BlackRock Trillionaire Jews Buying America's Housing

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Will Williams
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BlackRock Trillionaire Jews Buying America's Housing

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:58 am

Yes, BlackRock’s Home-Buying
Spree Should Concern You

by JD Rucker
June 11, 2021

The general public doesn’t normally look into companies like BlackRock, the largest asset management firm on the planet with over $9 trillion in assets. That’s higher than the GDP of every nation in the world other than the United States and China. We don’t normally looking into them because they’re invisible to “normies” like us. They don’t advertise or have their name on a sports stadium like most other major companies. They’re happy to stay as under the radar as is possible for a company so huge.

But some in the general public is paying attention now following the resurfacing of an April WSJ article that chronicles BlackRock and other money institutions buying up single-family homes as quickly as they can at rates higher than the average homebuyer is willing to pay. They’re buying them up at a premium, and that should concern everyone whether you’re in the market to buy a home or not.

Let’s talk about the non-conspiratorial issues in play first. This will have three instant effects on the market and the economy. First, it is already making it harder in a scarce market for homebuyers to make a purchase. Second, it is driving up prices in a self-replicating fashion; the more BlackRock and others overpay for homes, the higher home prices go up. Last but certainly not least, they’re causing a shift from home ownership to renting which degrades the economy for lower- and middle-class folks while limiting their upward financial mobility.

Now, let’s get more conspiratorial. And when I use the phrase “conspiracy theory” I’m not using it as a pejorative. If 2020 and 2021 have taught us anything, it’s that we need to take conspiracies seriously because they’re happening right before our eyes. A thread by Twitter conservative @CulturalHusbandry broke it down nicely (yes, it’s long but worth the read):

“Blackrock is buying every single family house they can find, paying 20-50% above asking price and outbidding normal home buyers. Why are corporations, pension funds and property investment groups buying entire neighborhoods out from under the middle class? Lets take a look. Homes are popping up on MLS and going under contract within a few hours. Blackrock, among others, are buying up thousands of new homes and entire neighborhoods.


“So who is Blackrock? Only the world’s largest asset manager and the leading proponent of The Great Reset. They’re looking to redistribute — get this — $120 Trillion dollars. The entire wealth of the worlds middle class and poor combined several times over. As an example, a 124 new home neighborhood was bought in its entirety in Texas. Average Americans were outbid to a tune of $32million. Homes sold at an average of 20% above listing. Now the entire neighborhood is made up of SFR’s. What are SFR’s??

“Single Family Rentals. Now, your potential lower to middle class home owner is positioned to be a permanent renter. This matters because for the lower and middle class owning a home is the most major part of any financial success, and future upward mobility.

“This is wealth redistribution, and it ain’t rich people’s wealth that’s getting redistributed. It’s normal American middle class, salt of the earth wealth heading into the hands of the world’s most powerful entities and individuals. The traditional financial vehicle gone forever.

“Home equity is the main financial element that middle class families use to build wealth, and BlackRock, a Federal Reserve funded financial institution, is buying up all the houses to make sure that young families can’t build wealth.

“That’s right! FEDERAL RESERVE FUNDED FINANCIAL INSTITUTE. Let that sink in for a minute. Got it? They’re using your tax dollars to f— over the lower and middle class, and its permanent. Not one presidential administration of bulls—. This is a fundamental reorganization of society.

“So where does this position the average American in 30 years when it’s a given that every new neighborhood is to be bought up whole so they can be utilized as SFR’s? It positions them as peasants. Being poor can be temporary condition bettered by upward mobility.

“In the US and other nations home ownership is often the first and most vital step. This can provide for generational wealth and success. But as permanent, guaranteed renters you’re pissing away a lifetime of equity and the chance for mobility. You just become a peasant.

“The Great Reset is real. It is happening. This will be the greatest transfer of wealth, and greatest consolidation of power in the history of mankind. If they get away with it, revolution will be the only cure. It will be awful. Wake up. Get active. Stop this now!!
--- ... ncern-you/

So, who are the Jews that this alarming report does not name? BlackRock's CEO, Larry Fink, "was raised in a Jewish home." So were other BlackRock big guns like anti-White multi-billionaires George Soros and Klaus Schwab, to name a couple. BlackRock is now also heavily invested in GlaxoSmithKline and CureVac that are jointly developing the next generation of Covid-19 vaccines. Imagine that.

I'll leave to others who are experts in the dismal science of economics to further research and sort out this alarming issue, perhaps starting here: ... americans/
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Re: BlackRock Trillionaire Jews Buying America's Housing

Post by Supremely White » Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:08 am

I used to be stuck living in a hellish brown border city, where dreams go to die. Even the local mestizos were always whining that there was nothing to do there. Drivers were arrogant, then reckless, then downright dangerous. I married wrong, because in his dotage, my husband has a stubborn nostalgic sentimentality that has been compelling him to look for real estate there to drag us back to.

The realtors over there said they’ve never seen a seller’s market like this. 6 figures for a house in an almost all brown city that’s never had anything going for it! It has to be this, and not the lame excuse about everyone working from home due to the Kung flu. Nobody there has any self esteem, and they’re mostly a bunch of coke fiends and welfare recipients.

If it was some part of the country that had opportunities, that would be one thing, but this is just strange!
Hitler was right.

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Will Williams
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Re: BlackRock Trillionaire Jews Buying America's Housing

Post by Will Williams » Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:01 am

Supremely White wrote:
Fri Aug 13, 2021 6:08 am
I used to be stuck living in a hellish brown border city, where dreams go to die. Even the local mestizos were always whining that there was nothing to do there. Drivers were arrogant, then reckless, then downright dangerous. I married wrong, because in his dotage, my husband has a stubborn nostalgic sentimentality that has been compelling him to look for real estate there to drag us back to.

The realtors over there said they’ve never seen a seller’s market like this. 6 figures for a house in an almost all brown city that’s never had anything going for it! It has to be this, and not the lame excuse about everyone working from home due to the Kung flu. Nobody there has any self esteem, and they’re mostly a bunch of coke fiends and welfare recipients.

If it was some part of the country that had opportunities, that would be one thing, but this is just strange!
"Used to be stuck" is the operative phrase. It sounds like you escaped. Good for you. But the husband wants to drag you back there. Too bad.
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Re: BlackRock Trillionaire Jews Buying America's Housing

Post by Grimork » Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:33 am

Thank ya'll for boosting up this thread in the active topics. I completely missed it back in July. Everything the article talks about makes perfect sense. I have seen the housing market go stark raving mad where I live and I was wondering why and how it was happening. Why "ordinary" people were buying houses 30% or more over their value.


Re: BlackRock Trillionaire Jews Buying America's Housing

Post by BBrookshire » Sun Aug 15, 2021 12:41 pm

I can say that in VERY rural areas of Texas, real estate prices have doubled in the last year. Folks I know in my suburb have been getting offers thousands over ask within 3 days. Houses are not on the market longer than a weekend right now. If you want something you have to act immediately and sight unseen.

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