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Cosmotheism in rituals.

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 7:37 pm
by Estwing
As Germany started to slip away from its positive Christianity and towards neo-paganism and search of a primal religion for its people, we have found ourselves doing the same thing with cosmotheism. How to we feel about rituals, perhaps to nature, I don't know but I always thought to be bona fide religion rituals would have to be part of it. I've been listening to the series by Kevin a new religion for us. Which is very enlightening.

Re: Cosmotheism in rituals.

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 11:11 pm
by Jim Mathias
Hm, the National Alliance was never a Christinsanity-based organization in the first place. While those of that particular creed were accepted as members (and still are,) it's well known that the NA has long considered it to be an opposed ideology.

There are no formal rituals that Cosmotheists perform, unless you consider doing what it takes to making ourselves the most fit instruments of the creator's purpose as a ritual of sorts. This would include (but isn't limited to) developing our minds, characters, bodies, families, communities, and so on. Our whole lives are paths along these lines, Cosmotheism being one very narrow path for those with the heightened consciousnesses who recognize then act on their duty to that aforementioned creator's purpose.

Generalized as this explanation is, I can point out several books that flesh out the details in a much more effective way than I can here if you're interested.

Re: Cosmotheism in rituals.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 1:51 am
by Estwing
I think I was a cosmosphere style give reverence to nature in my own form of ritual. That's all.

Re: Cosmotheism in rituals.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 1:52 am
by Estwing
Jim Mathias wrote:Hm, the National Alliance was never a Christinsanity-based organization in the first place. While those of that particular creed were accepted as members (and still are,) it's well known that the NA has long considered it to be an opposed ideology.

There are no formal rituals that Cosmotheists perform, unless you consider doing what it takes to making ourselves the most fit instruments of the creator's purpose as a ritual of sorts. This would include (but isn't limited to) developing our minds, characters, bodies, families, communities, and so on. Our whole lives are paths along these lines, Cosmotheism being one very narrow path for those with the heightened consciousnesses who recognize then act on their duty to that aforementioned creator's purpose.

Generalized as this explanation is, I can point out several books that flesh out the details in a much more effective way than I can here if you're interested.
I'm well aware of Christianity having nothing to do with the national alliance I've been around a little while but needless to say cosmotheism is still evolving.

Re: Cosmotheism in rituals.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 1:14 pm
by Will Williams
Jim Mathias wrote:...There are no formal rituals that Cosmotheists perform, unless you consider doing what it takes to making ourselves the most fit instruments of the creator's purpose as a ritual of sorts...
A Cosmotheist wedding was performed last month, featured in the April BULLETIN. That's a formal ritual as much as any Christian church wedding.

Here's a portion of a draft about Cosmotheist rituals that was in the January BULLETIN, emphasizing that it takes decades, even centuries for a religion to build its own rites and traditions:

When Dr. Pierce founded the Cosmotheist Community Church in 1977 he was planning for the long-term interests of our race, knowing that religions last for centuries, while political movements are transitory, or relatively short-lived. It took three hundred years before Christianity took hold. Denominations of that creed, all of whom worship the Jew's tribal god and his imaginary son, have had hundreds of years to build their rites -- traditions for births, christening, baptism; for reaching adulthood, and for other passages through their flocks' lives, like marriages, funerals in churchyards, and so forth. Who, raised in a traditional church hasn't had to memorize and recite by rote with everybody else the Apostles' Creed, around since at least 140AD, or the Nicene Creed, or some other affirmation of their faith.
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried.
He descended into hell; The third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, etc., etc.

That's a spooky affirmation in these threatening times to a racially-conscious Aryan who is neither gullible nor superstitious; a realist who looks to Nature, its laws, and to science; to reason and to his common sense, and to lessons from his people's history for his beliefs. He has as his primary concern the future existence of his unique kind. Of course the founder of Cosmotheism realized this new belief system for his people would need its own traditions, like the Cosmotheist Affirmation that is recited daily by many followers and at the start of Cosmotheist gatherings (source: ... /#more-240).

Christian churches have for centuries played a major role in the West for holding communities together, and traditions were the glue (the operative word being were). That doesn't mean churches will not play that role again in our new White world, except not with the Jewish Bible as the cornerstone -- but race preservation, renewal and advancement. Cosmotheists, with their common sense alone, have no need whatsoever for the Semitic belief system, and worship of the Jew's vengeful tribal god.
Cosmotheist Affirmation

There is but one reality.
That reality is the Whole.
It is the Creator, the self-created.
I am of the Whole.
I am of the Creator, of the self-created.
My purpose is the Creator’s purpose.
My path is the path of the Creator’s self-realization.
My path is the path of divine consciousness.
My destiny is godhood.

And music! Music sung in places of worship by church choirs and by their congregants. Records, TV, radio, standard Christian music -- not the Negro spirituals -- is familiar to most Whites. Some is quite beautiful, composed by Whites from our past. Hymns are generally monotonous, so simple to sing from standard hymnals that are within convenient reach of each congregant at church services. They are all asked to stand, to turn to page whatever, and solemnly utter verse in a musical tone, or at least move their lips and hum along with the singers as the organist or pianist cranks up his instrument. Who can't sing along with the familiar, 150-year-old Christian hymn Rock of Ages, cleft for thee... if he has the lyrics in hand? Dr. Pierce composed the Cosmotheist Affirmation in the mid-1970s, and continued building Cosmotheist Church traditions in 1983 when he tried his hand as a lyricist by substituting the following words to Rock of Ages:

[Race of Beauty song-sheet deleted]

For now, Alliance-building and spreading its Cosmotheist world view comes before establishing Cosmotheist rituals.

Re: Cosmotheism in rituals.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 5:30 pm
by Estwing
Will Williams wrote:
Jim Mathias wrote:...There are no formal rituals that Cosmotheists perform, unless you consider doing what it takes to making ourselves the most fit instruments of the creator's purpose as a ritual of sorts...
A Cosmotheist wedding was performed last month, featured in the April BULLETIN. That's a formal ritual as much as any Christian church wedding.

Here's a portion of a draft about Cosmotheist rituals that was in the January BULLETIN, emphasizing that it takes decades, even centuries for a religion to build its own rites and traditions:

When Dr. Pierce founded the Cosmotheist Community Church in 1977 he was planning for the long-term interests of our race, knowing that religions last for centuries, while political movements are transitory, or relatively short-lived. It took three hundred years before Christianity took hold. Denominations of that creed, all of whom worship the Jew's tribal god and his imaginary son, have had hundreds of years to build their rites -- traditions for births, christening, baptism; for reaching adulthood, and for other passages through their flocks' lives, like marriages, funerals in churchyards, and so forth. Who, raised in a traditional church hasn't had to memorize and recite by rote with everybody else the Apostles' Creed, around since at least 140AD, or the Nicene Creed, or some other affirmation of their faith.
I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead, and buried.
He descended into hell; The third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
And sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty, etc., etc.

That's a spooky affirmation in these threatening times to a racially-conscious Aryan who is neither gullible nor superstitious; a realist who looks to Nature, its laws, and to science; to reason and to his common sense, and to lessons from his people's history for his beliefs. He has as his primary concern the future existence of his unique kind. Of course the founder of Cosmotheism realized this new belief system for his people would need its own traditions, like the Cosmotheist Affirmation that is recited daily by many followers and at the start of Cosmotheist gatherings (source: ... /#more-240).

Christian churches have for centuries played a major role in the West for holding communities together, and traditions were the glue (the operative word being were). That doesn't mean churches will not play that role again in our new White world, except not with the Jewish Bible as the cornerstone -- but race preservation, renewal and advancement. Cosmotheists, with their common sense alone, have no need whatsoever for the Semitic belief system, and worship of the Jew's vengeful tribal god.
Cosmotheist Affirmation

There is but one reality.
That reality is the Whole.
It is the Creator, the self-created.
I am of the Whole.
I am of the Creator, of the self-created.
My purpose is the Creator’s purpose.
My path is the path of the Creator’s self-realization.
My path is the path of divine consciousness.
My destiny is godhood.

And music! Music sung in places of worship by church choirs and by their congregants. Records, TV, radio, standard Christian music -- not the Negro spirituals -- is familiar to most Whites. Some is quite beautiful, composed by Whites from our past. Hymns are generally monotonous, so simple to sing from standard hymnals that are within convenient reach of each congregant at church services. They are all asked to stand, to turn to page whatever, and solemnly utter verse in a musical tone, or at least move their lips and hum along with the singers as the organist or pianist cranks up his instrument. Who can't sing along with the familiar, 150-year-old Christian hymn Rock of Ages, cleft for thee... if he has the lyrics in hand? Dr. Pierce composed the Cosmotheist Affirmation in the mid-1970s, and continued building Cosmotheist Church traditions in 1983 when he tried his hand as a lyricist by substituting the following words to Rock of Ages:

[Race of Beauty song-sheet deleted]

For now, Alliance-building and spreading its Cosmotheist world view comes before establishing Cosmotheist rituals.
Well put, sir thank you. of course I didn't know of a wedding ceremony which I think is absolutely splendid.
The word is getting out, there is a presence on VK. A little on GAB. But what I found fruitful was taking folkish pagans, and introducing them to the national alliance and cosmotheism. Not to convert not to step on toes but just the plant the seed.

Re: Cosmotheism in rituals.

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 8:07 pm
by Will Williams
Lest we forget our longest day of the year.
Have an enjoyable summer, everyone!


Re: Cosmotheism in rituals.

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2019 11:35 pm
by Estwing
Will Williams wrote:Lest we forget our longest day of the year.
Have an enjoyable summer, everyone!

Happy Summer Solstice Chairman.

Re: Cosmotheism in rituals.

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 12:03 am
by Estwing
Will Williams wrote:Lest we forget our longest day of the year.
Have an enjoyable summer, everyone!

There's the answer.

Re: Cosmotheism in rituals.

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 1:37 am
by Jim Mathias
Estwing wrote:
Will Williams wrote:Lest we forget our longest day of the year.
Have an enjoyable summer, everyone!

There's the answer.
One answer of many. We Whites are very capable of developing customs and traditions that suit our race-soul. As many of our healthier people continue to attune ourselves to Nature, out of that comes expressions such as what Chairman Williams just shared. And doesn't Nature provide plenty of events for us to observe and take note of?