"Woke" Administrators at Yale yammer to remove art class for being "too White"

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Jim Mathias
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"Woke" Administrators at Yale yammer to remove art class for being "too White"

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:25 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/political/yal ... -too-white
Yale Cancels Prestigious Art History Course For Being "Too White"
by Tyler Durden
Sat, 01/25/2020 - 20:30

A story and "justification" so absurd and absolutely bonkers that we sincerely wish this was The Onion and not from the oldest college daily newspaper in the United States and at one of the nation's most elite Ivy League schools:

Yale will stop teaching a storied introductory survey course in art history, citing the impossibility of adequately covering the entire field — and its varied cultural backgrounds — in one course.

Decades old and once taught by famous Yale professors like Vincent Scully, “Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to the Present” was once touted to be one of Yale College’s quintessential classes. But this change is the latest response to student uneasiness over an idealized Western “canon” — a product of an overwhelmingly white, straight, European and male cadre of artists.

So that's it, apparently: the great masterpieces recognized as such by the entire world for generations are now tainted by their supposed "whiteness" and must be censored by the Robespierre-like mob of the "woke".

It's not merely that the Western Civilization-focused “Introduction to Art History: Renaissance to the Present” class has been deleted, but the entire concept of "Western art" itself will be a focus of criticism in the multiple new 'more culturally sensitive' classes that will replace it.

The Yale Daily News continues:

This spring, the final rendition of the course will seek to question the idea of Western art itself — a marked difference from the course’s focus at its inception. Art history department chair and the course’s instructor Tim Barringer told the News that he plans to demonstrate that a class about the history of art does not just mean Western art. Rather, when there are so many other regions, genres and traditions — all “equally deserving of study” — putting European art on a pedestal is “problematic,” he said.

Clearly, it also sounds like students who happen to favor the Western and European greats will be set up for de-platforming and ridicule.

How long before the beautiful centuries-old campus buildings themselves will be "discovered" as part of the Western tradition of architecture? Will they survive the decades to come as the "purge" grows ever fiercer and more anti-intellectual?

In the name of "diversity" it appears assigning any level of uniqueness to a work of art which happens to have emerged from the medieval or renaissance or early modern period will immediately be shamed by the 'woke mob'.

This follows other Yale departments in prior years attempting to purge “decolonize” their programs, especially in the English/Literature Department. We wonder how long the title "English Department" itself will be allowed to stand.
If Yale leads in deconstructing all traces of White history, art, and even our existence, others are likely to follow suit. Which institution will then preserve the art and the history? The National Alliance is that institution but needs people and resources to make it happen.

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