NA on

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Will Williams
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NA on

Post by Will Williams » Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:43 pm

I wasn't sent the link to this show by its producer until less than an hour ago. It's supposed to air at 8:00pm tonight and again at 11:00pm. It's not ABC News on TV, but on some Internet stream service ABC offers.

I was interviewed for it but didn't give the Jewish interviewer much he could use, knowing the slant it will take.
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White Man 1
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Re: NA on

Post by White Man 1 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:50 pm ... d=73431332
Here is the article. It is exactly what you think it is.

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Re: NA on

Post by White Man 1 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:54 pm

“We in the National Alliance believe that our race is worth preserving,” Williams, the group’s chairman, told ABC News, even as he claimed the group no longer wants America to become a whites-only country and that it rejects violence.

“[W]e, as racial separatists, simply advocate geographic separation of the races by whatever means it takes. Many whites will choose to continue living in a multi-racial society. That's all right."

Asked whether their efforts could spark violence, Williams said: "Hopefully not. We would like peaceful separation."

"But it's not going to be peaceful," he warned. "Our enemies are rabid."

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Re: NA on

Post by Grimork » Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:37 pm

Mmhmm.. all Kelvin is doing is making people aware of the National Alliance and his father's work, albeit inadvertently.. I believe it's a good thing.

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Will Williams
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Re: NA on

Post by Will Williams » Tue Oct 06, 2020 11:02 pm

White Man 1 wrote:
Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:54 pm
“We in the National Alliance believe that our race is worth preserving,” Williams, the group’s chairman, told ABC News, even as he claimed the group no longer wants America to become a whites-only country and that it rejects violence.

“[W]e, as racial separatists, simply advocate geographic separation of the races by whatever means it takes. Many whites will choose to continue living in a multi-racial society. That's all right."

Asked whether their efforts could spark violence, Williams said: "Hopefully not. We would like peaceful separation."

"But it's not going to be peaceful," he warned. "Our enemies are rabid."
Thanks for the link, WM1. There are more than 300 comments under that ABC article in the past 12 hours, nearly all written by imbeciles. I was able to put one up myself, then another under that. These will soon be buried among the hundreds of other comments, or deleted, but the good thing about having our own forum is I can put them here:

First, the idiot who wanted to explain separatism to me:

stupid-reader-says-what • 11 hours ago
I have a message for Will Williams and others that believe like he does.

There are a great many ultra-liberals out there that believe EXACTLY as you do - about automobiles.

They want to see physical separation of cars and people. Originally they were so rabid that they wanted to get rid of all cars and replace them with bicycles but that idea has largely been discredited so now they are advocating for peaceful separation.

They even created a book titled "Vision Zero" that front and center advocates for separation.

A LOT of liberals have adopted this and passed laws trying to implement it.

But it has failed. Completely. Totally. And the more laws they pass, the more traffic lanes they convert to bicycle lanes and the more congestion they create hoping to push people out of their cars and so on - the angrier and angrier the majority is getting. We are seeing the failing of tolling initiatives now out west as the majority is starting to act against them. We are seeing traffic fatalities RISING as the increased congestion is increasing driver anger and recklessness. Exactly opposite what they predicted when they started the campaign against the car.

I know you believe this is different. It is not.

If black people had NEVER come into North America you might have had a sliver of a chance. But now that "they" are here, "they" are now "us"

You cannot separate what has been mixed together, anymore than you can unbake a cake.

Every scrap of material you buy for that property, every nail, every tool you use on it - was produced by a mix of white and black people. The water, gas, electricity you use to keep the lights on - all comes from entities run by a mix of white and black people.

You are engaged in a futile effort and are wasting your time and the time of everyone you push this on.

Will Williams to stupid-reader-says-what • 3 minutes ago
Thanks for your message to me, stupid reader...

ABC News is as crooked as a snake. The quote I provided to Josh Margolin, ABC's "Chief Investigator," in writing, is not what appeared in the article or on the networks's Live Stream show. Here it is:
We in the National Alliance believe that our race is worth preserving, To accomplish that we, as racial separatists simply advocate geographic separation of the races by whatever means it takes. Many Whites will choose to continue living in a multi-racial society. That's all right. Call it exercising our freedom of association with our own. There can be no so-called White supremacy when we are not in the same space as non-Whites.
I notice ABC redacted our National Alliance contact information from stickers that were shown. Why is that? Does ABC fear some White person might look up natalldotcom on his computer to find what we actually have to say instead of what ABC says we say? Some of what ABC says I have said I never said. Crooked, crooked, crooked.

Will Williams • a few seconds ago
I'll add that what I told Margolin when he said he wanted to come from NYC to our Tennessee National Office to interview me about the National Alliance's "renewal," and bring along his cameraman and soundman, was this, verbatim:
"Mr. Margolin, If I thought your project about the "renewal the National Alliance is enjoying," as you described it, will be a fair portrayal, I wouldn't mind a friendly interview, but we both know it will be biased, as is usual with you folks in the mainstream media. In fact it is a safe bet that you will go to the SPLC or ADL to get their points of view about how "dangerous" we are. You may use the following quote from me as Alliance Chairman if you wish:"
Of course, ABC's show was extremely biased against our organization and its founder, William Pierce. And as I also predicted, both the ADL and the SPLC quasi-official "hate" watchdogs were sourced, along with more official sourced like the FBI and Homeland Security who claim White "supremacists" are the biggest threat to America today. Pffft! Who in his right mind really believes that?
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Re: NA on

Post by White Man 1 » Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:17 am

I thought it would be a good idea to slog through some of those comments to see if there were any diamonds in the mounds of filth (spoiler alert, there wasn't). That was a mistake. At the time of writing this there don't seem to be any new comments from when Will left his 2 cents. I wonder how it came up with so many comments reinforcing their narrative so quickly and then simply stopped accumulating yes men...

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Re: NA on

Post by PhuBai68 » Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:36 pm

Two birds with one stone.
Do a hit piece on the National Alliance and take a few hits at the president.
It's not diversity, it's displacement.

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Will Williams
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Re: NA on

Post by Will Williams » Tue Oct 13, 2020 9:29 pm

White Man 1 wrote:
Tue Oct 06, 2020 7:54 pm
“We in the National Alliance believe that our race is worth preserving,” Williams, the group’s chairman, told ABC News, even as he claimed the group no longer wants America to become a whites-only country and that it rejects violence.

“[W]e, as racial separatists, simply advocate geographic separation of the races by whatever means it takes. Many whites will choose to continue living in a multi-racial society. That's all right."

Asked whether their efforts could spark violence, Williams said: "Hopefully not. We would like peaceful separation."

"But it's not going to be peaceful," he warned. "Our enemies are rabid."
Whew! I never said what these Jews say I said -- especially the ridiculous the part that's highlighted above.

What I told the Jew Margolin (his mug shot is in the September issue of the NA BULLETIN) -- what he and his ABC Jews butchered -- is quoted by me in full in my comment above from last week. As White separatists we don't expect to take back the entire racial mess called the United States, not any time soon anyway. But we'll claim our parts of this country as our "whites-only" living space by "whatever means it takes." And, yes, we hope that carving out our exclusive territory, free of non-Whites and anti-White "white" collaborators will be peaceful, but expect that it will be violent at times. Such is America today.

Someone put that ABC "HATE" special up on YouTube, then we snagged it for when it disappears. Some good video and stills in the multi-million -dollar production that I'd never seen before of Dr. Pierce that we can now use, like on our Bitchute channel, here:

The 54-minute ABC smear can be seen in full, here:
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Re: NA on

Post by IndianaCreator » Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:48 pm

When you do any media interviews you should always make them agree to include

Tom Metzger only did interviews if they agreed to print his website in their paper within that article or allowed him to say it on radio shows.

Would have to get it legally put in writing. With video could state that it must be displayed for at least ten consecutive seconds during the interview and while you are pictured the website has to be visible, so they don't just flash it real quick.

Obviously mainstream media only wants to do the interview to run a smear so the only reason to do it is for an advertisement. Which is why most refuse to talk with media now.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: NA on

Post by Jim Mathias » Fri Oct 16, 2020 12:36 am

IndianaCreator wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:48 pm
When you do any media interviews you should always make them agree to include

Tom Metzger only did interviews if they agreed to print his website in their paper within that article or allowed him to say it on radio shows.

Would have to get it legally put in writing. With video could state that it must be displayed for at least ten consecutive seconds during the interview and while you are pictured the website has to be visible, so they don't just flash it real quick.

Obviously mainstream media only wants to do the interview to run a smear so the only reason to do it is for an advertisement. Which is why most refuse to talk with media now.
You're right, the Jewmedia has devolved into enterprises that smear those they don't agree with and praise those they do. If I remember correctly, the Alliance doesn't authorize members to talk to the media without having first obtained written permission. This is the prerogative of the Chairman and/or the Media Director.

What members are free to do is to advertise our websites through the one media they can't stop us from using: printed materials. These often have been known to have a big impact in the communities where they are served. Sometimes the media will cover this as some sort of "event" but most of the time they ignore it. It's great either way; if they ignore it, our message goes out unrebutted by the media's presstitutes. If they do a report on it, they amplify our message by the number of viewers, subscribers, website visitors, and so on. If one of these presstitutes approaches me, I just tell them "no comment" or "I have nothing to say."
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.

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