Want a good chuckle?

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Will Williams
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Want a good chuckle?

Post by Will Williams » Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:33 am

William Pierce:

LAST WEEK a member of the organization I head, the National Alliance, sent me something his nine-year-old daughter had brought home from school. He lives in Macon, Georgia, and his daughter is a fourth grader at a private school there. Last week her class went on a field trip to visit a Black museum in Macon and learn a bit about Black history. The museum is the federally funded Tubman African American Museum. It’s supported by our tax dollars. (ILLUSTRATION: Father Richard Keil, founder of the Tubman African American Museum)

It is named after Harriet Tubman, a Black slave who was employed by Abolitionist organizations in the North during the period just before the Civil War to induce other slaves in the South to leave their plantations and head north along the so-called “Underground Railroad.” Sometimes she used a revolver to coax those who weren’t sure they wanted to go. The White fourth graders visiting the museum got a little sermon about the wickedness of slavery and of White people for having imposed it on Blacks. They also had a lecture on the history and accomplishments of Negroes, and each was handed a sheet headed “African American Inventor’s” (sic) listing 120 or so things supposedly invented by Blacks.

Here are the first six items on the list of Black inventions: the pyramids, paper, chess, the alphabet, medicine, and civilization.

After this start the rest of the list is a bit anticlimactic, with such items as the doorknob, the mop, the curtain rod, peanut butter, and the helicopter.

With the exception of peanut butter, which is generally credited to Black agricultural technician George Washington Carver, this list is so fantastic that most of us get a good chuckle when we read it.

But the really tragic part of this story is that, although these wild pipedreams about Blacks designing and architecting the pyramids, inventing the alphabet and the helicopter, and so on may be funny to us, they’re not funny to White fourth graders. When a museum guide, even a Black guide, or their teacher tells them that Blacks invented paper, the alphabet, and civilization, they take it all very seriously. They believe it. My member’s nine-year-old daughter believed it. She came home from school after the field trip and told her parents quite seriously that she had learned that Blacks had done just about everything worth doing in the development of our civilization, and she wondered why Whites hadn’t done anything...
Read more here: https://nationalvanguard.org/2015/07/br ... -children/ or hear Dr. Pierce read it here: "Brainwashing Our Children" https://www.bitchute.com/video/y4uuMs1DQyDM/
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Will Williams
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Re: Want a good chuckle?

Post by Will Williams » Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:44 am

Will Williams wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:33 am
William Pierce:
They also had a lecture on the history and accomplishments of Negroes, and each was handed a sheet headed “African American Inventor’s” (sic) listing 120 or so things supposedly invented by Blacks.

Here are the first six items on the list of Black inventions: the pyramids, paper, chess, the alphabet, medicine, and civilization.

After this start the rest of the list is a bit anticlimactic, with such items as the doorknob, the mop, the curtain rod, peanut butter, and the helicopter.

With the exception of peanut butter, which is generally credited to Black agricultural technician George Washington Carver, this list is so fantastic that most of us get a good chuckle when we read it.

OK, chuckle time is over. The end of this decades-old American Dissident Voices broadcast by Dr. Pierce is:

This is a fighting matter, because the aim of this brainwashing is nothing less than our physical destruction as a people, nothing less than our annihilation as a race. It is designed to sap our will to resist the racially destructive programs which have been imposed on us during the past 50 years. It is designed to make us feel guilty if we hesitate to go along with our own destruction. It is designed to rob us of our racial consciousness, our culture, our racial roots. It is designed to make racial suicide and racial treason trendy and fashionable.

And it is working. It is having the intended effect. Being anti-White is the Politically Correct attitude in most of our universities today. Welcoming the impending demise of Whites everywhere and the inheritance of the earth by the colored hordes of the Third World is fashionable among White students. Supporting this fashion are the sort of erroneous ideas being promoted in Black history courses and mass entertainment a la Spielberg: ideas that all races are essentially equal intellectually and morally, that they all have equal civilization building potential.

The fact that the Blacks have never built a civilization is only proof that they have been held down by White racism. The fact that the Black crime rate is about ten times the White rate and the fact that Blacks do so poorly on IQ tests are also due to White racism. When the Whites are gone — or at least so outnumbered that they can’t run the show — all the races will get along fine, they all will be able to show their full potential, and everyone will live happily ever after.

This is the kind of muddled thinking that Mr. Clinton is encouraging with his current campaign for racial togetherness. And anyone who raises his voice against this brainwashing campaign or the lethally fashionable attitudes on race it has fostered is routinely denounced by Mr. Spielberg’s Jewish media colleagues as a “hater.” That’s the way they talk about me. Mr. Clinton then calls for new legislation to outlaw hate. And the trendy airheads at our universities applaud.

“Yes, yes, let’s outlaw the hate. Let’s have love and brotherhood and peace. Peace between the races,” they cry. But there is no peace. Look at our cities and our schools today. There is no peace. If there were peace Mr. Clinton would not have an excuse for his present campaign of chicanery and fraud about racial togetherness.

And is it my fault that there is no peace? I did not make the policies which have brought about the present situation. I have not sponsored the policies which have brought us the crime, disorder, fear, and hatred which characterize racial relations in the United States today. Those policies are the work of Mr. Spielberg’s kinsmen and of the corrupt politicians like Mr. Clinton who have adopted those policies in return for media support. They are the ones who have brought so much hatred and unhappiness to our society.

The one thing that will quell that hatred and disorder and give people hope again is racial separation. And racial separation is what we will have. We will put an end to the brainwashing and the lies. We will have an America in which no little White girl is ever again taught the destructive lies my member’s nine-year-old daughter was taught in Macon, Georgia. And Mr. Clinton and Mr. Spielberg be damned.
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Re: Want a good chuckle?

Post by RCavallius » Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:24 am

Will Williams wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:44 am
OK, chuckle time is over.
Yep, it's over: now it's time to kick some butt! (Figurative butt, I mean :D .)

I've got this talk by Dr. Pierce in my Power of Truth CD collection, and boy do I remember it. This kind of stuff really keeps me motivated to work hard for our Cause. When I hear about stuff like this, it brings to mind not just the Negro, but also - and even primarily - the Jew, for we know it was the Jew who originally got the ball rolling on this hyped-up narrative of Black ingenuity. The Blacks, of course, are today feeling quite puffy headed about this fiction, but in reality, this stuff was put into their heads as it has been put into the heads of the majority of unthinking Whites.

Jews are a supreme threat, as we all know. Alliance Members should be working every day to do whatever they can to dispel Jewish, anti-White narratives and educate White people about racial realities. Deceit plays a large role in the maintenance of the Jewish power structure, and if we can break through some of this nonsense we can make a positive impact on our folk as a whole.

In my activism, I focus on two things:

1) Trying to awaken as many White people as possible to the truth about race and the relevant issues surrounding it
2) Trying to recruit for the National Alliance

The Alliance has to be selective in those it recruits, of course, but even if a given White person isn't necessarily Alliance material, it still benefits us in the long run to have those 'hard conversations' with them. I might talk to ten people about relevant issues, but only try to recruit one: this is fine. All ten conversations are beneficial if one keeps the long-term strategy in mind.

Taking this view, all of the Black invention stuff can actually be used to our benefit, since it is far and away one of the easiest lies to debunk. If an Alliance Member knows their stuff - and by God, they should - they can clear the air of this idiotic nonsense in a few short minutes and teach someone a fact or two about real history.

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Re: Want a good chuckle?

Post by FolkishFreya » Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:04 pm

Completely useless race. . . But useful to the Jews and their scheme.

It's actually quite funny (pathetic) when the Blacks come into my store. I believe most of the time they are clueless as to where they even are. They have lots of trouble differentiating foods. Except the Watermelons, they know ALL about those. :lol:

For instance, yesterday this particular Black congoid specimen didn't know the difference between a Red Delicious apple and a Golden Delicious. They are OBVIOUS in color alone, one is red and the other golden... He says:

"Which one is Red Delicious?"
I looked at him for a second in disbelief, in my head I'm thinking no way could anyone be that stupid. Realizing he is not laughing it off and is seriously in a full stupor I said, "Do you see those big boxes of bright red apples? That's them." I made sure to gesture because one never knows how dumb a Black can be. Of course later I share with my co-workers the idiocy I just experienced and we laugh about it.

I'm amazed he could even drive a car or tie his shoes or even gather himself enough to get to the grocery store. But hey he's got food stamps to spend so that's his incentive. His cheese and the end of the maze if you will. I could write volumes on everything I experience at my job.

I see why the Jews want to push this pathetic race on to our intelligent beautiful race. To distroy us, it would mean our END. I will do whatever I can to further the Alliance's message to help our race. Infact, I will be doubling my dues every month to help support NA's work and because I love my race.

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Re: Want a good chuckle?

Post by White_Vengeance » Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:08 pm

Rather than type a long-winded post that dispels the idiotic notion that the subhuman, cannibalistic, savage molenjohns invented ANYTHING--which, of course, is patently false on its face--I'll break with tradition and provide a link to a Website that is owned by someone who I consider a buddy. The Website is well-known throughout the pro-White activism and White Nationalist movement: Tightrope Records.

Tightrope Records sells an exceptionally wide array of products, tee-shirts, flags, emblems, etc., and other artifacts that appeal to the tastes of most racially-conscious White folks. But, the reason I am posting the link to Tightrope Records is because he does an outstanding job of not just dispelling the moronic myths that the swahili-dancin', barbaric jungle apes somehow invented ANYTHING, but he virtually destroys all these ill-conceived, fallacious claims.

Here is the link to Tightrope Records' section titled "Black Invention Myths." I rarely label something a "must read" but this is the rare exception because it is so extremely well-documented.


By the way, "peanut butter" is not an "invention"; it is a recipe. If peanut butter was an invention then a tossed salad and deviled eggs would also qualify as "inventions."
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.

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Re: Want a good chuckle?

Post by fluxmaster » Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:21 pm

Peanut butter was invented/created by George A. Bayle.

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Re: Want a good chuckle?

Post by RCavallius » Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:44 pm

White_Vengeance wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:08 pm
By the way, "peanut butter" is not an "invention"; it is a recipe. If peanut butter was an invention then a tossed salad and deviled eggs would also qualify as "inventions."
That's actually a really good point...

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Re: Want a good chuckle?

Post by Victor Arminius » Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:45 pm

I would imagine the child in question was put in a private school to avoid public school integration. And then the guilt-ridden private school takes them to a Black museum. How can you deal with people who think Wankana is a reality? If the parents wanted exposure to Black culture they would not have put her in a private school.

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Re: Want a good chuckle?

Post by RCavallius » Fri Oct 21, 2022 1:04 pm

Victor Arminius wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:45 pm
How can you deal with people who think Wankana is a reality?
It depends. A few can be persuaded with information. Share real history with them and provide relevant IQ data, as the latter goes together with racial disparities in historical achievement. As for the rest, they won't listen, so there's nothing we can do.

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Re: Want a good chuckle?

Post by White_Vengeance » Fri Oct 21, 2022 2:08 pm

Victor Arminius wrote:
Fri Oct 21, 2022 12:45 pm
I would imagine the child in question was put in a private school to avoid public school integration. And then the guilt-ridden private school takes them to a Black museum. How can you deal with people who think Wankana is a reality? If the parents wanted exposure to Black culture they would not have put her in a private school.
It is gut-wrenching, sickening, and disgusting that a private school--one that probably costs thousands of dollars to attend--would stoop so low as to take White children to so-called negro "museum"--and one that is built upon lies, subterfuge, and deceit. The ONLY setting for a so-called negro "museum" should be in an outhouse. Anything better than that is an utter waste. Even if the so-called negro "museum" was in an outhouse the museum's curator still could not fill it with negro so-called "inventions," because negro so-called "inventions" do not exist!

I recall that when my younger brother and his wife were sending their two children to a Catholic school, which wasn't all that long ago, they were paying a staggering amount in tuition, books, and ancillary fees. I'm almost certain that it cost somewhere in the range of $3,000-$4,000 per year, per student. The school did give a slight break to families with two or more children in the school, but it was very slight.

When their two children attended high school--a Catholic high school--they paid $11,000.00 per student, per year.

If I had a child in a private school and the school decided to take my child and his/her classmates on a field trip to a negro so-called "museum" I'd be in the principal's face so fast that he/she wouldn't have time to react. And after I finished reading the principal the riot act I'd immediately pull my child out of that slobbering, pandering, "negro-worshiping" White cuckish school and figure out a way to home school him/her.

As far as using the term "black culture," that is the epitome of an oxymoron. So-called "black culture" doesn't exist, unless you want to take the "grand tour" of any neighborhood in De-toilet (aka: Detroit), or the South and West sides of Chicago, Illinois. Be careful of what it is that you wish--your desire for so-called "black culture" might cost you your life.
Any White person who can see the threat to the future of the White race today and who refuses, whether from cowardice or selfishness, to stand up for his/her people does not deserve to be counted among them.

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