Jamie Dimon's Casino

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Wade Hampton III
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Re: Jamie Dimon's Casino

Post by Wade Hampton III » Fri Dec 27, 2019 6:55 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Fri Dec 27, 2019 12:39 am
To put Jamie Dimon in prison, or not to put Jamie Dimon in prison." That is the question. So far, Jamie Dimon isn't in prison--"behind the scenes," or otherwise!
I don't think Jamie is going to prison, at least as long as the US Government remains
in its present form - as we understand it today. I think the silver (and gold) scam will
continue on that basis, because of all the money he is bringing into JPMorgan's
coffers - because of that scam! Jamie is happy, JPMorgan shareholders are happy,
and the Jews that control the Central Bank are happy - because they all believe the
scam can continue indefinitely.

Since the beginning of the Reagan administration, I have seen the Federal debt rise
from $300 billion to where it is now...somewhere north of $23 TRILLION! Someday
this is going to end, and it is going to end badly. The apocalypse could begin over
this coming weekend, or it could continue on for many years....no one knows.
This much is certain. Hang onto your hats folks, because it is going to be a mighty
rough ride!
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Re: Jamie Dimon's Casino

Post by Wade Hampton III » Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:35 am

If you are a silver bull who has been saving silver or other
precious metals bullion products for the long term chances
are high you have heard about JP Morgan’s involvement with
the global day-to-day price discovery of physical precious
metals and especially silver bullion. Well today, we are
going to review some large verifiable facts regarding JP
Morgan’s silver saga from early 2008 up until today in
early 2020.


We also are going to look forward to this new decade the
2020s, with some perspective insights and questions over
what is to come for the world’s largest bank betting house
and those charged criminally who worked there for near a
decade or more of time.

Wade says, "Jamie stole it from YOU, fellow NA members and
supporters! I know some of you are out there. No need to
come forward on this site. We are all in this together.
My own opinion is that Jamie is going to continue to sit
pretty...that is...until the Central Government in Jew-
Controlled DC...begins its epoch-making change. How soon
will that be? I cannot address that, but my gut instincts
tell me that is will be soon..naysayers aside... At any rate,
author TW Chittum in 'Civil War II - The Coming Break-Up
of America' called the year 2020 for the apocalypse
to occur. Don't look now boys and girls, but guess what
year this is? OBTW, Chittum is nobody's fool. Ponder
at your own risk."
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Re: Jamie Dimon's Casino

Post by Wade Hampton III » Mon Jan 20, 2020 2:57 pm

JP Morgan has come to master both the
physical and paper markets in gold and

....by Ted Butler via Silver Seek.

Yesterday, JPMorgan Chase, the largest
bank in the US, reported record earnings
of $8.5 billion for the fourth quarter
and roughly $35 billion for the full year.
These are net profits, after all expenses
and costs are subtracted from gross
revenues. It is no understatement to
call JPMorgan a profit-generating machine.

https://www.silverdoctors.com/gold/gold ... irculation

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Re: Jamie Dimon's Casino

Post by Wade Hampton III » Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:00 am

More of Jamie's shenanigans revealed here:

Silver has a long history of being manipulated through
booms and busts. Because silver is a monetary metal it
is considered a strategic asset. If gold and silver
were to spike it would potentially signal distress in
the financial system and the dollar. The (Jew controlled)
federal reserve and governments want to avoid this so
they have an incentive to manage the price lower. Gold
is also repressed lower, but there are a few key

There are more gold reserves in the world than silver.
Depending on the valuation it is estimated that there are
more than $6 trillion in gold reserves. On the other hand
there are only about 1 billion ounces of physical silver
reserves, which would currently have a valuation of only
$16 billion. Because the market is so small, its very easy
to move the price. It’s profitable. A small handful of
commercial banks can trade the small leveraged paper
market to set a price. They drop their bids, create a
wall of selling, and cascade the price lower by shorting.
Leveraged speculators get margin called and sell into the
price fall creating a crash. The banks are then able to
cover their initial short positions and capture a gain in
the price move.

The key reason why this works, is that the vast majority of
silver, gold, and other commodities to all trade on paper
contracts and are settled in cash the majority of the time.
Physical delivery is rare. If the market ever moves higher,
banks can always sell unlimited amounts of paper contracts
into the market to make it crash back to the level that
they want it at. The only way to stop contract manipulation
is for buyers to demand physical delivery. However, it is
believed that (Jew?) regulators would not allow this,
at least from a large investor. In 1997 Warren Buffett
purchased 130 million ounces of silver, however it is
believed that he was forced to sell it by (Jew?) regulators
and the silver was moved to the SLV ETF managed by
(Jamie Dimon's) JP Morgan.

If the price of silver remains below the cost of production,
miners will eventually shutter production, creating a deficit
of supply. This is considered similar to holding a balloon
under water, where it constantly needs to be held down or
it will rise to the surface.
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Re: Jamie Dimon's Casino

Post by Wade Hampton III » Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:50 pm

Jewish Bloomberg News broke the story that
JPMorgan Chase is under a criminal probe by the US
Department of Justice (DOJ) over charges of rigging
gold, silver, and other precious metals markets. Six
traders who worked on the precious metals desk at
JPMorgan Chase have been indicted thus far but this is
the first report that the bank itself is also under a criminal
investigation. This marks the fourth criminal probe of the
bank in the past eight years by the US Department of
Justice with the bank pleading guilty to three felony
counts in two of the prior criminal investigations.

There was a time in America when a criminal probe of
the nation's largest bank, which holds $1.6 trillion in the
life savings of moms and pops at more than 5,300 bank
branches across the country, would have been worthy of
a front-page headline. Not today. Crime and fraud are so
de rigueur at the bank led by Dimon that not one major
newspaper ran the headline on the front page or
anywhere else in the paper.

In August, September and again in November of last year
(2019) the Board of Directors of JPMorgan Chase were
put on notice that the bank they were overseeing under
their designated leader, Jamie Dimon, was accused of
running a criminal enterprise out of its precious metals
desk. They were also aware that at least two of those
indicted are cooperating with the DOJ in the ongoing
investigation. And yet, they still awarded Jamie Dimon
a pay package of $31.5 million and allowed him to
announce that he planned to remain at the bank for
another five years.
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Below - Watch Jamie Lie!


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Re: Jamie Dimon's Casino

Post by Wade Hampton III » Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:01 am

The most unusual feature of the (Feb. 28) COT report was that through Tuesday,
February 25th JPMorgan increased its gold short position while the other
commercial shorts did the opposite. It’s very much an outlier that JPMorgan
added new shorts as the other commercial shorts were buying back short positions.
The conclusion is that JPMorgan knew it was going to lower the boom on gold (and
silver) prices and loaded the boat with short positions. Simply put, JPMorgan
was singularly responsible for the February price smash. Inclination is to
believe that JPM increased its silver short position by 3,000 contracts to
18,000 contracts which perfectly positioned this corrupt bank for the price
carnage to come. Let there be not the slightest doubt that Jamie's JPMorgan
is the most corrupt market force to ever exist. JPMorgan was the biggest (sole)
short seller in gold and silver through Tuesday and, therefore, the largest
single beneficiary of the spectacular price plunge into Friday. As dramatic
as was that price plunge, it didn’t come close to eliminating the total open
and unrealized loss of the 7 big shorts in gold and silver. On yesterday’s
close, the total open loss was reduced by a very large $2.5 billion from
last week’s $7.2 billion, to a new total open loss of $4.7 billion. While
this was one of the biggest weekly reductions, $4.7 billion is not chump
change. The big shorts are still extremely reluctant to book actual realized
losses. This created potential for JPMorgan who may have been able to buy
back a disproportionately large number of shorts given the reluctance of
the other big shorts to book realized losses. Considering the dramatic
price plunge and the large amount of trading volume and the declines in
total open interest, JPMorgan could have bought back most of its short
contracts. These are unprecedented times and anything is possible.
Nevertheless, I haven’t sold and am not about to.
Baby-Faced Innocence
Baby-Faced Innocence
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Keep in mind gold and silver prices are fixed in the COMEX futures markets
where banks that have NOTHING to do with precious metals mining, fabrication,
or distribution - set their prices via futures contracts that will NEVER
deliver an ounce of gold or silver to the market! The precious metals markets
are rigged markets with their market regulators at the (Jew controlled) CFTC
in on the scam; however this too shall pass. Technically, the gold and silver
markets are set for further gains in the weeks to come.

https://www.gold-eagle.com/article/mr-b ... arket-week

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Re: Jamie Dimon's Casino

Post by Wade Hampton III » Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:23 am

Ted Butler has been analyzing the silver bullion and gold bullion
markets for his loyal newsletter subscribers for many decades.
Many self-proclaimed gold and silver experts originally found
out about precious metals from Ted’s trailblazing writings during
the early days of the Internet. Ted’s somewhat recent, yet near
decade long public and explicit calling out of Jamie Dimon's
JPMorgan as perhaps the kingpin in silver price rigging has been
partially validated by criminal charges filed by the US Department
of Justice. To date, none of the alleged JPMorgan precious metals
executives and other subordinate derivative traders charged with
price rigging crimes have been sentenced to US federal prison.

http://silverseek.com/article/ted-butle ... e-qa-17883


The last couple of years saw a lot of hope for the gold & silver
investors that the Justice Department was actually bringing some
justice to the gold & silver markets, but with this curveball that
is the coronavirus, it seems talk about progress being made has
stopped. What is your outlook for any justice taking place at this


I don’t know that the coronavirus is to blame, but I concluded long
ago that the DOJ wasn’t going to crack down on Jamie Dimon's JPMorgan
because the bank is too systemically important. I wonder why the DOJ
got involved in the first place(?).


Do you ever get angry and or depressed from feelings of injustices
ongoing, etc?


It is important not to get bitter and stay positive as long as the
facts tell you to persevere. Whiskey helps too!

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Will Williams
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Re: Jamie Dimon's Casino

Post by Will Williams » Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:11 pm

Wade Hampton III wrote:
Mon Mar 23, 2020 8:23 am
...To date, none of the alleged JPMorgan precious metals
executives and other subordinate derivative traders charged with
price rigging crimes have been sentenced to US federal prison...
I know one thing, Wade: for every buyer there must be a seller. And with silver hovering below $12 per ounce for the past week or so, it's a good time to buy, but only if the buyer can find a desperate seller..

With Wall Street speculators taking a 30%+ hit on their holdings since the market's all-time high last month, some may be selling off their silver assets (at a loss, also, unfortunately for them) to compensate.

I'd look for grasping Jew like Dimon to be scoffing up every ounce he can, even though he's lost his ass lately like everyone else. Unless, that is, he had foreknowledge and sold before the sharp decline, which is quite likely. Remember, again:

To date, none of the alleged JPMorgan precious metals
executives and other subordinate derivative traders charged with
price rigging crimes have been sentenced to US federal prison.

Billionaire Jew silver
hoarder Jamie Dimon
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Re: Jamie Dimon's Casino

Post by Wade Hampton III » Tue Mar 24, 2020 2:11 pm

Will Williams wrote:
Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:11 pm
I know one thing, Wade: for every buyer there must be a seller. And with silver hovering below $12 per ounce for the past week or so, it's a good time to buy, but only if the buyer can find a desperate seller..
To date, none of the alleged JPMorgan precious metals
executives and other subordinate derivative traders charged with
price rigging crimes have been sentenced to US federal prison.
The disconnect between paper silver and physical silver has begun. Dealers will
buy your silver at Jamie Dimon's spot price. However, if you wish to buy
their silver, they will charge you up to - and sometimes - ABOVE - 100% of Jamie's

I do not know if Jamie is a biological Jew. However if he is not, for all practical
intents and purposes, he may as well be one.
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Will Williams
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Re: Jamie Dimon's Casino

Post by Will Williams » Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:08 pm

Wade Hampton III wrote:
Tue Mar 24, 2020 2:11 pm
I do not know if Jamie is a biological Jew. However if he is not, for all practical
intents and purposes, he may as well be one.
Some sources, like this one https://jewishornot.blogspot.com/2012/0 ... ewish.html say he's not, but that he was married to his Jew wife by a rabbi and that their children are Jews.

Other sources like https://informationcradle.com/jamie-dimon/ say Jamie boy and his two brothers were born to Greek Jewish immigrants Theodore and Themis (née Kalos) Dimon. His paternal grandfather who was a Greek immigrant changed the family name from Papademetriou to Dimon to make it sound more French.
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