Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Becoming self-sufficient

Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by klagescosmogonic » Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:36 am

The boomers should use their money to buy arable land and set up a TERRA ALBA farming cooperative or an urban or suburban collective housing dwelling that could serve as an HQ for the National Alliance eg., or other pro-white group. At the very least they could grant a leasehold estate such as a life estate to their offspring or younger generation to avoid estate taxes and to ensure the 14 words, ensuring that posterity will have a greater likelihood of continuing on in a more financially secure situation. Not all boomers are irresponsible of course but it was the general tendency of the generation, the way the jew media programmed them. I am not hear to blame but merely to offer constructive ideas. It is more and more difficult for posterity to exist at this time and the non-whites pool their assets together. That is a sure recipe for a takeover unless the Rahowa sweeps these problems away. Families historically have transmitted family property(such as farms etc.) into posterity and this is how society works in a natural/traditional setting. The baby boomer generation was an anomoly and the jew's encouraged the 'Me generation'/generation of greed to squander resources and think of themselves alone. The point here is thinking towards the future not playing blame games. I would reference the short story I wrote called "Rites of Passage" which deals with these issues and the brief leaflet TERRA ALBA but I don't want to be banned.

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Will Williams
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Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:11 am

klagescosmogonic wrote:The boomers should use their money to buy arable land and set up a TERRA ALBA farming cooperative or an urban or suburban collective housing dwelling that could serve as an HQ for the National Alliance eg., or other pro-white group. At the very least they could grant a leasehold estate such as a life estate to their offspring or younger generation to avoid estate taxes and to ensure the 14 words, ensuring that posterity will have a greater likelihood of continuing on in a more financially secure situation. Not all boomers are irresponsible of course but it was the general tendency of the generation, the way the jew media programmed them. I am not hear to blame but merely to offer constructive ideas. It is more and more difficult for posterity to exist at this time and the non-whites pool their assets together. That is a sure recipe for a takeover unless the Rahowa sweeps these problems away. Families historically have transmitted family property(such as farms etc.) into posterity and this is how society works in a natural/traditional setting. The baby boomer generation was an anomoly and the jew's encouraged the 'Me generation'/generation of greed to squander resources and think of themselves alone. The point here is thinking towards the future not playing blame games. I would reference the short story I wrote called "Rites of Passage" which deals with these issues and the brief leaflet TERRA ALBA but I don't want to be banned.
If you don't want to be banned, it would be a good idea for you to cease telling us how we should do things your way. Understand?

You go do it your way. Some of us have already been where you're trying so hard to go.

Go try to sell Ben Klassen's RaHoWa to Billy Roper's Identity Christians. That should go over big.

Here's how out Alliance is doing something that's actually achievable in the real world: https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/01/pr ... ch-center/
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ

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Will Williams
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Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:21 am

There Must Be a Homestead
by [Cosmotheist] William Gayley Simpson

THERE MUST be a homestead. And a homestead is more than a mere house located in the country. It must be at least a house that a man securely owns, and in connection with which he owns also a shop or land enough to make of him and his holding a significant unit of production. The homestead must provide the means by which a man and those who follow him, generation after generation, are able, without worry or hurry, to make sure of their living, primarily by producing and making for themselves the things that they need. Often there have been laws—very wise ones—by which it was made almost impossible for the ancestral holdings to be alienated.

The homestead thus became the citadel of a man’s life. Here he could hold off the pressures of the world. Here he had room to discover his own bent and to follow it, to try out his own ideas and to reap the fruit of acting upon them. Here he had room to become a person, not necessarily a great person, but a person, with a shape and direction and force of his own. Though another man be greater than he, even much greater (for thus it is among humans), yet by his homestead he was given the freedom, not perhaps to vote (which is generally but an infrequent and trivial, and commonly even an utterly empty, expression of freedom), but to be something in and of himself, to be a man, all year round to be what he really was. The old English yeoman, with his life rooted somewhat thus, in the land, was known wherever he went, and far beyond where he went, for the strength of his character.

The great body of the people of a society thus constituted are established on the land, in the open country, in villages and towns. Also, their economic and political life is decentralized. Everything except matters of the most general concern is decided locally, by the people whose interests are immediately involved in the decision to be made, and who know the situation firsthand. Only so can policies be shaped for the true good of the people. Only so, when the administrative units are small, is it possible to keep alive in the smaller individuals a healthy sense of their worth and importance, to keep them from being crushed into a feeling of insignificance and impotence under the sheer mass weight of numbers and size.

But by this time I am sure that many of my readers, perhaps most of them, are laughing at me. I was fully aware, quite a way back, that some of you had already begun to do so. “What nonsense!” were you not saying to yourselves? “What an anachronism! What is it all but a defeated dreamer’s desire to escape reality by turning back the hands of the clock?” Or, as a Communist intellectual demanded after reading the first draft of this paper twenty-five years ago, “What does this have to do with modern America?”

But possibly I am not quite such a fool as I may seem. At any rate, I myself am fully aware that our much-vaunted modern industrialism has already all but destroyed the economic foundation of the home. It has cut its roots. There is almost no more reason for the existence of homes. People might as well live in flats and apartments, and ever increasingly they do. The decline of family solidarity has been paced by the growth of insurance companies, which have so largely taken its place. In times of trouble people used to turn for help to other members of their families; now they turn to their insurance policies or to a bank. Our family life has largely been dissolved, leaving a lot of very loosely related individuals, each fending more or less for himself. We have become a rootless population, a nation on wheels, and ever more like a horde of wandering nomads. Most addresses are good only for a few years. Which is to say that the real life has long since passed out of the family institution. If we continue in the direction in which we are now plunging headlong, the family must become but a fond memory, an empty name, a dead shell. Yes, I am realist enough to recognize all this. Indeed, I recognize more. I recognize that we are going to continue our present headlong plunge. Whether or not we wish it, the clock is not going to be turned back. On the contrary, we are going to follow our present path—to its end.

https://nationalvanguard.org/2019/04/th ... homestead/
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on WhiteBiocentrism.com; follow us on NationalVanguard.org. ᛉ


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Colin » Tue Apr 16, 2019 3:31 pm

Thank you for that article Will. The only point he missed was the way the government discourages the family homestead now. Even the 18 acres we have here, we had to fight for against the government. Because the farm was passed down in the family, we had to pay enormous taxes to keep it. My cousin was told on at least 3 different occasions that the best course of action was to sell the land and move into City

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Jim Mathias
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Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Jim Mathias » Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:37 pm

Colin wrote:Thank you for that article Will. The only point he missed was the way the government discourages the family homestead now. Even the 18 acres we have here, we had to fight for against the government. Because the farm was passed down in the family, we had to pay enormous taxes to keep it. My cousin was told on at least 3 different occasions that the best course of action was to sell the land and move into City
Your cousin's experience is illustrative of the depths of corrupted character men in government have today.

William Gayley Simpson wrote this many, many decades ago, and it was to prove a point about how the protected-by-law homestead made for men of character. That it does not reflect today's reality only highlights what one aspect of our people's needs that we should be struggling for. In other words, this article offers contrasting paths and we will follow one or the other---to the end.
Activism materials available! ===> Contact me via PM to obtain quantities of the "Send Them Back", "NA Health Warning #1 +#2+#3" stickers, and any fliers listed in the Alliance website's flier webpage.


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Colin » Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:15 am

Jim Mathias wrote:
Colin wrote:Thank you for that article Will. The only point he missed was the way the government discourages the family homestead now. Even the 18 acres we have here, we had to fight for against the government. Because the farm was passed down in the family, we had to pay enormous taxes to keep it. My cousin was told on at least 3 different occasions that the best course of action was to sell the land and move into City
Your cousin's experience is illustrative of the depths of corrupted character men in government have today.

William Gayley Simpson wrote this many, many decades ago, and it was to prove a point about how the protected-by-law homestead made for men of character. That it does not reflect today's reality only highlights what one aspect of our people's needs that we should be struggling for. In other words, this article offers contrasting paths and we will follow one or the other---to the end.
That is very true. As we work to build up our homestead, we run into more and more government interference and roadblocks. To be able to sell at the farmers market, we were required to get a tax number. To be listed as organic is going to cost us about 5000 dollars and government inspections. The hoops we had to jump through to homeschool was just as bad. It used to be you bought your land, raised your animals and crops, took your excess yo market, raised and taught your kids. Now the government has their hands in everything. We even had a visit from child services because we are teaching the kids to shoot. It has become a crazy mixed up world. That is why I am spending so much time out at the farm. It is the only place I can find peace and be what I am.


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by klagescosmogonic » Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:17 am

I agree that a homestead is necessary and it is good(essential) to have a library or archive a 'white vatican library'. However centralization or documents could always lead to a library of alexandria scenario. Estate taxes are robbing posterity of family property another jew trick to fleece the goyim. I would have inherited a million dollar property outside of Vancouver if my liberal father hadn't have sold it off to east indians and lost most of the proceeds through estate taxes and his failure to transfer his father's title to himself and not have to share it with his sisters. I had intentions of establishing a volkstead/ white enclave on the land but he screwed me over as he wanted the money to brag and entertain himself spending all of his time drinking the money away. he represents the worst of the boomer generation. Its too bad the boomers have such condescension and disregard for white posterity. Even this thread is a testament to that: condescension and willful ignorance of valid ideas and proposed forms of activism without much constructive criticism or wisdom/sound advice. The baby boomers talk about themselves and spit upon posterity. Too bad the 14 words will suffer for it. If you wish to ban me thats fine, I suppose the younger generation will have to go it alone and this forum mainly a baby boomer forum for internal dialogue amoungst baby boomers. Who will inherit the National Alliance when you are gone?


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Colin » Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:07 am

klagescosmogonic wrote:I agree that a homestead is necessary and it is good(essential) to have a library or archive a 'white vatican library'. However centralization or documents could always lead to a library of alexandria scenario. Estate taxes are robbing posterity of family property another jew trick to fleece the goyim. I would have inherited a million dollar property outside of Vancouver if my liberal father hadn't have sold it off to east indians and lost most of the proceeds through estate taxes and his failure to transfer his father's title to himself and not have to share it with his sisters. I had intentions of establishing a volkstead/ white enclave on the land but he screwed me over as he wanted the money to brag and entertain himself spending all of his time drinking the money away. he represents the worst of the boomer generation. Its too bad the boomers have such condescension and disregard for white posterity. Even this thread is a testament to that: condescension and willful ignorance of valid ideas and proposed forms of activism without much constructive criticism or wisdom/sound advice. The baby boomers talk about themselves and spit upon posterity. Too bad the 14 words will suffer for it. If you wish to ban me thats fine, I suppose the younger generation will have to go it alone and this forum mainly a baby boomer forum for internal dialogue amoungst baby boomers. Who will inherit the National Alliance when you are gone?
It is not willful ignorance on our part. It is the fact that you refuse to follow the rules and program that have been set forth. Alliance has been around so long because of program started by Dr. Peirce. We have seen all of the programs you mentioned fail but people keep bringing them back. You talk about the 14 words, I personally knew David and live those 14 words daily as we had talked about. A large part of your problem is, in your youth, you refuse to learn from those of us who have been in this for a very long time. Instead of insulting the boomers among us because of your bad experience, you should take the time to listen and learn. I hope that some of this gets through to you because we need young people with passion for our people and cause. We just need one that are also willing to listen.


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by klagescosmogonic » Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:28 pm

I'll accept that. But why is the strategy of buying land and creating a white enclave not a prudent course of action? And having a 'manor house' or multi-room (rooming) house for an organization HQ in a whiter area or suburb not the way to go. What would you recommend for someone who has no assets and who has minimal means of obtaining employment. Or just generally for a person who is unlikely to inherit any wealth and who is knocked down the ranks by affirmative action, etc. Things are coming to a head and the situation is becoming impossible to build anything on one's own let alone assist others financially. I prescribe communal living as a necessity at this time for white youth. Keep in mind in the Turner Diaries the character of Elsa, the young girl in D.C who was homeless. I have myself seen young white girls prostituted by a black CONvenience store owner(read drug dealer) and other incidents of white girls sleeping on the street with snowfall around them and having to have recourse to stealing a block of cheese from jewish controlled grocery store and being wrestled to the ground by a non-white security thug. I wish I could post my story here that discusses these issues in depth, that would amplify what I 'prescribe' as a course of action.


Re: Volksteading: a full community approach to survival.

Post by Colin » Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:44 pm

There is nothing wrong with buying land and setting up a homestead. That is what this topic is about. As I have discussed, we do what we can to help others. We concentrate on the racially aware first because with limited resources, we must prioritize. As for setting up some kind of headquarters, I view the NA HQ as the only legitimate one. Our homestead is a satellite of that. As for what kind of NA the kids of today will inherit. I hope it is still a pure repersentation of the program Dr Pierce started. That is why we homeschool, to teach the future the right way.
I didn't intend to belittle you about learning. I have been involved with the movement in one form or another for 40 years and still need to learn to keep up.

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