Video Games that Promote the Message!

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Video Games that Promote the Message!

Post by kultursoldat » Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:58 pm

I have compiled a few of the games and mods I have on my drive to Mediafire!

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Axis Vengeance mod


This is an overhaul mod that lets you play on the Axis side! A copy of Return to Castle Wolfenstein is needed to play this mod.

Take me there!

Ethnic Cleansing: The Video Game


Surely most of you already know of this title?

Take me there!



This is a mod that replaces all of the demon enemies in DOOM. All WADs are provided, check the readme for instructions!

Take me there!

White Law

The follow-up to Ethnic Cleansing!

Take me there!

More TBA

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Re: Video Games that Promote the Message!

Post by White Man 1 » Wed Mar 06, 2024 9:56 am

Thanks for the list, kultursoldat. In general I personally do not care for video games. I think they can be far too immersive and promote escapism rather than embracing our problems in the real world. However, they can have value in reaching our people that have been sucked into such a time sink already. The video game format with it's hours upon hours of attention grabbing content can be effective in reaching those who are already using them, provided the he also provides a directive to leave the virtual space and take real world action.

For my part, I won't be playing video games, and neither will my children. However, if they can be leveraged to promote the National Alliance message, I do not consider video games a complete waste.

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Will Williams
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Re: Video Games that Promote the Message!

Post by Will Williams » Wed Mar 06, 2024 11:52 am

White Man 1 wrote:
Wed Mar 06, 2024 9:56 am
Thanks for the list, kultursoldat. In general I personally do not care for video games. I think they can be far too immersive and promote escapism rather than embracing our problems in the real world. However, they can have value in reaching our people that have been sucked into such a time sink already. The video game format with it's hours upon hours of attention grabbing content can be effective in reaching those who are already using them, provided the he also provides a directive to leave the virtual space and take real world action.

For my part, I won't be playing video games, and neither will my children. However, if they can be leveraged to promote the National Alliance message, I do not consider video games a complete waste.
Thanks, White Man. That Ethnic Cleansing game, produced by the National Alliance years ago may have been popular with some skinheads at the time but did not help in building the Alliance at all. I never even watched it but remember folks saying it was released prematurely, prior to being properly finished.

We're not going to get in the video game business while we have so many serious issues to deal with.

I'm reminded of the immature Murdoch Murdoch bs where some kids took NA material and put out silly videos using Dr. Pierce audios without authorization or attributing content back to our Alliance. What good did that do for Alliance-building? I don't think MM is technically a game but seems typical of what appeals to youngsters these days on the 'Net and social media. Call me a Boomer prude, I don't care. Presumably MM content can be found here: Judge for yourselves.

With proper adult NA guidance and supervision Mr. kultursoldat might be able to use his skillset to promote our Alliance to video game enthusiasts, but looking at this list I just found of the best video games of all time, I doubt it: ... f-all-time

Grand Theft Auto, the only video game I've ever heard of, is just 66th on that list. Maybe it's typical, maybe not, but it sounds toxic to me, according to these reviews I found:

Players can direct characters to smoke marijuana and drink alcohol. Effects of pot include the character commenting on how weed doesn't faze him, even though his vision becomes brighter and objects become haloed with light. In one instance, the player's character hallucinates alien monsters. Imbibing alcohol results in a wonky camera meant to simulate dizziness and loss of balance. Players can drive while drunk.

Parents Need to Know
Parents need to know that Grand Theft Auto V is an adult action game for Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Windows platforms. It brims with gang violence, nudity, extremely coarse language, and drug and alcohol abuse. Playing as hardened criminals, players kill not only fellow gangsters but also police officers and innocent civilians using both weapons and vehicles while conducting premeditated crimes, including a particularly disturbing scene involving torture. Women are frequently depicted as sexual objects, with a strip club mini-game allowing players to fondle dancers' bodies, which are nude from the waist up. Players also have the opportunity to make characters use marijuana and drink alcohol, both of which impact their perception of the world. All of the main characters are criminals who think of themselves first and others rarely at all. Online modes allow players to create their own avatar and embark on a criminal career that includes armed robberies, corruption, and murder. There's some diversity within the cast, including people of varying skin colors, backgrounds, and sexual orientation, but virtually no characters here could be considered appropriate role models. Few games are more clearly targeted to an adult audience.

Positive Messages
Missions glamorize and sensationalize criminal life and illegal activities including thievery, murder, and drug use. The game's aim is to entertain players by allowing them to role-play as criminals carrying out acts that are frequently extremely violent, including torture.

Positive Role Models
No playable or secondary characters serve as decent role models. All are actively involved in or otherwise connected to the criminal world. Most of their decisions -- to shoot police officers, take advantage of women, kill fellow hoods, and even torture -- are driven by greed, self-interest, and a lack of respect for other people and their rights as humans.

Diverse Representations
very little
Among three playable anti-heroes, one is a Black man. He falls into a stereotype as an ex-gangster, though the White protagonists also have criminal backgrounds. Gender balance skews heavily male; women are largely treated as sex objects and disposable. Characters also strongly skew White, despite fictional setting of Los Santos being based on Los Angeles, where White residents are the minority. But non-White and non-Black characters of color do arrive through appearances by a Mexican cartel and a Chinese gang. Homosexual characters (and references to them) pop up now and then, though they're rarely cast in favorable light -- such as a pair of brothers having sex in a van.

Violence & Scariness
a lot
In the role of criminal characters, players employ an extensive array of realistic weapons ranging from pistols and shotguns to machine guns and grenades, killing hundreds of people including gangsters, police, and innocent bystanders. Cars can be used as weapons too, both purposefully and accidentally, as players race through crowded streets slamming into anyone who gets in the way. Blood often sprays from injured and dying characters, staining clothing and environment. One scene involves the player's character graphically torturing another, using methods including waterboarding and pliers. Screams and moans of pain are frequent.

Sex, Romance & Nudity
a lot
An optional strip club mini-game shows women naked, save skimpy panties. They push their breasts toward the camera, and players can direct their avatars' hands to touch the strippers' bodies when bouncers aren't looking. Sex workers attempt to sell themselves on the street. Many female characters are clad in revealing clothing. Men and women are shown having sex, though they aren't naked. Some scenes imply masturbation, fellatio, even necrophilia, including pleasured moaning sounds. Men's genitals are shown, though in nonsexual context.

a lot
Frequent coarse language includes very strong words, including hundreds of instances of "f--k" and the "N" word. Other words, including "s--t," "c--t," and "c--k," appear frequently as well.

Products & Purchases
a little
Players can spend real-world money on in-game money, letting them buy things within the game without earning money by completing tasks and missions. This is the latest and most updated title of a game originally released in 2013, which is also the latest chapter of a long-running franchise.

Drinking, Drugs & Smoking
a lot
Players can direct characters to smoke marijuana and drink alcohol. Effects of pot include the character commenting on how weed doesn't faze him, even though his vision becomes brighter and objects become haloed with light. In one instance, the player's character hallucinates alien monsters. Imbibing alcohol results in a wonky camera meant to simulate dizziness and loss of balance. Players can drive while drunk.

Parents Need to Know
Parents need to know that Grand Theft Auto V is an adult action game for Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Windows platforms. It brims with gang violence, nudity, extremely coarse language, and drug and alcohol abuse. Playing as hardened criminals, players kill not only fellow gangsters but also police officers and innocent civilians using both weapons and vehicles while conducting premeditated crimes, including a particularly disturbing scene involving torture. Women are frequently depicted as sexual objects, with a strip club mini-game allowing players to fondle dancers' bodies, which are nude from the waist up. Players also have the opportunity to make characters use marijuana and drink alcohol, both of which impact their perception of the world. All of the main characters are criminals who think of themselves first and others rarely at all. Online modes allow players to create their own avatar and embark on a criminal career that includes armed robberies, corruption, and murder. There's some diversity within the cast, including people of varying skin colors, backgrounds, and sexual orientation, but virtually no characters here could be considered appropriate role models. Few games are more clearly targeted to an adult audience.
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Re: Video Games that Promote the Message!

Post by Trenton » Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:41 pm

As appealing of an idea as it can be for many Whites, our hobbies are rarely applicable to alliance-building. I happen to greatly enjoy reading novels, playing tabletop role-playing games, and I even play a select few video games on occasion (mostly history-related games, because I like to be immersed in an ersatz reconstruction of the past), I don’t think that there is much to be done with regards to spreading our message through those hobbies. At least, there is little to be done which would be more time and cost efficient than less entertaining means of getting the word out there.

Case and point, I have a friend who runs a public server on the messaging site Discord. The server is devoted to the openly pro-White tabletop game entitled “Mythic Fantasy Role-Playing Game.” It was created by Varg Vikernes, who, for all his ideological idiosyncrasies, is without a doubt a White separatist. I heard a while ago that he actually corresponded with Doctor Pierce while imprisoned. In any case, within a week or two of the server opening up and being announced on Mr. Vikernes’ Twitter account, my friend had to enforce a “no-politics” rule because absolutely nothing productive was said, and many people were certainly alienated from the message the game conveys because most people discussing politics in the server were just sperging out about things like the Latin alphabet being a Jewish plot to ‘civilize’ the Germanic peoples.

Topping it all off, very little discussion of the game the server was dedicated to actually occurred. The controversy of the author was much more widely known and cared about than the game, or the message it conveyed.

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Re: Video Games that Promote the Message!

Post by Will Williams » Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:23 pm

Trenton wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:41 pm
As appealing of an idea as it can be for many Whites, our hobbies are rarely applicable to alliance-building. I happen to greatly enjoy reading novels, playing tabletop role-playing games, and I even play a select few video games on occasion (mostly history-related games, because I like to be immersed in an ersatz reconstruction of the past), I don’t think that there is much to be done with regards to spreading our message through those hobbies. At least, there is little to be done which would be more time and cost efficient than less entertaining means of getting the word out there....
Very good. Trenton. Sometimes our hobbies or avocations can help to promote the cause. For example, back when I painted portraits I did some of White leaders, including a few of WLP that are still out there. But hobbies are hobbies and focused activism for Alliance-building doesn't need lot of new ideas like video games. We know what works, like promoting this recruiting document: ... -alliance/ The people we want to attract comprehend its content and like what they read there.

kultursoldat apparently likes war video games and posted one that shows an SS trooper in what's described as Axis vs. Allies. I did not approve his post but clicked on the link that was provided with it:

The developers describe the content like this:
“Blood and Gore Violence”

From that description I gather it is for adults. But that is not what will appeal to the sort of adults who we want to attract to NA. What do you think, kultursoldat? Compare your WWII reenactment video, where I assume the Germans prevail, to our recruiting booklet.
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Re: Video Games that Promote the Message!

Post by Stargazer » Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:14 pm

Trenton wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:41 pm
As appealing of an idea as it can be for many Whites, our hobbies are rarely applicable to alliance-building. I happen to greatly enjoy reading novels, playing tabletop role-playing games, and I even play a select few video games on occasion (mostly history-related games, because I like to be immersed in an ersatz reconstruction of the past), I don’t think that there is much to be done with regards to spreading our message through those hobbies. At least, there is little to be done which would be more time and cost efficient than less entertaining means of getting the word out there.

Case and point, I have a friend who runs a public server on the messaging site Discord. The server is devoted to the openly pro-White tabletop game entitled “Mythic Fantasy Role-Playing Game.” It was created by Varg Vikernes, who, for all his ideological idiosyncrasies, is without a doubt a White separatist. I heard a while ago that he actually corresponded with Doctor Pierce while imprisoned. In any case, within a week or two of the server opening up and being announced on Mr. Vikernes’ Twitter account, my friend had to enforce a “no-politics” rule because absolutely nothing productive was said, and many people were certainly alienated from the message the game conveys because most people discussing politics in the server were just sperging out about things like the Latin alphabet being a Jewish plot to ‘civilize’ the Germanic peoples.

Topping it all off, very little discussion of the game the server was dedicated to actually occurred. The controversy of the author was much more widely known and cared about than the game, or the message it conveyed.
I happen to be the friend in question who runs the aforementioned Discord server. My intention was to attempt to breathe some new life into the already stagnant MYFAROG (Short for Mythic Fantasy Role-Playing Game) community. I intended it to be solely for discussing MYFAROG and related games without people who are just curious about the game being put off by the politics that inevitably follow the fans of the MYFAROG system. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful, but I had gone into it with the mindset that I probably wouldn’t succeed so it didn’t bother me much. It was by chance that Mr. Vikernes decided to promote my server on his Twitter account and then the server had a massive surge of people joining. Most of which simply joined just because Varg had shared the link and were general nuisances, but there were a small handful of people who honestly wanted to play the game who I was happy to invite to join my personal (though still online) game group. Most have since moved on but I’m just glad I was able to find at least one good one out of a sea of spergy chuds.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Video Games that Promote the Message!

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:24 pm

Stargazer wrote:
Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:14 pm
one good one out of a sea of spergy chuds.
In English, please.
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Re: Video Games that Promote the Message!

Post by Stargazer » Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:30 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:24 pm
Stargazer wrote:
Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:14 pm
one good one out of a sea of spergy chuds.
In English, please.
My apologies. What I could have just said was “idiots” instead.

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