What to do with our cities?

Thomas S NJ
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Re: What to do with our cities?

Post by Thomas S NJ » Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:12 pm

"What to do with our cities?"

I have to admit... I sometimes wish for Russian nukes.

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White Man 1
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Re: What to do with our cities?

Post by White Man 1 » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:04 pm

It's tough to say what would happen to cities given depopulation. I'd love for them to return to their natural state, but I don't belI've that would be possible given the extent of plastics and the lack of any real soil. I think we would see a more desert-like landscape, slowly eroding into the sea.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: What to do with our cities?

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:36 am

Thomas S NJ wrote:
Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:12 pm
"What to do with our cities?"

I have to admit... I sometimes wish for Russian nukes.
Having worked around and on those weapon systems, I hope you'll retract that particular wish. Those things can turn a living planet into close to a lifeless rock. Our genes could very easily be lost using them.
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White Man 1
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Re: What to do with our cities?

Post by White Man 1 » Sat Mar 26, 2022 9:44 am

Surely some incendiary especially could do a good enough job that nuclear deterrents would not be necessary ;)

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Will Williams
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Re: What to do with our cities?

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 26, 2022 1:58 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 1:52 pm
californiasurviving wrote:
Fri Mar 25, 2022 1:59 pm
... if we care about the well being of our people we need to give some sort of escape that people can use in an otherwise crowded city, kind of like a central park but less artificial and much, much bigger... What I am saying is in addition to giving great economic opportunity to our people, we need to free up land to give our next generation of bright minds the space they need to think and escape. I have other ideas, but this one stands out to me the most.

What are your proposals? How should we deal with the cities and their current state once we deal with the diversity issue? Love to hear ideas.
Thanks, California Survivor. It's nice to imagine Building a New White World. Our Alliance has done that already, here, in general realistic terms: https://natall.com/about/what-is-the-national-alliance/ We will deal with the cities when we have the wherewithal to deal with them. For now we want to influence any racially responsible Whites who reside in them to come over to our way of thinking. You can help with that.

We don't want to "put the cart before the horse," so to speak, by getting too dreamy, however. The only way we can "deal with the diversity issue," is to educate our people as we are doing with NationalVanguard.org, Natall.com/Bitchute, American Dissident Voices, and with the books we offer at CosmotheistBooks.org -- even with this tiny WB forum that you managed to discover. We have no "land that we can free up and give to the next generation," not yet anyway.

We are in the education phase of the revolution
, and that's where we'll be until people like you and thousands of others join with us to build our communities, based on what you read at the link above.

Our communities will have the spiritual basis of Cosmotheism, as our Alliance already has, and that belief system will eventually supplant the materialistic, otherworldly Semitic religion our people have been stuck with for centuries where we have literally worshipped our racial enemy's Superspook up in the sky and his mythical son. That is the achievable goal if we are to preserve our race.
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

Thomas S NJ
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Re: What to do with our cities?

Post by Thomas S NJ » Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:48 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 12:36 am
Thomas S NJ wrote:
Fri Mar 25, 2022 4:12 pm
"What to do with our cities?"

I have to admit... I sometimes wish for Russian nukes.
Having worked around and on those weapon systems, I hope you'll retract that particular wish. Those things can turn a living planet into close to a lifeless rock. Our genes could very easily be lost using them.
It's not a serious wish to be sure, and no doubt the current modern inventories wouldn't just wipe out the cities but as you said, turn a living planet to a lifeless rock. It's more that the older I get, the less likely the sick order results of Jews' "fixing the world" will be overturned or even appreciably arrested in my lifetime it becomes. The thing which most seems likely now to upset this apple cart is the globalist gangs annihilating each other; the "Russian nukes" are just the extreme expression of that.

I'd love to pick your brain a bit more, though, Jim. I am not so sure it would be as devastating as all that, especially since our race has been fleeing the cities for decades now. When I poke at comparing the areas of affect for likely yields and targets, I don't find a rosy picture to be sure, and even I don't hate the city dwellers so intensely as to wish them that sort of ending most of the time (indeed, we have many awakened Whites living in the cities still, and I certainly wouldn't want anything to happen to, say, SteamPowered), but I do find something that is all at once:
  • Survivable (your comment casts this into doubt)
    Current order-ending
    An opportunity to rebuild (I must admit, I attach this to any apocalypse scenario with human survivors)
The more I learn on the topic, the more I think I'd likely survive such an exchange, and this in turn makes me realize two things: 1) I could be wrong about likely targets and yields and be instantly vaporized or 2) the worst that could happen would be having not planned to survive. That's it; either you die immediately or you need a plan for surviving the aftermath - and if you're White, that should mean a long-term plan for rebuilding for our Race's future.

Reading that last sentence, do you see the temptation to wish for the cancer-ridden civilization's violent end?

For those that consider such a wish too extreme, please re-read the last few chapters of the Turner Diaries. I'm not exactly the first in our organization to harbor an angry fantasy along those lines.

But this does cycle back to the question of what to do with the cities. I have been within the past five years to New York, Philadelphia (which I am still closer to than I'd like), Baltimore, DC, and Savannah. In each, it was abundantly clear to me that a demographic point of no return had been reached. With or without the power structure of the Jew world order holding them in some semblance of civilization, these places are not only hopelessly lost to our Race, but as cancerous sores are toxic to the continuation of our genes just by their very existence. There is no realistic solution to them which does not involve destruction on a massive scale; no policy of shipping them out can ever hope to be effective in both practice and cost. At this point, total separation cannot be achieved without destruction.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: What to do with our cities?

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:12 am

Thomas S NJ wrote:
Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:48 pm
I'd love to pick your brain a bit more, though, Jim. I am not so sure it would be as devastating as all that, especially since our race has been fleeing the cities for decades now. Imagine the planet's atmosphere being released from our orbit and the seas drying up from a combination of nuclear events. That's a worst-case scenario although no one knows what exactly can happen in a full-scale exchange.

I do find something that is all at once:
  • Survivable (your comment casts this into doubt) Maybe yes, maybe no. Do you trust the sanity of those who hold the keys to these weapons?
    Current order-ending Let's say nuclear war is survivable, then the current order would definitely be affected. Trust in them would evaporate as quickly as anyone caught at ground zero.
    An opportunity to rebuild (I must admit, I attach this to any apocalypse scenario with human survivors)
The more I learn on the topic, the more I think I'd likely survive such an exchange, Have you seen a map of likely nuclear strike targets in the US? The Eastern Seaboard where Philthydelphia is at is well represented there. and this in turn makes me realize two things: 1) I could be wrong about likely targets and yields and be instantly vaporized or 2) the worst that could happen would be having not planned to survive. That's it; either you die immediately or you need a plan for surviving the aftermath - and if you're White, that should mean a long-term plan for rebuilding for our Race's future. All of would be fortunate enough just to survive a blast itself, the radiological effects that come afterward, and the transformation of people alive of any race into savages.

Reading that last sentence, do you see the temptation to wish for the cancer-ridden civilization's violent end? I'm not tempted, no. It's going to end anyway, with or without any of us here giving it a push, the trick will be to have communities set up as things devolve into worse conditions.

For those that consider such a wish too extreme, please re-read the last few chapters of the Turner Diaries. I'm not exactly the first in our organization to harbor an angry fantasy along those lines. I've read TTD several times already. It was, as Dr. Pierce intended, to be a fantasy that carried the Cosmotheist theme within the story. Using nukes was just a plot device.

But this does cycle back to the question of what to do with the cities. I have been within the past five years to New York, Philadelphia (which I am still closer to than I'd like), Baltimore, DC, and Savannah. In each, it was abundantly clear to me that a demographic point of no return had been reached. With or without the power structure of the Jew world order holding them in some semblance of civilization, these places are not only hopelessly lost to our Race, but as cancerous sores are toxic to the continuation of our genes just by their very existence. There is no realistic solution to them which does not involve destruction on a massive scale; no policy of shipping them out can ever hope to be effective in both practice and cost. At this point, total separation cannot be achieved without destruction.By those of us who have gathered within the NA choosing to begin the process of forming physical communities to follow the spiritual one we have already set up, our "separation" is possible. This isn't talking about millions of Whites at this time, obviously. But it involves those few who commit to setting an example and letting other Whites see it. The healthy ones, if we do it correctly, will join us gradually. Or faster, depending on worsening conditions happening quickly. The destruction of the US is proceeding along at an increasing clip these days, let's choose to stay out of it's way and to "build the lifeboats" for those few who believe as we do instead.
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Thomas S NJ
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Re: What to do with our cities?

Post by Thomas S NJ » Sun Mar 27, 2022 9:17 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:12 am
I'm not tempted, no. It's going to end anyway, with or without any of us here giving it a push, the trick will be to have communities set up as things devolve into worse conditions.
Jim, I pretty much agree with all your points, although some seems predicated on worst-case scenarios, some which seem exceedingly unlikely. Still, all of my "this might be survivable for me" thinking is based on one thing: I assume that the people with their fingers on the button think about life and the planet in much the way I do - or, rather, I think the people who set the targeting and mission priorities think like I do. The short version is, I allowed myself to believe that the Russian generals who choose the targets and warhead types would have done so not with ending humanity as the goal but rather preventing a military response to any degree. There's no way of course I'd survive a Tsar Bomba right on Philly City Hall, or anything in the multiple megaton range for that matter. That would burn half of South Jersey; but a MIRV peppering the radio & TV stations NW of Philly, city hall and the airport with 100kT airbursts is another story...anyway, the nuke part of this conversation I think is exhausted. You point out rightly that I assume sanity on their part, which is not a rational assumption especially since we know something about those generals now from Wolf Stoner. I'll eat that crow and admit my thinking was all based on what I think is the best employment of such weapons. I'll end my thoughts on the conversation only with this: how likely a worst-case scenario is doesn't really matter; what matters is that if for whatever reason you survive the immediate effects you can't control, you should have a plan for surviving the aftermath because that's the part that you have some influence in. But then, I think you run the risk of becoming eager to exploit those opportunities and make stupid comments like I did; I realize now I basically did what all the preppers who sit around wishing the grid would go down have done.

I think the one point that really sticks with me, though, is that above. I am fully on-board with the National Alliance's goals of community building and education, and fully agree that must be the singular focus of each of us. However, if and as we are successful, those multiracial cities will become increasingly hostile to that community - especially those of us outside the physical community. At some point - and I feel this point is close - merely being in our community will be reason to press State-approved (if not sourced) violence. There will come a point where the cities are not just culturally hostile, but open enemies. This will become especially true if we're successful, if we get enough Whites onto the "life-boats". If we become large enough to mean anything, we'll be the seed of if not a full-blown Nation by the time old America dies. And just next door will be cities full of enemies by the millions; as the question in the original post implies, they WILL have to be dealt with. So back to the original post, if we're large enough to deal with the cities, things will come to a head where we'll have to. At that point, though, it will be a contest of Nations and we can't let that cart get ahead of the horse.

Thomas S NJ
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Re: What to do with our cities?

Post by Thomas S NJ » Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:11 am

californiasurviving wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 2:55 am
It’s an odd and scary feeling. The cities will be bloody hell when the revolution comes, some folks in the forums are of a ‘tear down the cities’ thinking which to a certain extent I understand and we’ve got political rivals of the Jewish-controlled America talking about bombing cities like Los Angeles.

Thing is, I grew up here. In the safe coastal cities, but nonetheless part of this metropolis. Whether we agree with the expansion of urban life due to the industrial revolution, many racially conscious Whites have been in this landscape since our youth. It’s tough to be outside of what you knew your whole life - family, friends and places of emotional connection.

We want our country back and to kick out the Black, Brown, Yellow and Jewish filth as much as you fortunate folks who grew up outside of much of the beautiful natural landscapes. The fact these parasites act so assertive since they know they’ll be coddled and protected by the Jewish establishment infuriates me a lot… We’ve seen what our ancestors have done to bring ethnic European innovation to dominate the world but are lost for words of what the direction we’re going as a nation.

If White city folks (talking of the racially aware types) are so disliked for their upbringing that goes beyond racial thinking than I don’t know, I’d like to understand to better connect with rest…
Hey, California; I don't speak for everyone of course but please accept my sincere apologies for my rash discussion on Russian nukes. I have absolutely no hatred for the Whites that remain in our cities and especially none for those of you who are racially aware. I fear for any racially aware Whites in the cities even now, and more so as America rots and rule of law means less and less. Hell, I'm far closer to the big city than comfort allows but have obligations keeping me anchored within a 15 mile radius for the time being. I'm sure someone who lives comfortably far away from it all would consider me a "city dweller" as well.

Thomas S NJ
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Re: What to do with our cities?

Post by Thomas S NJ » Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:21 am

californiasurviving wrote:
Tue Mar 29, 2022 2:55 am
It’s an odd and scary feeling. The cities will be bloody hell when the revolution comes, some folks in the forums are of a ‘tear down the cities’ thinking which to a certain extent I understand and we’ve got political rivals of the Jewish-controlled America talking about bombing cities like Los Angeles.

Thing is, I grew up here. In the safe coastal cities, but nonetheless part of this metropolis. Whether we agree with the expansion of urban life due to the industrial revolution, many racially conscious Whites have been in this landscape since our youth. It’s tough to be outside of what you knew your whole life - family, friends and places of emotional connection.

We want our country back and to kick out the Black, Brown, Yellow and Jewish filth as much as you fortunate folks who grew up outside of much of the beautiful natural landscapes. The fact these parasites act so assertive since they know they’ll be coddled and protected by the Jewish establishment infuriates me a lot… We’ve seen what our ancestors have done to bring ethnic European innovation to dominate the world but are lost for words of what the direction we’re going as a nation.

If White city folks (talking of the racially aware types) are so disliked for their upbringing that goes beyond racial thinking than I don’t know, I’d like to understand to better connect with rest…
Let me also be clear that my hatred for our cities is because they're not ours any more. Cities are, at its height, the crown jewels of civilization and given what we now know about things like environmental impact the cities of a White future could be truly works of beauty; I imagine crystalline spires rising from among forests, like some sort of Tolkienesque Elven capital but that's just me.

Re-reading your OP, I see that you were asking about what to do with the cities after we deal with the diversity. Yeah. I commented rashly on multiple fronts, completely missing your point.

Here's what I think: old, sturdy stonework which shows a pre-Jewish-invasion artistic and cultural sense should be preserved, but much will need to be torn down. It would just fall down if we let it, anyway, so better to pull it down to rubble. Plant some trees in their wake. There're few of us anyway we won't need all those empty buildings; and among these trees, begin building works of art, designed for beauty and longevity, our humble tribute to the Higher Man that may one day walk among them.

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