Are Blacks the Spoiled Children of Mother Nature?

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Are Blacks the Spoiled Children of Mother Nature?

Post by natmanwhite » Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:24 am

After years of seeing black memes on and other politically-incorrect media,
I wonder if the reason that Black people are so inept at anything short of making third world garbage dumps is because the continent of Africa has never challenged them in any real civilizational scale.

I see similarites between this and the effects of spoiling childhren by constantly giving them anything or everything they want.
Any thoughts?

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Re: Are Blacks the Spoiled Children of Mother Nature?

Post by White Man 1 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:15 pm

Although the pressures of nature certainly bear heavily on humans and have a tendency to change them in one way or another, that is really only a part of the story. Dr. Pierce, Kevin Strom, Dr. Oliver, and many others have covered this topic far more extensively than I could possibly, so my advice is to enter "evolution" into the search bar at National Vanguard to get a fuller picture.

Some things change in direct response to the environment. Melanin content in skin is one such change, with Negros and others producing more to combat the effects of UV light exposure. Another change suggested by Dr. Duke is the thinner, longer nose shapes of White people in response to colder weather.

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Re: Are Blacks the Spoiled Children of Mother Nature?

Post by Trenton » Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:06 pm

The quote in that image is very well-spoken. Do you know who it's from? Also, I recently read John Massaro's article "My African Journey" on the National Vanguard site, and I think you may find it interesting. I am reminded of a quotation I took from a 4chan thread by a former Peace Corps volunteer.
In his last paragraph, the author of this thread segment tells us "They're [Africans are] not terrible people, they just shouldn't be anywhere near us." He goes on. "It's no mistake that the people living there are giant children. Despite tons of diseases and ferocious animals, they want for nothing. Trees are growing fruit everywhere. Every weed is edible. Before the Western-induced population bomb, I'm not sure they even required agriculture to feed themselves." He concludes by saying "They have absolutely nothing to offer us, nor anything to gain by interaction with the West. They're a people frozen in time tens of thousands of years ago, and I have no trouble leaving them like that."
There's also of course Dr Albert Schweizer's famous quote that African blacks should never be treated like equals by a White man, not for reasons of pride, but because in Africa, an equal is someone onto whom you can make demands.

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Re: Are Blacks the Spoiled Children of Mother Nature?

Post by natmanwhite » Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:42 am

Holy moly, I think I read a jpeg think that quote somewhere

here it is:
African Psyche.jpg
African Psyche.jpg (244.19 KiB) Viewed 9360 times
Last edited by Jim Mathias on Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Removed the expletive and replaced it with "moly"

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Re: Are Blacks the Spoiled Children of Mother Nature?

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:42 am

natmanwhite wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:42 am
Holy moly, I think I read a jpeg think that quote somewhere

here it is:
African Psyche.jpg
Could you supply a link, Dappy? The text within your picture is too small to read.
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Re: Are Blacks the Spoiled Children of Mother Nature?

Post by Trenton » Sun Dec 10, 2023 1:42 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:42 am
natmanwhite wrote:
Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:42 am
Holy moly, I think I read a jpeg think that quote somewhere

here it is:
African Psyche.jpg
Could you supply a link, Dappy? The text within your picture is too small to read.
That actually isn't the whole thread. I have a screenshot I was sent of the whole thing, but again, the text is rather small and blurry. I did however write a synopsis of the thread for a friend of mine, which I will paste here:

The following is summarized from a 4chan thread segment which began on February 2nd of 2016.

The 4chan user states that he was a Peace Corps volunteer for a couple of years (likely early 2010's) and was sent to a relatively stable Sahel African country, in a village on the southern side of the Sahara, and well within what could be called "Black Africa." My guess is that this country was Niger or Burkina Faso. He states that during his time in the Peace Corps, he dealt with "Africans," but also "people so far on the left that you had to pop a Truveda to have a conversation with them." However, he states that this thread is dedicated to the Africans, their nature, and their way of life.

The good aspect of African society, the writer contends, is that it works for the people involved. "They're not smart [Africans], but they have strict, specific rules they follow." He continues, "the power is on 6-8 hours of the day, there's running water sometimes, and the roads have potholes so large that it's safer to drive in the bush next to the road. But [sic] in the small town/village I lived in, there was basically no crime, it was safe to walk around at night, and people got along really well with each other."

The writer states that the reason this "works" is because the tribal village in Africa consists of 100-1,000 inhabitants, and is based around familial ties. He asserts that "Blacks have no morality, they don't feel bad for doing anything the way you and I do." Rather, shame (public loss of face) and fear (threat of physical or supernatural retribution), hierarchically imposed, keep the peace.

The tribal African way of life highly values family and community (tribe, in a word). As such, no village-dwelling Africans had any real desire to permanently relocate to France, the United States, or anywhere else, for that matter. The same, I would infer, could not be said for city-dwelling blacks, and certainly not for Arabs. The writer does mention that it was somewhat common for blacks in the village to aspire to migrate to Europe and send money back in order to increase the status of their families.

In the bush, villagers often react violently to pro-homosexual or feminist lectures by the Peace Corps volunteers working in that field. The writer states that he worked in agricultural development, however, and was not on the receiving end of thrown rocks or gathered mobs. He relates a number of anecdotes after this.

A villager who had befriended a volunteer attempted to make money by baking and selling bread, which was a commodity not produced in that village. The villager scraped together money, built a clay oven and all of the other necessary baking materials, and baked 30 loaves. When his high-status father saw the villager hawking the bread by the roadside, he took 20 of the loaves, claiming that the family (4 wives and over 30 children) needed the food. The enterprising villager was thus bankrupted. "This is the basic story of Africa," the writer says, "communalism gone insane. It is completely unthinkable to refuse a demand from an elder or family member for money or food." He relates that the villagers hid what money they had, because if anyone knew that they had it, it would not take long for loans and favors to be demanded in substantial quantity. To refuse such demands would be socially impossible. "The whole system was built to pull people down to the lowest common denominator."
The family the writer lived with during his time in the Sahel ate all of their meals from a communal bowl of rice with fish and vegetables. This family spent "a good amount of money (for them)" to buy bitter tomatoes and okra, which no one liked, and no one would eat. When asked why they wasted so much money on this, the father responded that they did not want anyone to think they were poor. Even to these people, for whom stale vegetables are a straining household expenditure, face, public presentation, is everything. Most blacks, the author is convinced, do not have a true conception of the future passage of time, "aside from a vague notion that tomorrow will come."
A man asked the author for ten hectares of land, and a diesel-electric pump to irrigate it. "This was not uncommon. The first thing people usually asked me when I told them I was an Agriculture Development person was for tractors, cars, livestock, anything. Completely shameless begging." Even the richest elders would ask for handouts. These are men with silk robes and black sedans. When asked about his prior agricultural experience, the man in this anecdote said he had none. The author told him to ask the village chief for a small garden plot and a used gas pump to grow on so that he could save up for a larger operation. The man refused, saying that the government had given his cousin 10 hectares and a diesel-electric pump, and he would just wait until he could get that too. All foreign aid money to Africa, the writer contends, is given either to warlords, NGO employee salaries, or hand-outs "for the undeserving." He continues "never give any money to any international charity, ever." Saying that "It breeds a mentality of helplessness and 'mana from heaven' not to mention an entire caste of African hustlers whose only job is to pitch their village for various causes." This anecdote finishes with the statement that eventually, this man will probably get what he wants, and do absolutely nothing with it other than showing it off.
During the Islamic festival of Eid Al-Hafa, a goat is killed and butchered. In this part of Africa, the adolescent males will cut off the testicles of the goat to grill and eat. The girls of the village do not participate, for fear of becoming pregnant with a goat. The Africans are astoundingly superstitious, keeping deeply-held beliefs of "ghosts, angels, demons, curses, charms, blessings, and magic." Villagers actually get into "magic-battles, where charms and counter-charms were buried at people's doorsteps, protective wards were made, and potions were snuck into tea." This is in Islamic Africa. Their savage superstitions take primacy over their professed religion.
A volunteer loaned his own money to the farmer he lived with, which he intended to be used for fertilizer. The farmer's yield increased almost tenfold that year, and instead of asking to be paid back, the volunteer told the farmer to purchase more fertilizer. This repeated for another year before the volunteer went home, and the money was instead spent on trinkets and gifts to various extended relatives. Peace Corps made a graph of the yields over the years when fertilizer had been used, but left out the year in which it was not. "Here's the takeaway," the writer tells us, "no one who wasn't white on that farm saw any connection between the yields, the money they were making and the fertilizer."

In his last paragraph, the author of this thread segment tells us "They're [Africans are] not terrible people, they just shouldn't be anywhere near us." He goes on. "It's no mistake that the people living there are giant children. Despite tons of diseases and ferocious animals, they want for nothing. Trees are growing fruit everywhere. Every weed is edible. Before the Western-induced population bomb, I'm not sure they even required agriculture to feed themselves." He concludes by saying "They have absolutely nothing to offer us, nor anything to gain by interaction with the West. They're a people frozen in time tens of thousands of years ago, and I have no trouble leaving them like that."

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Are Blacks the Spoiled Children of Mother Nature?

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Dec 10, 2023 2:13 am

Thanks Trenton, for going to all the trouble.

Girls afraid of getting pregnant by a goat from eating the animal's testicles here in 2023, that's mindlessly superstitious all right.
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Will Williams
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Re: Are Blacks the Spoiled Children of Mother Nature?

Post by Will Williams » Sun Dec 10, 2023 12:33 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Dec 10, 2023 2:13 am
Thanks Trenton, for going to all the trouble.

Girls afraid of getting pregnant by a goat from eating the animal's testicles here in 2023, that's mindlessly superstitious all right.
Amazing. I didn't get that far in. I reached a conclusion after seeing this:
"Blacks have no morality, they don't feel bad for doing anything the way you and I do."

Conclusion: White separatists must not allow that sub-species anywhere near their midst. Or this one:


Ben Klassen was right. "The nigger: Nature's most dismal failure."
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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