The Turner Diaries

Benjamin Bice

The Turner Diaries

Post by Benjamin Bice » Tue Oct 30, 2018 3:14 am

So, what do the folks here think of "The Turner Diaries"? I've just read it for the first time - and I am sorry that it took me forty years to get around to it.

Now I know that Dr. WLP was not really a fiction writer and that it definitely wasn't even his "strong suit". Nonetheless, I am a fiction writer, and quite a good one at that. That being said, I was quite impressed with Dr. WLP's stab at fiction writing. I found it to be dystopian, gritty, realistic and riveting. I would rate it at 8.5 on a scale of 1 to 10.

P.S. I did a review of it on Goodreads which I was going to link to here before it suddenly dawned on me that do so would reveal my true identity. Only three people here, with two of them being Will Williams and Kevin Alfred Strom, know who I really am. So to protect my anonymity, I have elected not to do so.

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White Man 1
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by White Man 1 » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:49 pm

The Turner Diaries is exactly what it's supposed to be. A gritty novel that draws the reader in and has him hungering for more information when he finishes. Sure, other authors may be more poetic than Dr. Pierce, but he had the ability to capture the audience's attention in a way that is hard to find. It's still one of my favorite novels for this reason.

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Will Williams
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Wed Oct 28, 2020 5:26 pm

The Turner Diaries has been translated into numerous languages and enjoys notoriety all over the world. A correspondent sent me this link:

It features a T-shirt that is made in Ukraine that somehow associates the book with the Ku Klux Klan? :lol: That's quite a leap.

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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by A_whytt_mann » Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:10 pm

Funny enough my grandmother gifted me the book this last Christmas. The day it came in the mail I could not put it down. I work evenings so after I got home (around midnight) I stayed up until the sun came up around 6. I later that day took the book with me to work and finished it there. Such an exciting book, the blue print it lays out for us! I am very excited to continue ready more of Dr WLP's books and entry's. I actually shared my copy with my boss (although I had to pretend it was just out of interest about McVeigh and no serious convictions) still he told me that his oldest son wanted to read it. I say as long as the message gets out expecially to young whites we will be able to start winning hearts and minds!

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Will Williams
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Sun Jan 17, 2021 2:45 pm

A_whytt_mann wrote:
Sat Jan 16, 2021 8:10 pm
Funny enough my grandmother gifted me the book this last Christmas. The day it came in the mail I could not put it down. I work evenings so after I got home (around midnight) I stayed up until the sun came up around 6. I later that day took the book with me to work and finished it there. Such an exciting book, the blue print it lays out for us! I am very excited to continue ready more of Dr WLP's books and entry's. I actually shared my copy with my boss (although I had to pretend it was just out of interest about McVeigh and no serious convictions) still he told me that his oldest son wanted to read it. I say as long as the message gets out expecially to young whites we will be able to start winning hearts and minds!
Bless your grandma, AWM, for knowing the perfect gift for her newly awakening boy.

The Turner Diaries has been in the news a lot lately as Jew-controlled media are blaming the demonstration at the Capitol last week on that 45-year-old novel. See here some about that, posted to (for proper formatting): ... ht-police/


Will W Williams * National Alliance Chairman 
17 January, 2021

Usually, whenever Jew-controlled media feature The Turner Diaries in sensationalistic pieces like this one in the LA Times a few days ago we enjoy a spike in sales of TD, but no longer. Perhaps this is what finally convinced Amazon to put its anti-White ideology ahead of profits: ... 5069cb6bd4

How ‘The Turner Diaries’ Inspires White Supremacists
Alexandra Alter
Wed, January 13, 2021

In “The Turner Diaries,” a group of white supremacists attacks the Capitol in an effort to overthrow the U.S. government. Dozens are killed in the assault, including members of Congress and their staffers. But in the insurrectionists’ view, the greater victory is symbolic.“The real value of all our attacks today lies in the psychological impact, not the immediate casualties,” the 1978 novel’s narrator, Earl Turner, writes in his diary. “They learned this afternoon that not one of them is beyond our reach.”Since its publication by neo-Nazi leader William Luther Pierce, “The Turner Diaries” has become one of the most influential texts among white nationalists and right-wing extremists. It has inspired dozens of acts of violence, and has been held up as a blueprint for how to enact a violent insurrection…“Many of the ideas that are central to ‘The Turner Diaries’ have turned into memes and proliferated online in right-wing media,” said Cassie Miller, a senior research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center…On Monday, Amazon removed the novel from its website. It had previously been available for purchase with a disclaimer identifying it as “a racist, white supremacist fantasy” that had inspired domestic terrorists.

“As a bookseller, we think it is important to offer this infamous work because of its historical significance and educational role in the understanding and prevention of racism and acts of terrorism,” the note said. The book also disappeared from Abe Books, a used and rare books site owned by Amazon… ... sts.htmlIt is no longer important for Amazon to offer our book, The Turner Diaries. Think about that, race fans.

* * * * *

Figuring there must be a nexus between hate expert Kathleen Balew and the hate experts at SPLC I searched for that connection, and sure enough: ... ement 

Insurgent violence has always played a role in the modern white power movement, though its appeal has ebbed and flowed. According to historian Kathleen Belew, the movement first underwent a “revolutionary turn” in 1983, when white power leaders met at the Aryan Nations World Congress and reportedly declared war on the federal government…Requisite weasel word, “reportedly.”

‘There Is No Political Solution’: Accelerationism in the White Power Movement
by Cassie Miller
June 23, 2020
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Will Williams
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What will you do when they come for your books?

Post by Will Williams » Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:04 pm

The back cover of The Turner Diaries asks the question

I ask, what does the Jew fear the most, guns, or ideas? Pierce's 1975 novel did not "inspire" the 6 January, 2021 Capitol riot and was not associated in the least with the QAnon rioters, but that riot became the pretext for the book to be banned.


Amazon pulls white supremacist
novel The Turner Diaries
alongside QAnon purge

The infamous racist text has been removed from the store

By Nick Statt@nickstatt
Jan 12, 2021

Amazon store listings for the infamous white supremacist novel The Turner Diaries have been removed, replaced with a “page not found” message, indicating the item is no longer available for purchase. Amazon has seen pushback from critics in recent days for its decision to sell the novel, which The Los Angeles Times specifically called out for providing a roadmap to last week’s deadly attack on the US Capitol.

The removal comes in the wake of Amazon’s widespread purge of products and texts related to the QAnon conspiracy movement on Monday, as well as its decision to no longer host the far-right social media platform Parler.


The Turner Diaries is not specifically related to the QAnon movement. But the novel espouses ideologies that overlap with those of QAnon believers, many of whom think President Donald Trump is waging a secret war against a cabal of child predators who run the country that will one day require them to participate in a violent overthrow of the US government.

[Nonsense! His controversial 47-year-old action novel aside, the ideology of it author, expressed in fictional format for those who don't care to read non-fiction, which make up the bulk of Pierce's body of work, is preservation of the White race. Nothing at all about child predators or other conspiracy theories of the nutcase QAnon Trumpsters.]

Published in 1978 by William Luther Pierce under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald, The Turner Diaries depicts a fictional coup in the US conducted by an underground group of white supremacists, of which the main character becomes a central leader, and the ensuing widespread genocide that results. The book has been cited as a foundational text for modern racist and anti-Semitic groups and movements, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Amazon declined to comment on the removal of The Turner Diaries. But the company has policies that prohibit the sale of offensive or inappropriate products and began banning QAnon merchandise and other items starting earlier this week, Reuters reported on Monday. Amazon has also started removing merchandise from far-right militia movements, some of which participated in the attack on the Capitol and have continued promoting violent insurrection in the lead-up to Inauguration Day, reports Recode.

Unfortunately, searches on Amazon for “The Turner Diaries” still return related and questionable texts, including the The Anarchist Cookbook — an infamous DIY guide to bomb-making — and lesser-known texts about an impending second American Civil War. ... tol-attack

The back cover blurb states that "if the [Jew Occupied] government [JOG} had the power to ban books, this one would be at the top of its list." Well, JOG with the help of the SPLC Jews, the Jew-controlled media and now Jew-controlled Jeff Bezos at Amazon, have managed to ban The Turner Diaries.

Thankfully it is still available from its publisher, here: ... d-edition/
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Jim Mathias
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Jim Mathias » Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:58 am

californiasurviving wrote:
Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:01 pm
The Turner Diaries is a great, mind opening novel that deserves more attention - it's too bad it couldn't withstand the test of time in today's technology world, the regime has incredibly sophisticated techno-policing capabilities which as you know the Chinese government is perfecting for the rest of the world to use. I couldn't help but tell myself multiple times 'the regime would know this with today's policing capabilities' while reading the novel, it only further drives the point to me of how much of an extraordinary struggle is ahead of us in the coming years.

The novel did get my 'revolutionary' engine started and since then put me and I'm sure many others in a state of being prepared for the inevitable, we the Gen Z Whites are going to live to see this soon-to-be revolution. The way the novel had all the blacks as fifth columns to control the Whites masses made me further realize how vulnerable we are (most likely outnumbered at this point), which today Dr. William Pierce would have never imagined become this big and powerful. Add in the hispanic filth and authoritarian yellows and the Washington regime has a powerful coalition they would probably use as the anti-revolutionary guard, kind of like what Dr. William Pierce said in some of his ADVs.
Give it some attention then, californiasurviving. Order from the bookstore a couple of dozen copies and sell them in your area. I used to do exactly that at gun shows around the Midwest up until Jews and their willing White accomplices kicked me out of the shows. Then I moved on to different methods....
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Will Williams
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Thu Apr 07, 2022 2:04 am

californiasurviving wrote:
Tue Apr 05, 2022 11:01 pm
The Turner Diaries is a great, mind opening novel that deserves more attention - it's too bad it couldn't withstand the test of time in today's technology world, the regime has incredibly sophisticated techno-policing capabilities which as you know the Chinese government is perfecting for the rest of the world to use. I couldn't help but tell myself multiple times 'the regime would know this with today's policing capabilities' while reading the novel, it only further drives the point to me of how much of an extraordinary struggle is ahead of us in the coming years.

The novel did get my 'revolutionary' engine started and since then put me and I'm sure many others in a state of being prepared for the inevitable, we the Gen Z Whites are going to live to see this soon-to-be revolution. The way the novel had all the blacks as fifth columns to control the Whites masses made me further realize how vulnerable we are (most likely outnumbered at this point), which today Dr. William Pierce would have never imagined become this big and powerful. Add in the hispanic filth and authoritarian yellows and the Washington regime has a powerful coalition they would probably use as the anti-revolutionary guard, kind of like what Dr. William Pierce said in some of his ADVs.
Please explain why you believe it's too bad that The Turner Diaries has not stood the test of time. I know first hand that it has.

Since Jew-controlled media claim it "inspired" the so-called Capitol "insurrection," then Jews got Amazon and other book sellers to ban it, (((somebody))) certainly believes it is still the blueprint for White revolution. The crumbling regime's incredibly sophisticated techno-policing capabilities aside, (((Somebody))) fears that you Gen Z's might be inspired by it so it had to be banned. That (((somebody))) is correctly named as the enemy of White survival and renewal in The Turner Diaries. :o

Something else that has stood the test of time are the teachings of William Pierce -- non-fiction teachings -- that Gen Zs should listen to and have their peers listen to and learn how the world works. -- Our cause is their cause.

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Will Williams
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Thu Apr 07, 2022 1:06 pm

It is worth preserving here in WB The New York Times article from 7 January, 2020, wherein The Turner Diaries is said to have inspired the Capitol demonstration the previous day.
--- ... stan-coup/

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to Axis Sally 25 March, 2021

Keep your eyes on Ms. Darby. She is such a big rising star in the hate movement that she was published the very day after the 6 January Capitol “insurrection” in the New York Times. I said in the ADV interview yesterday “-building-a-white-future-part-2” that the Times and other MSM papers had associated the “insurrection” with Dr. Pierce’s 45-year old novel in a coordinated campaign on 8 January. Ms. Darby scooped them all a day earlier, quoting the SPLC no less:

“Hate” expert Seyward Darby

The Far Right Told Us What It Had Planned.
We Didn’t Listen.

Wednesday wasn’t Trumpism’s “last gasp.” It was the manifestation of a long-held fantasy. And most perpetrators walked away, uncuffed, to fight another day.
By Seyward Darby

Ms. Darby is the editor in chief of The Atavist Magazine and the author of “Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism.”

Jan. 7, 2021They told us they were going to do it, and they did.
It’s useful to remember the story of Earl Turner. He is 35, white, unemployed, racist and angry. The world is changing too fast for him: The economy is in shambles, Jewish people wield more power than he thinks they should, Black Americans incite chaos, and the government is cracking down on civil liberties, including the right to bear arms. Turner refuses to sit by, so he joins a movement plotting to overthrow the government. He wants to install right-wing rule by any means necessary. He is frustrated by those he judges to be merely “conservative,” people who talk but don’t act. Turner and other zealots go to Washington to do their part, and violence ensues.
Earl Turner wasn’t one of the people who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday. He isn’t even real. He is the titular character of “The Turner Diaries,” a racist dystopian novel published by a white supremacist named William Luther Pierce in 1978, in which right-wing guerrilla operatives terrorize the streets of Washington, bomb the F.B.I. and commit atrocities against fellow citizens. Still, Turner was very much present on Wednesday. The plot, symbols and language of Mr. Pierce’s novel have seeped into the right-wing imagination, influencing generations of extremists. “The Turner Diaries” is so influential, in fact, that experts on white nationalism sometimes refer to the book as the movement’s bible.

Think I’m overstating? A gallows was erected in front of the Capitol on Wednesday. As Hannah Gais, a senior researcher for the Southern Poverty Law Center, noted on Twitter, some of the more than 5,000 viewers of a livestream of the siege proclaimed “hang all the congressmen” and “give them the rope.” These were allusions to an event in “The Turner Diaries” known as the “day of the rope,” when the terrorists lynch their enemies: “the lawyers, the businessmen, the TV newscasters, the newspaper reporters and editors, the judges, the teachers, the school officials, the ‘civic leaders,’ the bureaucrats, the preachers.” And, yes, “the politicians.”… ... tmlImagine that. Americans wanting to hang those who are responsible for their nation’s demise. 
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Will Williams
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Re: The Turner Diaries

Post by Will Williams » Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:19 pm

californiasurviving wrote:
Thu Apr 07, 2022 5:32 pm
I mean in that today's capabilities (mainly technology) to prevent inevitable revolution through sophisticated means...
Perhaps I'm too young in life or too 'urbanist' to comment on what is relevant or not, but hopefully you get it. Would be interested in hearing your perspective.
No, I don't get your reasoning. It sounds defeatist to me. You should listen to those of us who have been in the front lines of the racial struggle since before you were born. Learn to not fear the enemy or its technological spying advancements. You might get more from Pierce's other novel, Hunter, where he asks:

How should an honorable man confront evil?
Should he ignore it, with the excuse that it is not his responsibility?
Should he ally himself with the evil, because that’s where the “smart money” is?
Or should he take up arms against it and fight it with all his strength and without regard for the personal consequences, even though he must fight alone?

To hell with the crumbling regime's sophisticated surveillance, Chinese drones and such. Our people need the cold, hard truth and we will deliver it. Pierce's body of work has stood the test of time because it it grounded in reality while being revolutionary. Thankfully members of your generation agree with me and are joining the National Alliance.

I just bumped a comment I'd made under Andrew Hamilton's article about the January 6th so-called "insurrection," here: ... stan-coup/

It can't be emphasized enough the lengths the Jew will go to ban The Turner Diaries, rather than have it "inspire" a new generation of young Whites with its revolutionary ideas. Read this NY Times article published the very day after the demonstration by one of their anti-White authors and ask yourself if the article was not already "in the can" the previous day.


Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
28 March, 2021

Sally, I received a trashy book in the mail… by a very liberal “hate” expert in the mold of Heidi Beirich, Seyward Darby…

Keep your eyes on Ms. Darby. She is such a big rising star in the hate movement that she was published the very day after the 6 January Capitol “insurrection” in the New York Times. I said in the ADV interview yesterday “-building-a-white-future-part-2” that the Times and other MSM papers had associated the “insurrection” with Dr. Pierce’s 45-year old novel in a coordinated campaign on 8 January. Ms. Darby scooped them all a day earlier, quoting the SPLC no less:

“Hate” expert Seyward Darby
The Far Right Told Us What It Had Planned.
We Didn’t Listen.

Wednesday wasn’t Trumpism’s “last gasp.” It was the manifestation of a long-held fantasy. And most perpetrators walked away, uncuffed, to fight another day.
By Seyward Darby

Ms. Darby is the editor in chief of The Atavist Magazine and the author of “Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism.”
Jan. 7, 2021

They told us they were going to do it, and they did.

It’s useful to remember the story of Earl Turner. He is 35, white, unemployed, racist and angry. The world is changing too fast for him: The economy is in shambles, Jewish people wield more power than he thinks they should, Black Americans incite chaos, and the government is cracking down on civil liberties, including the right to bear arms. Turner refuses to sit by, so he joins a movement plotting to overthrow the government. He wants to install right-wing rule by any means necessary. He is frustrated by those he judges to be merely “conservative,” people who talk but don’t act. Turner and other zealots go to Washington to do their part, and violence ensues.
Earl Turner wasn’t one of the people who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday. He isn’t even real. He is the titular character of “The Turner Diaries,” a racist dystopian novel published by a white supremacist named William Luther Pierce in 1978, in which right-wing guerrilla operatives terrorize the streets of Washington, bomb the F.B.I. and commit atrocities against fellow citizens. Still, Turner was very much present on Wednesday. The plot, symbols and language of Mr. Pierce’s novel have seeped into the right-wing imagination, influencing generations of extremists. “The Turner Diaries” is so influential, in fact, that experts on white nationalism sometimes refer to the book as the movement’s bible.

Think I’m overstating? A gallows was erected in front of the Capitol on Wednesday. As Hannah Gais, a senior researcher for the Southern Poverty Law Center, noted on Twitter, some of the more than 5,000 viewers of a livestream of the siege proclaimed “hang all the congressmen” and “give them the rope.” These were allusions to an event in “The Turner Diaries” known as the “day of the rope,” when the terrorists lynch their enemies: “the lawyers, the businessmen, the TV newscasters, the newspaper reporters and editors, the judges, the teachers, the school officials, the ‘civic leaders,’ the bureaucrats, the preachers.” And, yes, “the politicians.”… ... -riot.html

Imagine that. Americans wanting to hang those who are responsible for their nation’s demise.
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