Rittenhouse Trial

Law and disorder.
Old Aardvark
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Old Aardvark » Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:10 pm

Old Aardvark
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Old Aardvark » Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:37 pm

Large piece by Daily Mail with lots of photos that captures Rittenhouse, reaction to it, plus Waukesha killings and rapper background.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... i=10232881

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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by PhuBai68 » Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:37 pm

That is quite a hypothetical, PB, thinking you might someday shoot a non-White, even in self defense, and that the prosecution would trot out inadmissable evidence to prejudice a jury of your alleged "peers" that you have been a <horrror! :o> SF moderator.
Well Will,
I wasn't "thinking I might someday shoot a non-white" as more of a "what if" one of us moderators ever happened to be involved in having to defend ourselves and shot a non-white.
After the horse crap YOU went through up in Pocahontas County with a jury of your peers I'd imagine you could see a railroad job for sure.
Now imagine how "fair" a trial it'd be if the "peers" happened to be non-white?
The prosecutor trots out "inadmissible evidence" and of course it gets "struck from the record" however those "peers" still heard it.
The point I tried to make is the odds of a fair trial probably wouldn't be all that great.
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Jim Mathias
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Jim Mathias » Sun Nov 28, 2021 12:02 am

PhuBai68 wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:37 pm
That is quite a hypothetical, PB, thinking you might someday shoot a non-White, even in self defense, and that the prosecution would trot out inadmissable evidence to prejudice a jury of your alleged "peers" that you have been a <horrror! :o> SF moderator.
Well Will,
I wasn't "thinking I might someday shoot a non-white" as more of a "what if" one of us moderators ever happened to be involved in having to defend ourselves and shot a non-white.
After the horse crap YOU went through up in Pocahontas County with a jury of your peers I'd imagine you could see a railroad job for sure.
Now imagine how "fair" a trial it'd be if the "peers" happened to be non-white?
The prosecutor trots out "inadmissible evidence" and of course it gets "struck from the record" however those "peers" still heard it.
The point I tried to make is the odds of a fair trial probably wouldn't be all that great.
The Alliance's policy regarding interactions with any non-Whites being kept "polite and minimal" comes to mind here. And if that can't be done because push came to shove, well, "run away to fight another day" ought to be the next order of business. The courts and prosecutors see us pro-Whites as an opportunity to advance their careers and the jewed media is only more than happy to assist, the facts be damned. We are literally the Great White Defendant (to borrow from one of Tom Wolfe's novels) for these sick people to harpoon. Avoid in any way possible.
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Will Williams
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Will Williams » Sun Nov 28, 2021 4:11 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Sun Nov 28, 2021 2:24 pm
Jim Mathias wrote:
Sun Nov 28, 2021 12:02 am
PhuBai68 wrote:
Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:37 pm
That is quite a hypothetical, PB, thinking you might someday shoot a non-White, even in self defense, and that the prosecution would trot out inadmissable evidence to prejudice a jury of your alleged "peers" that you have been a <horrror! :o> SF moderator.
Well Will,
After the horse crap YOU went through up in Pocahontas County with a jury of your peers I'd imagine you could see a railroad job for sure...

Had you read my book, my side of the "horse crap,' you'd know I chose a bench trial because those in my potential jury pool had been tainted by their local media and law enforcement. Unfortunately the judges I drew were more corrupt than a possible jury would have been. You should read the book, PB.

Fortunately for young Rittenhouse, his jury saw through the malicious prosecution. The same can't be said for those three White men down in Georgia who were recently found guilty of "murdering" Mr. "Armed Robbery," the suspicious Black, alleged jogger, who decided to hike up in their White neighborhood. I heard their county is 55% non-White. It's a cinch that that county's Whites don't jog in the Black's "no-go" neighborhoods.

Neighborhood Watch programs used to take care of folks like Ahmed Arbery that showed up where they didn't belong. https://www.nnw.org/
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Thomas S NJ
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Re: Rittenhouse Trial

Post by Thomas S NJ » Tue Nov 30, 2021 10:25 am

After watching young Rittenhouse decide to cuck out on Tucker, I can't help but think the whole thing was a distraction. I've been mulling this over in my head for a few days now, and here's what I've come up with so far:

First, we need to rewind our thinking a wee bit, to the very start of the riots. In these early days, the media pushed very hard on the narrative that the BLM protests were peaceful, and that a violent, outside element (AntiFa) was hijacking the protests for their own destructive ends. That the AntiFa rioters were mostly "white" was pointed out, and the idea was even floated that the rioting was being done by White Supremacists ( :o ) to discredit BLM.

Enter onto this young Kyle "I support Black Lives Matter" Rittenhouse, a standard pro-Trump cuckservative. While I cannot deny that his bold action certainly show the spirit of our Race, it's a calling that has been shown to otherwise lie dormant in this boy. I believe he shows potential, but it would take some digging to unearth it. But I digress...

The Kenosha Kid stomps onto the scene and lays low a couple of Jewish AntiFa pedophiles to the betterment of the world around him. However, the Talmud is clear: there is no crime a Jew can commit and be held accountable to Gentiles. Thus, rather than hold Kyle up as what he likely saw himself (a bold defender of BLM putting down the "white" rioters who were giving his precious People Of Color a bad name), Kyle was instead immediately attacked as one of our guys. This had two effects: satisfying Talmudic "justice", and further besmirching White advocacy as a violent activity.

Meanwhile, a citizen's arrest down in Georgia goes poorly when the felon attacks one of the brave men trying to defend their neighborhood. Through the divine provenance of Luck and Remington, however, the brave White man survives. However, this is immediately following the Floyd Flu that has infected the mind of the body politic, and not only is the man who put down that foul creature arrested, but so is his father who stood by and never fired a shot, but also the neighbor who merely documented the whole thing on his cell phone camera.

Over the next year, both trials begin to take shape. Kyle is held up as our guy, boldly defending the vestiges of White America against the savage hordes. Sadly, many of us (myself included) embrace this narrative. That Conservatism Incorporated rallied behind Kyle and left the McMichaels by the wayside should have tipped us off; we should have dropped Kyle like a hot potato. We should have put every bit of energy we had to rally behind the McMichaels. I didn't; it was not that I forgot about them, or that I did not care; rather it was that the Kenosha Kid had become a symbol, and an inspiring one. He put me to shame, a bold young man doing what I did not, in a way that motivated me. This was, I now believe, exactly as intended.

As the lead-up to the Rittenhouse trial reached its peak on the anniversary of the Kenosha riot, suddenly the "white" AntiFa rioters weren't instigators trying to discredit BLM any more; they were "allies" officially embraced by BLM and their killing was "White Supremacy" in action, showing that even the "white" allies of Black Lives are not safe and that if Kyle is acquitted, why we'll just be hunting negroes in the streets for sure! No one noticed this sudden switch in narrative; I can't recall any outlet, not even White advocacy outlets, pointing it out. We were all too distracted by the unfairness of it, the presumption of "White Supremacy" onto Cuckservative Kyle, and it was allowed to pass without being called out. Of course, those of us who read the National Vanguard likely ignored the change in narrative not because we did not notice it, but rather because it was simply a slipping of the mask. We didn't need the BLM-AntiFa connection pointed out to us because we knew it already. What cements the narrative of this post in my mind, however, is that even since then, none of Conservatism Incorporated that I've been able to find has even hinted that they noticed that narrative shift.

Meanwhile, the portrayal by the media of the McMichaels as evil racist Georgia Rednecks lynching some poor black boy by shotgun goes largely unchallenged. Every once in a while, an "independent" voice on JewTube reminds us that Georgia's "citizens arrest" laws give those men the right to detain a breaking & entering perpetrator until police arrive, and that Georgia's self defense laws entitle an armed man to fire on someone who has attempted to grab his weapon. Completely ignored by all is that critical question: would the McMichaels and Mr. Bryan all still be alive today if they'd allowed Armed Robbery to take that shotgun? And with regards to the citizens' arrest, would police have successfully detained Armed Robbery had he not been followed by the McMichaels and Bryan?

Lastly, even though he participated in what is claimed to be stepping beyond the boundaries of citizens' arrest (I would love to know more about that claim), he was charged not merely with unlawful detainment, but rather with malice murder, hate crimes, and attempted kidnapping. The only news outlet I have seen which makes any mention of the wildly inappropriate charges leveled upon Mr. Bryan is the National Vanguard, which rightly noted that the he was charged after his initial description of the events to the media, wherein KAS it was an obvious attempt to pressure a witness. It worked; even Wikipedia admits that Bryan describing Travis McMichaels saying "..fucking nigger.." after dropping Armed Robbery was a critical piece of testimony. Up north, sympathetic young Kyle is acquitted to much pomp and celebration - and swiftly goes onto Fox News to say he supports Black Lives Matter. Days later, the Evil Racist Redneck Trio From The SOUTH (let us look at what opinions might result from the Southern Grotesque literature N.V. has been dissecting of late and how that might impact this narrative) are convicted with scarce more than a few words here and there.

So what does all this point to? Quite simply that this whole series of events has been tailored to create for us a hero who would betray us, and distract us from the events that really mattered. Kyle is the embodiment of Conservatism Incorporated in this way: he seems a bold defender of White America yet, as soon as he is handed the microphone he uses it to put as much distance as he can between himself and anything resembling White advocacy. What can we expect as the results of this?

The first thing I might expect is that once again AntiFa is held as "white" instigators (probably White Supremacists) trying to discredit BLM by rioting. I don't know that this will happen, but it's the smart play by the (((Media Overlords))) to pull the mask back up a bit.

Self-defense rights will continue to be eroded, and attacks on firearms ownership and carrying will be ratcheted sharply upwards.

Being a White advocate will increasingly become admissible as evidence and, even where not admitted, will be introduced regardless and prosecutors will increasingly use the Georgia trial as a basis to build legal precedent.

Blacks will get bolder (as the Left Coast can testify, they already are).

Now I do not wish to end on a blackpill. So instead I'll end on what I personally learned from this whole debacle: don't get distracted from any advocacy and always be skeptical about defending the higher-profile case once Conservatism Incorporated gets on board. If Tucker Carlson defends one guy while ignoring the other, I now know which one is more deserving of my energy. Thank you, Conservatism, for dropping your own mask a wee bit.

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