How Would Dr. Pierce Advise Us Today?

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Will Williams
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How Would Dr. Pierce Advise Us Today?

Post by Will Williams » Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:34 pm

Just found this old interview with me and Hadding Scott by Carolyn Yeager: ... e-us-today

It was recorded in August of 2012, nearly two years before I was appointed the new National Alliance Chairman by the board of directors, though what was discussed by us then seems now to foreshadow that there might soon be a change in Alliance leadership. It was another 16 months after this interview before the six former Alliance members who call themselves NARRG sued Gliebe for $2,000,000, forcing him to eventually decide to step down as Chairman and name his successor. The NARRGs were still active Alliance members when this interview was recorded. They resigned their Alliance memberships in October of 2012.

Many of the comments below this article are interesting. One fellow was offended that I had cussed, but Carolyn liked that I cussed. :lol: Can't please everyone.

How would William Pierce advise us today?

Dr. William Luther Pierce
Will White Williams and Hadding Scott, publishers of the blog The Legacy of Dr. William Pierce, and former active members of the National Alliance and associates of Dr. Pierce (pictured) during the last 10 years of his life, are Carolyn’s guests. Discussion includes:

Will Williams’ background as a political activist, from the White Patriot Party till today;
What it was like at the National Alliance headquarters in the early 90's (a period of rapid expansion) and who was there;
How Pierce saw his organization in terms of how it should present itself to the public;
William Pierce’s views and writings on Christianity;
Big tent philosophy vs forming a vanguard;
The problem with Resistance Records that never got straightened out;
The way to fight is with “the truth.”
If Whites insist on participating in "social media," do so on ours, not (((theirs))). Like us on; follow us on ᛉ


Re: How Would Dr. Pierce Advise Us Today?

Post by adolf512 » Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:25 am

Tanks for the link. I have noticed that people generally refuses to listen to reason, leaders in "the movement" is no exception. A Large "big tent" organisation is not needed for anything, not even for a party.

Large organisation might provide money and power for a few in the top but besides that they are useless. Many small organisations/networks is a lot harder for the system to combat than a single big tent organisation.

We do need to reach the best of our race, this is why it is important to have good intellectual material. Articles about racial biology, cosmotheism and other difficult topics will never attract the masses but it will attract the types if people we need the most. Most people won't do any effective resistance even if me menage to reach them, they might vote better in the election or donate some money but that's about it.

Video-games, entertainment videos and daily news with our message is needed to reach the masses. Novels like the turner diaries and hunter is also important but most people today rarely read books.

Mike G

Re: How Would Dr. Pierce Advise Us Today?

Post by Mike G » Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:20 pm

I really enjoyed this interview and the recurring one you are releasing on ADV with Kevin. I have to say I chuckle every time I hear your expression "good night" Will.


Re: How Would Dr. Pierce Advise Us Today?

Post by Signiferlux » Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:42 pm

This is what he would advice us.

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