American College From A Gen Z Perspective

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American College From A Gen Z Perspective

Post by bhglasgow » Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:38 pm

Having completed a semester in the education department, I feel able to deliver a brief analysis on the absolute state of college-level education in the United States. So-called higher education as it exists in America is a complete joke. Perhaps it is the passage of time, as overall standards in our country continue to deteriorate by the day, or an increasing degeneration as one ascends up the educational ladder, but college seems ridiculously easy, even in comparison to middle and high school.

Partially this is because virtually none of the assignments are turned in in person. They’re all remote and online. The possibilities for cheating, as many colleagues assure me, are truly endless. Other than plagiarism, you can just about do anything when tests and homework are all turned in outside the classroom.

Academic standards have been flung into the dust. Due dates are not due dates, and, if you were so inclined, you could drag your heels on turning your assignments in to just about the end of the semester. The professors don’t care, so they will buy just about any excuse on why assignments are late.

The ranks of professors are largely filled by women, which plays a role in why standards are so low- female empathy run rampant.

Half the students should have flunked out a while ago, but because they represent nice money bags for administrators, they may stay. College is not so much about learning as it is a scam to line people’s pockets. There are far more professors than need be. There are far more classes than need be. Many of the classes in the educational department are downright redundant. You go over the same material, and- this is a problem with all levels of public education- there often is not enough of that material for a whole semester, so they like to stretch things out.

Realistically, if you take three classes on how to be “tolerant” and patient with students, you should only be taking one class, considering that’s how much material gets repeated. But if that were the case- if there were only one class- you couldn’t justify four years at university. The result is a lot of wasted time. At one point in one of my classes, the professors handed us out beads to make bracelets to see how much “privilege” we had!

The lack of standards are highly demoralizing if the student is there to learn anything (and virtually none of them are). It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Francis Parker Yockey’s Imperium: “The abolition of quality smothers the exceptional man in his youth and turns him into a cynic.” It is difficult to imagine bright students actually putting in the effort when they look at the permissiveness and lack of standards around them. And I believe the large nonwhite population at my school to play a factor in that permissiveness.

That lack of standards pervades the social environment of the university as well.
And that deficiency pertains almost solely to the women of the university. The girls customarily dress themselves up as provocatively as possible. The obesity rates among them are staggering. You could not believe how bloated some of them get.

None of this is to mention, of course, the obvious bias in favor of liberalism that pervades American universities.

Even topics that are, unlike the holy six million, not completely “off the table” are difficult to have a conversation with people about.

For example, a pet project of the history department at my university seems to be slinging mud at the leadership of the Confederacy, with General Robert E. Lee as the prime target, and promoting a revisionist interpretation of the Reconstruction era , championing the work of famed Marxist W.E.B. DuBois as the standard for research in this area.

At one point, my professor announced to the classroom that the Lee statue in Richmond, VA, was built to commemorate Jim Crow and white supremacy. I brought to his attention the fact that race is never mentioned in the address that was given at the dedication of the monument. The purpose of the monument, quoting Archer Anderson’s address, is to honor Lee’s bravery, honor, Christian faith, and to serve as a “reproof and censure, if our people shall ever sink below the standards of their fathers.” The professor swiftly retorted: “I don’t think fighting for slavery was very Christian.”

This obstinacy about a statue! Imagine that professor’s reaction if we had been arguing about the veracity of the “Holocaust”!

As for the other students, they were utterly disinterested as to whether the statue represented the trampling of the rights of the black man or the virtue of a White soldier. This might be expected of laymen, but of students specializing in the subject of history, the lack of interest in researching is astonishing.

It is interesting that, even though “critical thinking” is often touted in the classroom, it is so seldom done. No students are all that interested in delving into what the other side says, when that other side is politically incorrect White men.

And I know that there are many universities that are far more demoralizing than the one I attended.

This isn’t to say that there is no recruiting potential within colleges, but it is quite difficult to seek out. The prime recruiting target for the right-wing as a whole, and for racially-conscious groups especially, should be disaffected White men. It is they who have borne the brunt of the tyrannical System’s policies. It is they who have been disenfranchised by mass immigration and feminism. And it is they who are ostracized and forgotten more than any other group.

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Will Williams
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Re: American College From A Gen Z Perspective

Post by Will Williams » Tue May 03, 2022 5:08 pm

bhglasgow wrote:
Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:38 pm
Having completed a semester in the education department, I feel able to deliver a brief analysis on the absolute state of college-level education in the United States. So-called higher education as it exists in America is a complete joke...

Very good, Mr. Glasgow. Thank you for that helpful personal report. College life is not for you, not at that college anyway, not with your interest in our people's history. I encourage you to keep writing for us, especially for your Gen Z peers..

I'm surprised no one at WB has commented on one of our newest young NA member's eye-opening experiences with "higher" education. I took the opportunity to post it in a comment at National Vanguard where it may get some deserved notice:
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Robert Burns
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Re: American College From A Gen Z Perspective

Post by Robert Burns » Tue May 03, 2022 11:42 pm

This is an important subject, so thank you for posting your experiences.

As a fellow zoomer who spent a bit of time in college in recent years, I agree, college these days is a total scam. A Bachelor's degree now is basically a two-year degree (which would already be overpriced on its own at the current rates) diluted with two more years of expensive fluff, and even that is only if you get STEM degree or a handful of others. It seems to me that most degrees now are completely useless, especially at the BA/BS level.

However, universities are very effective in their primary purpose as factories popping out millions of Marxist monkeys every year. I live near a university, and I can smell the stench of liberal goons from my apartment. I don't at all believe that one can live in such a toxic environment for 4 years and come out unscathed. Being inundated with such anti-intellectualism and degeneracy and hatred day in and day out for years has to take a toll on your mental health.

As such, I wouldn't advise any of our people to go to a standard 4-year university period. Some technical schools might be a decent choice, but at the end of the day there are almost no career fields that you can't get into without a degree, and the few jobs that absolutely require degrees are probably not worth pursuing anyway, because those are all System jobs. Our people shouldn't be cozying up to the System that is killing our people by getting System jobs. If you spend years of your life and thousands of dollars to get a cushy job in the System, you aren't going to want to give it up right away. You'll make all sorts of excuses to wait another year, or five years, or ten years before finally getting out, and by the time you decide to make a change, your roots will have grown deep, and you will be stuck slaving away for the System. Leaving will not just mean losing your job, it will mean losing your home, divorcing your wife, even losing your children. The money is simply not worth it.

I'm just using "you" in the general sense here, by the way. You seem to have a pretty solid understanding of this already.

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Will Williams
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Re: American College From A Gen Z Perspective

Post by Will Williams » Sat May 07, 2022 4:03 pm

bhglasgow wrote:
Tue Apr 26, 2022 3:38 pm
For example, a pet project of the history department at my university seems to be slinging mud at the leadership of the Confederacy, with General Robert E. Lee as the prime target,..At one point, my professor announced to the classroom that the Lee statue in Richmond, VA, was built to commemorate Jim Crow and white supremacy. ...The professor swiftly retorted: “I don’t think fighting for slavery was very Christian.”

With your interest in history, I can only imagine how put off you must have felt listing to that crap as "history," much less paying to listen to it. :roll:

I was rereading Douglas Mercer's fascinating essay "German Death Wish" the other day. It documents much verifiable history that your college would forbid in any of its "history" courses. Everyone reading this should read the entire piece, here:

Excerpt from Mercer:

Heinrich Heine was “a German Jew,” that is, a Jew, known for his lyrical but facile poetry and prose. He thought that when the cross was gone the Germans would erupt into barbarism; another way to look at it would be that when the the cross was gone the Germans would wake up to the peril in their midst. Heine wrote this in 1834:

Christianity — and that is its greatest merit — has somewhat mitigated that brutal Germanic love of war, but it could not destroy it. Should that subduing talisman, the cross, be shattered, the frenzied madness of the ancient warriors, that insane Berserk rage of which Nordic bards have spoken and sung so often, will once more burst into flame. This talisman is fragile, and the day will come when it will collapse miserably. Then the ancient stony gods will rise from the forgotten debris and rub the dust of a thousand years from their eyes, and finally Thor with his giant hammer will jump up and smash the Gothic cathedrals. Do not smile at the visionary who anticipates the same revolution in the realm of the visible as has taken place in the spiritual. Thought precedes action as lightning precedes thunder. German thunder is of true Germanic character; it is not very nimble, but rumbles along ponderously. Yet, it will come and when you hear a crashing such as never before has been heard in the world’s history, then you know that the German thunderbolt has fallen at last. At that uproar the eagles of the air will drop dead, and lions in the remotest deserts of Africa will hide in their royal dens. A play will be performed in Germany which will make the French Revolution look like an innocent idyll. ---end---

Note the date when this anti-German Jew wrote this: nearly a century before Mr. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf and nearly a century and a half before Pierce founded a new, non-Semitic religion for Whites. "Look out, fellow Jews," he warns, "should the goyim ever free themselves from the mental bonds of Christianity and the worship of our mythical tribal god."
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Will Williams
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Re: American College From A Gen Z Perspective

Post by Will Williams » Fri May 13, 2022 10:10 am

californiasurviving wrote:
Tue May 10, 2022 1:55 am
I went to a California university for a year before choosing to drop out altogether and studying on my own as I am someone who seeks raw knowledge and politically incorrect truth, something completely alien to the Female-majority campus mindset. It is a tragedy as I am very aware of the potential good and progress the universities could do to bringing us closer towards being a multi-planetary species and further understanding the cosmos. Having our White women attend university is a tragedy which will drastically shrink their prospects of motherhood, lifelong marriage and healthy sane kids. While it is true some women have the potential in the universities, I believe it is an exceptionally rare case for the few who do possess the competency and qualities of a true academic.

Sadly one of my siblings, my sister, is in one of the “top” universities in Southern California and has tragically become a typical vicious masculine wanna-be, anti-White pseudo-intellectual chick that is all too common in America’s universities. Knowing the Jews are in charge of the universities and has destroyed the lives of countless women including a handful of my Female family members who parrot the brainwashing propaganda makes me heartbreakingly sad to me and fills me with anger these sickening parasites even exist in this planet.

Very astute, first hand observation. We don't want to offend our "better halfs" with the brutal truth, especially not to those to whom it does not apply, but the disaster of co-ed university training for females ranks right up there with giving them the franchise 100 years ago when one vote was traditionally caste per family by the "man of the house."

I heard an alarming poll statistic the other day. According to some poll -- not that I put much stock in polls -- the nutball, anti-White, Jew-driven Biden/Harris administration has lost the confidence in every sub-group of the electorate, Hispanics, Blacks, Independents, except for one: educated White women! Imagine that.

40% of educated White females voted for non-White, likely queer, Barak Obama. They also supported scumbag, but charming Jew puppet Bill Clinton, despite his well-documented zipper problem and cigar tricks with female interns and other females he was charged with supervising.

The democratic process and academia that once were sane and worked for the White American majority, for a while anyway, have been turned against us and divided our men from our women as we head for minority status in our own land. What a catastrophe! A future National Alliance government can and will reverse this trend and restore the more natural order between our men and our women.
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