GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

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Will Williams
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Re: ...and from the Democrat Party leadership:

Post by Will Williams » Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:55 pm

Flashback to 2014 when "Hidin' Joe" Biden was Obama's token white:
Will Williams wrote:
Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:05 am
Biden boasts end of Caucasian majority in U.S.
'Diversity is the reason for our incredible strength'

Professional political hack Joe Boy Biden, before and after getting his vanity hair plugs.

U.S. taxpayers shelled out nearly a quarter-million dollars in November, so Vice President Joe Biden could trumpet “diversity” to world business leaders in Morocco and boast that in 2017, “for the first time, Caucasians of European descent like me will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America.”...

Biden continued. “The secret that people don’t know is our diversity is the reason for our incredible strength.”...“Diversity is the reason for our incredible strength because the brightest, the most innovative, the most adventuresome, the greatest risk takers, they’re the ones who leave when they cannot flourish and seek other places,” he said. “We in America are proud to welcome them” [even though they are quickly transforming the U.S. into a Third World nation]

Read more at ... yOMSyyw.99 ... ty-in-u-s/

Uh oh, the "secret" is out.
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YOU have to VOTE!

Post by PhuBai68 » Thu Oct 08, 2020 10:57 am

Seriously, EVERYONE on this board NEEDS TO VOTE!

Scroll to the bottom of this page and check out "Joe's vision" and it's not good for white America!

You need to vote TRUMP not because he's the "great white hope" but to prevent the United States from either becoming a European country where you're locked up for "hate speech" or defending yourself.
Forget defending yourself with a firearm, they'll either be banned or so restricted it would make the Cuomo's New York state seem like 1950's Alabama under the Biden/Harris United States.

I see the political posts on Stormfront with the "he's a Jew lover" - "he backs Israel" - "blah blah de blah" and I say, "So what?"
Or the "it has to get worse before it gets better'
"when it gets really bad white people will rise up"
Not going to happen!

It will just get worse and worse until we're either Europe or a third world Venezuela facsimile.

I mentioned Cuomo's New York - insane firearm laws.
Look up his "SAFE Act" and see exactly what's illegal.
Each and every handgun must be registered.
A man with his registered handguns home is being broken into, he grabs a handgun and fights off the home invaders.
Turns out THAT pistol he used belonged to and was registered to his late father and he never had it registered to himself so was facing prosecution and three years in state prison.
Have the citizens of New York rose up to take back their Second Amendment rights?

New Jersey is ALMOST as bad.
A Pennsylvania man who went to the range never took his perfectly legal (but illegal in NJ) firearms out of his vehicle after a day at the range.
He went to work in NJ and was stopped on a "fishing exhibition" and can face up to 28 years in a NJ state prison.
He has a valid PA concealed carry permit so the officer knows he's a good citizen yet STILL arrests him.

The Biden website spells out just awful for us as whites it will be.
Illegals welcome - "Hey! We're all immigrants."
Just everything we oppose he's supports. ... lt-weapons
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Will Williams
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Re: ...and from the Democrat Party leadership:

Post by Will Williams » Fri Jan 08, 2021 7:19 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:05 am
Biden boasts end of Caucasian majority in U.S.
'Diversity is the reason for our incredible strength'
Professional political hack Joe Boy Biden, before and after getting his vanity hair plugs.

U.S. taxpayers shelled out nearly a quarter-million dollars in November, so Vice President Joe Biden could trumpet “diversity” to world business leaders in Morocco and boast that in 2017, “for the first time, Caucasians of European descent like me will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America.”...

Biden continued. “The secret that people don’t know is our diversity is the reason for our incredible strength.”...“Diversity is the reason for our incredible strength because the brightest, the most innovative, the most adventuresome, the greatest risk takers, they’re the ones who leave when they cannot flourish and seek other places,” he said. “We in America are proud to welcome them” [even though they are quickly transforming the U.S. into a Third World nation]

Read more at ... yOMSyyw.99 ... ty-in-u-s/

Uh oh, the "secret" is out.
This was Joe in 2014, way before he became President. Now President, with both branches of Congress to help him with the ethnic cleansing of Whites, this self-hating excuse for a White man will escalate the end of the Caucasian majority in the U.S.

Jewish ABC News Director tells it like he thinks it's going to be

Have heart, fellow White thought criminals. The continuing attacks on so-called "implorable" Whites who voted for Donald Trump -- 74 million strong -- finally got their hackles up sufficiently to show some collective backbone a couple of days ago, and they have let it be known that they've had enough of this anti-White crap and they are not going to take it anymore. That's a lot of White Americans, if just 5% of them can be aroused with a revolutionary message to fight this alleged "cleansing" of them by Jews and other non-Whites, then organized, look out. That's nearly 4,000,000 angry Whites who will vow "You will not replace us."

White Americans are ripe for radicalization, and they see the dumb Republican Party is not going to accommodate them. Who will? It will take a group with a truly radical approach, an unapologetic pro-White approach. Many will join the National Alliance when they start looking around for a revolutionary-minded group that is anti-democracy, anti-multiculturalism, pro-White racial preservation. The electoral system no longer works, and hasn't worked to represent exclusive interests of the White American majority for at least a century.
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John Yurgel
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by John Yurgel » Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:35 pm

Trump is an actor and a concubine to the Jews, nothing more.
His (((Handlers))) have owned Hollywood for about a century now and if there is one thing that (((they))) are really good at it's theater.
Their media falsely portrayed him as the White Mans President but those of us that understand the JP ( yes P there is no question) knew that this was just complete BS.
The only interest that he severed was that of the Zionists just look at his parting “achievements”
Pardoning Jew criminals and signing another antisemitism bill.

Trump was following the “Plan”, pretending with the help of the (((controlled media))) to be the “Great White Hope” while doing the complete opposite to us and then ending his reign as a defeated, degraded and disgraced idiot.
The play was designed so that this is a symbolic “Slap-down” of White America with the intent to completely demoralize us.
As icing on the cake the media allowed us to see just enough information to know that the election was rigged and that our perceived side can never win, a “double Slap-down”if you will.
Remember what the other “Uncle Joe said “It only matters who counts the votes.”

“That's right White Boys and Girls there is no country for you!!”
America is irretrievably broken we cannot vote our way out of this mess.
See our own propaganda here... ... r-size.pdf

Unfortunately most Americans are “consumerized”, fat, lazy Boobs that will cling to every little morsel that their owners allow them to have. Thus it does have to get worse before it gets better.
These softies won't respond until there is pain, lots of pain the kind of pain that comes from hyper-inflation and total economic collapse and Bolshevik oppression. Think “Weimerica.”
Thanks in part to (((their)) Scamdemic the hyper-inflation and collapse are coming it doesn't matter if you voted or not.
Now, I'm no Spring Chicken either, I'm in my 50's, but I categorically refuse to be a Wuss and pass this War off to my and your Grandchildren like some kind of sniveling coward!
I say Bring it!!!!

I know a few of these Q-tards that still “trust the plan.”
They actually believe that Trump is going to declare martial law and arrest the entire swamp in the last seconds of his term and live happily ever after. Yes “Q” is a cult. OMG they are going to hit a very hard wall and unfortunately I expect a significant portion of them to probably commit suicide next month.
Traditional our membership mostly comes from the “conservative” side of the political spectrum and that is because the prerequisite of becoming an American “Liberal” is self loathing (Personality disorder) which is incurable but that is for another discussion.

We must be careful though and learn from the “Gliebe lesson” regarding the “Big Tent approach.”
He recruited everything from Strippers and Hookers and British Israel Fools to degenerate Neo-Nazi Skinheads that just hate and want to kill things, nearly destroying us.

However sometimes when you slap that sleeping Giant he wakes up.
That said my Friends, we have been left with a golden opportunity if we do our jobs correctly.
As stated there are approximately going to be 75,000,000 really ticked-off people and out of that if you figure 80 % are White and maybe half of them worthy candidates if just 1% of them were recruited
that would be 600,000 people.
Let that sink in for a second, a measly 1%.
Again.. if we do our job correctly there is no excuse for that in a year from now there isn't at least 600,000 National Alliance members!!!

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Will Williams
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:05 pm

John Yurgel wrote:
Sun Jan 17, 2021 12:35 pm
...We must be careful though and learn from the “Gliebe lesson” regarding the “Big Tent approach. ”He recruited everything from Strippers and Hookers and British Israel Fools to degenerate Neo-Nazi Skinheads that just hate and want to kill things, nearly destroying us.
Thanks, John. We knew that the disastrous, so-called "broader outreach" of my predecessor was doomed to fail 16 years ago, but it took another ten years to finally take control of the faltering National Alliance and get it back on the Piercean Path that Mr. Gliebe had abandoned soon after the death of the Alliance's visionary founder.

Believe it or not, there are dim-witted folks and enemies out there six years later still repeating the rumor: "The National Alliance has been dead since Pierce died." :( The Alliance is attracting back former members now as well as new ones who see through the lies of our enemies.

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Will Williams
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Will Williams » Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:19 pm

More proof of what we've known all along about the GOP and about not just the outdated electoral process, but democracy and the entire anti-White System, including the Constitution.

KMac says at one point below:
For White identitarians, a multiracial working class party is far from ideal, but at this point, an ethnically diverse working-class coalition is likely the only way for the GOP to realistically gain power in national elections. And apart from a serious secession movement from a coalition of red states — which could happen as the political climate continues to deteriorate — it would seem to be the best option for White identitarians. The fact is that wokeism has made educated middle- and upper-middle-class Whites willing agents in their own destruction. They are hopelessly caught up in the media-induced frenzy of White guilt and I don’t see most of them waking up until it’s far too late...

Let us make one thing clear: the National Alliance is neither "identitarian" nor does it recognize the trendy term "wokeism." As strict racial separatists we advocate complete geographical separation of Whites from non-Whites -- not secession of racially diverse red states from the more racially diverse blue ones. Building autonomous Cosmotheist communities of like-minded Whites is the Alliance's preferred model. Those Whites who are not interested in our Alliance model should join with the identitarians and the "woke" crowd who prefer half-measures to strict racial separation.


The Working-Class Future of the GOP
February 12, 2021
AXIOS article by Mike Allen, Jim VandeHei (with commentary by Dr. Kevin MacDonald below that):
Republicans, long reliant on big business and the rich, see a post-Trump future centered on working class white, Hispanic and Black voters, top GOP officials tell Axios.

Why it matters: This is a substantial shift, born of necessity and the post-Trump reality. It would push Republicans further away from the interests of corporate America and traditional conservative ideas like entitlement reform.

Top Republican officials tell Axios that if the party is going to survive, it needs to copy Donald Trump’s fixation on blue-collar voters in 2016 and working-class and minority voters in 2020 — and ditch, or at least downplay, allegiance to big business.

So instead of Republican leaders talking about reforming Medicare or Social Security, you’ll hear them talking about protecting entitlements.

Instead of corporate tax cuts, job “stability” will be a campaign theme for House Republicans as they try to win the majority in next year’s midterms.

What’s happening: Numerous corporations are cutting off money to a big chunk of Republicans who refused to certify the Joe Biden victory.

At the same time, Trump showed Republicans how to invigorate not just working-class whites, but also some Hispanic and Black voters, especially men.

The big picture: Recent polling shows Republican voters no longer coalesce around tax cuts and entitlement reforms.

Instead, there’s a substantial divide — and many signs their future might rest in protecting traditional workers and traditional values.

In a YouGov poll of 1,000 Trump 2020 voters for AEI, 42% described themselves as working class — about the same share as evangelical Christians. …

Basically, this is what had to happen when the rich become disproportionately Jewish and educated middle- and upper-middle-class Whites became infected with leftist, anti-White ideology and became convinced that wokeness was a moral imperative. Jews — including the many former neocons who jumped ship because of Trump hate — are on the left and the financial and intellectual backbone of the Democratic Party. The Dems are now the party of the billionaires, the media, and the academic establishment. They have no emotional ties to traditional America or even the Chamber-of-Commerce, Kiwanis-Club, small-business folks who used to made up most GOP voters. They do not resonate to the White working class whom they see as retrograde, outsourceable rubes. I seriously believe that they are aiming for an American police state in which dissident voices are silenced — even mainstream conservative outlets like Fox News — and the oligarchs have complete control.

Such an America would continue to have the trappings of democracy, and the flag won’t change (except there will be two more stars for DC and Puerto Rico). But it would be a one-party system like California and New York — already on the horizon when Texas turns blue. The 2016 election proved to them that the uniparty concept of Jeb Bushes or Mitt Romney versus Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden was vulnerable to populist, implicitly White messages. It cannot happen again. Hence their complete meltdown at the prospect that Trump could possibly run again. And hence the need to bury him with another bullshit impeachment whose only purpose at this point is to throw yet more mud on him in the hopes that his name is so tarnished that he couldn’t possibly win.

For White identitarians, a multiracial working class party is far from ideal, but at this point, an ethnically diverse working-class coalition is likely the only way for the GOP to realistically gain power in national elections. And apart from a serious secession movement from a coalition of red states — which could happen as the political climate continues to deteriorate — it would seem to be the best option for White identitarians. The fact is that wokeism has made educated middle- and upper-middle-class Whites willing agents in their own destruction. They are hopelessly caught up in the media-induced frenzy of White guilt and I don’t see most of them waking up until it’s far too late. And a very substantial percentage of them will be happy to see their own prospects and the prospects of their children and grandchildren compromised if only they can feel morally and intellectually superior, and in tune with the editorial page of the New York Times—the phenomenon of altruistic punishment that is so characteristic of Western (and only Western) societies.

KMac's entire commentary on the Axios article:
And who knows? Maybe something good can come of this. It’s certainly in the interests of the entire working class to end immigration and deport illegals. Trump did quite well among non-Whites, and one of his big talking points was to trumpeting how non-White and female employment were at all-time highs (ignoring White males, of course). So it’s a realistic scenario to think it could happen. Class politics replacing identity politics for non-Whites. Of course, that would be an uphill struggle because the vast majority of political leaders and their funding comes from the identity-politics left.

In the long run, forcing wokeism to lose political power along with a reassertion of traditional values would have huge payoffs even without dislodging the left from cultural power in the media and universities — a much more difficult task. It could certainly use federal power to tone down Critical Race Theory in the federal government (Biden immediately rescinded Trump’s executive order prohibiting teaching it to federal employees) and the K-12 educational system. If a populist-platform GOP won the 2022 and 2024, wokedom would be apoplectic and likely intensify the guilt-tripping of Whites. Anti-White hatred would be more obvious than it already is, and propaganda in the media and the schools would be intensified. This is already turning off a great many Whites. Driving around the other day I heard a woman caller on Rush saying that White people were now being discriminated against because of the color of their skin and that she was being asked by her school to agree to the idea that there is White privilege and that there is systemic White racism. Imagine the uproar if she refused. But such a situation will certainly lead to White people identifying more strongly as White and realizing that the prospects for them and their children are increasingly diminished.

Of course, a working-class coalition would be intensely opposed by cultural elites and their billionaire backers. Their prospects depend entirely on their imported electorate and they would view substantial defections as a disaster. Which is why the anti-White propaganda is accompanied by messages of identity politics for non-Whites. And a big part of the message is that the Democrats are the party of non-Whites and the Republicans are the party of White supremacists.

As noted repeatedly here, our post-1965 elite is a Hostile Elite — hostile to the traditional White, Christian people and culture of America. A working class movement centered around traditional values and opposition to immigration would almost certainly have overtones of anti-Semitism. At this point, calling someone a globalist or mentioning the influence of George Soros is often considered coded anti-Semitism, even though the politicians who lead it would never come out and be explicit about the ethnic identifications and ethnic attitudes of the people who oppose them.

Such a coalition would be a “baby steps” way of achieving White interests. I am certainly not ruling out cataclysmic possibilities like large-scale secession or even civil war, but I’m not at all sure enough Americans have an appetite for such scenarios. Once a working-class coalition dominated by Whites got in power much good could happen in addition to ending immigration: purging the federal bureaucracy, forcing social media companies to allow dissident opinions, carving out and legitimating secession scenarios, and even contemplate enacting some of the police-state measures being pursued by the left to achieve permanent power.

What’s obvious is that the present situation is extremely volatile. Trump was the most disruptive force encountered by the uniparty establishment in its history. The left realizes that they can’t let it happen again and their answer is to inaugurate a police state. Any way forward that disrupts this must be seriously considered.
--- ... f-the-gop/
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Jim Mathias
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Feb 12, 2021 3:18 pm

Posts in response to the "The Working-Class Future of the GOP" definitely reject MacDonald's poor thinking on the subject. Our friend Karen joined in and laid out the hard options well:
You have three choices:
1.) Stand your ground, fight, and get mowed down
2.)Take a knee, sell out, and become a part of the globalist beast system
3.) Leave the U.S.
I’m taking the third option. Do it while you can.
In case it gets deleted, here was my own reply:
So, “join the GOP to disrupt the coming police state.”

We Whites have lost our country, and are now target #1 for elimination or abject slavery…and you want us to join our enemies and play their (losing for Whites) political games?

No, thanks. If that’s the best you can offer, then I’ll go with the National Alliance’s community building plans instead.
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Grimork » Sat Feb 13, 2021 6:31 am

Karen's leaving the US? :o
Yeah people really have to stop thinking we can make change at the upper levels of government by running for office. It's choked off, even the local government was rigged at the bottom, I saw that myself here.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:42 pm

While I wouldn't say all government offices are choked off, let's imagine that with a strong Cosmotheist community in a local area, one or more public offices might be won and kept.

Having media, educational, legal and other institutional infrastructure (people, team players) in place would certainly be recommended to be in place beforehand.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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Will Williams
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Re: GOP can't be seen as the White man's party

Post by Will Williams » Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:52 pm

Jim Mathias wrote:
Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:42 pm
Having media, educational, legal and other institutional infrastructure (people, team players) in place would certainly be recommended to be in place beforehand.
Yes, Jim. It's not a matter of "build it and they will come." People must first come (relocate) to a potential Cosmotheist Community to build it.

Running our people for local offices can't happen until we have sufficient numbers of serious candidates expressing our beliefs that others in the community will get behind. The problem with that is that it will take decades using the present electoral process, we do not have decades the way things are going presently. But the more our people see an autonomous Cosmotheist Community as a protected enclave for them the more they will come and conform to our logical program and vision, and be useful contributors to it.

I was pleased to see our people posting comments under this article, discussing secession, at Dr. Kevin MacDonald's site: ... f-the-gop/

Karen says:
February 12, 2021 at 10:59 am
Personally, I feel we are past the point of fixing anything in the U.S. through political strategies. That being said, the Republican party is dead to me and most other right of center Americans. You have three choices:
1.) Stand your ground, fight, and get mowed down
2.)Take a knee, sell out, and become a part of the globalist beast system
3.) Leave the U.S.
I’m taking the third option. Do it while you can.

JM/Iowa says:
February 12, 2021 at 11:04 am
So, “join the GOP to disrupt the coming police state.”

We Whites have lost our country, and are now target #1 for elimination or abject slavery…and you want us to join our enemies and play their (losing for Whites) political games?

No, thanks. If that’s the best you can offer, then I’ll go with the National Alliance’s community building plans instead.


Angelicus says:
February 13, 2021 at 5:04 am
Excellent words. The National Alliance is the only decent pro-White organization in the USA. It does not matter it has zero possibilities within the Jewish electoral system. They deserve our full support. This article is a waste of time and space.

Will W Williams says:
February 13, 2021 at 2:44 pm
Let us make one thing clear, or two: the National Alliance is not “identitarian” nor does it recognize the trendy term “wokeism.” As strict racial separatists determined to preserve our race above all else, we advocate necessary, complete geographical separation of Whites from non-Whites — not secession of racially diverse red states from the more racially diverse blue ones.

Building autonomous Cosmotheist communities of like-minded Whites, like JM/Iowa prefers, is the Alliance’s preferred model. Those Whites who are not interested in our Alliance model should join with the identitarians to try and reform the moribund GOP to make it represent White interests — which will never happen — or join with the “woke” crowd who prefer more half-measures to slow our planned replacement, to strict racial separation.

Angelicus, you should join our Alliance, if not as a member, then as an official supporter. It’s easy:

Your comment is awaiting moderation. Reply

My comment has not appeared as yet. Maybe it will; maybe it won't, but we have to keep tryin to influence others to our way of thinking. The Republican Party is not ever going to preserve the White race. It can't. No way!
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