The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Supremely White
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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Supremely White » Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:06 am

S.W., your story of frustration about wading into a bunch of Jews alone, wearing a Swastika armband, is instructive for how not to act. The ADL & friends in media and law enforcement did not connect you to the National Alliance. It's good that you were not a NA member when you pulled your stunt. But as an Alliance supporter, and member of White Biocentrism forum, what the ADL will call a "hate" website, you don't help NA with your Swastika-as-weapon story.
Swastika-as-weapon? Maybe I didn’t make myself clear enough when I typed that earlier this year, because it seems like you may have misinterpreted my meaning. With all due respect, Chairman, I know you decide and inform members and even supporters on National Alliance policy and the ideal symbol, but you are also allied with The New Order, whose symbol is the swastika and Rockwell had the stones to wear his proudly and to proudly wave the flags too. Just like I try not to capitulate to the demands of the kikes, if I can help it, I try not to let the thought police, ( in the form of the Defamation League’s trained goy lapdogs, known as the F.B.I. ) try to intimidate me about which websites I lurk or type on.

And by the time I wrote this, I was long out of the jurisdiction of those who smeared me, so they could not use that whole, “Now remember, lying to a federal agent is a criminal offense “ warning against me, but I was posting on Stormfront around that time, so I had my account taken off, and after that everyone over there was shitting on me, but as tough as they talk, they’re all pussies who’d shrink from a swastika like a rabbi, let alone have the balls to wear one. Yes, I know some here are from there, but all of you badmouthed me after I left and couldn’t say anything in my defense or set them straight.

I still feel like I had good reason to put it up here, as a cautionary tale, (I don’t think you’d disagree) and also because that’s when I myself learned from experience how crooked and corrupt the whole mess is. Not just the mean old jewsquito who provoked everything and then played victim to the press, and I knew already who runs that, but at the time, I had only heard of the misnamed Anti Defamation League briefly mentioned in a 9th grade civics class. Back then, I thought, great, an organization that fights stuff like slander and libel. Good to know. Well, maybe I’d listened to a few ADV radio shows about them by then, about the Leo Frank bastard, but still was naïve to how they are our enemies and through all this, I learned that the Federal Bureau of Investigations doesn’t only investigate federal level stuff, but that if a local office of the ADL snaps their fingers, they even investigate neighborhood cases too, which was why I was so shocked that they came to see little old me, not someone famous, not a criminal, just someone who’s proud enough of my European heritage to proudly strut around in the symbol. I’m still proud to.

Fuck the kikes, the Defamation League NGO, fuck their Federal Bureau of Intimidation shabbos lapdogs and fuck the crooked L.E. departments that it turns out they train, not to protect and serve, but to treat us as criminals if we don’t toe their party line. These assholes are the ones who need to be put on blast!
If they don’t want me posting here or wherever, tough shit! Not like I go on kiddie porn sites, but if I did, then the government that doesn’t represent us, might give me a Nobel Peace Prize, like the negro Obama did years ago for…well, nothing.

But if you don’t want me posting on here, that’s different, because it is your website, so just say the word and I will crawl away for good.
Hitler was right.

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Will Williams
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Re: The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith

Post by Will Williams » Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:57 am

I wrote:
S.W., your story of frustration about wading into a bunch of Jews alone, wearing a Swastika armband, is instructive for how not to act... you don't help NA with your Swastika-as-weapon story.
S.W., you replied:
Maybe I didn’t make myself clear enough when I typed that earlier this year, because it seems like you may have misinterpreted my meaning. With all due respect, Chairman, I know you decide and inform members and even supporters on National Alliance policy and the ideal symbol, but you are also allied with The New Order, whose symbol is the swastika and Rockwell had the stones to wear his proudly and to proudly wave the flags too...

New Order is the successor group to George Lincoln Rockwell's NSWPP, yes, which began as the American Nazi Party 60-plus years ago. Dr. Pierce met and worked with Rockwell from the mid-1960s because he was impressed that he told truths that no one else was telling, but soon launched the National Youth Alliance (NYA) after GLR was assassinated in 1967. NYA evolved into the National Alliance in 1974.

Pierce chose the ancient European Life Rune as the symbol for both NYA and NA, not the Swastika, and for good reason. Alliance members have accepted that choice, if you haven't, though many of us appreciate the Swastika symbol, if privately.

You'd do well to try and understand better the post-WWII history of National Socialism -- for example here on NV by Martin Kerr, current leader of New Order: ... socialism/ A quote from that piece:

New Order Chief of Staff Martin Kerr has defined the Movement’s political goals as the creation of, “A healthy race, in a healthy society, in a healthy environment.”

That we share the same ideology is why our Alliance allies with New Order. We carry several titles published by NO at our bookstore, including one of my favorites:


A comment by the author under the linked article confirms NA's close alliance with New Order
Martin Kerr
5 August, 2021 8:51 pm
Here’s a thought: Instead of just reading about history, why not become part of it? One way that you can become personally involved in the second century of National Socialism is by signing up

Make history – not excuses!
Fuck the kikes, the Defamation League NGO, fuck their Federal Bureau of Intimidation shabbos lapdogs and fuck the crooked L.E. departments that it turns out they train, not to protect and serve, but to treat us as criminals if we don’t toe their party line... If they don’t want me posting here or wherever, tough shit!... it is your website, so just say the word and I will crawl away for good.

That's right, S.W. You've got a big chip on your shoulder that can use some adjusting. You defy forum rules (viewtopic.php?f=3&p=3#p3) and are hereby released from WB to pursue your own path. Try New Order's forum and see if Mr. Kerr approves of your language, much less your method of advancing the cause.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ

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