Georgians sleep better knowing they have this congressman

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Will Williams
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Georgians sleep better knowing they have this congressman

Post by Will Williams » Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:31 pm

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Re: Georgians sleep better knowing they have this congressma

Post by Michael » Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:21 pm

Affirmative action without a doubt.

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Will Williams
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Re: Georgians sleep better knowing they have this congressma

Post by Will Williams » Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:38 pm

Michael wrote:Affirmative action without a doubt.
No, Michael, this esteemed U.S. Congressman was "democratically" elected by his constituents in Georgia's Fourth District, east of Atlanta. Thar district is 69% non-White so was designed to be a "Black" District," and guaranteed to remain that way due to gerrymandering by the political duopoly. ... GA/04/1304

Henry “Hank” Johnson Jr. sits on the following committees:
House Committee on Armed Services
Member, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Member, Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces
Member, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces
House Committee on the Judiciary
Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial, and Antitrust Law
Member, Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet

Anyway, this Negro graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law who thinks Guam will capsize if too many Marines get stationed there, got it right a couple of days ago, describing Jew settlers in Palestine. This shouldn't be in humor, but we'll leave it here for some more giggles.

Congressman: Jewish Settlers Are Like Termites
Slams Israeli Government, compares top official to Trump

BY: Adam Kredo
July 25, 2016

PHILADELPHIA—A Democratic member of the House Armed Services Committee compared Jewish Israeli settlers to termites on Monday while speaking at an event sponsored by an anti-Israel organization that supports boycotts of the Jewish state.
Congressman Hank "Ooga-Booga" Johnson
Rep. Hank Johnson (D., Ga.) launched into a tirade against Israel and its policies toward the Palestinians, comparing Jewish people who live in disputed territories to “termites” that destroy homes. Johnson also compared Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a remark that drew vocal agreement from those in the room.

“There has been a steady [stream], almost like termites can get into a residence and eat before you know that you’ve been eaten up and you fall in on yourself, there has been settlement activity that has marched forward with impunity and at an ever increasing rate to the point where it has become alarming,” Johnson said during an event sponsored by the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, an anti-Israel organization that galvanizes supporters of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, or BDS.

“It has come to the point that occupation, with highways that cut through Palestinian land, with walls that go up, with the inability or the restriction, with the illegality of Palestinians being able to travel on those roads and those roads cutting off Palestinian neighborhoods from each other,” Johnson continued. “And then with the building of walls and the building of check points that restrict movement of Palestinians. We’ve gotten to the point where the thought of a Palestinian homeland gets further and further removed from reality.”

Johnson, who in 2010 voiced his fears that Guam would tip over and capsize if too many people resided on the island, said that “Jewish people” routinely steal land and property from Palestinians.

“You see one home after another being appropriated by Jewish people who come in to claim that land just because somebody did not spend the night there,” he said, referring to claims that Israeli settlers plot to seize Palestinian land. ‘“The home their [Palestinian] ancestors lived in for generations becomes an Israeli home and a flag goes up,” he said, adding, “the Palestinians are barred from flying flags in their own neighborhoods.”

Johnson went on to compare Lieberman to Trump as he lashed out against the Israeli government.

“The fact is the Israeli government, which is the most right-wing government ever to exist in the state of Israel in its history, the most right wing government, you got a guy like Trump who is now the minister of defense in Israel calling the shots on defense,” he said, adding that he is not the only member of Congress who holds these views. ... -termites/
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Re: Georgians sleep better knowing they have this congressma

Post by Michael » Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:49 pm

So he represents the demographic of his constituency?
Negroes vote in negroes.
Makes sense i guess.

The video you posted shows a black man who is clearly drunk or on drugs to babble on about an islands tipping into the sea.

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Will Williams
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Re: Georgians sleep better knowing they have this congressma

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jul 28, 2016 3:41 pm

Michael wrote:So he represents the demographic of his constituency?
Negroes vote in negroes.
Makes sense i guess...
Perhaps in Africa, but Negroes should not have the voting franchise or sit on juries in any sane White nation. They can't be citizens.

Mix in the fecund mestizo and other non_White invaders, the queers and liberal Whites, and heterosexual Whites are soon voted out by the rabble. That makes no sense at all to racially conscious Whites who are determined to be governed by their own for their own best interests.

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Negro as a leader

Post by Michael » Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:05 am

Heres another negro who can't think or speak.


Hank Johnson is sorry

Post by Michael » Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:05 am

Apologies for posting a link to a jew rag, but get a load of this one!
The comments show just how racist,hateful and vindictive jews are. ... 016/07/28/


Re: Georgians sleep better knowing they have this congressma

Post by MikeDinTX » Tue Aug 02, 2016 5:37 pm

But "everyone's the same except for the color they've been spray painted."

I could puke!

I cannot believe that this ignorant savage got elected to a seat in Congress.

This Congoid couldn't find his own rear end with both hands and a GPS to guide him.

Is it any wonder that there are still African peoples who do not have a written language?

How much more reinforcement do Whites need before they finally wake up and admit that we do NOT want blacks in our nations?

And the most disgusting thing is that Oooga Boooga Johnson has a say in how American tax dollars get spent.

He couldn't spell the word 'BUDGET' !!!!!!

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Will Williams
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Re: Georgians sleep better knowing they have this congressman

Post by Will Williams » Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:28 pm

After seven and 1/2 years, this spook needs a bump to remind White Americans what is allowed to sit in the U.S. Congress.

I still laugh, whenever I'm reminded of what he said about the island of Guam sinking if America sent too many troops there. :lol:

But as stupid as Ooga Booga Hank Johnson is, he spoke truthfully about how Israel steals Palestinians' land.

He apologized to Jewry for his poor choice of words back then:

Hank Johnson apologizes
for comparing West Bank
settlements to ‘termites’
Published July 26, 2016
Rep. Hank Johnson admitted it was a “poor choice of words” to use a metaphor Monday that appeared to compare Jewish Israeli settlers in the disputed West Bank to “termites.”
Mr. Johnson, a Georgia Democrat and member of the House Armed Services Committee, made the remarks while speaking at an event sponsored by the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, the Washington Free Beacon reported.
“There has been a steady [stream], almost like termites can get into a residence and eat before you know that you’ve been eaten up and you fall in on yourself, there has been settlement activity that has marched forward with impunity and at an ever increasing rate to the point where it has become alarming,” Mr. Johnson said.
But Ooga Booga Hank feels safe to repeat the truth about Jew termites now that Palestine is in the news and so many others are saying the same thing:

‘There’s no justification’:
Georgia lawmakers react
to deadly attacks in Israel

By Doug Reardon (AP)
Published: Oct. 9, 2023
“There’s no justification, full stop. This was an awful, awful thing, full stop,” said Rep. Esther Panitch, the only Jewish representative in the Georgia General Assembly. “This is the largest loss of life for the Jewish community since the Holocaust, maybe people will understand that.”
Panitch noted that acts of antisemitism tend to tick up when there is conflict in Israel. This past session, she sponsored a bill that would have defined and enhanced penalties for those who acted on antisemitic words, something that’s happened with alarming frequency in the metro Atlanta area this year. It failed to get the necessary support to pass.
“There is a direct correlation between what happens in the Middle East and attacks on Jews around the world, including here,” she said. “The Jewish community will be more vulnerable now. Usually, when there are flare-ups, there’s a rise in antisemitic acts.”
Panitch has friends and family in Israel and said that’s true of many of the city’s roughly 140,000 Jewish members.
Other lawmakers also shared their thoughts on the violence
U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff, Georgia’s first Jewish senator, pledged full support to Israel and called the violence perpetrated by the Hamas militant group an “indiscriminate and murderous assault on our Israeli allies.”...
Congressman Hank Johnson from Georgia’s 4th district showed support for Palestinians.
“Violence and war do not bring peace, only dialogue can do so,” Johnson said in a statement. “For too long, the world has ignored the issue of a Palestinian homeland. Until this issue is resolved and justice allowed to reign, peace will continue to elude the world.”
* * * * *
Will Williams wrote:
Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:38 pm
Michael wrote:Affirmative action without a doubt.
No, Michael, this esteemed U.S. Congressman was "democratically" elected by his constituents in Georgia's Fourth District, east of Atlanta. Thar district is 69% non-White so was designed to be a "Black" District," and guaranteed to remain that way due to gerrymandering by the political duopoly. ... GA/04/1304

Henry “Hank” Johnson Jr. sits on the following committees:
House Committee on Armed Services
Member, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Member, Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces
Member, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces
House Committee on the Judiciary
Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial, and Antitrust Law
Member, Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet

Anyway, this Negro graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law who thinks Guam will capsize if too many Marines get stationed there, got it right a couple of days ago, describing Jew settlers in Palestine. This shouldn't be in humor, but we'll leave it here for some more giggles.

Congressman: Jewish Settlers Are Like Termites
Slams Israeli Government, compares top official to Trump
BY: Adam Kredo
July 25, 2016

PHILADELPHIA—A Democratic member of the House Armed Services Committee compared Jewish Israeli settlers to termites on Monday while speaking at an event sponsored by an anti-Israel organization that supports boycotts of the Jewish state.
Congressman Hank "Ooga-Booga" Johnson
Rep. Hank Johnson (D., Ga.) launched into a tirade against Israel and its policies toward the Palestinians, comparing Jewish people who live in disputed territories to “termites” that destroy homes. Johnson also compared Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a remark that drew vocal agreement from those in the room.

“There has been a steady [stream], almost like termites can get into a residence and eat before you know that you’ve been eaten up and you fall in on yourself, there has been settlement activity that has marched forward with impunity and at an ever increasing rate to the point where it has become alarming,” Johnson said during an event sponsored by the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, an anti-Israel organization that galvanizes supporters of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, or BDS.

“It has come to the point that occupation, with highways that cut through Palestinian land, with walls that go up, with the inability or the restriction, with the illegality of Palestinians being able to travel on those roads and those roads cutting off Palestinian neighborhoods from each other,” Johnson continued. “And then with the building of walls and the building of check points that restrict movement of Palestinians. We’ve gotten to the point where the thought of a Palestinian homeland gets further and further removed from reality.”

Johnson, who in 2010 voiced his fears that Guam would tip over and capsize if too many people resided on the island, said that “Jewish people” routinely steal land and property from Palestinians.

“You see one home after another being appropriated by Jewish people who come in to claim that land just because somebody did not spend the night there,” he said, referring to claims that Israeli settlers plot to seize Palestinian land. ‘“The home their [Palestinian] ancestors lived in for generations becomes an Israeli home and a flag goes up,” he said, adding, “the Palestinians are barred from flying flags in their own neighborhoods.”

Johnson went on to compare Lieberman to Trump as he lashed out against the Israeli government.

“The fact is the Israeli government, which is the most right-wing government ever to exist in the state of Israel in its history, the most right wing government, you got a guy like Trump who is now the minister of defense in Israel calling the shots on defense,” he said, adding that he is not the only member of Congress who holds these views. ... -termites/
Will Williams wrote:
Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:31 pm
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Georgians sleep better knowing they have this congressman

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Jan 21, 2024 5:42 am

Perhaps Congoid Hank Johnson had in mind Louis Farrakhan's 2018 Twitter quote:
I’m not an anti-Semite. I’m anti-Termite.
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