The destruction of Western women

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Will Williams
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Re: The destruction of Western women

Post by Will Williams » Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:00 am

White Man 1 wrote:
Sat Sep 19, 2020 12:13 am
bwhelan91 wrote:
Fri Sep 18, 2020 3:15 pm
Being a mother is by far the BEST thing I've ever done. I love it so much I'm anxiously waiting to get pregnant again! Being a Mother AND a housewife is ideal for women. I feel complete raising my own child, NOT sending him off to daycare so i can go work 40+ hours a week. I feel even more complete making sure my husband has a hot meal on the table and clean clothes the next day. It surely doesn't make me any less of a woman!!

If anything .. I wonder, could he fold the clothes as good as me?! :D :lol:
All it takes is a taste of traditional living in order to fall into the pattern of traditional thinking. Even before having a family I had encouraged my wife to stay home and maintain the household, and now that we are expecting our 2nd child she has come into her own as a mother and a woman.
Right on, WM1! Congratulations to you and your lovely helpmeet.

One thing that's great about our Alliance is the number of young members we've attracted who are having all these beautiful White babies and are raising them in traditional White homes. Lots of home-schooling with traditional White values, and I do not mean Christian values, whatever they are.

This topic title reminds me of an ancient Aryan maxim I saw years ago, paraphrasing:

From the corruption of Aryan women follows the corruption of the race.

Imagine how many White females have considered the little anti-White Jewess Ruth Bader Ginsberg their guiding star. How could 40% of White females have voted for Barack Obama for POTUS? They've been corrupted, that's how. We know how they were corrupted and how to reverse the corruption, don't we?
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Re: The destruction of Western women

Post by wallabumba » Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:44 pm

As a young woman, I was a feminist When I was married, I had to work so that we could make ends meet. Sadly, this made my husband more willing to stay home and nurture his emotional crises (he was a recovering alcoholic). So I became the breadwinner. What I really wanted to do was stay home and have babies. But that would not be possible. Three husbands, and three divorces reinforced this reality. (yes, I should have picked them better--hind sight being 20/20 and all). Along the way I had two miscarriages (health problems to blame). Figuring I would never be a mother, and I would never be able to rely on a man to provide, I concentrated on taking care of my own business. In the work-world, I learned that getting ahead meant being tough-minded and hard hearted. So I did just that. I got harder and harder (I am still trying to soften up.)

Now that I am older and wiser (all of 50 years old this year), I have come home to roost (so to speak). I am still alone, and still provide for myself, but I am a homebody--I love taking care of my home and myself. I am an anti-feminist in that I believe wholeheartedly that a woman's place is at home. Women should not have the burden of running society and government; the burden of raising a family and supporting her husband is more than enough. Her contribution to society is found in its members--strong men and healthy children. If a woman has a political opinion, she should share it with her husband (or, if not married, her father or brothers) and they may consider it and act accordingly. I believe women should only be allowed to vote if they are tax-paying landowners.

One point I wish to make is this: we no longer teach our children what DUTY is. We don't enforce any penalties for behavior. We don't instill in them a sense of honor and respect. This has been going on for the last two generations and it has produced disastrous results. A man doesn't realize his duty to family, friends, country, and his god. Women are the same. People taking the wedding vows don't realize their duty to the union of their souls and flesh as one. Society on the whole is guilty of dereliction of duty toward the elderly. Same for our children (the rampant pedophilia and child sex trafficking problems are proof enough). With respect to the issue of women: if we had done right by our young girls to begin with, we wouldn't have the feminism problem we have today. I was not taught my duty as a woman properly. It was a skewed version of "make some money, but you also gotta know how to please a man". Nothing about the honor and glory of raising a family, the foundation of a healthy nation. I guess my mother and grandmother thought that they would teach me about babies and children when I found myself with some. Sadly, that never happened.

I believe this has all been done by design; slowly and methodically. Various people in power have decided to squeeze the feminine out of our girls. Wring it out like so much dirty laundry. Indoctrinate them into the world of men, requiring them to compete with them. And we stood idly by, letting the school teacher be the parent to our daughters, letting the TV fill in the blanks. While we as parents (I speak on behalf of my generation) still wanted to remember our glory days by taking it easy on the couch, beer in hand, watching re-runs of our favorite sitcoms, or the "big game". We wanted to be our kid's "best friend" instead of a firm but compassionate parent. I might go on about the ails of our society as I see them, but I am not a Sociologist, so I should limit myself.

Another sad outcome of this failure is this: soft and squishy, namby-pamby men. Which only reinforces the need for a woman to be hard and tough, to look to her own interests and well-being. She can't trust her man (or any man) to stand up and do it for her. This is another lesson I learned through my failed relationships. And one we are seeing played out in the streets today--weak men who have to "peacefully protest", meaning burn things down and act like little children throwing a temper tantrum to get their way. Sad. Very very sad. And now we must deal with them. And I ask, "Where are the men who will stand up to this nonsense and put things back to right?" 'Cause I don't want the feminists doing it. Where are the men who will stand for election to make and enforce our laws and restore law and order to our land? Where are the men of integrity in business who will pay fair wages and hire our men first before any women or illegal aliens who will work for cheap?
There are some, but not enough. And so we women cry for help. Which is what feminism ultimately is--a cry for help.

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Re: The destruction of Western women

Post by Grimork » Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:12 am

wallabumba wrote:
Sun Sep 20, 2020 7:44 pm
As a young woman, I was a feminist When I was married, I had to work so that we could make ends meet. Sadly, this made my husband more willing to stay home and nurture his emotional crises (he was a recovering alcoholic). So I became the breadwinner. What I really wanted to do was stay home and have babies. But that would not be possible. Three husbands, and three divorces reinforced this reality. (yes, I should have picked them better--hind sight being 20/20 and all). Along the way I had two miscarriages (health problems to blame). Figuring I would never be a mother, and I would never be able to rely on a man to provide, I concentrated on taking care of my own business. In the work-world, I learned that getting ahead meant being tough-minded and hard hearted. So I did just that. I got harder and harder (I am still trying to soften up.)
Thank you for your excellent post, Walla. It's great to get input from your age group. Very important to see how these things grow and sometimes stay the same over generations.
I am very sorry to hear about your hard relationships and also the miscarriages. It sounds like you've had a very hard road to walk. I would like to add that although I think you're correct that some women join feminism as a cry for help against the hands they are dealt, that it is very important to see that a lot of the reasons women are in this position is because of feminism itself and it's history.
See, there have always been problematic men who either drank and neglected their families or other issues so previously some women were in the position to need a job to take care of their families. This wasn't the norm, and I'm sure that Whites being the sympathetic bunch we are would've allowed exemptions for women to do certain jobs even though it wasn't popular to do under the circumstances. Where feminism stepped in and ruined everything is by making laws to force employers to hire women indiscriminately.
As most of us know Whites don't typically need to be forced by law to do the right thing; we are disposed per our evolution to help each other and do what's best for our communities, that is how we survived our harsh winter climates in the far past. Whites that did not do so were less likely to survive and pass on their genes. There are always exceptions to the rule, but that's beyond the scope of what I intend to write.

When it became normal for women to enter the workplace that affected the whole job system, men who were otherwise capable were not hired in some cases to make room for the increased flow of women into the workforce. As you stated employers realized they could pay women less to do most jobs and that was a further incentive to hire them even without the anti-discrimination laws. When men realized that women wanted to work outside the homes this took pressure off of them to work as long or as hard to make ends meet. Families realized that by working two jobs they could have most of the material goods they wanted and didn't need to struggle or save to get what they wanted.

Then a few generations passed, men started to expect their women to work jobs and take care of the household/children. Enter my generation i.e. the Millenials. Our men are lazier and more entitled than generations of the past, they expect women to pick up their slack and to be co-providers for the household. My husband for example after we were married thought I was going to give him children and work a job outside the home so he could work as less as possible come home and play videogames. NOPE! I told him from the beginning that I was not going to work outside our home once we got married and he was going to have to step up and be a man. Good news is that he did, but not without him telling me for half a year how hard I made it on him and that I should get a job and help out.. I stuck to my guns, my place was in the home and I wasn't going to do it. If he didn't like it, well he knew where the door was and not to let it hit his buttcheeks on the way out.

I had pressure not only from my husband but also his mother in law (Who never worked until her kids were in their 20's btw...), it wasn't easy to get lambasted all the time. However, now even though we don't have much money to spare we survive on about 500$ a week, that's with $500 rent a month. We don't get everything we want, hardly! But, we get what we need and I am at home raising my children where I should and want to be. My husband works hard and is a good man, he's grown tremendously since I refused to cushion him.

Not everyone can have babies, Walla, be it unfortunate circumstances or health problems but there's still so much we can do in our homes :) Women that want to work should be able to, I have a grandmother that retired from furniture. She loved her job, probably saved their marriage, her and papaw fight like two cats in a bag now that they're both at home. But, this should not be forced upon us and it should not be viewed as the norm.

Feminism is unfortunately seen as a cure when in fact it was the disease from the beginning.

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Re: The destruction of Western women

Post by bwhelan91 » Sat Feb 13, 2021 12:42 am

Thats beautiful. Atleast she came into her own as a Mama❤. It needed to happen at some point! Best of luck with your second baby & keep making white babies!

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Re: The destruction of Western women

Post by Supremely White » Thu May 04, 2023 6:52 am

Grimork wrote:
Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:56 pm
Older women and birthrates is something I used to frequently get into arguements about on another forum. The feminists like to pretend that they can easily have children when they're staring 40 years old in the face.

It's just not true. They like to cite women that genetically are able to have children at an older age, this is an exception not the rule. Then after they themselves believe the lie, along with many other women they've convinced to do the same and die childless. It's a real shame that women would hurt themselves AND other women, denying themselves voluntarily the joys of motherhood.
This is a problem I’ve noticed with many of my contemporaries, and I place most of the blame squarely on Hollywierd. These women had been celebrity worshiping and noticed them having their first babies at ripe old ages, and erroneously figured they’d do the same. Another part of the problem is that there is not enough education for females about the change of life. I used to read the womens magazines, and they talked quite frankly about womens health during the reproductive years, birth control, pregnancy, some articles about sex, but nothing about the end of the reproductive years.

I once went for a follow up visit to a plastic surgeon after a breast lift, and he asked how I was feeling and I mentioned that I had a bit of lightheadedness as I drove to his office, but that it was probably weather related, but then his wife, who was his business manager, said it was likely due to menopause…she was a few years or so older than me. And she commiserated with me that there just isn’t enough information out there about it, and I most certainly agree.

A few years before I left California, I’d befriended a White woman 3 years younger than me, and she was so depressed that she was unable to have babies. She wasn’t bad looking for her age, and was cheerleader captain in middle and high school, had 2 sugar daddies at different times, was a fitness and bikini model and a dating reality show star in her 20s and 30s, and quite pretty then. She showed me the pictures and the videos. The Covid-19 shutdowns caused her to put on 16 pounds to her large frame medium to tall body. She had nice fake blonde hair though.

There are probably many others like her, maybe not as formerly glamorous, who have the same sorrows and take middle age hard due to that regret. I wonder to myself what they were doing in their 20s, when it was more about avoiding unwanted pregnancy than trying to conceive. I wonder if they were kept in the dark about how the female reproductive system retires in middle age, and instead are so easily misled by the aging celebutards that have babies in older age.
Hitler was right.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The destruction of Western women

Post by Jim Mathias » Thu May 04, 2023 11:06 am

Supremely White wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 6:52 am

...This is a problem I’ve noticed with many of my contemporaries, and I place most of the blame squarely on Hollywierd. ...

...Another part of the problem is that there is not enough education for females about the change of life. I used to read the womens magazines, and they talked quite frankly about womens health during the reproductive years, birth control, pregnancy, some articles about sex, but nothing about the end of the reproductive years.

...There are probably many others like her, maybe not as formerly glamorous, who have the same sorrows and take middle age hard due to that regret. I wonder to myself what they were doing in their 20s, when it was more about avoiding unwanted pregnancy than trying to conceive. I wonder if they were kept in the dark about how the female reproductive system retires in middle age, and instead are so easily misled by the aging celebutards that have babies in older age.
The dominant Jewish media in all spheres impacts what impressionable young women believe in great measure and 'poisons the well' of opinion. It's we Whites of the National Alliance who must take responsibility for creating a more life-affirming stance for our people together to follow. Women naturally want babies, and I believe men do too. Before I had even heard of the NA, my inclination was to have a family. Until we can create a dominance in messaging the racially healthy portions of our kind, endeavoring daily to ignore or vocally reject (the latter, preferably) these Jewish-created messages of death for our kind should be made.

It's very unfortunate that young women and men have to face a media that encourages the avoidance of White pregnancies, even to the point of murdering White babies. Their minds are truly poisoned.
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