Asian, Native American, and African Cuisine is Poison

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Asian, Native American, and African Cuisine is Poison

Post by N567 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:23 am


The sour and spicy flavoring that they put in Asian, Native American, and African cuisine can cause hyper-acidity which is why you should take an antacid like magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide, anti-diarrhea drugs like loperamide and anti-nausea drugs like meclizine to prevent ulcers, diarrhea, and vomiting which result from hyper-acidity when consuming this type of food.

But it is better to prevent the problem from happening by not eating this kind of food. Stick to western meat and potato dishes and salads, they do not cause hyper-acidity because they contain no sour or spicy flavoring.

Other races complain that our food is bland but we Caucasians avoid sour and spicy flavoring because it is bad for our health. This is the reason why the average lifespan in western countries like the US is 80 years while the average lifespan in Asia and South America is 67 years and the average lifespan in Africa is only 55 years: their consumption of sour and spicy food gives them ulcers which lead to septicemia, a fatal condition caused by the leakage of bowels into the bloodstream, resulting in the contamination and poisoning of blood.

Asians, Native Americans, and Africans also like consuming grains rather than fruits and vegetables as their source of carbohydrates and this gives their countries very high rates of death caused by diabetes because grains contain gluten which lowers testosterone and dopamine and this in turn slows down metabolism.

Asians, Native Americans, and Africans also have the highest rates of alcohol, smoking, and drug addiction which is also a leading cause of their early deaths.

Another problem in Asia, South America, and Africa is the very large amount of air pollution caused by the lax enforcement of laws that require motor vehicles and other internal combustion powered machines to have catalytic converters to reduce emissions by 90%. This exposes people living in these continents to large amounts of air pollution which is carcinogenic, and this in turn gives the people in these continents very high rates of cancer.


Re: Asian, Native American, and African Cuisine is Poison

Post by Colin » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:50 am

I can't say that you views on this are entirely accurate. European people were fermenting foods long before any contact with non-whites. Think about things like sourkraut and kifer, which is a fermented milk. Some spicy things can also only be grown in the colder climates like horseradish.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Asian, Native American, and African Cuisine is Poison

Post by Jim Mathias » Mon Dec 16, 2019 1:33 am

If this is to be believed, my own death may be impending due to the spices I consume on a regular basis for decades. I've developed such a tolerance that jalapenos are mildly spicy to my tongue and have consumed foods loaded with the ghost pepper, which is very high in "heat", that few others can handle. I enjoy it, and haven't lost any sense of taste. Having had a colonoscopy recently, I can say no adverse effects from my diet, including septicemia, have been detected by my physician. I'm not suffering from any ulcers either.
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