Tomorrow's Religion

Fundamental ideas

Re: Tomorrow's Religion

Post by Cosmotheist » Mon Sep 15, 2014 9:32 pm

The History & Significance of the Life Rune
by Jim Dewitt

From National Vanguard magazine, Issue No. 105, May-June 1985


Printed on the inside cover of each NATIONAL VANGUARD is the statement: The symbol which appears in the NATIONAL VANGUARD logotype is the Life Rune. It comes from an ancient alphabet, or futhark, used in northern Europe for many centuries before the general adoption of the Roman alphabet there. The Life Rune signifies life, creation, birth, rebirth, and renewal. It expresses in a single symbol the raison d'etre of the National Alliance.

Like the cross and various sun signs, the symbol is an ancient one. Over 3,000 years ago the Germanic peoples of northern Europe carved it on rocks, along with other pre-runic figures, perhaps as a sign of a man with arms reaching upward and addressing the gods.

Later -- something between 2,000 and 1,800 years ago -- the Germanic peoples began using a script having 24 characters, with both phonetic and magical-symbolic values, called runes. These were organized in a system known as the "futhark." The name "futhark" derives from the initial sounds of the names of the first six runes, that is: feo - ur - thurs - asa - rit - kaan. This is similar to the way in which the word "alphabet" comes from the names of the first two Greek letters, alpha and beta.

In addition to the original Germanic futhark, there were two principle later runic systems: the expanded Anglo-Saxon, with up to 33 runes; and the reduced Norse, with 16 runes. Although many runes are common to the various futharks, the names and phonetic values of a given rune are not always the same. Most runic characters were made up of straight vertical and diagonal strokes to facilitate their carving on wood stone, and metal.

Over 5,000 runic inscriptions have been preserved. Although these were scattered by Norse rovers from Greenland to Greece, the vast majority of them are found in Sweden. Many of these are carved on commemorative monuments, or rune stones.

The more efficient Roman alphabet eventually supplanted the futhark for most purposes throughout northern Europe, but runes continued to be used in a few places -- especially in Scandinavia -- as late as the 17th century.

The origin of runes and the futhark is as murky as the water in the depths of today's polluted Rhine. The evidence is sparse, and scholars disagree in their interpretations of it.

Some authorities speculate that the futhark simply derived from German contact with Greek or North Italic writing, about 2,000 years ago. Others suggest that the futhark and the various southern European alphabets come independently from an older, common European script. Many German, Greek, Roman, and Etruscan characters did have similar forms. For example, the figure we call the Life Rune occurred in the early Greek and Etruscan alphabets, as well as in the Germanic futhark.

It even has been proposed that the futhark must have been the brainchild of one man, rather than an evolutionary development, much as the Gothic alphabet was the creation of Bishop Wulfila, and the Cyrillic alphabet was the work of St. Cyril.


Runic writing was primarily used for Germanic religious and magical purposes: for gravestone inscriptions, for dedications, and for spells and charms. These roles overshadowed its function as a utilitarian script. The word "rune" itself comes from a Germanic root meaning a secret or a mystery; it implies arcane knowledge and wisdom. Runecraft was originally a private, esoteric practice, engaged in by those considered to be magicians. (Of course, in a preliterate society anyone who could communicate by writing might be thought of as a magician.)

Each rune had a name related to the sound of the character: names like "hail," "ice," and "birch." A single rune could stand for its name-word itself, as well as for the sound associated with that word. It was thought to have magical powers that could be used to evoke, or protect against, the force contained in that name. Runes were often inscribed on weapons, tools, and rings to give them talismanic powers.

The 15th rune in the original Germanic futhark is the one with which we are especially concerned here. It appears variously with diagonal strokes pointing upward, downward, or in both directions. All these forms represented the same sound, originally "z." Rune masters wrote individual runes up or down, left or right, without distinction. Nor was there any single convention for the direction in which lines of runes were written.

The symbol we call the Life Rune was not known as such in futhark times. In the original Germanic futhark this rune was known variously as the Axe Rune and the Elk Rune. It signified defense.

Later, in the reduced Norse futhark of the Viking Age, a formal dichotomy developed. The arms-upward rune was known as the Man Rune and had an "m" sound. The arms-downward rune had the strong palatalized "r." It was called the Yew Rune or "bow made of yew wood," a symbol of death.


The medieval Christian church used the Axe Rune/Man Rune form as a variation of the cross. They simply bent the arms of the Latin cross upward at about a 45-degree angle to form a stylized crucifix, known as the forked cross. The shape is also suggestive of a tree. Gregory the Great, who was Pope from 590 to 604, wore a forked cross on his vestment. Fork-cross crucifixes are common in Westphalia and parts of Austria and Italy even today.

Conversely, enemies of Christianity -- Saracens, Satanists, and others -- bent the arms of the Latin cross downward to signify the crucifix broken.


Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon Christian churchmen were, in some respects, tolerant of Germanic tradition and dabbled in the use of runes as script. However, in the 17th century Iceland people were burned as witches because runic inscriptions had been found in their possession. An official prohibition of the use of runes was thought necessary in 1639. About that time many runic monuments were destroyed in Britain.

Long after futhark times, runiform designs served as identification and decoration marks. Axe Rune/Man Rune forms were not uncommon as heraldic devices on family coats of arms.

The Romantic movement of the 19th century generated a renewed interest in things heroic, Norse, and runic that is still with us today. The designation of the Norse Man Rune as the rune of life and the Norse Yew Rune as the rune of death is principally a formulation of the late 19th/early 20th century Romantic runology of Guido von List and other German rune mystics.

In Germany, Life and Death Runes were used in newspaper obituaries, death notices, and on gravestones: The Life Rune by the date of the person's birth and the Death Rune by the date of his passing.

The National-Socialists were inspired by the rune lore of their remote Germanic past, and they made use of the Life Rune and Death Rune in many aspects of their cultural life.

Runic emblems were also a prominent feature of National-Socialist military and civil service regalia. Among the runes used were the Tyr Rune (after the Norse god of war for whom Tuesday is named), the Sun Rune, and the Life Rune. The Life Rune was used to identify members of National-Socialist women's associations, welfare workers, and medical personnel in a number of organizations.

The designers of the emblem conceived for the nuclear disarmament movement in the late 1950's -- later known as the "peace" symbol -- were aware of the Death Rune context. They described their design as a highly stylized human being with arms only slightly raised from a downward position in an attitude of hopelessness: a gesture-of-despair motif. They knew it was of ancient origin and signified the death of man.


When asked how the Life Rune is related to the more familiar peace symbol, one can describe the relationship as one of opposites: the one is related to the other as up is related to down, as life is related to death. Like heads and tails on a coin, both are aspects of the same reality.

This, briefly, is the heritage of the Life Rune, used today as the symbol of the National Alliance, as well as of some groups in Europe.

The Life Rune is an ancient, sacred sign of our folk. It has had different aspects and meanings. Now it is up to us to give it yet a new one: to make it the emblem of White resurgence everywhere.

The Life Rune stands for man with arms uplifted. It stands for man reaching upward toward higher man. It whispers to us from the past and beckons us toward the future.


Best regards,



Re: Tomorrow's Religion

Post by Cosmotheist » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:24 pm

The Roots of Cosmotheism do run very deep and far back into the ancient history
and even back into the pre-history of our White Race.

Best regards,


PS--And a link to "Contested Knowledge II: Cosmotheism and Disenchantment": ... 132014.pdf
Therein are some excellent references to background material for the student
of the actual history of our Cosmotheism.

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Will Williams
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Re: Tomorrow's Religion

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 21, 2015 1:26 pm

The National Alliance doesn't make its monthly internal members' BULLETIN available online in pdf form, but our March 2015 issue featured a commentary that is worth sharing here with non-members. I comment then introduce Fred Streed:

Chairman Williams Comments on Cosmotheism

“In 1978 a group of members who were especially interested in the religious or spiritual aspects of the National Alliance’s work organized the Cosmotheist Community Church.” That sentence from page 17 of the 1993 edition of William Pierce’s National Alliance Membership Handbook was removed in the 2005 edition — along with several other crucial passages, including pages 46-51, which described Christianity as an opposed ideology.

Additionally, entire paragraphs were removed from the section on general principles of National Alliance ideology and were replaced by a watered-down section on religion (p. 24), which stated, “Our membership consists of a variety of beliefs. A member may be very religious or very non-religious.”

Why did Erich Gliebe and Shaun Walker decide to remove those sections?

Gliebe and Walker made a mess of the Alliance Handbook because they wanted a “bigger tent”; they wanted to make the Alliance “Christian-friendly” in hopes — vain hopes, as it turned out — that more Christians would join us because they’d no longer be offended by the fundamentally Cosmotheist underpinnings of Alliance ideology. Cosmotheism is the philosophy that undergirds all of the Alliance’s ideals and undertakings -- and it is absolutely incompatible with a Semitic religion that worships the Jews’ tribal god.

One of William Pierce’s closest friends and long-term associates, Mr. Fred Streed, was in charge of the infrastructure and physical plant at the National Office for 11 years — not to mention that he was appointed by Dr. Pierce to be president of the National Alliance Board of Directors. Mr. Streed’s understanding of Alliance ideology is unquestioned, and he has steadfastly maintained that the Alliance should never compromise its Cosmotheist roots. Recently, Mr. Streed engaged in a very valuable dialogue on Cosmotheism with a number of critics and questioners, which we’re proud to share with you this month.

Fred Streed: A Cosmotheist Dialogue

Q: Why doesn’t the Alliance stick with Christianity and try to reform it?

A: Superstition passed off as religion is not a real option. If it were reformed to the point where it did not violate the laws of Nature, or resort to spiritual terrorism, it would no longer be Christianity anyway. Christianity needs to be realistically scrutinized, not reformed.

Q: My interest in Cosmotheism, such as it is, is in understanding why Dr. Pierce believed it to be necessary.

A: It is necessary because it is reality. It is necessary because Whites have a strong need for purpose in life. That need gets subverted by superstitious claptrap like Christianity. Cosmotheism is an understanding that our lives are lived in this physical world, not some otherworldly, pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die foolishness. Our one purpose is to advance life.

Q: Cosmotheism is okay, but the name is ridiculous — Scientology-level ridiculous — but there’s a lot of good stuff there.

A: Dr. Pierce didn’t invent the name; it was already in use. Call it Pantheism or Panentheism if it bothers you that much. Or invent a new name. It will still be Cosmotheism by the accepted definition. Dr. Pierce also didn’t invent most of the concepts embodied in it. It’s more a discovery of what is true than an invention of anything. Some seem Hell-bent on the idea that Cosmotheism is some kind of cult religion. It’s not. Some evidently understand neither what it is nor its purpose. Others, I suspect, deliberately pretend it is a cult of made-up hokum like Scientology or Mormonism because they have an agenda of their own — and that agenda isn’t the preservation and advancement of the White race.

Cosmotheism defined, according to Webster’s New International Dictionary, 2d edition; 1934: “[cosmo-+-theism.] Ascription of divinity to the cosmos; identification of God with the world. Compare: PANTHEISM”

Q: Strictly speaking, Cosmotheism isn’t a religion, in much the same way as Buddhism — or ancestor-worship — devoid of folk beliefs and the like, isn’t a religion.

A: I would disagree with you there. I would say Cosmotheism is a true religion — and Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are not religions, but superstition operating under the cover of religion. I don’t know how many times I have had some Christian tell me to “look up on a starry night and then try to deny there is a God.” Truth is, I do experience a religious feeling of awe when I look at the Milky Way and reflect on the vastness of the Universe, the beauty, the grand scope of it all. But that doesn’t make me think there has to be some transcendent Hebraic spook behind it all. There is an irony in a Christian tapping into a bit of genuine religion to justify his Bible- based nonsense.

Cosmotheism is simply a religious world-view based on a scientific understanding of Nature, at least to the extent we do understand reality. Scientific advances that alter our understanding of reality also help us achieve the one Purpose of life, which is to advance to higher states of consciousness and understanding. That is what Cosmotheism is. Contrast that with the dogma of the Christian churches, which resists changes in our understanding.

Q: If you really want to find religious elements in the National Alliance, just look at the way Dr. Pierce is treated nowadays. He was probably the most significant person in American racial nationalist thought, and was a great leader (let’s face it, making intelligent and willful White folks pull together is about the hardest thing that a man can do), but where is the evolution of thought, and of the movement, that he started? It seems to have stopped when he died.

A: Nothing has stopped. His ideas are standing the test of time rather nicely. He is still widely read and quoted; his ideas still inspire.

Q: Where does the Jew fit into this Cosmotheist world view?

A: Life, at least life on this planet, as we all know, advances by becoming better adapted to its environment — it evolves new forms to take advantage of new or changed environments. Less adapted, less fit, life forms cannot compete, and are displaced and die out. Much environmental change has been random, a throw of the dice if you will, yet has served well to challenge and advance life to ever-higher states. The asteroid or comet that struck the Earth 65 million years ago and wiped out most of the then-existing species, including most or all of the dinosaurs, was one of those random events.

That event opened up ecological niches that had once been occupied by dinosaurs and other now-extinct animals. The small furry creatures who were the ancestors of all of today’s mammals — including us — were able to diversify and exploit those niches, something they could not do while they served as dinosaur food. There have been several of these “extinction events” in the half billion years or so since complex multicellular life began; the one that wiped out the dinosaurs being the most recent.

The point of all that is that advance- ment in the complexity and fitness of life came about as a result of competition and the overcoming of adversity. That is where the Jew comes into the picture. The Jew is destruction incarnate. He is parasitism and degeneracy and chaos, toxic to all life. He is self-selected for this role. His purpose is to winnow the chaff from the grain, metaphori- cally speaking. The Jew brings rot and decadence. His personality is toxic. This shows in the Jews’ preference for scatological humor, their championing of the sick, the weak, the base. But nowhere is it more clear than in their attacks on human sexuality, that most sacred of all our drives. The Jew poisons our reproductive urge with his promotion of homosexual sex, abortion, interracial sex, feminism, “gay” marriage, and endless further combinations of filth and degeneracy. He counters our art with anti-art, he counters our high culture with trash cinema and boob-tube debauchery, he counters our sacred genome with the promotion of mixing with Congoids and Mestizos.

At some level the Jew knows exactly what he is, subconsciously or consciously. That is why he is so extremely sensitive to any resistance to his destructiveness. It also explains his fascination with the “Holocaust” that didn’t happen. He is obsessed with the idea that some day he will be called to account for his depredations. He knows that truth cannot be covered up indefinitely and that justice cannot be evaded forever.

The Jew, of course, springs from the same Creator/universe as we do. His purpose is to weed out the weak and degenerate among us. That doesn’t mean he is not evil: If we understand evil to be anything that hinders the One Purpose, which is ever higher levels of consciousness, then he is indeed evil. He is an integral part of a duality that is actually different manifestations of the One, which is the all. The Jew exists for us to defeat. If we do not defeat him, we will die — and, in fact, will have proved ourselves unworthy of life. To fail at that task will consign our race to the grave forever, and probably will mean the extinction of life on this planet.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

Thomas Dixon Jr

Re: Tomorrow's Religion

Post by Thomas Dixon Jr » Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:47 pm

Thank you for posting!

I have read Nature's Eternal Religion many times and that book does a good job in holding up a mirror to that certain religion and calls out the disconnection.

I am very much into nature, being healthy and rediscovering my purpose. This is a great thread.


Re: Tomorrow's Religion

Post by Cosmotheist » Sun May 10, 2015 10:09 am

Identity, Purpose, Survival
by Dr. William L. Pierce



“Identity, Purpose, Survival” is an early Cosmotheist-related article written by
Dr. William Pierce

DEAR FRIENDS, we have come a long way in five months. Do not be deceived by the brevity or the seeming ease of our progress. What we have learned so far can be stated in a few words, but a full appreciation and understanding of the meaning and implication of those words call for much careful thought. In the coming months we shall devote some of the necessary thought to the elucidation of those parts of our message already revealed, but it will not hurt us to look ahead occasionally to see where we are headed. We can always go back and digest more carefully what we learn.

We have been asking certain questions, and we have begun receiving partial answers to those questions. Taken altogether, our questions can be restated as just three inquiries:

Who are we?

What is our purpose?

What should we do to pursue our purpose?

Viewed as an answer to these three questions — who? what? how? — our message can be broken down into three general categories: Identity, Purpose, Survival. These three categories are all-encompassing.

The first category tells us that we are a part of the Whole, which is God. As we shall see, we are a very special part.

The second category tells us that the Purpose of the Whole is the self-realization of God. We shall see, in detail, how our purposes as individuals and, collectively, as a race, coincide with this One Purpose.

The third category tells us that the Whole has pursued its Purpose through the process of natural evolution — where we mean by the term “natural evolution” the whole process of God’s creation, both in the inanimate and the animate realms. This has for us the very special requirement that we, in order to pursue our proper purpose, must safeguard our racial identity. We must preserve the very special set of attributes which the Creator has given us. We must, in other words, first insure our survival as a race if we are to proceed further along the Path determined by the One Purpose.

Now we have bitten off a great deal. It is time to back up and look at details, so that we can understand what the above generalities really mean.


So, once again, who are we? What part of the Whole, and why are we special?

The Whole was the primordial fireball, and we are a part of that Whole, in that we are constituted from the same particles which constituted it.

Then the Whole became the vast array of young, condensing galaxies, and we are a part of that Whole also, for the same reason.

As the Whole continued its evolution, solid worlds formed in the galaxies, with stony mountains and heaving seas and soft, enfolding blankets of air. And the only life on these primitive worlds — in particular, the primitive earth — was the immanent Life of the Whole, the same Life which existed in the primordial fireball. God’s Urge toward self-realization, toward self-completion. And we are also a part of that Whole.

Then the Urge brought forth a new manifestation of Life — biological life — on the earth. And this new life multiplied and diversified and evolved, over a period of a billion years and more. While the biological life of the primeval slime gave rise to ever newer, more versatile, higher creatures, the older Life caused the mountains to descend into the seas and new mountains to rise up in their stead and chasms to open in the earth and mighty rivers to form and then dry up again. But it was in the newer form — in biological life — that the Creator’s Urge most dramatically manifested itself. For therein the first glimmerings of a new self-consciousness arose.

Before there had been only the deep, immanent self-consciousness of the Whole. But then that self-consciousness began sharpening and intensifying itself in a myriad of different animate creatures. In some it never reached a level much above that in the stones and the stars, but in others it climbed higher.

And a living hierarchy was formed, a hierarchy based on the degree of consciousness of the Whole, on the degree of self-realization of God. And we are a part of that Whole.

The races of man occupy the uppermost levels of the hierarchy (at least, in this corner of God’s universe). They are stretched out near the upper end of a continuum which includes every living creature. The turtle, the sheep, the leopard, the gorilla, the Negro, and European man all have their places in the continuum, but at the very tip, the uttermost pinnacle, God has wrought something new and qualitatively different: a new step upward as significant as the step from non-living to living matter.

This new step, this new level of consciousness, which has been attained only by the highest elements of man, and only tentatively even by them, is a level from which its attainees may participate actively, rather than passively, in the Creator’s ongoing process. They have attained the capacity for becoming the conscious, willful instruments of God, the ordained bearers of the upward Urge. In them — in us — the Divine Spark, which glows to a greater or lesser extent in all created things, has finally burst into a tentative, flickering flame.

A full understanding of the meaning of this new development — and of the responsibility which it entails — is something which we will acquire later. Only then will we be able to answer fully the question as to our identity. (An aid to this understanding is a series of articles, now being prepared for ATTACK!, which will trace the history of our race through the last few hundred thousand years and describe the basic characteristics which determine our uniqueness.)


And only when we have fully answered that question can we fully comprehend our purpose. Nevertheless, we can gain a partial comprehension now, based on what the foregoing tells us of our identity. In fact, knowing our identity is, in a sense, equivalent to knowing our purpose. The two are merely different aspects of the same truth.

Another way of saying that is this: Our proper purpose is to be true to our own inner nature. And we have already seen that we are, in essence, the bearers of the Creator’s upward Urge. Our purpose, then, is to further that Urge, that Divine Motive.

The One Purpose toward which the Divine Motive is directed is the self-realization of the Creator through the never-ending, always upward-striving process of creation. Each stage in this process manifests a higher level of self-consciousness of the Whole, a closer approximation to the ultimate self-realization of the Creator, than the previous stage.

We are now the cutting edge of the Creator’s tool, his principal instrument of creation — and, as already mentioned, a willful, conscious instrument. We are now also the principal raw material of the creative process. We must, therefore, necessarily be transformed ourselves — we must transform ourselves — in that process.

Our purpose collectively, as a race, is to transform ourselves in such a way, through countless future generations, that we continually achieve higher and higher levels of collective self-consciousness, a fuller and fuller comprehension of the Whole of which our race is a part, a more and more nearly perfect manifestation of the Divinity within us.

And our ordained purpose individually is to further the purpose of the race to the extent possible during a single generation, a single lifespan.


Finally, we come to our third question: how? The answer to this question is quite long, and we must postpone most of it until later. It involves, among other things, the entire subject of ethics. That is, it tells us how we must behave, how we must order our lives and our relationships with others and with the rest of the Whole.

But we can say two things of a very general nature at this point:

First, we must continue to learn. We must develop a fuller understanding, despite the unnatural conditions under which we live today, of our true inner nature. As mentioned in the message for February, we must learn to read the runes which God has engraved on our souls. Only then can we fully attune ourselves with the Whole. Only then can we plan for the future with confidence.

Second, we must make our understanding the basis of a movement which will acquire all the necessary means for putting into effect our plan for the future.

That is, we must teach ourselves, and then we must teach others, and then we must act to secure an unopposable power base for the implementation of our teachings.
* * *
Source: National Alliance BULLETIN, April 1976

Posts: 30
Joined: Wed Apr 29, 2015 5:48 pm

Re: Tomorrow's Religion

Post by NoLongerSilentUSA » Sun May 10, 2015 7:18 pm

Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:Mathematics, physics, and genetics are the real words of God.

I like this. Our spirituality should be based on verifiable logic.

Kevin Alfred Strom wrote:Cosmotheism asserts that we are matter and energy become conscious — and, more than that, that we are the Universe become conscious, that we are Nature become conscious of itself and all that that implies.

I agree. We are the energy that is the universe in living conscious form, and this is both logically and scientifically verifiable. For example, when E = mc^2 is solved for mass, we get m = E/(c^2), which shows that all matter is just a form of energy. Because this equation relates mass to energy and the speed of light, I like to say we are beings of energy and light.
The Holocaust Hoax is a complete fraud. There were no gas chambers and they used pictures of dead typhus victims to claim there was an extermination program.


Re: Tomorrow's Religion

Post by Jjack » Mon May 11, 2015 8:22 pm

:geek: Being an agnostic, I’m pretty sure that I don’t know. Nevertheless, I’d like to point out—without offending anyone… or offending someone—that our Judeo-Christian-Muslim religious institutions are rackets designed to cooperate with governments in keeping the social peace… at a price!

:| Maintaining the masses ignorant is at the foundation of society. It’s not easy for a people to free themselves of such chains, but it’s absolutely necessary if they’re to develop sanely.


Re: Tomorrow's Religion

Post by Cosmotheist » Mon May 11, 2015 8:41 pm

Jjack wrote::geek: Being an agnostic, I’m pretty sure that I don’t know. Nevertheless, I’d like to point out—without offending anyone… or offending someone—that our Judeo-Christian-Muslim religious institutions are rackets designed to cooperate with governments in keeping the social peace… at a price!
Indeed, but, those aren't really "our" institutions but these are alien semitic impositions and dogmas whose "price"
is ultimately only our own genocide via miscegenation or any global cosmic disaster far beyond the capabilities
of our "equals".
Jjack wrote::| Maintaining the masses ignorant is at the foundation of society. It’s not easy for a people to free themselves of such chains, but it’s absolutely necessary
if they’re to develop sanely.
Maintaining the masses ignorant is only at the foundation of our mostly Jewish-controlled societies today.
We must free them of their "chains of insanity" for whom the gods would destroy, they first make insane!
Cosmotheism is the religion of sanity and of REALITY, that alone can make our own RACE FREE from the
alien and semitic mental and spiritual chains that are imprisoning them.

Best regards,



Re: Tomorrow's Religion

Post by Jjack » Tue May 12, 2015 8:29 am

As social institutions, they’re imbedded in the national culture. They’ve become ours by unaware adoption and weigh heavily on decisions of great significance, like the doctrine of brotherly love—which will destroy us by exploiting our good nature through pity.


Re: Tomorrow's Religion

Post by Cosmotheist » Tue May 12, 2015 9:59 am

Jjack wrote:As social institutions, they’re imbedded in the national culture. They’ve become ours by unaware adoption and weight heavily on decisions of great significance, like the doctrine of brotherly love—which will destroy us by exploiting our good nature through pity.
Yes, like a tick infecting the national culture body with a whole host of viruses and pathogens,
and not the least of which is a false doctrine of brotherly love and empathy for all non-Whites,
and only at our own expense. We must destroy both the pathogens within us and all of the so-
called "vectors" for them if we are to survive and advance ever upwards towards a Higher Man,
or if otherwise, just go extinct as did the dinosaurs and as will most likely ALL LIFE ON EARTH!

Best regards,



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