'Much Ado About Nothing.
It could all crash and burn to the ground tomorrow, with the good blood of their White ancestors flowing in their veins what was destroyed can be rebuilt and better than before by the children of Whites. If the children are not there, will it matter?
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.
- White Man 1
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Re: 'Big Spender' Kevin McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker: Despite Claims to the Contrary, It Is 'Much Ado About Nothing.
Debt is always a hot button topic. I don't have the numbers, but a better measure of what Americans owe would be the debt we hold after the debt we are owed is repayed. The answer is, of course, still way too much.
- Will Williams
- Posts: 5026
- Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am
Re: 'Big Spender' Kevin McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker: Despite Claims to the Contrary, It Is 'Much Ado About Nothing.
White_Vengeance wrote: ↑Wed Oct 04, 2023 4:12 pmThe TRUE national debt of America now eclipses $440 trillion. In real numbers that is written as: $440,000,000,000,000.00. The Federal Reserve Bank, its twelve branch banks, and the entire banking system in America operate on the principle of fractional reserve banking.
"Fractional Reserve Banking" means that a bank that is FDIC-insured (for: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) is required ONLY to have one-dollar (i.e., one phony, fake, fraudulent Federal Reserve Note) in its reserves in order to lend ten dollars (i.e., ten phony, fake, fraudulent Federal Reserve Notes) to a borrower who meets the lending bank's requirements for becoming a debtor....
1.) Does it now really matter, at America's eleventh hour, who the pusillanimous cowards in the Re-pubic-an party elect to replace the shamed Kevin McCarthy? Does it? Really?
No, it doesn't matter.
NationalVanguard has several articles about Fractional Reserve Banking archived. Just put 'fractional' in the search block and ones like this will come up: https://nationalvanguard.org/2023/03/th ... stitution/
We've been saying for years that the "GOP can't be seen as the White man's party," like here in a comment on WB of what I'd put up on Dr. Kevin MacDonald's The Occidental Observer (TOO) site: viewtopic.php?f=60&t=1137&start=40
Whichever person replaces Mr. McCarthy as House Speaker will serve his party and the present establishment, including the Federal Reserve, not his race. Fact!
Will W Williams says:
February 13, 2021 at 2:44 pm
Let us make one thing clear, or two: the National Alliance is not “identitarian” nor does it recognize the trendy term “wokeism.” As strict racial separatists determined to preserve our race above all else, we advocate necessary, complete geographical separation of Whites from non-Whites — not secession of racially diverse red states from the more racially diverse blue ones.
Building autonomous Cosmotheist communities of like-minded Whites, like JM/Iowa prefers, is the Alliance’s preferred model. Those Whites who are not interested in our Alliance model should join with the identitarians to try and reform the moribund GOP to make it represent White interests — which will never happen — or join with the “woke” crowd who prefer more half-measures to slow our planned replacement, to strict racial separation.
Angelicus, you should join our Alliance, if not as a member, then as an official supporter. It’s easy: https://natall.com/about/what-is-the-national-alliance/
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ
- White_Vengeance
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- Location: In the Whitest possible location, high in the Appalachian Mountains, deep in the heart of Dixie.
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Re: 'Big Spender' Kevin McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker: Despite Claims to the Contrary, It Is 'Much Ado About Nothing.
About America's stifling, suffocating debt, I stand firm on my position that a national debt of $440 trillion (i.e., $440,000,000,000,000.00) is financially and mathematically impossible to repay. It simply cannot be repaid! It is sheer folly to believe any "pie-in-the-sky" double-speak, nonsense, and blathering escaping from that morass of filth, degeneracy, and debauchery found in the murky cesspool of Washington, D.C. about "repayment of the national debt." All that pablum and double-speak is simply politicians doing what politicians have always done: pathologically spewing lies to assuage the most stupid element of the population, hoping that enough low IQ idiots believe the lies so that there are no violent uprisings against the corrupt central government--or even worse, a full-scale revolution.White Man 1 wrote: ↑Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:10 amDebt is always a hot button topic. I don't have the numbers, but a better measure of what Americans owe would be the debt we hold after the debt we are owed is repayed. The answer is, of course, still way too much.
At this stage of America's impending downfall and collapse, if the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) were to totally usurp its Constitutional limits and resort to the most draconian, tyrannical measures imaginable and forcibly collect 100-percent of ALL the earnings of ALL White Americans in a given calendar year--for the sake of argument I will use calendar year 2023 as my example--the entire amount collected by the Internal Revenue Service would not even put a microscopic dent in the interest on America's staggering debt, let alone touch the principal of the debt. And by the way, and I'll also stand firm on this theory: the income tax was NEVER devised as a revenue-collecting strategy; the income tax was always forcibly imposed upon the sheeple Americans as a strict control measure. By submitting an income tax return you have divulged the most personal, private information about your life to government agents of tyranny. At the very bottom of every income tax return (IRS Form 1040) it even states: "I sign this 1040 Form under penalties of perjury." Think about this statement from the Internal Revenue Service: "Voluntary compliance is required." Is that not an oxymoron of the highest degree of perplexity?
I'm very confused by your answer. Please explain in greater detail. Thank you.
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.
- White Man 1
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- White Man 1
- Posts: 1119
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Re: 'Big Spender' Kevin McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker: Despite Claims to the Contrary, It Is 'Much Ado About Nothing.
This graphic is old, but it is the gist of it. Outside of the "balance sheet" would also be federal debt owned by places like federal reserve banks and municipalities, which would not really be "debt" I'm the sense we are used to.
- Will Williams
- Posts: 5026
- Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:22 am
Re: 'Big Spender' Kevin McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker: Despite Claims to the Contrary, It Is 'Much Ado About Nothing.
White Man 1 wrote: ↑Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:25 pmThis graphic is old, but it is the gist of it. Outside of the "balance sheet" would also be federal debt owned by places like federal reserve banks and municipalities, which would not really be "debt" I'm the sense we are used to.
Economics is not called the dismal science for nothing.
A National Alliance government can and will come up with an economic system that benefits the race once the present debt-driven, multiracial system blows up entirely and our people accept that total racial separation is the only solution.
We can't control big-spending GOP and Democrat Congressmen any more than we can control the open southern border, the corrupted DOJ, Justice system and Big Tech, the Russian/Ukraine border dispute or other national and global crises. What we can control is our own community-building, either by members relocating to our Cosmotheist Community or supporting it financially.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ
- White_Vengeance
- Posts: 290
- Joined: Fri May 13, 2022 5:54 pm
- Location: In the Whitest possible location, high in the Appalachian Mountains, deep in the heart of Dixie.
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Re: 'Big Spender' Kevin McCarthy Ousted as House Speaker: Despite Claims to the Contrary, It Is 'Much Ado About Nothing.
9,454.8 billion = 9,454 E12 = 9,454,800,000,000 = $9.454800 trillion. This is what is owed to America by foreign nations and / or interests.White Man 1 wrote: ↑Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:25 pmThis graphic is old, but it is the gist of it. Outside of the "balance sheet" would also be federal debt owned by places like federal reserve banks and municipalities, which would not really be "debt" I'm the sense we are used to.
6,008.9 billion = 6,008 E12 = 6,008,900,000,000 = $6.008900 trillion. This is--supposedly--what America owes to foreign nations and / or interests.
The current national debt, which is the cumulative amount of funded liabilities of approximately $35 trillion, plus the unfunded liabilities of approximately $405 trillion, which equals $440 trillion, is several orders of magnitude larger than the figures you have provided.
Let me round up the figure you provided for what is owed to America by foreign nations and/or interests from 9.454800 trillion to 10 trillion ($10 trillion). Ten trillion ($10 trillion) does not even put a minuscule dent into the current national debt of America.
To put this into a mathematical perspective, let's calculate this to show the percentage: 10,000,000,000,000 / 440,000,000,000,000 (that is 10 trillion divided by 440 trillion). The answer is: 2.27272727%. So, if America collected the total amount from her debtors, which is $9.454800 trillion (or rounded up to $10 trillion) and applied it to the current national debt, which is $440 trillion, that $10 trillion would pay down a piddling 2.27272727% of the national debt.
But...while the debtor nation, America, was scrambling to pay down her whopping, staggering debt of $440 trillion, the interest on the national debt is being compounded by the second--not by the year, or the quarter-year, or the month, or the week, or the day, or the hour, or even the minute, but by the SECOND--so it is a mathematical impossibility that America will EVER pay off her debt. This impossible situation--meaning impossible to pay off the national debt--was designed into the Federal Reserve Act from its very inception, way, way back in 1913, when it was ramrodded through an almost-vacant Congress--a Congress that was home celebrating the very Christian holiday of Christmas--by that backstabbing stooge, and jew-worshipper, Woodrow Wilson. We Americans have the deviousness, fiendishness, sleaziness, and diabolicalness of Woodrow Wilson, and his jew financier buddies, to thank for the double-edged sword of the Federal Reserve Act and the federal income tax, both of which are wholly and entirely unconstitutional, neither of which has there ever been even a superficial, perfunctory effort to audit--let alone a serious effort to repeal either, or both. Very clever of those international globalist jew financiers.
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.