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No ETs Out There!

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:03 pm
by Wade Hampton III
Life as we know it might be far more rare than we know!

Andrew Griffin
Thursday 5 April 2018 08:20 BST posted...

Scientists might have found why there are so few aliens.
Life as we know it on Earth could be far more unusual
than we've previously thought, according to a new study.
The research suggests that the universe is substantially
lacking in phosphorus:
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Wade says, "It's us or the Jews. This planet is not big
enough for both!"

Re: No ETs Out There!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 2:31 am
by Jim Mathias
I'd prefer to believe that a strong possibility that sentient ET's exist for the sake of security.

Consider that if they're out there, they'd have (naturally) the same desire for that rare and valuable living/breeding space as we do. We'd be considered competitors, not benevolent kumbaya types the romanticists and other idiots would have us believe. Along those lines, we really need to stop trying to communicate with them. I'd rather we first find them without them knowing we found them than the other way around.

And now back to our regular programming of dealing with the hostile non-white alien hominids that are currently amongst us.

Re: No ETs Out There!

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 4:10 pm
by PhuBai68
When I step outside at night and look up I see a countless, unimaginable amount of stars.
A few of those stars are planets in our solar system, the others are suns.
Suns that most like have planets of their own, their own solar systems.
There has to be other intelligent life forms out there, it would be naive to think otherwise.

Re: No ETs Out There!

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:10 pm
by Wade Hampton III
PhuBai68 wrote: There has to be other intelligent life forms out there, it would be naive to think otherwise.
During the middle Paleozoic when the first land
animals crawled out of the primeval sea and made
Terra Firma their home....on a perceptual level,
they probably wondered the same thing. Hmmm...
where is everybody? Well, someone or something
had to be first.

In the cosmic context, why not us? The most terrifying
life form to have ever existed......the Jew..even
bears an outwardly similar appearance to us. I think
that collectively we have enough on our plate to deal
with...right here on this planet.
Nice Guy Compared To Yehuda
Nice Guy Compared To Yehuda
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