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Post by k0te88 » Wed Sep 27, 2023 12:52 pm

Hello everyone.

I'm looking forward to having intelligent, long form discussions with other like minded people.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Hello

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Sep 27, 2023 10:47 pm

Welcome, kote88. Take a bit of time to read our forum's rules, and while you're at it take the time to read what we in the National Alliance are really about: https://www.natall.com/about/what-is-th ... -alliance/

Then consider applying to join us.
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Re: Hello

Post by FolkishFreya » Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:35 pm

Welcome. What topics are you interested in?

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Re: Hello

Post by k0te88 » Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:10 am

FolkishFreya wrote:
Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:35 pm
Welcome. What topics are you interested in?
I enjoy discussing racial studies, NS doctrine, ways in which we can craft our message to help wake up our racial brothers and sisters. Once you wake up and see what they've done (and are doing) to our world, it's hard to just go through life and ignore it. The signs of decay are everywhere you look. I hope that enough of our people wake up before it's too late.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Hello

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Oct 08, 2023 4:49 am

k0te88 wrote:
Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:10 am
FolkishFreya wrote:
Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:35 pm
Welcome. What topics are you interested in?
I enjoy discussing racial studies, NS doctrine, ways in which we can craft our message to help wake up our racial brothers and sisters. Once you wake up and see what they've done (and are doing) to our world, it's hard to just go through life and ignore it. The signs of decay are everywhere you look. I hope that enough of our people wake up before it's too late.
Some will indeed wake up, friend. It's up to those who have seen that a responsibility towards our race exists to join together and make our world a place where Whites can live amongst only ourselves for purposes that aim towards an eternity of progression. None of us can do it alone and in one lifetime, but together we can. Hopefully you saw that the program of the National Alliance link I gave you above compared favorably with the NS doctrine you mentioned studying.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Re: Hello

Post by White_Vengeance » Sat Oct 14, 2023 9:29 am

k0te88 wrote:
Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:10 am
FolkishFreya wrote:
Tue Oct 03, 2023 1:35 pm
Welcome. What topics are you interested in?
I enjoy discussing racial studies, NS doctrine, ways in which we can craft our message to help wake up our racial brothers and sisters. Once you wake up and see what they've done (and are doing) to our world, it's hard to just go through life and ignore it. The signs of decay are everywhere you look. I hope that enough of our people wake up before it's too late.
Greetings and welcome to the White Biocentrism Site, k0te88, my fellow White Nationalist and brother-in-arms. I appreciate that you took time to seek out and join what is perhaps the single-most well-educated and intellectual community of White Nationalists on this vast, interconnected, wireless digital (binary) and hexadecimal network we White people call the Internet; and by so doing thus becoming a dedicated pro-White activist who is willing to take the fight to our enemies.

The iron-fisted central governments of the White nations, worldwide, which are, in reality, Communist regimes, have betrayed our White race by showing an undying allegiance to the worldwide shadow government of the international financier globalists who seek to control the entire world and to genocide the White race from existence. It is due to the iron-fisted, draconian policies of our despotic central governments and decades-upon-decades of non-stop, relentless brainwashing, indoctrination, and mind-control that White people have become conditioned to be fearful of standing firm and have thus been reduced to cowardly, timid poltroons who are of no value in this harsh, bitter, fiercely-brutal racial war we are waging for our very salvation. This is the greatest reason as to why countless tens-and-tens-of millions of White people in America and the other predominately White nations worldwide have adopted an "I do not care" attitude; the mind-control and the conditioning have literally reduced them to squeamish little children. They may exist in the body of an adult but their minds have returned to the infant stage. They are completely incapable of drawing rational inferences and making sound decisions; their brain and mind have been neutered into a mental condition befitting a moron.

This is where fiercely-proud White Nationalists such as you, me, and legions of fellow White Nationalist brothers and sisters must now ride to the rescue if we are to preserve our White race for the next 10,000 + generations of wonderful, beautiful, intelligent White children who will grow to accomplish such magnificent and incredible feats of superhuman accomplishments that even our superior White European minds are still utterly and simply incapable of comprehending.

Ours is an incredibly formidable task, but it is one that we MUST undertake to honor our White ancestors--White warriors of the highest honor and dignity--who conquered the entire world and, in the process, made it a much better place than it otherwise would have been. As our White warrior ancestors have done for us, it is now our responsibility to do for the yet-unborn generations. Keeping our blood pure and securing the eternal destiny of our magnificent White race is not just an honorable pursuit, but it is our sole reason for existence on this Earth. For those reasons, we cannot fail our race or our people. White Europeans are the absolute finest specimens on the planet, not ever inclined to failure, but instead looking far beyond the horizon, well into the future and knowing that we have the innate abilities, skills, persistence, and intelligence to conquer whatever formidable challenges exist in this vast, mysterious universe.

Now that you are a full-fledged member of the White Biocentrism Site, please read to your heart's content, for as you read our brilliantly-written, intellectually-stimulating posts, you will be awarding yourself with a lifetime's worth of education—the type of quality education that you could never obtain in most of America's colleges and universities that are not only decidedly left-wing liberal bastions of brainwashing, but Marxist camps of hateful anti-White and anti-American indoctrination. If such a prestigious degree existed, the education you receive from being a member of the White Biocentrism Site would confer upon you the Master's Degree in White Nationalism.

As for joining the White Biocentrism Site, you are now in the midst of fiercely determined White European males, along with fiercely determined White European females, all who are fighting the good fight to restore our stupendous White race to its rightful place of preeminence among all the lesser races and species who litter the Earth's surface like vermin and scum.

From time-to-time, this is something I tell White folks--men and women--who have finally "come home" to the White Nationalist movement, and with whom I have the distinct honor of communicating: I know that this sounds a bit prophetic, but I sense in you something that has been hidden for far too long, but that can only best be described as a spiritual rebirth of your White racial pride. Not every White person has the passion, determination, and internal moral psyche that commands a rebirth of White racial pride—but you do, so you are thus chosen to be one of the select few White warriors who knows he must do everything possible for the salvation and redemption of his White European race. As your White racial pride grows, develops, and matures, it will cause a manifestation of your White race soul—the governing, inner motivating force that drives you to live your life for the singular purpose of doing everything possible for the betterment of our White race. There is no higher service that one can offer than to live his/her life solely for the betterment of his/her White race.

Once again, welcome to the White Biocentrism Site and enjoy your new membership into our select White Nationalist community. Please stick around; we consider every person who joins the White Biocentrism Site a most valued member.

In closing, please commit this saying to memory; it is one that I often use to welcome racially-conscious White folks who have made the absolutely correct decision to join the White Nationalist movement and to earn a place among the ranks of the finest White warriors on Planet Earth.

"Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them."
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Hello

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Oct 14, 2023 1:58 pm

The iron-fisted central governments of the White nations, worldwide, which are, in reality, Communist regimes, have betrayed our White race by showing an undying allegiance to the worldwide shadow government of the international financier globalists who seek to control the entire world and to genocide the White race from existence.
I'd like to remind folks here that the governments of formerly White nations are in reality Jewish regimes and obey their own racial instincts towards destroying main competition, namely, racially healthy Whites who will not kowtow as slaves to their gluttony for power, control, agenda, and of course, money. They're not "traitors" as they aren't us Whites, you cannot betray your enemy, only your own kind. It is a biological struggle we're in, not a political one although politics is often employed as one arena where we struggle within when Jews have infiltrated our political institutions. Since it is biological, it seems to be more accurate to name Jews and Whites as being the antagonists involved at the heart of the struggle, and not coded and lifeless entities such as "Communists," "international financier globalists" or any other similar and murky terms. Let's name the Jew, not their organizations except to illustrate that we're talking about Jews here.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

leopold buncombe
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Re: Hello

Post by leopold buncombe » Tue Oct 31, 2023 6:18 pm

.. 🍀 hello from buncombe georgia 🍀 .. lm new here but lve been supporting the NATIONAL ALLIANCE for many years .. these are good folks .. lm anxiously awaiting my promotion to 'access to private messaging' status .. welcome ..

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