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Post by PhuBai68 » Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:36 pm

Some time back there was a thread on the Stormfront board discussing human evolution and how it's still in progress.
I want to jump in and add my 2¢ but there was too many moderated posts to wade through, once I was done that evolution thread had slipped my mind so never got back to it.
"What" made me think of this is the sudden controversy over the abortion of fetuses that are testing positive to be born with Downs syndrome.
I personally think we, as a society, should be doing all we can to improve our race/species.
More than a few times I've had jobs at the Totowa Development Center seeing individuals that were somewhat retarded to literally drooling idiots strapped down in wheelchairs (think of the ending of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest).
http://asylumprojects.org/index.php?tit ... tal_Center
Once, sent as back-up from a splicer (who didn't want to work there alone) we're walking between buildings on the campus and it's, "Aw damn it!"
"What's wrong?"
"I just stepped in dog sh*t."
"Ralph, there aren't any dogs in here."
Alright, where I'm going is I think we've kind of tossed a spanner in the gears of humanity evolving into a more perfect species through modern medicine/operations that births that would've ended in an infant not surviving being saved through modern medical procedures surviving to pass along the defective gene to the next generation, e.g. a person I worked with (a mulatto who married a Jackson white and lived in their community) teenage son had a baby with one of the local Jackson teenage girls.
The child was born with all sorts of heart defects, was flown to NYC's Mount Sinai hospital (I'm sure @ tax payer expense) for operation after operation, in years past that would've been an infant death.
http://www.medicalbag.com/dermatology/j ... le/472643/
A few years back my wife and I are heading into town on old US-60 and see a bunch of smoke from behind this tiny house, we figured just burning some brush.
Turns out the little house was a rental with a "developmentally challenged" couple who were planning to be married soon were living there.
If I remember correctly he, maybe both, worked at Walmart.
The water line froze under the house, he was in the crawl space with a "flamed heat source" attempting to thaw the pipes.
The house burned to the ground.
Think about that - two exceptionally "slow" individuals are going to breed and bring most likely more low IQ people into the world.
I believe (not sure) the Chinese are practicing eugenics and think in a perfect White society we should be, too.
Maybe we should stop saving these infants born with horrific birth defects (or at least sterilizing them) and them same with individuals under a certain IQ range.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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White Man 1
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Re: Evolution

Post by White Man 1 » Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:12 pm

That's an issue near and dear to my heart being that I grew up with a handicapped family member. The amount of pain they endure for what ends up being an incomplete and stunted life is a crime. And to know that the amount of pain, not only to the individual, but to the family and community, that could in some cases be avoided is not, should be an indication of the sad state of our society.

For the collective well being of our race or the benefit of not inflicting needless pain for a person's entire life, we should always strive to improve our gene pool.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Evolution

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:50 am

What I see here in this story is de-evolution, an act willfully undertaken by a large part of our (degenerated over a few thousand years) population. This is but one example, sure, but I believe highlights what's going on all over where Whites live these days.

And this situation is snowballing to a point that's unstoppable now. We've got to extricate as many of our best kind from this situation and at least turn around what few of can be.
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