Crocodile chomps on Ethiopian 'pastor' giving baptisms

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Crocodile chomps on Ethiopian 'pastor' giving baptisms

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Jun 09, 2018 1:03 am

Wade Hampton III wrote:I hate to put the wrong shoe on the foot, but what about the poison-snake-worshippers
in rural Appalachia? I understand they have had a few casualties in their ranks as
well. These people are supposed to have good genetic material. Where did they go
Not all Whites have good genetic material.

Seems to me that we Whites have become overcivilized to the point of allowing the unchecked breeding of White degenerates from whom such practices originate and become popular with other degenerates. We do need to clean our own house badly and afterwards limit their numbers as soon as can be properly detected. But this is the work of a White ethno-state or its equivalent and hasn't yet been attained.

Until then I suppose that letting Nature take its course while at the same time influencing other Whites who can be brought around to our values, beliefs, and information towards a new order.
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C.E. Whiteoak
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Re: Crocodile chomps on Ethiopian 'pastor' giving baptisms

Post by C.E. Whiteoak » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:39 am

Commander Rockwell used to say the White race itself could use a little pruning.

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Re: Crocodile chomps on Ethiopian 'pastor' giving baptisms

Post by PhuBai68 » Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:50 am

Wade Hampton III wrote:I hate to put the wrong shoe on the foot, but what about the poison-snake-worshippers
in rural Appalachia? I understand they have had a few casualties in their ranks as
well. These people are supposed to have good genetic material. Where did they go
Having lived in southeastern West Virginia for fourteen years I've formed a few opinions on the people.
It seems the really intelligent ones move - there is no work - out of the area/state.
That leaves the less intelligent ones - not stupid, just "average" IQ.
I'll give you an example:
my one neighbor. Not a stupid man by any means. During the 7 day power outage in July 2012 I loaned him my Y2K 5KW generator so they could at least have water from the well and some lights.
The thing running constantly caused a capacitor to vibrate down onto the end of a bolt eating a hole in the capacitor so no more electricity.
He found the problem, managed to scrounge up a replacement and had it up and running.
Here's the rub ••• the replacement was resting on the end of that bolt starting to chew away at it.
He managed to find the problem, replace the part but didn't eliminate it from happening yet again.
A simple thick wad of duct tape between capacitor's bottom and bolt probably would've lasted days of running w/o another problem.
Another example (this man IS national average IQ or below) is a tree down resting on roof. He take big (like BIG!) farm tractor but instead of taking bale fork and lifting tree off roof puts a chain on tree and yanks off the roof ripping the roof all to hell.
As I said in the beginning, it seemed to me that the really intelligent ones leave because other than working for the government (fed, state, county) it's Walmart or some sort of store for employment, logging or a strip mine.

The road system is awful.
From Lewisburg to Elkins on an interstate would be nothing but with the winding two lane US highway with S turns and switchbacks it's a half day trip.
Look at the interstates across West Virginia - yeah!
Now look at say NJ, a whole system.
Factories and corporations need to be able to move materials in and products out cost effectively so areas like WV are SOL, there's no hope of good paying jobs so kids graduate and either join the military or if they go to college leave the state or become part of the drug problem.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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