The Sword of Christ


Re: The Sword of Christ

Post by A_whytt_mann » Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:07 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:51 pm
A_whytt_mann wrote:
Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:01 pm
A fantastic view!

As a Christian I have watched the jew stand at the pulpit and continually week after week preach the book of John, and love, and tolerance. I'm definitely going to be looking into this book as it may bring me more talking points when it comes to this battle I face in the church. Thank you so much for bring this book to my attention. Was very captivated by your thoughts on it.

This newer Christianity is making our men and women focus more on living for everyone else than living to preserve and stand strong in the face of adversity. When we need a sermon on how men should react when they are faced with an alien people invading thier land, they are instead told to love and welcome them in with open arms even if that means the distruction of thier society and the values that thier for fathers layed for us.

When our race is faced with degeneracy and decadence by homosexuals or transgenders invading our children's class room. Instead of being told to stand up and fight for a righteous cause, we are told to sit down and accept the times changing and that God will have the final say.

The list could go on, and on. This injustice has gone on for far to long.
I've abandoned christianity completely as it began as a wholly alien and strange creed to we Aryans. There's too much superstition, tales that defy reality, and as you mentioned a plan for our people to induce into us the idea that we should just lay down and let non-Whites trample us into the dust. Insanity! If those Whites in your church are so soft-headed as to buy that nonsense, perhaps it's wise to separate yourself from them as I've done.

As for "sermons", we have a huge collection of sound and coherent thinking on a variety of topics here at WB, at National Vanguard, and the good selection of materials offered for sale by the Cosmotheist bookstore that can help put the fight back into the White man to get him to move on a more progressive Path.

I was just finishing up a talk from Kevin Strom about morality right and wrong. Going over how the main benefits of Christianity are being left out and un taught and how the almost utilitarian and universalist ideas are being promoted constantly. There was a time when Christianity was almost synonymous with white, it seems like a long time ago that was the case. I still belive that I can get through to some Christians but I won't beat myself up over it if not. They hate us for helping to educate them because it is not politically correct. I can only do so much for others. The real breaking point was sitting in a state conference and they harped on how bad the jews had it and we should learn to love and forgive like they have. I just began to shake my head. They want us to roll over and die and they happen to not even be hiding it anymore.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Sword of Christ

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:31 pm

A_whytt_mann wrote:
Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:07 am
I still belive that I can get through to some Christians but I won't beat myself up over it if not. They hate us for helping to educate them because it is not politically correct. I can only do so much for others. The real breaking point was sitting in a state conference and they harped on how bad the jews had it and we should learn to love and forgive like they have.
Your confidence at getting through to some Christians is laudable, and you may even succeed. When you mentioned sitting in a state conference though, it reminded me of the importance of setting when talking to people. The anti-Whites at this conference had the 'bully pulpit'--that is, the advantage of position with respect to audience to sway others to their point of view. You weren't sold, obviously, but others were as most are passive followers of the dominant message being communicated. That conference affords an opportunity to find others who disagree with their anti-White creed and can be useful for other purposes. To wit:

We in the National Alliance can and have used this concept ourselves. After first finding one or more men and women interested in our message, structured meetings can then be set up--with a member having a Cosmotheist background developed, or at least familiar with the program of the National Alliance-- in charge to run a program similar to a conference or a church meeting. Perhaps at first it could be less formal, like having friends over for a few hours. Anyway, it could go like this: Call a few acquaintances or friends to a meeting at a time and place of your choosing that is likely to be attended and is conducive to a meeting; have an American Dissident Voices broadcast (or other similar Alliance-approved materials) ready and have it played as one of the first items; after the broadcast, have a discussion on its main point(s) and what members of the National Alliance can do with the points or information to spread our message to others; then conclude. Repeat in exactly a week, month, or what have you in order to see if others can be brought in. We call this 'Alliance Building' and is one useful tool for making us grow.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.


Re: The Sword of Christ

Post by A_whytt_mann » Tue Mar 02, 2021 11:19 pm

An absolutely fantastic idea. I'm sending in my application to join NA as soon as I become a member I hope to find my local unit and begin these styles of meetings. I never fully realised the power these formal meets truly have on people.

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Will Williams
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Re: The Sword of Christ

Post by Will Williams » Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:36 am

A_whytt_mann wrote: As a Christian I have watched the jew stand at the pulpit and continually week after week preach the book of John, and love, and tolerance. I'm definitely going to be looking into this book [The Sword of Christ] as it may bring me more talking points when it comes to this battle I face in the church.

... I'm sending in my application to join NA as soon as I become a member I hope to find my local unit and begin these styles of meetings. I never fully realised the power these formal meets truly have on people.
I'll be looking for your application to join our Alliance, giving me your real name and location in Louisiana. We may or may not put you in touch with our other members there. When trusted Alliance members meet with one another, believe me, they do not want to hear any talking points from a Christian citing The Sword of Christ. Forget that. When a person applies to join NA he has read and agrees to "accept as his own the goals of the National Alliance and is willing to support the program described here":

Read that carefully. There is nothing therein about Christian members attempting to preach to other Christians that they have misunderstood the Bible's teachings. Alliance members have our own "talking points," unlike the Christians', that emphasize the primacy of race. We don't play "dueling Scriptures" with Christians to prove that our way is the right way. We have our way; they have Yahweh, and we leave it at that.

White people join the National Alliance because they agree with us. Collective agreement is our strength.

We don't argue with those who disagree with our way. Leave them to believe what they will. Alliance members do not have to pledge that they are Cosmotheists, but most eventually come to see that the Cosmotheist belief system, which is the basis of the National Alliance's reality-based belief system, and program, is superior to the otherworldly, Abrahamic belief system that worships the Jew's tribal god Yahweh, aka Jehovah.

You can become more familiarized with Cosmotheism, starting here with "Our Cause":
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ


Re: The Sword of Christ

Post by A_whytt_mann » Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:17 am

Will Williams wrote:
Wed Mar 03, 2021 11:36 am
A_whytt_mann wrote: As a Christian I have watched the jew stand at the pulpit and continually week after week preach the book of John, and love, and tolerance. I'm definitely going to be looking into this book [The Sword of Christ] as it may bring me more talking points when it comes to this battle I face in the church.

... I'm sending in my application to join NA as soon as I become a member I hope to find my local unit and begin these styles of meetings. I never fully realised the power these formal meets truly have on people.
I'll be looking for your application to join our Alliance, giving me your real name and location in Louisiana. We may or may not put you in touch with our other members there. When trusted Alliance members meet with one another, believe me, they do not want to hear any talking points from a Christian citing The Sword of Christ. Forget that. When a person applies to join NA he has read and agrees to "accept as his own the goals of the National Alliance and is willing to support the program described here":

Read that carefully. There is nothing therein about Christian members attempting to preach to other Christians that they have misunderstood the Bible's teachings. Alliance members have our own "talking points," unlike the Christians', that emphasize the primacy of race. We don't play "dueling Scriptures" with Christians to prove that our way is the right way. We have our way; they have Yahweh, and we leave it at that.

White people join the National Alliance because they agree with us. Collective agreement is our strength.

We don't argue with those who disagree with our way. Leave them to believe what they will. Alliance members do not have to pledge that they are Cosmotheists, but most eventually come to see that the Cosmotheist belief system, which is the basis of the National Alliance's reality-based belief system, and program, is superior to the otherworldly, Abrahamic belief system that worships the Jew's tribal god Yahweh, aka Jehovah.

You can become more familiarized with Cosmotheism, starting here with "Our Cause":
Absolutely understood. I do not intend to do anything to undermind the National Alliance in anyway and I fully understand the role I play as well as what is needed from me. Thank you for your time and the resources that are available for me to gain a clearer understanding. I understand the life force is strong with the Aryan race and that I would only use any "talking points" like those in my daily life to people whom I may work with ect. I hope that thier are trusted members in Northern LA as I want to get to work, and active as soon as possible. I know the changes don't happen over night but one man or woman can make all the difference. Thanks again for your time.

We will win, because in this world failure is not even an option.


Re: The Sword of Christ

Post by A_whytt_mann » Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:20 am

Post note

If it is asked that I should not correspond with any one about Christianity at all I will do what is asked. I will do only what The National Alliance asks of me.

Thanks again sir.

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Jim Mathias
Posts: 3339
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:48 pm

Re: The Sword of Christ

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:49 am

A_whytt_mann wrote:
Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:20 am
Post note

If it is asked that I should not correspond with any one about Christianity at all I will do what is asked. I will do only what The National Alliance asks of me.

Thanks again sir.
It can be a long journey to understanding our life philosophy, A whytt mann, yet it should be stressed as a high priority for any White who wants to be a contributing member of our community. As Will advised, Our Cause is a great initial step in that direction. There's many other essays, videos, books, CD's and other materials available to you. The "Provenance" section of this website, especially concerning Dr. Pierce's subforum within that section, is highly recommended too. The more you invest your time this way, the better. Why? Because others who could think favorably of us respect knowledgeable, sincere, and serious Alliance members. This in turn can bring benefits to us in terms of new members.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.


Re: The Sword of Christ

Post by A_whytt_mann » Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:50 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:49 am
A_whytt_mann wrote:
Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:20 am
Post note

If it is asked that I should not correspond with any one about Christianity at all I will do what is asked. I will do only what The National Alliance asks of me.

Thanks again sir.
It can be a long journey to understanding our life philosophy, A whytt mann, yet it should be stressed as a high priority for any White who wants to be a contributing member of our community. As Will advised, Our Cause is a great initial step in that direction. There's many other essays, videos, books, CD's and other materials available to you. The "Provenance" section of this website, especially concerning Dr. Pierce's subforum within that section, is highly recommended too. The more you invest your time this way, the better. Why? Because others who could think favorably of us respect knowledgeable, sincere, and serious Alliance members. This in turn can bring benefits to us in terms of new members.
Understood. I have been diligently reading and listening to every American dissident voices radio talks that I can and have been developing my knowledge further about the Jewish problem. I listen to 2 radio talks a day on my way to work and on my way home. I even read while I'm at work. I'm trying to absorb as much information as I possible can to help bring new ideas or insight into the picture. I need to get a few more books though as it stands. Hunter is probably the next one I will read.

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