On The Need For Kosher Cards

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Ray W
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On The Need For Kosher Cards

Post by Ray W » Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:49 pm

On The Need For Kosher Cards
rabbi jewie jewstein
(Translated from hebrew to human by modest student of parasitology and super-cool dude, Ray W)

In my endless search to uncover and destroy all aspects of White society--in order to turn America into a mulatto dungheap--your humble servant has rooted out yet another example of imaginary White racism: playing cards. How can they be racist? Oy, it's zo veddy zimple! Playing cards are examples of hidden White racism, sneaky and devious, lurking right beneath the surface, and only a keen kosher nose can sniff it out.

In typical jewish scholarly fashion, I shall explain how a deck of playing cards is vile racist hate. First, I said so. Anything I belch out is historical fact. Anyone foolish enough to challenge my Chosen authority will be declared an antisemiticracisthater and tossed in jail with a peace-loving posse of fleabag niggers. If, however, one of my beloved bolshevik brethren wishes to bargain a point, then history can be adjusted until it is in harmony with yid stupidity.

Next, observe the so-called "face" cards. What do you see? That's right, White faces, with White features. You see nary an Oriental Queen, nor a single homosexual Pakistani Jack, nor a great black african King standing triumphantly over a conquered watermelon--nooooo, just beautiful, intelligent, majestic Europeans--bleah! But wait--that's not all! Examine the "number" cards. These are blatant White racist elitism; to consider a three or four somehow "lower" than an eight or nine is simply fascist! As everyone knows, all people and things are equal, so there really is no need for a Nazi numbering system. To say we need numbered cards is akin to saying there should be books and ideas that haven't been edited by jews. The very thought terrifies me almost as much as working for a living!

Finally, there are fifty-two cards in a standard deck. Subtract two from five and you get three. And you know what that stands for? "Kill all jews." It's right there! See it? See? Thirty billion jews died every second at Dachau and still we are haunted, taunted and tortured--Oink vey!

Now that I've clearly identified and analyzed the problem of White racist cards, I will offer a few humble suggestions as to possible replacements. These suggestions will be holy writ as soon as my dear friends, subversive terrorists and patriotic traitors Kamala Clinton and Hillary Pelosi sneak them into law using typical jewish half-truths and financial incentive. If that doesn't work, then death threats will. Here are the rules pertaining to the new and improved playing cards:

1. No White will be seen on any card, front or back, unless it is used in a
symbolic way to represent weakness, surrender, homosexuality or other
noble ideals. If a symbol is used, a detailed description will be printed
at the bottom explaining precisely how this symbol applies to non-White
races. It does not matter how it affects the White race, since the White
race doesn't matter.

2. A hechsher, preferably a "k" for kosher or a "u" for Union of Orthodox
jewish Congregations of America, will be printed in the upper-left corner
of every card. (In Canada, there will be an "mk" for Montreal kosher or a
"cor" for Canadian Orthodox rabbis.)

3. The front of every card will have a light-blue background and a coal-black
star of david in the foreground. This will be the only design available from
now until either White people wake up and smash jew-commie-spic-nigger-
wigger-gook-homo terrorism and restore their race on track to a lofty destiny
or we jews succeed in raping the Earth of its resources and exterminate all
biological life.

These new cards--six million equal, sensitive, diverse partners--are officially approved by the government of the United States of israel, and soon will be required in every home just like a television, daily vaccines and the condensed, 47,000-page guide to the holocaust hoax. (Each guide contains new evidence recently written that proves sixty trillion jewish children were brutally murdered every hour in Nazi gas sleeping bags at Treblinka. Guides must be memorized upon penalty of death--all in the name of true democracy and freedom.)

Beside the sham government's approval, noted pedophile and man-in-transition Abbie Weiss, of the honorable SPLC cartel (Semitic Perverts Love Children), agrees wholeheartedly that the traditional playing cards are "full of hate" and that a change is needed. "The stupid goy of America," says Weiss, "better shut their cud-chewing mouths and do what's kosher. The racist cards interfere with jewish plans for improving the planet from the White paradise that was being created to a multiracial slave toilet governed by divine parasemites. How anyone would choose to live in a beautiful, safe, productive and progressive community over a dead-end jew-nigger sewer is beyond belief." Well-spoken, Abbie. I would like to conclude my scientific article by saying I pray all you stinking goyim will just give up without a fight and let your regal race be exterminated, as israel commands. We are the Chosen, goy garbage, and you play by our rules.

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Jim Mathias
Posts: 3327
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:48 pm

Re: On The Need For Kosher Cards

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:32 am

Too funny, Ray. Better get started on them and their copyright now before some other Shekelstein comes along and steals it!
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