The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Again?

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Will Williams
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Re: The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Agai

Post by Will Williams » Sat Mar 02, 2019 1:25 pm

Speaking of the NSM, this is an example of why the National Alliance does not associate with such ill-advised "Movement" groups:


Neo-Nazi group's leader is black
man who vows to dissolve it

Feb 28, 2019
Associated Press

One of the nation's largest neo-Nazi groups appears to have an unlikely new leader: a black activist who has vowed to dismantle it.

Court documents filed Thursday suggest James Hart Stern wants to use his new position as director and president of the National Socialist Movement to undermine the Detroit-based group's defense against a lawsuit.The NSM is one of several extremist groups sued over bloodshed at a 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Stern's filing asks a federal court in Virginia to issue a judgment against the group before one of the lawsuits goes to trial.
Stern replaced Jeff Schoep as the group's leader in January, according to Michigan corporate records. But those records and court documents say nothing about how or why Stern got the position. His feat invited comparisons to the recent Spike Lee movie "BlacKkKlansman" in which a black police officer infiltrates a branch of the Ku Klux Klan.Schoep did not respond Thursday to emails and calls seeking comment.

Matthew Heimbach, a leading white nationalist figure who briefly served as the NSM's community outreach director last year, said Schoep and other group leaders have been at odds with rank-and-file members over its direction. Heimbach said some members "essentially want it to remain a politically impotent white supremacist gang" and resisted ideological changes advocated by Schoep.Heimbach said Schoep's apparent departure and Stern's installation as its leader probably spell the end of the group in its current form. Schoep was 21 when he took control of the group in 1994 and renamed it the National Socialist Movement, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center."I think it's kind of a sad obit for one of the longest-running white nationalist organizations," said Heimbach, who estimates it had about 40 active, dues-paying members last year.

The group has drawn much larger crowds at rallies.NSM members used to attend rallies and protests in full Nazi uniforms, including at a march in Toledo, Ohio, that sparked a riot in 2005. More recently, Schoep tried to rebrand the group and appeal to a new generation of racists and anti-Semites by getting rid of such overt displays of Nazi symbols.It appeared that Stern, of Moreno Valley, California, had been trying for at least two years to disrupt the group. A message posted on his website said he would be meeting with Schoep in February 2017 "to sign a proclamation acknowledging the NSM denouncing being a white supremacist group.""I have personally targeted eradicating the (Ku Klux Klan) and the National Socialist Movement, which are two organizations here in this country which have all too long been given privileges they don't deserve," Stern said in a video posted on his site.On Wednesday, lawyers for the plaintiffs suing white supremacist groups and movement leaders over the Charlottesville violence asked the court to sanction Schoep. They say he has ignored his obligations to turn over documents and give them access to his electronic devices and social media accounts. They also claim Schoep recently fired his attorney as a stalling tactic.A federal magistrate judge in Charlottesville ruled last Friday that Stern cannot represent the NSM in the case because he does not appear to be a licensed attorney. That did not deter Stern from filing Thursday's request for summary judgment against his own group."It is the decision of the National Socialist Movement to plead liable to all causes of actions listed in the complaint against it," he wrote.Stern served a prison sentence for mail fraud at the same facility as onetime Ku Klux Klan leader Edgar Ray Killen, who was convicted in the "Mississippi Burning" killings of three civil rights workers. Killen died in January 2018.In 2012, Stern claimed Killen signed over to him power of attorney and ownership of 40 acres of land while they were serving prison terms together. A lawyer for Killen asked a judge to throw out the land transfer and certify that Killen and his family owned the property. ... b1BHzCeuI/
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Will Williams
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Re: The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Agai

Post by Will Williams » Tue Mar 05, 2019 2:54 pm

Will Williams wrote:Bump!
Speaking of the NSM, this is an example of why the National Alliance does not associate with such ill-advised "Movement" groups:


Neo-Nazi group's leader is black
man who vows to dissolve it
Feb 28, 2019
Associated Press [...]
"Neo-Nazi" Fuhrer James Stern

More about this pathetic case of the Negro leader of the National Socialist Movement, here: ... 835af.html

Alliance members can rest assured that nothing like this will ever happen to our organization. The National Alliance is neither a Nazi organization nor a neo-Nazi organization, despite our being characterized as such by enemies such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, other Jewish groups, and controlled Jewish mass media who use those buzz terms for their bogeyman effect.
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Will Williams
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Re: The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Agai

Post by Will Williams » Thu Jun 27, 2019 8:52 pm

Will Williams wrote:This article is not from the Industrial Age, but perhaps we can form a new section for Secessionist Movements. ... /218/entry

The State of Franklin: Mountain Secession and Independent Thought

In North Carolina, regionalism has existed since day one. In August 1784, western North Carolinians established the State of Franklin—“the only de facto state that functioned in every aspect of statal power,” writes historian Samuel Cole Williams. After a civil war in the mountains, however, the “Lost State of Franklin” ceased in February 1789.

During the 1780s, North Carolina was under the Articles of Confederation (the Constitution was drafted in 1787 and ratified by all 13 original colonies by 1789). At that time, “western North Carolina” stretched from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River. ... n-now/Soon after the establishment of the state of North Carolina in 1776, North Carolina mountaineers believed the state government always looked eastward. The irresponsive government of North Carolina angered those in the transmontane region (most lived along the Watauga and Nolichucky rivers); it offered no protection from the dangers of the frontier and used taxes to benefit primarily the eastern part of the state. Plus, Franklinites later argued, its seat was too far away for western North Carolinians to send delegates for timely representation.

These problems irritated mountaineers more, when they remembered that they shouldered the onerous burden of fighting to secure western land—land that the state sold to pay off its Revolutionary War debt. In particular, after the “Land Grab Act” (c. 1783) opened western land for sale, western North Carolinians alleged land warrant fraud; legislators and their business partners acquired land warrants for three of the four million acres sold.

The State of Franklin received its first breath in 1784, when the North Carolina legislature ceded its land to the federal government. Already upset with their state government, Washington, Sullivan, and Greene countians, in what would become Tennessee, decided to start their own state and stretch its borders westward and issue land warrants. Meanwhile, angry North Carolina voters replaced their representatives with a legislative body that repealed the act of cession.

The State of Franklin in Upper East Tennessee

Although North Carolina did not recognize its statehood, Franklin operated for almost five years like any other state. It granted, for example, land warrants and marriage licenses and built roads. Franklin leaders even negotiated treaties with the Cherokee and in the state’s waning days, they sought to be annexed by Spain. John Sevier, a former leader of the Watauga Association (the first autonomous white government in the British colonies) and leader of the Wataugans at the Battle of King’s Mountain, served as the first governor.

After a series of problems, including a congressional rejection for statehood and warfare with the Cherokee, many in Franklin, under the direction of John Tipton, called for a return to North Carolina. The denouement in Franklin’s story was in 1788, when a North Carolina sheriff seized Sevier’s property for back taxes. The Franklin Army marched to Tipton’s home where a skirmish, called the Battle of Franklin, ensued. Later arrested for treason and jailed in Morganton, Sevier was rescued by his followers who tried to form, south of the French Broad River, what they called Lesser Franklin.

In February 1789 the leaders of Franklin pledged allegiance to North Carolina. The Tar Heel State, now rid of its competition, ceded its western land to the United States and thereby acquired authority over all legal claims to North Carolina land warrants.

The State of Franklin provided the nucleus of Tennessee, established in 1796. John Sevier was its first governor.

Many have criticized the Franklinites and their act of secession. But they embodied the noble spirit of the American Revolution. These western North Carolinians tried, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, to “abolish a destructive government” that had abused their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and tried to “institute [a] new Government” that was most likely to “effect their Safety and Happiness.”

By Troy L. Kickler, founding director of the North Carolina History Project
See Also:
Related Categories: Places, Early America, Colonial North Carolina
Timeline: 1776-1835
Tennessee Secession Now! East Tennessee anyway!

Why Not Tennessee?

If we fail to go the way of secession, our inevitable fate will be abject bondage and tyranny. History has proven that the Anti-Federalists were justified and prescient in their concerns. Centralization and concentration of power always leads to excess and abuse. Man simply cannot be too meticulous or dutiful in his quest to guard against the reflexive tendency toward tyrannical excess on the part of government. The status quo has gone so far beyond the pale of reason and legitimacy that profound and dramatic corrective action are both urgent and mandatory.

The secession phenomenon must have a point of genesis and commencement. Tennessee would seem to be the most logical flash point for such history-altering activity to occur. The following points of observation are relevant in this regard:

First...among conservative Southern states, Tennessee retains the highest percentage of Caucasian representation in its population base.

Second...Tennessee’s rich history features the distinction of being known as the Volunteer inspiring reference to the amazing character of our great ancestors who made inordinate sacrifices on behalf of liberty at the Alamo.

Third...we are the native soil of men such as Crockett, Forrest, and Jackson...individuals who, in their own critical hour of history, set the standard for rising to the occasion and holding the line against immeasurable odds.

On a practical and tangible level, Tennessee also weighs in with readily observable attributes and characteristics. Geographically, we are centrally located in what would be likely to evolve into the New Confederacy. Our topography, climate, and natural resources are all favorable and constitute a strong allure for the attraction and drawing in of potential future inhabitants of a desirable nature and quality. ... ssion-now/
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Wade Hampton III
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Re: The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Agai

Post by Wade Hampton III » Fri Jun 28, 2019 1:26 pm

Please do not overlook the terrain of the northwest corner of SC. The land is mountainous and the high altitude
is favorable to Caucasians. For reasons unknown to me, the thin rarefied atmosphere seems unamenable to
darkies and Gooks. The land would not be favorable to agriculture, but industrious Caucasians could utilize it
for manufacturing and research.

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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Agai

Post by Jim Mathias » Sat Jun 29, 2019 1:26 am

The common theme of this thread is the dream of a White ethnostate, and that certainly is a dream worth fostering in as many Whites as we can reach. It occurs to me that a bit of the 'state-within-a-state' might be in order to provide the antecedent to that ethnostate. It's one big reason I see the NA as being a useful tool, the model of organization and the training ground for future leaders is present here, though in need of more people and further development.
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Will Williams
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Re: The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Again?

Post by Will Williams » Mon Dec 21, 2020 12:34 pm

Sure it can happen again, and for the right reasons this time. If it's not conceived, it will not happen.

Dr. Thomas Dalton, one of the foremost writers in the White racial nationalist camp, makes a very strong case for how to get it started in 2021 for determined, racially responsible, secessionist-minded White Americans, here:


The Case for Secession

December 21, 2020
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D.

“Perhaps law-abiding states should bond together and form a Union of states that will abide by the constitution.” -Allen West, Chair, Texas GOP

Now that the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris regime and their Jewish entourage are measuring the curtains at the White House, it’s time to consider next steps. As bad as things are for White America today, they are about to get a lot worse. Physical, psychological, moral, and political threats hang over all our heads. We are being dispossessed in our own nation. The situation is grim but not hopeless. We have options.

In the continental US, 24 states voted majority for Trump, including some of our most populous ones: Texas, Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina, among them. The 10 largest Trump states comprise over 100 million people, and all 24 combined are pushing 150 million. This is a considerable block of people, with a considerable amount of power—political and otherwise. If these people wish to retain a modicum of self-determination—not to mention self-respect—they will have to consider the strongest possible actions. These actions include the possibility of literal secession from the United States. It’s time to examine that option with all seriousness.

Biden’s Jewish-Diversity Retinue

First, let’s be clear about the threat posed by the incoming administration. Even at this early point, it is clear that they hold an antipathy toward Whites, especially White males, and that they intend to either do as little as possible to support and represent White interests, or worse, to actively impede and harm those interests. Of course, we don’t yet know what the actual policies will be, but we can make reasonable inferences based on who Biden has appointed to his Cabinet thus far.

Of his “top 16” picks to date, we find the following: four White males (Brian Deese, Denis McDonough, Tom Vilsack, and Jake Sullivan); five Blacks, of whom four are women (Lloyd Austin, Marcia Fudge, Susan Rice, Cecilia Rouse, and Linda Thomas-Greenfield); one Indian woman (Neera Tander); one Hispanic man (Xavier Becerra)—and five Jews (Tony Blinken, Avril Haines, Ron Klain, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Janet Yellen).

Here we see a few points of interest. First, there are no White women at all—given that Jews are not White, at least not in the relevant sense of identifying as part of the traditional White population of America.[1] Second, Blacks and Jews each have more representation than Whites among the top 16, which is amazing in itself, given that Blacks (12.8%) and Jews (circa 2%) are distinct minorities in this country. Third, at least one of the White men, Jake Sullivan, has proven himself to be remarkably philo-Semitic; his appointment “drew broad praise from Jewish leaders,” and his wife, Maggie Goodlander, worked extensively with influential Jews like Joe Lieberman, Stephen Breyer, and Merrick Garland (see here). Fourth, we have an interesting “double-banger” in Mayorkas, who manages to be both Cuban and Jewish, thus checking two important boxes. Fifth, by placing Yellen in charge of the US Treasury, Biden continues a long, nearly-unbroken line of Jews in charge of the top US financial institution.[2]

Furthermore, Biden has placed yet more Jews in important positions among his second tier. These include the half-Jewish John Kerry (environmental advisor), Jared Bernstein (council of economic advisors), Rochelle Walensky (head of CDC), and Jeff Zients (Covid czar and “counsellor to the president”).

And then, of course, we have the infamous “family ties” among both Biden and Harris. Biden’s three adult children all managed to acquire Jewish spouses: Hunter married “filmmaker” Melissa Cohen in 2019, daughter Ashley married Howard Krein in 2012, and (the now-deceased) Beau married the Jewish dry-cleaning scion Hallie Olivere in 2002. For her part, Kamala Harris married the Jewish lawyer Doug Emhoff in 2014, so we can be sure where her sympathies lie—as if there was any doubt. Bottom line: Look for lots of policies favoring Jews and Israelis, and little in the way of support for the 61% of Americans who are White. Look for so-called open borders (i.e. very generous immigration and amnesty policies), for promotion of all kinds of ‘racial sensitivity’ awareness and training, and for increased attacks on “hate speech,” that is, on anything that the minority-laden Judeocracy decides that it doesn’t like.

What to do: Independence!

Given all this, it is difficult to find a path forward for concerned Whites. Their quality of life, their financial security, and their physical and mental health are all more or less guaranteed to decline over the coming four years. As more Democratic-leaning minorities enter the country or are granted amnesty, and thus acquire voting rights, liberal-left anti-White policies will become more entrenched and more extreme. This process will then accelerate over the next 25 years, as Whites become a numerical minority in the US—currently projected for around the year 2042. Jewish influence will increase proportionately, given that they are by far the leading donors, and thus the leading wire-pullers, among the Democrats.

It is clear, then, that ordinary political means—the ballot box—will no longer suffice to promote White interests. The political system is irrevocably slanted against Whites, and it will not change in our lifetimes; at least, not in the nation as it now exists. Unless we consider radical structural change, anything like a present-day America is virtually certain to increasingly pander to Jewish and non-White interests, and therefore to suffer irrecoverable decline—socially, economically, culturally, intellectually, and morally. And it will become a very dangerous place for Whites as the coalition of the aggrieved wreaks vengeance. Anything like the America that we knew in the 1950s and 1960s is done, over, finished. The three seeds of its demise were planted many years ago: in the African slave trade that made Blacks an astonishing 20% minority already in the 1770s; in the “all men are created equal” clause of the Declaration; and most of all, in the flood of Jewish immigrants circa 1900. At that point, our fate was sealed. It was only a matter of time. Our end is now clearer than ever. And it will not be a happy one for Whites.

As the South recognized long ago, the only hope for long-term salvation lies in political separation. Had the Confederacy prevailed in the 1860s, the status of Southerners (and Northerners!) would be vastly higher than it is today. It is one of the great tragedies of history that a power-mad Abraham Lincoln—a man who disliked Blacks and who actually, and correctly, sought to ship them back home to Africa[3]—decided to sacrifice thousands of his fellow countrymen simply to save “the nation.” In the end, some 650,000 American soldiers on both sides died; this is more than the death toll from WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam War combined. And this is not counting thousands of innocent civilians and slaves who also died, nor the many thousands left with crippling and debilitating injuries. Lincoln was, without doubt, the biggest war criminal in American history. We continue to pay the price to this day.

GOP-Texas leader Allen West, a Black American, was correct, then, in his recent pronouncement that the anti-Biden (I hesitate to call them pro-Trump) states ought to separate from the corrupt morass of Washington DC’s America and form a new, better union. West considers them to be the Constitution-loving states, which is perhaps correct—although he should be careful there. In the following I will depict an ideal Constitution for a new White republic — a Constitution that is, to be sure, far beyond the political sensibilities of the great majority of White Americans at the present time.

The core U.S. Constitution is a fairly useful document, but it is notably vague on who can vote and it is infinitely malleable via leftist machinations. But at that time, in the 1780s, the vast majority of voters were White male landholders—which, tragically, allowed Jewish men to vote. This problem must be fixed in the new nation that West envisions. Also at first, as we know, women and Blacks could not vote. As a new, White-friendly, anti-minority nation, this “new America” must certainly allow White women to vote, but it has no obligation to any minorities of any kind. In fact, any clear-thinking and brave-hearted new nation would deny citizenship to all non-Whites: all Blacks, all Hispanics, all Asians, and all Jews. It would end, and revoke existing, birthright citizenship. All this is essential, if we want to get down to fundamental issues and to address the root causes of our present decay. A properly-conceived and executed secession movement can address all these issues in a single stroke.

Some Open Questions

But there are many logistical problems here, obviously. One is the matter of which states, precisely, would compose this new America. As I mentioned at the outset, there were 24 Trump-voting states, comprising some 150 million people. Further, with the exception of Alaska, they happen to be geographically contiguous, meaning that, in theory, they could unify and create a connected, single nation—one that would chop the remaining US into three or four separate blocks; but that’s their problem. Additionally, we can well imagine that portions—perhaps the rural areas—of several nearby states would also like to join this newly-emergent nation. Eastern and northern California, eastern Oregon and Washington, southern Illinois, Virginia south of the DC metro area, and parts of Colorado, New Mexico, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, among others, may well choose to secede from their own state and join the “constitution-lovers.” We can easily imagine the combined numbers approaching 200 million people in all.

Then there are further issues. Given that Jews of all types will be violently opposed to this idea, we have to take into consideration the size of the Jewish population in each of these states. Among the 24, Florida is the outlier; it has a large Jewish population, comprising around 4% of the total. Of the remaining 23, only two (Ohio and Missouri) are over 1%, and of the rest, many are under 0.5%. Consequently, Florida is unlikely to go along with a new, constitution-loving, pro-White nation. Perhaps they will have to go it alone.

Along the same lines, large Hispanic populations, especially in Texas and Florida, will pose problems for a pro-White nation. But with significantly less clout than Jews, and without a Jewish lobby actively defending them, Hispanics will be out of luck. Perhaps they will find it in their own best interests to return to Mexico or Latin America—places that would welcome their relatively advanced education, skills, and comparative wealth.

There is a third problematic group, and that is Christian Zionists. If it’s true that up to 25% of American adults consider themselves “evangelical Christians” and that up to 80% of these are some version of Zionist—meaning broadly that they support Jews and Israel for Biblical reasons—then this poses a potentially large issue, especially in the southern states. But this is a regional issue, one requiring regional solutions. Secessionists will have to play up the benefits of religion, freedom, and independence, and argue that this outweighs any sanctions against local Jews.

All these issues come to a head in a larger concern: the problem of size. It has long been recognized, since ancient times, that overly-large states are in for trouble. Biologically-speaking, this makes sense. Humans evolved over 2 million years in small hunter-gatherer bands of perhaps 50 to 100 people; for millennia, this was the size of our ‘state.’ Our emotional and rational psyches evolved to deal with groups of this size, and no more. Larger groups are both unnatural and unhealthy; in larger societies, systemic corruption inevitably creeps in.

The ancient Greeks understood this intrinsically. Plato said that the maximum, ideal society would consist of 5,040 households, or around 25,000 people—for the entire city-state.[4] Hippodamus argued for an even smaller state of 10,000 citizens.[5] Aristotle broadly concurred, saying that the ideal state must be “one and self-sufficing.” In Book 7 of Politics, he elaborates:

[A] great polis is not to be confounded with a populous one. Moreover, experience shows that a very populous state can rarely, if ever, be well-governed; since all states that have a reputation for good government have a limit of population. … To the size of states there is a limit, as there is to other things, plants, animals, implements. For none of these retain their natural power when they are too large or too small, but they either wholly lose their nature, or are spoiled. … In like manner, a state when composed of too few is not, as a state ought to be, self-sufficing; when of too many, though self-sufficing in all mere necessaries, as a nation may be, it is not a state, being almost incapable of constitutional government. For who can be the general of such a vast multitude, or who the herald, unless he has the booming voice of a Stentor?

A state, then, only begins to exist when it has attained a population sufficient for a good life in the political community: it may indeed, if it somewhat exceeds this number, be a greater state. But, as I was saying, there must be a limit. What should be the limit will be easily ascertained by experience. For both governors and governed have duties to perform; the special functions of a governor to command and to judge. But if the citizens of a state are to judge and to distribute offices according to merit, then they must know each other’s characters; where they do not possess this knowledge, both the election to offices and the decision of lawsuits will go wrong. When the population is very large, they are manifestly settled at haphazard, which clearly ought not to be. Besides, in an over-populous state, foreigners and aliens will readily acquire the rights of citizens, for who will find them out? Clearly then the best limit of the population of a state is the largest number which suffices for the purposes of life, and can be taken in at a single view. (Book 7.4; italics added)

Remarkable insight, and utterly appropriate for the present day.

More recently, social theorists like Leopold Kohr, Ivan Illich, and E. F. Schumacher have also persuasively argued for smaller states. Kohr suggests that, under modern, technological conditions, the maximum size for a well-governed and rational state is perhaps 10 million people.[6] Say what you will about the small European nations today, but if nothing else, they are, for the most part, rationally governed; generally speaking, they “work”.[7] And their smallness and ethnic homogeneity play a large part in their success.

This all helps to explain, first, the insanity of trying to manage a present-day America of 330 million people. Three hundred million Gandhis would be ungovernable, let alone the present American mish-mash. Second, it suggests that Allen West’s “new America” of perhaps 150 million is likewise far too big. Texas alone is 30 million people; it really ought to become its own nation-state. Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina, all over 10 million, could easily be their own nation-states. The smaller US states might fruitfully band together. Ultimately, the 24 “Trump states” could form five or ten independent nations, which might then organize a local American confederation of some sort, to advance their collective interests—but without surrendering local sovereignty. Five or ten small, independent, pro-White nations would further allow for a fair amount of social and political experimentation, yielding successes that could be transferred to the others. And diverse states would be harder to undermine by any potentially-resurgent Jewish Lobby—just as a unified European Union is much easier to corrupt than 27 independent nations.

So This Means War!

“Yes,” says the critic, “all fine and good. But the mighty US military will come in and crush any budding secession movement. You haven’t a prayer against them.” Yes and no. A single movement by a single state might be squelched, but simultaneous movements across the nation would be much harder to address. We have to understand that our federal government is actually much weaker than it appears, at least when it comes to internal disruption. We can bomb the hell out of Afghanistan, but a “CHAZ” microstate in downtown Portland carries on for months, run by nothing more than a handful of degenerate anarchists. Black Lives Matter lunatics managed weeks of looting and burning because they were a diversified, incorrigible, lawless band, working in several locations simultaneously. “Oh, but BLM and CHAZ had the implicit support of the Democratic power elite.” Fine—but a multi-state secession effort would have the implicit support of many in the Republican power elite. For them, there is much to be gained. Lots of new states mean lots of new presidents, new governments, and new institutions (imagine: new universities not dominated by a Jewish intellectual class!). Plenty of new opportunities for business, charities, religious groups, academia—the possibilities are immense.

Still, we have to be honest. It could come down to war, at least in some form, and many in the military would doubtless support the secession. We need not worry about cruise missiles raining down on Dallas or Columbus, or tanks rolling through the Indiana plains, but we can imagine federal troops being compelled to take some sort of action. Well, then—defend yourself. Thus it has always been. As I’ve argued in the past, if a few thousand low-IQ Afghans can hold the US military at bay for 20 years, then a few million motivated Whites can do much more. After all, those unwilling to fight are those undeserving to win anything. We would do well to recall what Nietzsche said about liberalism and the struggle for freedom; I quote him at length:

My conception of freedom. The value of a thing sometimes does not lie in that which one attains by it, but in what one pays for it—what it costs us. I shall give an example. Liberal institutions cease to be liberal as soon as they are attained: later on, there are no worse and no more thorough injurers of freedom than liberal institutions. Their effects are known well enough: they undermine the will to power; they level mountain and valley, and call that morality; they make men small, cowardly, and hedonistic—every time it is the herd animal that triumphs with them. Liberalism: in other words, herd-animalization. …

For what is freedom? That one has the will to assume responsibility for oneself. That one maintains the distance which separates us. That one becomes more indifferent to difficulties, hardships, privation, even to life itself. That one is prepared to sacrifice human beings for one’s cause, not excluding oneself. Freedom means that the manly instincts that delight in war and victory dominate over other instincts, for example, over those of “pleasure.” The human being who has become free—and how much more the spirit who has become free—spits on the contemptible type of well-being, that dreamt of by shopkeepers, Christians, cows, Englishmen, and other democrats. The free man is a warrior.

How is freedom measured in individuals and peoples? According to the resistance which must be overcome, according to the exertion required, to remain on top. The highest type of free men should be sought where the highest resistance is constantly overcome: five steps from tyranny, close to the threshold of the danger of servitude. This is true psychologically if, by “tyrants,” are meant inexorable and fearful instincts that provoke the maximum of authority and discipline against themselves; the most beautiful type: Julius Caesar. This is true politically too; one need only go through history. The peoples who had some value, attained some value, never attained it under liberal institutions: it was great danger that made something of them that merits respect. Danger alone acquaints us with our own resources, our virtues, our armor and weapons, our spirit, and forces us to be strong. First principle: one must need to be strong—otherwise one will never become strong.

Those large hothouses for the strong—for the strongest kind of human being that has so far been known, the aristocratic commonwealths of the type of Rome or Venice—understood freedom exactly in the sense in which I understand it: as something one has or does not have, something one wants, something one conquers.[8]

Do we really want to be free? Do we want to be strong? Do we have the courage to be strong? I believe we do. I believe that White Americans—at least, some core segment of this group—will find it in themselves to take the reins, to fight, and consequently “to force the will of millennia upon new tracks” (to quote Nietzsche once again). Now is the time to act. We need to hit them where it hurts. And I can promise you, the American Judeocracy fears nothing more than a widespread, pro-White secession movement; it is their greatest nightmare. Let’s work to make it come true.

Thomas Dalton, PhD, has authored or edited several books and articles on politics, history, and religion, with a special focus on National Socialism in Germany. His works include a new translation series of Mein Kampf, and the books Eternal Strangers (2020), The Jewish Hand in the World Wars (2019), and Debating the Holocaust (4th ed, 2020). For all his works, see his personal website

[1] As I wrote recently: “Let me make this as clear as possible: Jews are not White—not in any relevant sense. Jews are White like Jessica Krug and Rachel Dolezal are Black; that is, only to the extent that it serves their interests to deceive. Yes, Jews’ skin tone matches ours, but that is merely an unfortunate and superficial fact of biology. To further obscure the issue, they use plastic surgery to hide the nose and to minimize the uniquely repulsive effects of Jewish aging. This allows them to circulate in White society unnoticed. But they are not White. Neither are Lebanese, Syrians, Iranians, nor any other light-skinned Arabs or Middle Easterners. ‘White’ refers only to the indigenous people of Europe, Ukraine, and Western Russia. Jews are not White.”

[2] The current officeholder is the Jew Steven Mnuchin. For a brief further discussion, see my book Jewish Hand in the World Wars (2019: 140-142).

[3] See “The Great Emancipator and the Issue of Race” (here). Also, CNN recently reported that the nation of Ghana issued a call to Black Americans to “come home” to Africa—a great idea for all concerned.

[4] See Laws, Book 5 (737c-744e).

[5] As mentioned by Aristotle, in Politics II.8 (1267b).

[6] See his fascinating book The Breakdown of Nations (1957/2012).

[7] Yes, we all know that Greece is a basket case. There are always exceptions. But most small European nations provide exceptionally high qualities of life, and in this sense, they work for their people.

[8] Twilight of the Idols, chap. 11, sec. 38.
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Old Aardvark
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Re: The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Again?

Post by Old Aardvark » Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:02 am

I believe it is a matter of time before North and South Carolina split into separate parts. Both states have majority black populations in their eastern coastal areas, and both also have significant black populations in their central regions. Western North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina are still predominantly white, although this is changing rapidly due to an aging white population, low white birthrates and a large influx of Hispanic invaders from Mexico and Central America. Also, the two significant western cities in each state, Greenville and Asheville, are a magnate for blacks, white liberals and degenerates. Even though both western regions are now under invasion, I believe whites should be able to hold onto these areas for the foreseeable future. The western Piedmont, the foothills and the mountains of both states have far more in common with one another than either does with the black-dominated areas of each state's lowlands. Thus the two states should be divided into three: North Carolina, South Carolina and White Carolina. Black nationalists might want to divide the states into a fourth area: Black Carolina, which would include most of the areas east of Raleigh and Columbia. I suppose the central areas in both states will be bloodily contested. But certainly in North Carolina everything west of I-77 is still a safe area for whites.

BTW, a lot has happened in 2020 to accelerate this process, especially the violent protests by BLM and Antifa. This has pushed white flight into overdrive, as hundreds of thousands of whites are leaving the larger cities of the northeast and moving to whiter parts of the country. This shift will accelerate over the coming years as Democrats steal more and more political power. So yes, things are just beginning to percolate. Anything will be possible over the next two decades as it becomes obvious to everyone that multi-racial America is never going to work.

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Re: The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Again?

Post by Grimork » Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:04 pm

I don't think the blacks should get to keep our beautiful beaches. That's just not fair. As much as I love the mountains, I would much rather live near the beach if I had the option. Why should we be pushed to the more difficult terrain? Whatever they control they will spoil it anyways... Put them in some unimpressive landlocked location. That way if they ruin it who cares? Maybe Kansas or something? I hear it's pretty boring.

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Will Williams
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Re: The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Again?

Post by Will Williams » Sat Dec 26, 2020 6:29 pm

Old Aardvark wrote:
Fri Dec 25, 2020 3:02 am
I believe it is a matter of time before North and South Carolina split into separate parts. Both states have majority black populations in their eastern coastal areas, and both also have significant black populations in their central regions. Western North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina are still predominantly white...

You've got the right idea, Old Aardvark, but your suggested area for a White secessionist region is limited. I grew up in Raleigh, NC, and east of there generally is known known as Black Carolina and west of Raleigh is generally known as White Carolina. South Carolina may be majority Black by now, but NW SC is majority White. But so is SW Virginia, most of West Virginia and parts of several states that share southern Appalachia. I live in Tennessee now and East TN is White, whereas west of Nashville is Black Tennessee.

This thread about possibilities for Whites seceding from the failed multiracial experiment called the United States and forming its own exclusive region started out on topic but got away from us, as you can see. But go back to the opening posts, and especially to this revealing map:


Notice Kentucky and northern parts of Arkansas, north Georgia and Mississippi, the NE section of Texas even southern parts of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and Iowa. There is practically a White majority corridor down through Alabama and the Florida panhandle to the Gulf of Mexico. Another possible corridor along the NC/SC border to the Atlantic Ocean exists.

Cleansing these areas will be messy business, but there is certainly historical precedent if there is the will in our people to fight and survive in our own exclusive living space in accord with Nature's highest law: preservation. Secession might begin in the historic State of Franklin area and expand outward into other White counties that want to be a part of a new White nation.

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Old Aardvark
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Re: The Secessionist State of Franklin -- Can it Happen Again?

Post by Old Aardvark » Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:13 am

Grimork wrote:
Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:04 pm
I don't think the blacks should get to keep our beautiful beaches. That's just not fair. As much as I love the mountains, I would much rather live near the beach if I had the option. Why should we be pushed to the more difficult terrain? Whatever they control they will spoil it anyways... Put them in some unimpressive landlocked location. That way if they ruin it who cares? Maybe Kansas or something? I hear it's pretty boring.
Retaking the coastal areas can be a goal for us after we first establish a strong and flourishing white ethno state in this region. This will take a significant amount of time, possibly two or three generations. One of the things that will fracture the US along racial lines will be the coming financial collapse. A significant contributing factor to that financial collapse will be the coming collapse in energy. The US "shale-oil miracle" is rapidly collapsing. Fifteen years ago the idea of global "peak oil" was a popular topic. The shale-oil boom made people forget about running out of oil for the past decade, but it has not solved our energy problems, only postponed them. Life as we have known it in the United States will come to an end later in this century as we plunge over the energy cliff, which will collapse all our present financial system. We will struggle mightily to maintain white populations at one quarter of our present levels. The last thing we will have the manpower and energy for would be quickly moving into the eastern Carolinas and attempting to clear out millions of blacks. I suspect if we leave them to their own devices they will be far less successful than whites will be at maintaining their populations as civilization collapses around them. The more patient we are, the easier it will be to take the lowlands.

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