An Open Letter to Elon Musk -- 5/23/2015

Michael Olanich

An Open Letter to Elon Musk -- 5/23/2015

Post by Michael Olanich » Sat May 23, 2015 9:51 am

The Challenges We Face: An Open Letter to Elon Musk

Elon Reeve Musk: Canadian-American entrepreneur, engineer, inventor and investor

American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 23, 2015
by Kevin Alfred Strom

Click Here to Listen or Right click to download the Broadcast

On today’s program, Mr. Strom shares the letter he wrote to Elon Musk, the founder of Paypal and the man behind Tesla Motors and the pioneering private space exploration company SpaceX.

Mr. Elon Musk
Space Exploration Technologies Corporation
Rocket Rd
Hawthorne CA 90250

DEAR MR. Musk:

I recently watched the interview you gave to the World Post, and I was struck by your insights into the demographic decline of that part of the human population of this planet on which we absolutely depend for the continuance of our civilization. I was honestly amazed that you — unlike most men who have achieved eminence, and who hence have a great deal to lose — took on, without any apparent hesitation, an issue that is surrounded by a quasi-religious taboo even greater than the taboo the imams put on images of their prophet: the issue of human quality. As a man of the world, I am sure you know about that taboo. Yet, like both Crick and Watson, you nevertheless chose to violate it. This speaks well of you: It speaks of your concern for our looming demographic death, and it also speaks of courage — and passion. It is a passion I have shared for the last 33 years. I hope you will not think me arrogant when I say that I write you to expand your knowledge on this issue: There are vital aspects to it — aspects also subject to an equal or even greater taboo — that must be considered.

I will intersperse my comments between your answers, mostly from the section of your interview titled “What Challenges Lie Ahead?”

You were asked about the three greatest challenges to our civilization, and you answered:
  • I think demographics is a real issue. People are not having kids in a lot of countries. And very often people will say, “We’ll solve it with immigration.” But immigration from where? Many parts of Europe have an average birthrate of only 50 or 60 per cent. of what’s needed for replacement. Or China for that matter — they’re at 50 per cent. of the replacement rate. Where, exactly, are we going to find 600 million people to replace the ones that were never born?
After making that statement, you were chided by some writers for supposedly ignoring the huge problem of overpopulation. But I suspect that you were not ignoring that problem in your own mind, though you did fail to mention it — and it would be preposterous to suggest that you are unaware of it. What these writers were saying, in effect, was “What the Hell?! Here we are on track to have 9 billion people in the world, with all the environmental disasters that entails, and Musk is saying the major challenge we face is lack of people? Is he crazy, or what?”

No, you are certainly not crazy. But you knew very well that you were stepping into the minefield that surrounds the forbidden (yet indubitably true) idea that human beings are not equal — not equal as individuals, and not equal as races, nations, or populations. And you wanted to get your ideas across without the screaming banshees of Political Correctness drowning you out. I really don’t blame you for failing to use the more frank and direct approach that I’ve been using, which would be to say this: We have far too few of the right kind of people, and far too many of the wrong kind.

What you were saying — without saying it too bluntly — is that the people we need, the kind of people we’d prefer to have, the kind of people who more than pull their own weight, who more than support themselves, the kind of people who invent great things — are not reproducing themselves. Yet I am sure that you — and all of us with eyes to see the devastation of our natural world — would acknowledge that we have far too many of the other kind of people.

You continued:
  • The Chinese have just lifted their one child policy, but I doubt it will have an effect. That is not the reason couples are having only one kid. There hasn’t been a one child policy in Europe, in Russia — or in Japan. Why are they having only one child?
Here you are talking about Russia and the rest of Europe. Here you are talking of Japan and China. You are talking of the two major intelligent races of mankind, races which founded great civilizations. You are not, I notice, talking of Mestizos or Africans or Arabs, whose surging (and, frankly, lower-quality) populations are flowing into the West, and who — because of the policies of our own governments — are poised to replace us in the nations we founded. You are making a crucial distinction here, and that distinction is between the general nominally-human population (which is not, to put it mildly, in decline), and the population of civilization-bearers (parts of which face near-term extinction).

Surely you realize that the real danger here is the demographic death of the White race, since you can easily see that Japan and China (which, as you point out, is phasing out its one child policy) are not so insane as to commit suicide via immigration and miscegenation. This is something that is only happening to White countries. The only White country that has seriously addressed its own demographic decline is Russia, which (instead of importing non-Whites) has recently instituted policies — which don’t go nearly far enough, in my view — to increase the native Russian birthrate. The Russian ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, spoke of the same distinction you made when he spoke of our endangered “Northern civilization,” of which Russia, the rest of Europe, and America, are leading members — peoples who, in Rogozin’s view, must become concerned for the survival of their common civilization.

And surely, a man such as you can see that the White race — though slightly less intelligent on average than the Asians — has a uniquely creative intelligence and a class of uniquely gifted geniuses that has made it the driving force of innovation, science, and culture without which civilization as we know it could scarcely exist. The Bell Curve that describes our intelligence is broader, with a higher percentage of our population in the IQ stratosphere — and the nature of that intelligence is different in kind as well as magnitude. But European civilization is committing suicide — its members having, as you said, one child, even without having a government policy mandating that.

The truth is, Mr. Musk, that the Jewish power structure is very strong in the West, and that Jewish power structure is determined to undermine the founding White majority in every nation where such a majority still exists. They do this not by legislating one-child laws, but by fiercely lobbying for open borders, promoting miscegenation of Whites with humanity’s lowest-quality stocks, encouraging non-procreative sex among Whites, and by creating — with their financial power over politicians and their media and academic power over public opinion — a moral climate in which it is considered “wrong” and even “evil” for Whites to fight, or even express concern about, their own dispossession and looming extinction. Yet we know that the Jewish state itself — which these same financiers and media moguls support — is the most intensely racially-conscious nation on Earth. Paradoxically, it appears that the Jewish leadership intends their people to be the only White or White-appearing people allowed to exist beyond the next few generations. Not only is this selfish hubris almost beyond belief, it is also doomed and unworkable — and it is also genocide. The Jewish leaders are certainly powerful, but it would be hard to make a case that they are rational. And they are leading us all to a disaster of cosmic proportions.

Perhaps your experiences with Mark Zuckerberg’s pro-immigration gave you some insight into this.

You continued:
  • I think people are going to have to come to regard, to some degree, the notion of having kids as something of a social duty. Within reason, if you can and you’re so inclined, you should. Otherwise, civilization will just die, literally. There is one thing that is certain: if the people go away, so will civilization.
Indeed. If the civilization-bearers go away, so does civilization. It is doubtful that the masses of the Third World can even maintain a civilization that is given to them, much less create one or advance the one they were handed. Liberia is a perfect example. Founded with all good intentions by anti-slavery activists who wanted to give the freed slaves there every possible advantage and even a near-duplicate of the United States Constitution, Liberia has degenerated into just another African basket case, as the video I republished yesterday on National Vanguard makes abundantly clear. I’ll embed that video here, so everyone who reads this open letter can see it.

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Click on link to view the video:
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While you are building spaceports, Mr. Musk, the Liberians are eating each other — and wallowing in superstition and degradation so low that they can hardly be thought of as human, and cannot be witnessed without physical revulsion and sickness. The discomfort of the White narrator of this film is obvious — he tries to laugh it off, but again and again his face shows the shock of having all his implanted illusions of “equality” shattered in the most dramatic ways imaginable. The pit of subhumanity called Liberia is clearly where Baltimore, Maryland and Ferguson, Missouri are headed. They’re already halfway there. So is Johannesburg in the country of your birth — something which I doubt I have to point out to you. South Africa has gone from a White-run First World country of astounding scientific innovation to a pesthole of AIDS and ju-ju in just a single generation. We in America, and in all of the White world under American domination, are headed at superlocomotive speed in the same disastrous direction. You could have a role in stopping that genocidal, intelligence-killing and consciousness-killing train.

You continued in your interview:

  • The birthrate is strongly inversely correlated to wealth, inversely correlated to education, and positively correlated to religion. So the more religious you are — the less educated — and the poorer you are, the more kids you will have. This is true between countries, and within countries….

    I think if you were to state the threats to civilization, the lack of people is obviously a threat to civilization. We are going to face, in the mid part of this century, and particularly in the latter part of this century, a demographic implosion the likes of which we have never seen — including the Black Plague. The math is obvious. When did China ever experience a 50 per cent. reduction in its population? The answer is never. Basically, [if it ever did happen, it happened] pre-writing — because no one’s ever written of such a thing. Even when the Black Plague came through Europe, they might have lost a quarter — but never a half — of the population. And yet, we have modern Spain with a birthrate that is 50 per cent. of replacement. It’s as if someone went through and killed half the population — the future population.

    Something better happen to turn this around. Because otherwise, you have an inverted demographic pyramid. And it’s going to collapse. At this rate, the only thing that’ll be left will be robots.

I think I need to correct you here: The only things that will be left will be the civilized Asians, a small (and probably temporary and unsustainable) elite of Jewish financiers, and a crumbling, doomed remnant of Western civilization tenanted mainly by the likes of the Liberians and Mestizos. With all due respect to the civilized Asians, this means our death and the death of the hope that our civilization can transcend the bounds of Earth. You go on:

  • Three generations of a 50 per cent. of replacement birthrate gets you to 12 per cent. of your former population. And those 12 per cent. — all they’re going to be doing is taking care of their grandparents. Eventually, there just won’t be people, at that rate.

Another small correction: They’ll be taking care of their grandparents only if they can successfully prevent themselves from being slaughtered by the teeming and starving and angry masses they have brought into their nations and who implacably hate them.

  • Another threat to civilization is religious extremism — obviously a concern. If that grows over time — particularly if it’s a form of anti-science, anti-technology Luddite religious extremism — then it’s an obvious threat.

    I won’t mention the third threat to civilization.

    …for me you’d want to have a future where there is a space-spanning civilization where our species is out there exploring the stars…. From an evolutionary standpoint, human consciousness has not been around very long. A little light just went on after four and a half billion years. How often does that happen? Maybe it is quite rare. In fact, it would appear to be quite rare. Or, others out there with a consciousness are very good at hiding. If it is such a rare thing, then we should do whatever we can to ensure its long-term survival.

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Indeed we should, Mr. Musk. There was a bright light that went on some 50 or 60 thousand years ago, when the northern hemisphere’s extreme environment brought a new human subspecies into being: European man. From that explosion of light came the Parthenon, Maxwell’s equations, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, the double slit experiment, and SpaceX Corporation. We have a responsibility to that heritage — and to the possible future in the stars that that heritage has made possible.

How can you best serve the purpose of Higher Consciousness and Higher Man?

Again, I hope you do not see me as arrogant when I suggest that you probably must denounce or ignore me in public or — even with your billions and your considerable wit — risk being crushed by the same forces that crushed James Watson when he spoke the truth.

But, in private, I hope you will use all the wealth and all the force and energy at your disposal to ensure that the human colonies on other worlds — that we yet have a chance to found with your help before we are subsumed by the rising tide — are populated entirely and only by the highest types of European Man, and that we do not make the most tragic mistake possible: that of exporting our own devolutionary racial problems to the surface of another world.

And I hope that you will also, with proper prudence and precautions, make certain that those who are now risking their lives, reputations, fortunes, and personal futures to prevent the genocide of our uniquely beautiful and creative race — and bring Higher Man into being on this planet — are provided with the support they need to expand and succeed in their noble endeavors.

Sincerely and with all good wishes,

Kevin Alfred Strom.

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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance, founded by William Luther Pierce in 1970. This program is published every week at and You can join and support us by visiting — or write to National Alliance, Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. We welcome your support, your inquiries, and your help in spreading our message of hope to our people. Once again, that address is Box 172, Laurel Bloomery, TN 37680 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you of the words of Richard Berkeley Cotten: Freedom is not free; free men are not equal; and equal men are not free.

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A White Nationalist

An Open Letter to Elon Musk

Post by A White Nationalist » Sun May 24, 2015 12:43 am

A good letter, Mr. Strom. We need wealthy people on our team. Reading your letter to Mr. Musk, I couldn't help but be reminded of Ward Kendall's brilliant pro-white novel, Hold Back This Day - in which he dramatizes so much of what you said. Might I recommend you send Mr. Musk a copy of his novel?




Post by permela » Mon May 25, 2015 3:18 am

There were so many comments about my post below that I revised my post at in order to make corrections and to make it more interesting, etc. Parts of it are repetitive because I did not have time to consolidate them (I may do so later).


Videotaped interviews, etc. of Musk can be found on Youtube by searching, e.g., for "Elon Musk 2015". I watched every video I could about Musk because I admire his amazing accomplishments, and the intelligence, business sense, humility, determination, willingness to sacrifice and to take risks, and other spiritual and leadership qualities that have made Musk's success possible. The sincere and careful way in which Musk listens to and answers everyone who questions him shows how deeply he respects and loves others, and therefore his own family and life in general. People who lack respect for others rarely if ever respect themselves.

Musk loved to read books and to play computer games when he was a child in South Africa, and began to create software after he acquired his first computer. He asked himself what he could do that would benefit humanity most (a spiritual quality that I associate with the Aryan soul). Helping humanity to become an interplanetary species and reducing its dependence on fossil fuels are two of the three goals that he considers most important.

Musk claims that he left South Africa when he was a teenager because he wanted to obtain a better education. Musk's mother's Canadian ancestry made it possible for him to immigrate to Canada. Many of Musk's cousins have immigrated to America too. I suspect that their real reason for doing so is that White South Africans are being horribly terrorized, disposessed, murdered, etc. by racist Negroes. Nevertheless, the media has painted a rosy picture of Negro-ruled South Africa, and few if any countries accept White South African refugess.

Musk supported himself in Canada by doing odd jobs at first. He wanted to study physics, information technology, how to build electric cars, etc., and was eventually accepted by a university in the USA. Musk dropped out of school, and thanks to his hard work and programing skills, he created software that is useful to large corporations, started a company called PayPal, and sold it for millions of dollars. He risked bankruptcy by using that fortune to start the following companies even though he thought that they would probably fail:
1) SpaceX delivers cargo to and from the international space station, and now produces the most reliable and least expensive rockets in the world. Musk's goal is to make them reusable by landing them the way Neal Armstrong landed the lunar lander on the moon, in order to make space travel more affordable. Musk's first attempts were almost successful, and the next one may be in June.
2) Tesla Motors produces the world's best electric cars. Musk is currently building the Tesla Gigafactory so that he can produce lithium-ion batteries more cheaply, and make electric cars more affordable. Since Musk wants other automobile, etc. companies to follow his lead, he does not apply for patents.
3) Solar City finances and installs solar panels, and has become a major supplier of electricity to homes.

Musk was able to create companies that are worth billions of dollars even though he was so broke at one point that he had to borrow money from friends in order to pay his rent (his personal wealth may be less than some people imagine). SpaceX and Tesla Motors would have failed if Musk had not been able to borrow large amounts of money.

I assume that investors are willing to put their money at risk because they want to help Musk to be successful, and realize that he cares more about serving humanity than he does about enriching himself.

Musk's goal is to help mankind to become a multi-planetary species. I admire Musk for trying to achieve his dream, and want to help him even though for mankind to colonize another planet seems impossible to me. Since Mars has no magnetic field, would cosmic radiation harm people, and the solar wind blow away any atmoshere that was created in order to make Mars a warmer planet? For mankind to attempt to colonize Mars is a step in the right direction, and better than only waiting for the earth's next extermination event.

Musk is aware that mankind's window of opportunity to become a multiplanetary species may not last much longer. Statements that Strom quoted suggest that Musk realizes that his goal can only be achieved by a civilized race, i.e., not by the races that are replacing ours.

Musk understands that the White race will be replaced by other races within a few generations. Does he imagine that the mulattoes and mestizos who are replacing us will be able to sustain the civilization that has made his success possible? Musk and his brother claimed that they did not want to serve in the South African military because it was used to maintain White rule.

Good role-models like Elon Musk were called "gods" by our Aryan ancestors. Entertaining stories about these gods' accomplishments, etc. were passed down from generation to generation as examples to be followed by those who "worshipped" them. Story tellers may have claimed that some of these gods actually rose from the dead and walked on water in order to show how stupid, ignorant and gullible some people are.


I doubt that anyone who has not travelled in South Africa can imagine how deeply and sincerely Christian the White farmers there are. If they are so Christian, why was Musk so horribly bullied by other children? Might it be because Christianity was begun by Jews, and tries to intimidate and to denigrate gentiles in every way imaginable? E.g., Christianity teaches that we:
1) Are "filthy rags" and are "born in sin" even though we are the most civilized race on earth.
2) Deserve to suffer for the rest of eternity in the fires of hell.
3) Can not be saved unless we believe worship a Jew and believe their absurd lies.
I suspect that most Christians only pretend to believe this Jewish nonsense in order to avoid becoming social outcasts. How could anyone believe it without hating himself, and therefore his own race, family and children (who in turn abuse instead of love each other), etc.? Does self hatred explain why so many of us become drug addicts and lunatics? Some Christians lash themselves with whips until their backs are bloody, deprive their families of the nutrition that they need in order to be healthy, etc. (a malnourished child can not grow up to be a genius like Elon Musk, whose mother is a nutritionist).

The Hebrew Bible clearly states that:
1) The early Christian church was created so that Gentiles would send money to the Jews in Jerusalem.
2) All the nations of the world will bow down and pay tribute to the Jews.


I suspect that the longer a race evolved in the Sahel, the more intelligent it became. Lions and other man-eating competitors must have quickly eliminated members of a race who lacked the intelligence needed to communicate and work effectively as a team. Only the healthiest and best hunters were likely to survive the long periods of drought that nearly exterminated all Sahelians on several occasions during the last glaciation (colder global temperatures reduce evaporation from the oceans and therefore rainfall in the Sanel). These droughts also explain why the major Eurasian races did not leave Africa at the same time (contrary to prevailing theories).

Hunter gatherers never lived in permanent communities, so never needed to be domesticated for their own good. I do not blame, condemn or consider savages, e.g. Negroes and wolves, to be inferior because of their behavior. If people who lack savage survival instincts could compete in a savage social environment, there would be no need for "White flight". Evolution always breeds a better savage, and causes domesticated animals that return to the wild to lose the qualities that man bred into them for the benefit of mankind.

Domestication reduces the intelligence and ability of a breed to compete with its undomesticated cousins. No domesticated animal or race can survive unless it is protected from its wild cousins. Laws against racial discrimination remove the protection that a civilized race needs in order to survive in a multi-racial territory.

Neither the White race nor its civilization will survive for many more generations if its birthrate continues to fall. The behavior and appearance of mulattoes shows that dominant genes are more likely to manifest themselves when miscegenation occurs. E.g., mulattoes are more likely to behave like savages and have other characteristics of the Negro race, e.g., kinky hair and dark eyes, than they are to have straight blond hair and blue eyes, and to behave as though they were civilized.

The fewer Whites there are in the world, the less civilized and prosperous its population will be. If Jews continue to dominate our lives, the White race will be extinct a few generations from now. The Mongoloid race will become the most civilized on earth. If the Mongoloid race fails to make mankind a multi-planetary species, I doubt that any race ever will.


A savage race can never create or sustain a civilization no matter how intelligent it is. Only domestication can create a civilized race. The Semites who conquered the farms of Aryans in the Fertile Crescent were never good farmers according to the Bible. Since the ancestors of Semites were savage herdsmen, they have, and always will, behave like savages. Since the Semitic race was never domesticated, it never lost the savage survival instincts that it needs in order to compete with Negroes, etc. Semites are likely to survive because they are far more intelligent than Negroes and just as savage.

Semites have darker and hairier skin that Whites, which indicates that they may have evolved in the forested mountainous regions of Ethiopia before their ancestors immigrated to southern Arabia. Miscegenation between Semites and their Negro slaves has also occurred.

Strom seems to think of Jews as being part of the White race. I do not. There is more to race than skin color. Skin color indicates where a race evolved (or miscegenation), not how closely it is related to another race.

Jews have lived in Europe for so many thousands of years that they are mostly a mixture of the Semitic and Aryan races. I suspect that every Aryan has a little Semitic blood therefore.


Since farmers lived in permanent communities, they had to domesticate their race, i.e., to stop neighbors from stealing, raping and murdering each other. Criminals were removed from the Aryan gene pool for thousands of years via law enforcement. The physical and spiritual characteristics of Aryans were also influenced by artificial selection and breeding. Whites are more civilized for the same reason that dogs are less dangerous and more beneficial to humanity than wolves. They were bred to be that way. The spiritual qualities that distinguish a savage race from a civilized race are genetically inherited, in the same way that dogs and wolves behave and think differently from each other because of their genes.


I thank Kevin for commenting:
. There was a bright light that went on some 50 or 60 thousand years ago, when the northern hemisphere’s extreme environment brought a new human subspecies into being: European man.
Jews and their media with the help of their Aryan spokesmen, e.g., Spencer Wells, have convinced most people that h.sapiens did not leave Africa until 50 or 60 thousand years ago, and that the common ancestor of all mankind therefore lived only 50 or 60 thousand years ago, even though there has never been in scientific evidence that this propaganda is true. Jews prefer that Whites believe that they are closer kin to Negroes than they are, in other words that we are all one species.

Sforza and other scientists have always maintained that the common ancestor of mankind lived at least 150,000 years ago. Africa is a huge continent. More than one species of mankind evolved there.

Anyone who had time to read my previous posts in this forum knows that scientists now have evidence that the common ancestor of all of the races that are alive today lived about 338,000 years ago, i.e., recently discovered scientific evidence research has confirmed what I assume has always been apparent to all intelligent, rational, unbiased and well educated people.

If brilliant physicist Dr. Pierce were alive today I doubt that he would claim that the common ancestor of all of the races that are alive today lived about 50,000 years ago. He was merely relying on the information that he received from the (Jew dominated) anthropological, i.e., "scientific" community when he was alive. If Kevin agrees with what Dr. Pierce believed, I hope that he will explain why, and cite his scientific sources.


There are a few other facts that I hope that readers will understand. Only Neanderthals lived in Europe until about forty thousand years ago. Cro-Magnons emigrated from Africa about that time, and had exterminated the last Neanderthal by about thirty thousand years ago (some miscegenation occurred). The LGM forced Cro-Magnon hunter gatherers to abandon northern Europe, which is where the purest Aryans still live.

Aryans (i.e. Neolithic farmers) did not begin to immigrate from the Fertile Crescent to Europe until the Holocene began, about ten thousand years ago. The descendants of the Aryan farmers who civilized southern Europe, e.g, the ancient Greeks and Romans, have more Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal ancestors than northern Europeans because of miscegenation. They therefore look more like Cro-Magnons and Neanderthals, e.g., have darker and hairier skin, and look less like northern Europeans.

All Aryans have Neanderthal genes because of miscegenation between Aryan farmers and the Cro-Magnon women whom they took as wives (this is the reason that southern European civilizations collapsed, why northern Europeans who travel to southern Europe have to be so careful in order to avoid becoming the victim of a crime), and why the clothing and shoes that they buy in southern Europe rarely fits.

I therefore assume that the less Neanderthal genes one has, the more Aryan blood one has, and that the inhabitants of southern Italy have more Neanderthal DNA than those who lived in the Po valley of northern Italy.

The autosomal DNA test of Jew-owned provides an estimate of how much Neanderthal, Aryan, Negro, Mongoloid, etc. DNA one has.

If you want to know who your patrilineal ancestors are, order a Y-DNA test from the Jew-owned (and more trustworthy) DNA testing company at (it has the largest Y-DNA database).

Don't feel bad if you discover that a patrilineal ancestor of one of your great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmothers who may have lived a thousand years ago belonged to haplogroup J, and been a Semite (Jew?) therefore. Many Jews (e.g., Einstein) and Negroes belong to haplogroup E (so did Hitler and all of his patrilineal cousins). Men who belong to haplogroup J or E may be 99999% Aryan.

Pro-White people tried to explain why they are so different from Negroes by inventing the story that they had to think further ahead because of the need to store food during the winter. Well, hunter gatherers had game all year round, and cold weather just helped to refrigerate their meat. Hunter-gatherer Eskimos have survived far longer in far harsher conditions than Europeans ever did, so should be far more intelligent than Whites according to that theory.

Neanderthal hunter gathers had far bigger brains so may have been more intelligent than any race alive today. That they survived more Ice Ages in Europe than Cro-Magnons certainly contributed to their genetic evolution. That Southern Europeans are a mixture of Cro-Magnon women and Aryan men is why southern and northern Europeans look so different from each other, and why the two races can hardly wear the same shoes and clothing.

My opinion is that the ancestors of Aryans left the Sahel (where the environment was far more extreme than in Europe) during the LGM, and were forced to settle in the inhospitable Fertile Crescent because the other habitable parts of Eurasia had already been occupied by races that had left Africa tens of thousands of years earlier (because of earlier droughts in the Sahel). Don't bother telling me about anyone else's theories (I have already studied them).

People who belong to Celtic haplogroup Haplogroup R still live in the Sahel. Scientists explain this by claiming that people who belong to Celtic haplogroup Haplogroup R migrated from Eurasia across the Sahara so that they could risk living in a part of the world that was already over-populated by territorial Negro savages who would not hesitate to kill and eat people who belonged to other tribes and races.

I doubt that a large number of hunter gatherers were ever able to cross the Sahara between the arid Sahel and Eurasia. Members of the Aryan race are more closely related to each other genetically than are the members of any other race because the Aryan race descends from a small number of men and women who left the Sahel during the LGM (about 20 KYA).

The Aryan race settled in the Fertile Crescent because it was the last Eurasian race to leave Africa. All of the other Eurasian races left Africa tens of thousands of years earlier than the Aryan race, and therefore settled in the most habitable parts of Eurasia.

The "back migration" hypotheses is not the only possible explanation for why the racially mixed Ouldeme (95.5% R1b+) and Hausa are indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa. "The second hypothesis, an African origin of the M9 superclade that includes haplotype 117, would imply a subsequent impressive extinction of derivative lineages in sub-Saharan Africa, since no other haplotypes carrying the M9 mutation (haplogroups VII–X) have been observed in this region (the only exception being represented by a few haplotype 109 chromosomes found in the Fulbe from Cameroon)." That "impressive extinctions" and migrations of the inhabitants of the Sahel did occur is indisputable. See and

All Eurasian races belong to mitochondrial haplogroup L3. The map below shows that people who belong to mitochondrial haplogroup L3 evolved in the part of Africa known as the Sahel, and that Negroes, Pygmies, etc. evolved in the Africa's equatorial rainforest.



Image ... DNA%29.PNG

Jimmy Marr

Re: An Open Letter to Elon Musk -- 5/23/2015

Post by Jimmy Marr » Mon May 25, 2015 11:07 am

That's interesting material you posted, permela. I'll look at some of you older posts and see what else I can find.

David York


Post by David York » Mon May 25, 2015 1:42 pm

permela wrote:

I thank Kevin for commenting:
. There was a bright light that went on some 50 or 60 thousand years ago, when the northern hemisphere’s extreme environment brought a new human subspecies into being: European man.
Jews and their media with the help of their Aryan spokesmen, e.g., Spencer Wells, have convinced most people that h.sapiens did not leave Africa until 50 or 60 thousand years ago, and that the common ancestor of all mankind lived only 50 or 60 thousand years ago, even though there has never been in scientific evidence that this propaganda is true. Sforza and other scientists have always maintained that the common ancestor of mankind lived at least 150,000 years ago. Jews prefer that Whites believe that they are closer kin to Negroes than they are, in other words that we are all one species. Anyone who had time to read my previous posts in this forum knows that scientists now have evidence that the common ancestor of all of the races that are alive today lived about 338,000 years ago. If Dr. Pierce were alive today I doubt that he would claim that the common ancestor of all of the races that are alive today lived about 50,000 years ago. He was merely relying on the information that he received from the (Jew dominated) "scientific" community when he was alive. If Kevin agrees with what Dr. Pierce believed, I hope that he will explain why, and cite his scientific sources.

Hmm.. thank you for pointing out that quote from Strom's last broadcast. I didn't catch that myself. I think the European subspecies (Caucasoid man) evolved into Homo Sapiens 250,000 years ago, and learned how to use and make fire around 100,000 years ago. That would be more likely the time when "light went on" so to speak in European Man's consciousness. I derived this information from William Gayley Simpson's book, Which Way Western man?, in part 4 of chapter 18, called "The Origin of the Races".. This is available online here: ... ernMan.pdf and the explanation is from pages 521-524.

William G. Simpson referred to books by Dr. Carleton S. Coon called The Origin of Races, The Living Races of Man and The Story of Man. According to Dr. Coon fossil remains of different species of Homo Erectus such as Peking man and Rhodesian man were found dating back 360,000 years, which is in roughly in agreement with the time frame you listed where the common ancestor of man first appeared. However, Dr. Coon later reveals that the earliest remains of Homo Sapiens were found in Europe 250,000 years ago (Caucasoid Man), in East Asia 150,000 years ago (Mongoloid Man) , and in Africa less than 10,000 years ago(Congoid Man). He also says although evidence of the use of fire was found first in Mongolian Man, while he was still in the Homo Erectus stage, Caucasoid man who were already Homo Sapiens in Europe were the first to learn how to make fire (not only use it but to call it forth)some 100,000 years ago. That would be more likely the time when the "Light" went on in Europe. This achievement of how to summon fire served major purposes in the development of the primitive man. According to Dr. Coon:
(4) it provided “a spatial nucleus
or center for the home territory of a group of people.” Here, after dark, they could gather
around the fire, in security and comfort, to tell tales, discuss group difficulties and make
group plans, or for dancing and ceremonies. It thus opened the way to every sort of
exploration and gradually to mastery of their environment, to improved speech and social
relations, and ultimately to all that we mean by technology, science, politics, art, culture,
and religion.
The discovery of fire, therefore, and especially of how to make fire, was one of the
greatest milestones in human evolution.” Without fire, Dr. Coon says, “it is difficult to
see how . . . human society could have risen above the level of that of baboons.”
“Without fire it is unlikely that Homo erectus could have evolved into sapiens.”
Furthermore evidence of use of fire in Africa dates back to only 40,000 years ago. The fact that European discovered to to make fire first explains why Whites are more evolved than Mongoloids or Negroes. We reached a higher stage of development than the other races first. Although some people say that East Asians (Mongoloids) are a few IQ points than White people, they lack the intellectual genius that only our race has, and that is the genius that allows us to create new things. So when people talk about IQ, they should keep in mind that regardless of which race does better on IQ tests, White people are the most evolved race and at the highest stage of development that man has reached so far on this planet. They may perform better than us on an IQ test but the Asian Mongoloids are bout 100,000 years behind us on the evolutionary chart. The Negro race is still in the Stone Age on the evolutionary chart in comparison to Whites.

Aside from all that I liked the last broadcast, good job Strom. I didn't know that Elon Musk made those statements, and if he did I'm not all that sure he was conscious of what he was saying was heresy to the PC crowd. Let's see if he back tracks later on. I was a bit disappointed too that he didn't go a step further and say that only Western European man is capable of creating the culture that we need to take us into a new age. That would of been the direct approach, which surely would of gotten him blacklisted. The Civilized Asian race is capable of bearing Western Culture, but not capable of creating it, therefore, it is most important that the White European race solves the differential birthrate problem.

Jimmy Marr

Re: An Open Letter to Elon Musk -- 5/23/2015

Post by Jimmy Marr » Mon May 25, 2015 6:22 pm

(4) it provided “a spatial nucleus
or center for the home territory of a group of people.” Here, after dark, they could gather
around the fire, in security and comfort, to tell tales, discuss group difficulties and make
group plans, or for dancing and ceremonies. It thus opened the way to every sort of
exploration and gradually to mastery of their environment, to improved speech and social
relations, and ultimately to all that we mean by technology, science, politics, art, culture,
and religion.
The discovery of fire, therefore, and especially of how to make fire, was one of the
greatest milestones in human evolution.” Without fire, Dr. Coon says, “it is difficult to
see how . . . human society could have risen above the level of that of baboons.”
“Without fire it is unlikely that Homo erectus could have evolved into sapiens.”

Furthermore evidence of use of fire in Africa dates back to only 40,000 years ago. The fact that European discovered to to make fire first explains why Whites are more evolved than Mongoloids or Negroes.
No wonder our race is virtually on fire. We've invented a non-spatial nucleus called the Internet.

It's the perfect White vehicle:



Post by permela » Thu May 28, 2015 3:57 am

There were so many comments about my post ""WHY ARE WHITES THE MOST CIVILIZED RACE?"" at above that on 5/28/2015 I revised it in order to correct some errors, and in order to add more interesting information to it, etc. Parts of it are repetitive because I did not have time to consolidate them (I may do so later).

David York

Re: An Open Letter to Elon Musk -- 5/23/2015

Post by David York » Fri May 29, 2015 2:35 am

Jimmy Marr wrote:
(4) it provided “a spatial nucleus
or center for the home territory of a group of people.” Here, after dark, they could gather
around the fire, in security and comfort, to tell tales, discuss group difficulties and make
group plans, or for dancing and ceremonies. It thus opened the way to every sort of
exploration and gradually to mastery of their environment, to improved speech and social
relations, and ultimately to all that we mean by technology, science, politics, art, culture,
and religion.
The discovery of fire, therefore, and especially of how to make fire, was one of the
greatest milestones in human evolution.” Without fire, Dr. Coon says, “it is difficult to
see how . . . human society could have risen above the level of that of baboons.”
“Without fire it is unlikely that Homo erectus could have evolved into sapiens.”

Furthermore evidence of use of fire in Africa dates back to only 40,000 years ago. The fact that European discovered to to make fire first explains why Whites are more evolved than Mongoloids or Negroes.
No wonder our race is virtually on fire. We've invented a non-spatial nucleus called the Internet.

It's the perfect White vehicle:

I don't think it's a perfect White vehicle, because non whites can use it too, kind of like that video you posted showing Springstein working on that white car lol... A perfect white vehicle wouldn't be serviced by a Jew mechanic.

David York


Post by David York » Fri May 29, 2015 12:52 pm

permela wrote:
Musk's goal is to help mankind to become a multi-planetary species. I admire Musk for trying to achieve his dream, and want to help him even though for mankind to colonize another planet seems impossible to me. Since Mars has no magnetic field, would cosmic radiation harm people, and the solar wind blow away any atmoshere that was created in order to make Mars a warmer planet? For mankind to attempt to colonize Mars is a step in the right direction, and better than only waiting for the earth's next extermination event.

Musk is aware that mankind's window of opportunity to become a multiplanetary species may not last much longer. Statements that Strom quoted suggest that Musk realizes that his goal can only be achieved by a civilized race, i.e., not by the races that are replacing ours.

Musk understands that the White race will be replaced by other races within a few generations. Does he imagine that the mulattoes and mestizos who are replacing us will be able to sustain the civilization that has made his success possible? Musk and his brother claimed that they did not want to serve in the South African military because it was used to maintain White rule.

Good role-models like Elon Musk were called "gods" by our Aryan ancestors. Entertaining stories about these gods' accomplishments, etc. were passed down from generation to generation as examples to be followed by those who "worshipped" them. Story tellers may have claimed that some of these gods actually rose from the dead and walked on water in order to show how stupid, ignorant and gullible some people are.
I agree that interplanetary travel/colonization should be our next focus, since there are no more frontiers left on Earth. I also agree that only White people might be capable of achieving this goal, but if things continue to go on the way they are in terms of demographics, there simply won't be enough White people around in the future that may have the capacity to realize these goals. I'm not so sure that Elon Musk should be considered a God.. I would say he is a good role model and his ideas are very intelligent, but until he realizes some of those goals I don't think he would attain God-like status. If he achieved some progress in interplanetary colonization then by all means I would consider him something of a God. I often wonder how far our race could have gotten by now had we not been hindered by outside races from the time the Jews were let back into England in the mid 17th century up until now. Perhaps white people could have already begun advanced space projects had we not had the Jewish and Negro presence in our midst. Thanks for the bio info on Elon Musk though, I didn't know much about him.


I doubt that anyone who has not travelled in South Africa can imagine how deeply and sincerely Christian the White farmers there are. If they are so Christian, why was Musk so horribly bullied by other children? Might it be because Christianity was begun by Jews, and tries to intimidate and to denigrate gentiles in every way imaginable? E.g., Christianity teaches that we:
1) Are "filthy rags" and are "born in sin" even though we are the most civilized race on earth.
2) Deserve to suffer for the rest of eternity in the fires of hell.
3) Can not be saved unless we believe worship a Jew and believe their absurd lies.
I suspect that most Christians only pretend to believe this Jewish nonsense in order to avoid becoming social outcasts. How could anyone believe it without hating himself, and therefore his own race, family and children (who in turn abuse instead of love each other), etc.? Does self hatred explain why so many of us become drug addicts and lunatics? Some Christians lash themselves with whips until their backs are bloody, deprive their families of the nutrition that they need in order to be healthy, etc. (a malnourished child can not grow up to be a genius like Elon Musk, whose mother is a nutritionist).

The Hebrew Bible clearly states that:
1) The early Christian church was created so that Gentiles would send money to the Jews in Jerusalem.
2) All the nations of the world will bow down and pay tribute to the Jews.
I think the reason people bully each other is simply because it is a part of life for the strong to pick on the weak. That happens everywhere in any society or culture, It's just like the law of nature that only the strong survive. However sometimes bullies are just cowards and abuse their strength by picking on weaker people. I don't think this has anything to do with religion and it's not a behavior that is unique to Aryans by any means.
permela wrote:
Strom seems to think of Jews as being part of the White race. I do not. There is more to race than skin color. Skin color indicates where a race evolved (or miscegenation), not how closely it is related to another race.

Jews have lived in Europe for so many thousands of years that they are mostly a mixture of the Semitic and Aryan races. I suspect that every Aryan has a little Semitic blood therefore.
There are two different kinds of Jews, the Sephardic and the Ashkenazi. The Ashkenazi Jews came from Eastern Europe, they were members of the Khazar empire (Khazaria was located in what is present day Georgia, Eurasia)and converted to Judaism in 800 ad. The Khazars were a mix of European, Turk and Mongol DNA. Those are the Jews that look more European, but they are not the Jews that were talked about in the Bible because they weren't in that mid-East region around the time of Christ. The Jews that are native to the Mid-East and Arabian peninsula are the Sephardic Jews. They have darker skin and look more like Arabs than Europeans.

Since farmers lived in permanent communities, they had to domesticate their race, i.e., to stop neighbors from stealing, raping and murdering each other. Criminals were removed from the Aryan gene pool for thousands of years via law enforcement. The physical and spiritual characteristics of Aryans were also influenced by artificial selection and breeding. Whites are more civilized for the same reason that dogs are less dangerous and more beneficial to humanity than wolves. They were bred to be that way. The spiritual qualities that distinguish a savage race from a civilized race are genetically inherited, in the same way that dogs and wolves behave and think differently from each other because of their genes.
I agree with you here, and I just want to add that White people must have somewhere along the line observed the genetic process and began practicing eugenics in order to improve the breed and to eliminate the unwanted characteristics from the gene pool. The savage races are just wild like you say and they don't practice any type of higher breeding.
Certainly our common ancestor may have evolved in Africa but I think that ancestor left Africa and went to Europe and Asia. Since then common ancestor evolved into different subspecies of Homo Erectus and then Homo Sapiens. For some reason evolution from Homo Erectus to Homos Sapiens began first in Europe, then in East Asia, and lastly and most recently in Africa.


Is Springstein a Jew?

Post by permela » Fri May 29, 2015 4:43 pm

DanielOlj79 wrote:... that video you posted showing Springstein working on that white car lol... A perfect white vehicle wouldn't be serviced by a Jew mechanic.
I googled Springstein because I read that he is Jewish somewhere. According to,
His father, Douglas Frederick Springsteen, was of Dutch and Irish ancestry and worked as a bus driver, among other vocations, although he was mostly unemployed. Springsteen has said his mother, Adele Ann (née Zerilli), was the main breadwinner.[5] His mother was a legal secretary and was of Italian ancestry.[6] His maternal grandfather was born in Vico Equense, a town near Naples.... Raised a Roman Catholic, Springsteen attended the St. Rose of Lima Catholic school in Freehold Borough, where he was at odds with the nuns and rejected the strictures imposed upon him, even though some of his later music reflects a Catholic ethos and included a few rock-influenced, traditional Irish-Catholic hymns.[8] In a 2012 interview, he explained that it was his Catholic upbringing rather than political ideology that most influenced his music. He noted in the interview that his faith had given him a "very active spiritual life," although he joked that this "made it very difficult sexually." He added: "Once a Catholic, always a Catholic."[9]

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