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Ariana is no Aryan

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 10:58 am
by Will Williams
I'd never heard of Ariana Grande until one of her concerts was bombed by a non-White terrorist the other day. I figured that with a nice Aryan name like Ariana, performing before a large crowd of European girls, still mostly White, she must be like the new Britney Spears. Boy, was I wrong

A tip o' the hat to HLM at Stormfront for this expose of Miss Aryana:
Mulatto Futurism is the use of media to promote the idea of interracial couplings, which leads to mulatto children and thus a mulatto future. Hence, society becomes increasingly rootless, alienated, and gripped by an identity crisis which cannot be resolved but only temporarily staved off by winning the praise and adoration of others. The mulatto is a saint to White liberals and Jews, and an inauthentic black to the Negroes, never truly himself because his kind do not constitute anything more than a temporary community. ...

Now she is dating a Jewish rapper and her music videos are about implying sex with Blacks and Hispanics. She is marketed to young American and European girls.

..So to put everything together and take the Grande pill: Ariana Grande converted to Judaism while she was at Nickelodeon, which means pedo sh!t was possibly involved... The race-mixing agitprop has been ratcheted up very rapidly by the various media in the West. When you think of parents stupid enough to send their 8 year old to this type venue, you begin to wonder if the White race even deserves to survive. This sort of filth will increasingly (as in Orlando) become the target of choice of the Moors--HLM: ... e-edition/


Re: Ariana is no Aryan

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 6:28 am
by White Man 1
Who knows what kind of perversions she was subject to as a child brought up by the pack of heebs at Nickelodeon. I'd almost feel sorry for her, if it wasn't for the fact that she actively works against us. I think this latest bombing will wake up some real British parents to the filth that their children are being force-fed and the world wide repercussions to accepting that filth. First Britain, next America.

Re: Ariana is no Aryan

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 1:07 am
by Jim Mathias
White Man 1 wrote:Who knows what kind of perversions she was subject to as a child brought up by the pack of heebs at Nickelodeon. I'd almost feel sorry for her, if it wasn't for the fact that she actively works against us. I think this latest bombing will wake up some real British parents to the filth that their children are being force-fed and the world wide repercussions to accepting that filth. First Britain, next America.
From personal experience, it was the content of the programming (insulting to one's intelligence) that drove me to get rid of television sets in my home back in 1989. Now and then I get incidental exposure to the programming Ariana Grande and other mouthpieces spewing jewish filth in places I happen to be where there are television sets blaring and it hasn't changed. All of it is excrement for the mind.

That said, it won't drive the White masses to get rid of theirs and to me it speaks of a degenerative trend we Whites have bred ourselves towards. It seems that the quality of breed of most Whites is poor (compared to the illustrious ancestors in centuries and millennia past) and these people simply aren't worth saving--and likely cannot be saved. They'll become like their dusky-hued counterparts such as what's seen in India these days. Of formerly Aryan ancestry, they've miscegenated themselves out of our race, generally speaking.

Re: Ariana is no Aryan

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 5:40 pm
by DasReich
She is a despicable excuse for a human being. It's unfortunate that she is a role model for our youth.....It's a tough job being a parent now a days.

Re: Ariana is no Aryan

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 7:50 pm
by Will Williams
DasReich wrote:... It's unfortunate that she is a role model for our youth.....It's a tough job being a parent now a days.
Choosing to live in a White community, apart from the filth and alien influences is a good place to begin making one's life not so tough. Home-schooling, with shared teaching duties by parents in the community is a good way to shape precious White children's minds and character. Do the kids need TV, smart telephones and social media? Not if they do not serve the community and the race, they don't. They need to be "socialized" among their own kind.

Re: Ariana is no Aryan

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:57 pm
by White Man 1
Movement folks came pretty close to having solid, positive female role models for our daughters in the 90's/00's with Saga, Prussian Blue, etc. In the future we'll have that again, but better and stronger. Then we didn't have near the resources we do now.