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Hillbilly Spook

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 5:40 pm
by Ray W
Ain't no thump in a hillbilly spook;
too dumb to make drunk so they bake like a gook
and hide their lows in high clouds of smoke,
turn White in the sun and burn farts for a joke.

A shine making 'shine? Don't that just break your spine;
nobody gonna swig that armpit sweat but pets and swine.
Imagine a jig-a-boo owning a dog? Sheee-eesh!
Who walks who out on the leash?

The smart money's on the dog, the smarter of the two--
and unlike shit-for-brains Rover is potty-trained, to boot.
The country nigger sure done stink, enough to make roadkill fruit
and give me a minute to think, and we'll be all through...

His porch is ce-ment; the rockin' chair is whatever's there;
afro picks are tuning forks for fly choirs in dat nappy hair.
Useless as paper waders, can't trade ten dumb spade for one cent:
the good ol' ghettoboy is plum bad luck--and that's a compliment.

Re: Hillbilly Spook

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2022 11:35 pm
by Jim Mathias