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How to become a Higher Individual

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:53 pm
by goyim123
How to become a Higher Individual

Preface: In the process of creating this work, I am doing this in response to several different people whether family or friends pondering me for answers containing truth and understanding the deeper purpose of nature and our behavior as human beings. I understand that some of these truths that I lay out are going to shock, surprise, or even challenge your worldview but you must keep reading. These truths are going to awaken you to become as successful and as content as I am. If you apply these rules to your life and understand these concepts, life won’t be as dark or as confusing. You will start to become awakened to your primal instincts as human beings but understand your purpose.

Understanding that we are organisms with a purpose just like all that came before us. After the Earth formed out of the Big Bang and the first primitive amphibian crawled out of the sea 300 million years ago and learned to survive on land. It is the purpose of which our ancestors first captured light in the darkness of the world and called it fire. It is the purpose of our ancestors during the Ice Age in the cold North who learned to organize and fight for survival. It is the purpose in which we are alive today thanks to the sacrifices our forefathers have made exploring, settling, building, and dying for our well being. The purpose and that drive is the reason we go forward as greater humanity.
Understanding that we are animals at our very nature. Like our brethren in the animal kingdom, we crave food, water, shelter, and other needs for our well being. It means that the very best men of our societies procreate with the very best women to pass on genes to ensure the survival of our bloodlines, our culture, and history. We have the drive to always select partners with the most desirable traits such as good health both mental and physical, security for oneself and their offspring, but also ones we share a connection with. Every organism has that characteristic built into its very being. Some suppress it while others embrace it with open arms.
We are tribal creatures who organize off of group identity. We will fight and in some cases even die our group identity whether we are conscious of it or not throughout our history. We organize ourselves in units called communities which are a physical manifestation of group identity. The Oxford Dictionary defines a community as the following: “A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.” Throughout humanity, we have had towns, states, nations, and empires built off of these organizations. Throughout our existence from the cold north of ancient Scandinavia to the hot and dry climate of ancient Egypt, our species has relied on working together in groups for survival. Gone are the days of the Hunter Gatherers or the idea of individualist survivalism. We must understand that in order to satisfy our most basic needs, we must stick together and answer nature's call.
With all of this knowledge we must ask ourselves the following question… “What do we do with this information and how do we apply it to our own lives?” The answer couldn’t be more clear. In the next few paragraphs, you are going to read about how to do exactly that.
One of the first things the individual must understand is that there is something bigger than them out there. This could be believing in a religion or following the natural order of things in the world. Next, understanding a greater goal which they must fully throw themselves into achieving. This greater goal is part of becoming a higher individual. There are a few mental characteristics which make up a higher individual. One part of achieving this status is becoming the individual who is well rounded in a series of including but not limited to: the Arts such as: Painting, Architecture, Sculpture, Literature, Music, Performing and Cinema, the Social Sciences such as Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Law, Linguistics, Politics, Psychology and Sociology, and finally the Hard Sciences such as: Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Geology. Thomas Jefferson once said “There is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talents.” Another element to becoming this higher individual is accepting the fact that you are the only person that you control. It means that if you want to influence others, lead by example and show others your enlightened path. It means learning that life isn’t easy and that it is okay to make mistakes. Mistakes lead to growth which is part of achieving this status. You will learn different experiences by travelling, meeting new people, engaging in discussion with them, and fully being taken in by your surroundings. You must have the mindset that you can do anything that you believe you can. You must visualize your success and do everything you can achieve this goal. Another smaller component is taking pride in your own heritage or culture. Understanding the values, the traditions, the language, the culture, the art, the faith, the music, or even the history of your family. These stories make up human history and need to be preserved and cherished as insights into the past. Every minute of every day is best spent being productive and trying to reach these goals because you will be happier in the long run. Anything hard is anything worth doing.
The second thing one must do is to become physically healthy. This means spending time exercising and getting stronger. Good physical fitness leads to survival in the animal kingdom and we must continue to follow our urges to get stronger and survive in the long run. Whether it is running, endurance training, calisthenics, or even trying to survive out in the forest, these types of physical trials build character. They have taught me the value of dedication, discipline, sacrifice, and putting in the effort to achieve something you want. Anyone no matter where they currently stand can improve their lives and get stronger. It is necessary for their protection, growth as a person, and power in attracting another human being for a relationship. Every generation and every society has practiced this whether fully conscious of it or not. The other component of being physically healthy is eating properly. Making sure to include Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy, Protein, and Fat are important to achieving that great physique and fully becoming the best version of yourself you could possibly be. The third element is making sure to stay away from self destructive habits such as consuming unhealthy substances in large amounts. Humans may build up addictions or have unhealthy habits but that doesn’t mean they can’t stop. If they manage to overcome these addictions and thrive in times of crisis, this proves how strong they really are.
The third and final element is leadership. Those who are lucky enough to possess these qualities and thrive must put them to good use. It means being ready to get out there and make a difference in the world. It means not standing by and watching people trample over you or the well being of those you care about. It is about using those qualities to overcome injustices and pain throughout your life or those you care about. It means taking responsibility for problems and working on solving them. It means working and sacrificing time and energy step by step and day by day to achieve your dreams. It means to use your success to lift up and motivate others. When admirers or supporters seek guidance from you as a higher individual, you must humble yourself and help them. It is more healthy and constructive to raise people up rather than tear them down.
Once you or an individual has accomplished all of these things, the goal is reached. You will fully reap the benefits of being a higher individual. This takes years, time, energy and strength. It won’t be easy but the benefits are endless. When you are in your final moments and you have your head up high, your self respect, your pride, the satisfaction that you completed your goals, and achieved great things, you can enjoy the eternal sleep and your descendants shall enjoy the riches of your hard work.

Conclusion: Not everyone will achieve this goal or mindset, not everyone has the circumstances or advantages to get ahead in life, but does that mean you should give up? Absolutely not, no one controls that. The great philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said “No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone.” It is all about your mindset and what you do with the circumstances you are given. Anyone can achieve success and this level of a higher individual, it is up to you and only you to reach for the stars and make your dreams a reality.