Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Wade Hampton III » Tue Aug 01, 2017 11:16 pm

In an interview with Newsweek last month, Bill Nye spoke about the
forthcoming eclipse and how these events are hugely special as they
help us consider fundamental questions about life, such as where we
came from and if we are alone in the universe.

“If you want to understand where we came from, you have to understand
space. And the eclipse is an amazing event that helps anyone understand
that we live on a sphere with a moon and a sun and other planets, and
we are part of this extraordinary larger whole that you could call
creation or the cosmos. It’s something that gets me every single day
of my life. Every day I marvel at the insight that we are made of the
same stuff, the same dust, as the stars. We are made of stardust. If
you say: what’s the meaning of life? I’m not sure, but it has to do
with being part of the cosmos."

“The eclipse is a moment that reminds us all in just a few minutes of
our extraordinary place in space on this sphere covered with liquid
water, with a moon tidally locked, in orbit around the sun. We can
predict these events within less than a second, because we understand
the mathematics of the universe so well. And we’re just some humble
species wandering around on the outskirts of a regular galaxy. We’re
no big deal, yet we can understand it all, and that to me is wonderful
and amazing, and the eclipse to me is part of that.” ... 30476.html


Kollerstrom videos about mysteries of the Moon & Holohoax

Post by permela » Thu Aug 03, 2017 6:34 pm

White Man 1 wrote:
permela wrote:I have better things to do than to watch the moon blot out the light from the sun for a few minutes. How does that benefit life on this planet?
I didn't know there was much better way to spend an afternoon than witnessing a celestial wonder that most people would be lucky to experience once in their lifetime.
Would humanity benefit more if the time and millions of dollars that will be spent on hotels, travel, etc. in order to stand in the shadow of the moon were spent recruiting like-minded Whites to join the NA?

Permela wrote the following on August 26, several days after the eclipse:
I was out doors when the solar eclipse occurred but did not look at it. My dog kept trying to look up at the sky during the eclipse so he must have sensed that something strange was happening. I put my hand over his eyes every time he did so in order to protect his eyes in case he looked at the wrong time.

An amazing video called "Nick Kollerstrom, Mystery of the Moon" at explains some amazing information about the moon, and that the brilliant religious leaders who built ancient Stonehenge and the pyramids of ancient Egypt knew more about the moon than some modern scientists are willing to acknowledge.

A discussion about Nick Kollerstrom's book called "Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & Reality" is at . More information about this book is at ... B012QGMI5U .

A Wikipedia (Jewish) article about Nick Kollerstrom is at .

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Kevin Alfred Strom
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Re: Didn't know there was a better way to spend time & money

Post by Kevin Alfred Strom » Thu Aug 03, 2017 6:57 pm

permela wrote:Would humanity benefit more if the time and millions of dollars that will be spent on hotels, travel, etc. in order to stand in the shadow of the moon were spent recruiting like-minded Whites to join the NA?
Definitely yes. Perhaps someone in this thread can arrange that!

Sometimes I spend more than 12 hours a day working. When I take a break, I do like to go into the forest with my sweetheart and our collie, or my children, and experience Nature.

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Aug 03, 2017 9:40 pm

The Eclipse as it will be seen from Haiti:
haiti-presidential-palace.jpg (53.82 KiB) Viewed 8858 times
haiti-eclipse.JPG (15.8 KiB) Viewed 8858 times


Ways in which I try to recruit my friends and cousins

Post by permela » Fri Aug 04, 2017 11:16 pm

One of the ways in which I try to recruit my friends and cousins:
Dear Cousin,

How are you?

Your more tolerant and less bigoted and prejudiced friends and family may enjoy the following videos:
White Racial Suicide at
The Lesson of Haiti at
David Irving - World War 2 & The Holocaust Myth


Why is our race/civilization becoming extinct so quickly?

Post by permela » Sat Aug 05, 2017 12:05 am

Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:Sometimes I spend more than 12 hours a day working. When I take a break, I do like to go into the forest with my sweetheart and our collie, or my children, and experience Nature.
One can't help anybody else unless one takes care of one's own health and happiness first (doing that is more easily said than done). Being able to create such masterpieces every week shows how talented and committed you are.

I am thankful that we have had great men and geniuses like you, Dr. Pierce, David Irving, Ernst Zundel, Adolf Hitler, etc. on our side, so that more people can learn the truth about our exploiters. Only one convert can make a huge difference.

I wish that everyone in the world had enjoyed your broadcasts as much as I have, and that it were easier to persuade others to listen to pro-white Internet broadcasts and videos. People might have more time to do so if they were not so busy listening to their preachers and Jewsmedia shame them into believing the contrary. One can lead a horse to water but never make one take even a sip.

Why is our race/civilization becoming extinct so quickly despite all the years of such passionate work by so many pro-White leaders and organizations? Would Jews allow an organization like the NA to have access to the Internet if they thought there was even a small chance that it might turn the tide of public opinion, after so many generations of failure to do so?


Photographing solar eclipses may break your camera or cellph

Post by permela » Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:24 pm

Total solar eclipses don’t happen often and they aren’t easy to take pictures of either, but if you don’t have the right protection, you could very easily break your digital camera or the camera on your phone
according to ... hi-mefmzuj.


Don't let the solar eclipse destroy your eyes

Post by permela » Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:11 pm

SOURCE: ... e/70002475

Don't let the solar eclipse destroy your eyes: Experts explain signs, symptoms of vision damage

Don’t count on the moon to protect your eyes from frying during the Great American Eclipse.

Proper eye protection is essential to preventing serious and potentially permanent vision damage. Ophthalmologists agree that eye injuries can occur instantaneously, and the eyes can experience discomfort within several hours after exposure.

“The sun is incredibly bright – some 400,000 times brighter than a full moon,” said Dr. Linda Chous, vision expert and chief eye officer at UnitedHealthcare.

“Any amount of exposure can cause short-term and long-term damage,” Chous added.

Signs of damage to watch for include sensitivity to light, eye pain or loss of vision in one or both eyes, according to vision experts.

However, even in the absence of eye pain, it is still likely that the eyes have experienced some level of damage, said Dr. Howard Purcell, senior vice president of customer development at Essilor of America.

“With some diseases like glaucoma, there’s no pain associated with it,” he said. “The same thing [applies] here; the individual is unlikely to feel any pain at all.”

Following a solar eclipse in the United Kingdom in 1999, public health officials reported a surge of calls from those with apparent eye injuries. A week after the eclipse, at least 14 cases of permanent damage were confirmed.

It has been stressed countless times that ISO-approved glasses are the only kind that should be worn while viewing the main event.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Astronomical Society recommend wearing eclipse glasses that are ISO 12312-2 certified.

“Be aware that it doesn't matter if glasses are darker or polarized,” said Dr. Lisa Park, ophthalmologist and associate professor of ophthalmology.

Beware of fake eclipse glasses

“The most important criteria is that the wavelengths of light are blocked by the filter, which is why the certification is relevant,” Park said.

The only period in which it’s safe to remove protective eye gear is during the few brief minutes of totality, when the moon eclipses the sun completely.

“Even if there’s an edge of the sun that’s still visible, you’re still at risk,” Purcell said.
While viewing the eclipse without proper eye gear may not completely blind you, the sudden flood of light can cause long-term conditions, including solar retinopathy.

It happens when a sun burns a hole in the retinal tissues.

“This is a permanent damage that can be created on the retina, the back of the eye – kind of [like] the film of the camera, if you will,” Purcell said.

The eyes can also be impacted in the short term by the sunburnlike photokeratitis, which occurs when the cornea is scorched from the intensity of the sun, according to vision experts.
In the wake of recent reports of fake solar eclipse glasses being sold, it’s essential that spectators ensure that their eyes are properly protected.

“There are about 13 different brands that are ISO approved,” said Purcell. “It’s really important that you’re making sure you’re getting them from those particular brands.”
Ophthalmologists recommend that those impacted by any sun-related vision damage visit an eye care professional immediately.

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Wade Hampton III » Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:55 pm

Pursuing eclipses is a rather new cultural phenomenon. Eclipse chasing
began to become a popular international pastime in 1970, when many
people traveled to Mexico to observe a total solar eclipse on March 7.
In 1972, the Olympia became the first ship chartered to rendezvous with
totality at sea. Over the decades, one eclipse after another has eclipsed
the record number of people that migrated to get to the central path.
Now that total eclipses of the sun have become mass entertainment, they
are also opportunities for merchandising: eclipse lodging, eclipse glasses,
eclipse publications, eclipse-viewing real estate, eclipse T-shirts, eclipse
postage stamps, eclipse hats, eclipse pins, eclipse buttons, and more. The
island of Java put the Hindu eclipse demon on cans of two brands of beer
for Indonesia's Great Ramadan Total Solar Eclipse of June 11, 1983. For
the ancients, an eclipse was one of the last things anyone wanted to see.
Now, total solar eclipses are create destinations of temporary mass
migration that transform local economies. They also transform perspective
— on life, the universe, and everything. Brutally short, total solar eclipses
deliver anxiety, tension, drama, sparkle and passion. For eclipse veterans,
every eclipse remains a surprise. For eclipse virgins, the first question
after the first eclipse is inevitable: "When is the next one?" ... 170816-sdc

For those who may be interested, the dentally-challenged Jewess Carley
Simon was impressed by the March 1970 eclipse with these lyrics:

"Well, I hear you went up to Saratoga
And your horse naturally won....
Then you flew your Lear jet up to Nova Scotia
To see the total eclipse of the sun...."

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Total solar eclipse to be seen across the U.S.

Post by Wade Hampton III » Sat Aug 19, 2017 1:28 am

Anything & Everything About Monday!
An Aryan View
An Aryan View
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Only Blue-Eyed Folk Can Appreciate Celestia!
She Beholds
She Beholds
48750.JPG (26.92 KiB) Viewed 8644 times ... 170343.htm

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