Biocentric quotes

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Will Williams
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Biocentric quotes

Post by Will Williams » Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:00 pm

"Biopolitics" by Dr. William Luther Pierce (December 2000)

"But at this moment it is my sincere belief that there is no nice solution to our biopolitical problem. I believe in the real world, the unforgiving world of Nature, in which we evolved through hard and bloody struggle over millions of years. Perhaps it is not a nice world, but it still can be a beautiful world if one looks at it with the right attitude. And I believe that the reason so many of our people simply will not accept that real world today is that they are too comfortable with the present situation. They are living well. They feel safe. They are perceptive enough to see the destructive trends carrying our race to extinction, but their comfort and safety are more important to them, and so they adjust their perceptions accordingly.

"The best thing that can happen is for them to lose their comfort and their feeling of safety. When that happens I believe that most of them can accept reality. And when we have a million or so of the more capable and intelligent members of our race accepting reality and putting the survival of their kind above everything else, there is nothing they cannot do, no enemy they cannot vanquish. They cannot outvote the Democratic coalition, which will continue its malignant growth year by year. They will not outnumber the biological enemy. They will not constitute an electoral majority, but they can embody a majority of will and determination, and properly informed and motivated and organized they can solve our biopolitical problem."
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Will Williams
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Re: Biocentric quotes

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:20 pm

“For a people’s religion should come out of its own blood. It should be its own innermost soul made manifest, the elevation before its eyes of its own hopes and dreams, of all the lessons it has learned through its own immemorial experience.”

—William Galey Simpson, Which Way Western Man? Chap. IIIb, p. 84
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Re: Biocentric quotes

Post by Cosmotheist » Sun May 18, 2014 9:08 am

Will Williams wrote:“For a people’s religion should come out of its own blood. It should be its own innermost soul made manifest, the elevation before its eyes of its own hopes and dreams, of all the lessons it has learned through its own immemorial experience.”

—William Galey Simpson, Which Way Western Man? Chap. IIIb, p. 84
And that "people's religion" and of "its own most innermost soul made manifest" is

Best regards,


Benjamin Bice

Re: Biocentric quotes

Post by Benjamin Bice » Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:43 pm

''It's about time for those of us still capable of
thinking tribally to begin doing so. It's about time
for those of us who understand what it means to
be White, to be European, to be Aryan in a
darkening world, and who understand what it used
to mean -- those of us who treasure our heritage,
who honor the sacrifices and achievements of our
forefathers and appreciate the civilization they
created for us -- those of us who feel a sense of
responsibility to the future and are determined that
our people shall inherit the future, not the mongrel
offspring of the rappers and jivers we see on our
television screens, but our people -- it's about
time for us to begin thinking and planning and
acting systematically in a manner aimed at our
racial survival.
It's time to stop being spectators, to stop listening
to the hypocritical cant of the liberals and the
mindless ramblings of the conservatives. It's time
to base everything -- everything -- on the
proposition that we must survive, our people must
survive. If a policy strengthens our people, if it
increases the survivability of our people, it is a
good policy. If it weakens us or puts us at a
disadvantage in the struggle for survival, it is a bad
policy. That's all that matters. That's all that we
should consider. Racial survival, racial victory in
the struggle for life and dominance, must be the
goal of every plan, of every policy, of every thought
and action. Tribal thinking.
We used to understand that, back before television.
Everyone understood it who survived. The Jews
still understand it. We'd better learn it again --
soon.'' - William Pierce

Ray W
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Re: Biocentric quotes

Post by Ray W » Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:21 am

from "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius Antoninus:
"I am part of the whole which is governed by nature; I am in a manner
intimately related to the parts which are of the same kind as myself."

from "Religion Without Revelation" by Sir Julian Huxley:
"The conscious mind has been striving toward yet never held all
at once an indivisible whole in its grasp."

from Mein Kampf, Volume Two, Chapter One by Adolf Hitler:
"The folkish philosophy of life must succeed in bringing about
that nobler age in which men no longer are concerned with
breeding dogs, horses and cats, but in elevating man himself."

from "Imperium" by Francis Parker Yockey:
"Race is the faculty of being true to one's self."

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Will Williams
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Re: Biocentric quotes

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 14, 2020 2:00 pm

Good finds, Ray. Who knew Marcus Aurelius (26 April 121 – 17 March 180 CE) was a full blown Cosmotheist way back then, before Dr. Pierce popularized the belief system?

Ray W wrote:
Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:21 am
from "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius Antoninus:
"I am part of the whole which is governed by nature; I am in a manner
intimately related to the parts which are of the same kind as myself."

from "Religion Without Revelation" by Sir Julian Huxley:
"The conscious mind has been striving toward yet never held all
at once an indivisible whole in its grasp."

from Mein Kampf, Volume Two, Chapter One by Adolf Hitler:
"The folkish philosophy of life must succeed in bringing about
that nobler age in which men no longer are concerned with
breeding dogs, horses and cats, but in elevating man himself."

from "Imperium" by Francis Parker Yockey:
"Race is the faculty of being true to one's self."
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Re: Biocentric quotes

Post by AngloSaxonJG » Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:55 pm

"Why do we complain about Nature? She has proven herself generous: life is long, if only you knew how to use it. But one man is held fast by a greed that knows no bounds, one man is besotted with wine, another paralyzed by indolence; one man is exhausted by an ambition that constantly depends on the judgement of others, another is driven on by his greed as a trader and drawn over every land and every sea by the hope of profit; some are tormented by their passion for soldiering, constantly either eager to bring danger to others or fearful in facing it themselves; some there are who are worn out by a self-inflicted slavery as they cultivate their superiors for little or no return; many are fully occupied in seeking to gain other men's wealth or in complaining about their own; many, having no fixed purpose, are plunged into ever-new schemes because, lacking direction or consistency, they are prey to vacillation that breeds dissatisfaction; some lack any belief by which to steer their course, and are caught by fate listless and half-asleep, so much so that I cannot doubt the truth of what we find in the greatest of poets, delivered like an oracle: 'Small is the part of life we really live.' All that remains of our existence is not actually life but merely time."

-Seneca On The Shortness of Life

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Will Williams
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Re: Biocentric quotes

Post by Will Williams » Sun Apr 11, 2021 7:55 pm

We and the cosmos are one. The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts.
The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins.
The moon is a great gleaming nerve-center from which we quiver forever…
Now all this is literally true, as men knew in the great past, and as they will know again.

D.H. Lawrence, Cosmotheist thinker (9/11/1885 – 3/2/1930)

Note that Lawrence shares a birthday with William L. Pierce
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